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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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Folks have just been using the Scarlet/Violet thread. I threadmarked where the DLC chatter started. I thought about doing a thread for the DLC, but the standard thread wasn't that active, and it's still not all that active even with the DLC released, so I dunno if doing so would have been the best use of my energy, ha.
It’s kinda wild to me that the DLC has such little hype. I figured there’d be at least a small uptick in Pokémon talk these past few days, but it hasn’t really made any kind of impact at all. I don’t even see a thread for it at Era.
Personally while I wouldn't mind shaking up Directs a bit (honestly just new music and a UI/graphics overhaul would be plenty at this point), Nintendo Directs are still better than literally any other videogame presentation in the business. So I wouldn't want them to radically change anything, they work well for what they are.


In order

Prince of Persia
Eastward Octopia
Unicorn Overlord
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario
Eiyuden Chronicle
F-Zero 99
MK8 Wave 6

Contra could possibly jump a few spots when I see more of it. Prince of Persia looks insanely good to me,

I'll be getting:

  • Paper Mario
  • Mario RPG
  • Unicorn Overlord (Game of the show!)
  • Another Code
  • Prince of Persia
  • Eiyuden Chronicle

That's not too bad, but half of them I already knew about. A couple nice surprises, definitely, and for a more low-key Direct that may even be the last one pre-succ it was decent.

Will buy:
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (probably on PC tho)

Voucher or Sale:
Mario vs DK

Wait for reviews:
Princess Peach Showtime!
Another Code Recollection (very interested in this one, but apparently it's made for a younger audience and not too general audience going by old reviews?)
Prince of Persia

Might buy:
Super Mario RPG (pretty 50/50 on this one)

I'd say I am pretty excited for MvsDk, Another Code, Paper Mario and Tomb Raider. The issue is a lot of these are still "maybes" for me.

Addicted to: F ZERO 99

Will buy: Super Mario Bros Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Side Order

Interested in: Dave the Diver, Eiyuden Chronicle, Unicorn Game Has A Silly Name, Wargroove 2, Prince of Persia, Paper Mario Cave to the Coobers Edition
Definitely feeling that this morning. Not sure what the heck is going on but Firefox started locking up the entire OS randomly on me while I was eating breakfast. Did a GPU driver update and magically things seem to be working correctly again 🤞

The older I've gotten, the more I'm increasingly "I just want my stuff to work". Back in college I'd spend way too much time tinkering with my setup and configuring games. Now that I don't have near infinite free time any time something breaks there's this mental calculus of "ok, how much time is this going to take to fix" and panic / despair for anything that's more than 15 minutes or, even worse, a complete unknown.

Unsurprisingly, I'm back to consoles for most of my gaming needs (there's certain genres/series I still exclusively play on PC) and I'm ok with my iOS devices not being nearly as customizable as Android or Windows.
Yeah, I'm feeling this more and more. For me, it's a combination of less free time / trying to use my time as efficiently as possible, and changing needs / wants when it comes to the devices I'm using.

There's in particular a certain irony to me growing somewhat tired of traditional PC gaming already, given that I've only returned to it at the end of 2019 / beginning of 2020, and that I enjoyed it so, sooo much at the time (and for the last two and a half to three years). I was so frustrated with my PS4 back then, and my Windows PC gave me everything I had wanted out of the PS and more. Probably helped that Covid meant I had lots of time at my desk at home which I could then spend on both working and tinkering at that very desktop setup.

Transitioning from that to a gaming laptop due to first short trips to university and work again, after certain strict conditions had been established within the whole Covid framework, that was probably the first sign of me dropping out again, haha. Even the best gaming laptop eventually did prove less ideal for what I need from these devices compared to a more traditional ultrabook / thin and light style laptop. So, gaming desktop was out, then gaming laptop wasn't as fitting anymore, too. Which then led to me picking up the Steam Deck, which actually does alleviate my issues quite a bit, but obviously is a whole 'nother story compared to gaming on either a desktop or a laptop for the most part.
My patience with and tolerance for more traditional (Windows) PC gaming is definitely running pretty low these days.

Add to that my return to regularly commuting, and I end up with two major aspects: at the end of a day, I (1) don't want to sit down at a desk again, when lying down on my couch or bed with a handheld is so much more comfy to me, and (2) really, really don't want to fix something or tinker again when something is not working. Or sit through updates of drivers, games, Windows, you name it, just to then start playing. It's gotten pretty frustrating, to the point where I either play something on the Switch, every now and then something on the Deck, or ... nothing at all, watching videos / series or listening to music or reading instead, haha. (Or being on here, tehehehe)

Steam Deck as an addition to the Switch is nice and all, ... But proper PC gaming as in sitting in front of a desktop or a laptop? Eeeh, I'd rather have a long lasting, speedy but silent and well designed productivity laptop at this point in time and move over PC gaming to the Deck, where possible. And even then the experience there isn't always quite as smooth as I'd like it to.

(Which has actually made me take somewhat of an interest, even if only slightly, in the whole PS5 + PS Portal situation...)

I don't know, it's been a bit of a bumpy road there as of late due to certain circumstances changing very quickly for me. Sticking with Switch + Steam / PC for the time being as far as gaming is concerned, but there's been some movement there these last few weeks and months, that's for sure.
Been listening to the Xenoblade 3 soundtrack more, and boy, they don't break out the brass all that often, but when they do it HITS. The brass highlights around the main theme during "Homecoming" are glorious (he says, as a trumpet player)
Buying: Unicorn Overlord and Eiyuden

Eventually Eastward farming dlc and Dave the Diver when they release updates to severely lessen the button mashing

No Nintendo First Party Games too many mario games and remakes/remasters of games i've already played.

Interested in Saga never played any but the muslim character interests me as a muslim woman myself. Also 17 worlds sounds wild.

Games I'm at the very least interested in seeing more of:
F-Zero 99
Princess Peach Showtime
Unicorn Overlord
Another Code Recollection
Splatoon 3: Side Order
Super Mario RPG
Wargroove 2
Trombone Champ
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered
SaGa Emerald Beyond
Eiyuden Chronicle

That's not too bad for a Direct I found rather poor, even though I will probably end up buying less than half of them.
Oh yeah, Side Order looked really cool.

I got burnt out on Splatoon 3's campaign because the mission structure was overly repetitive, so hopefully the dlc is less of that (it seems like the dlcs are more like actual campaigns?)

At this point I'd be more hyped for a Splatoon action adventure platformer spin off than a Splatoon 4. Unshackle the inklings/octolings movement, make their base jumps a bit better, then have them explore worlds similar to Odyssey levels in structure but with more linear events. I can just imagine how fun that would be to control an inkling in a world like the steam gardens

Definite/Day One
TTYD (love me some weird Mario)
Showtime! (looks like so much fun)
SMRPG (never got a chance to finish it)

LM2 (didn't think too highly of it, wonder if a replay would change my opinion)
PoP (curiousity, loved the 00s trilogy)

Already playing and enjoying F-Zero 99, utter carnage

Day 1:
Prince of Persia

Need to see more:
Paper Mario
Maybe when I need something new:
Wagroove 2
Unicorn Overlord

I'm playing F-Zero but I'm just not good enough for it to have fun xD

Kind of a dud Direct I guess.

On a different note: Shoutouts to @VolcanicDynamo for hosting the fantastic Mario event! Was a lot of fun playing through Mario's history over the last months and having it end on a Direct Day was immaculate timing :D
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Games I'm at the very least interested in seeing more of:
F-Zero 99
Princess Peach Showtime
Unicorn Overlord
Another Code Recollection
Splatoon 3: Side Order
Super Mario RPG
Wargroove 2
Trombone Champ
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered
SaGa Emerald Beyond
Eiyuden Chronicle

That's not too bad for a Direct I found rather poor, even though I will probably end up buying less than half of them.

Can't be a poor Direct when you're going to make Nintendo rich.
Now that I'm done with FF16, I can dive into Star of Fields some more, maybe get back to Pikmin 4, and play through more of FFX which I've been doing while away from my apartment but will probably shift into my regular rotation.
Finished my max exp and money gain playthrough of P4G. It was pretty fun getting to use the freak personas since none of my other playthroughs really went beyond lvl 77. This time I got to 99 by the third to last dungeon.
What were your final thoughts on FFXVI?

I made a post about it in the whatcha playing this weekend thread but in summary, I thought it was a good game but also my disappointment of the year. It has a lot of potential that I don't think it quite reaches. The world, story, and lore foundations are there but don't really pay off. There are moment where it starts to feel like a classic Final Fantasy game but then retreats from them. The combat has some interesting ideas and it looks good but it doesn't really get expanded on farther into the game, whether it's because a lack of enemy types or abilities that are so lack luster that you just want to keep using what you've been using before.

I enjoyed it enough to do all the side quests and of course complete the game. But I don't think it will be a game that sticks in my mind. To me, it's a really nice looking Tales of quality game which is fine I guess but it being a Final Fantasy game, I expected more.
You know companies are getting out of control with pumpkin spice season when you get an email asking you to check in on your credit score - by advertising it with a mug of pumpkin spice coffee and saying "hey, it's autumn, why not grab a mug and get cozy and check in on your credit score!"

Like... what
Tomb Raider
Mario RPG
Mario Wonder
Sonic Superstars
Luigi's Mansion 2
Another Code Recollection
Paper Mario TTYD
Mario vs DK
Prince of Persia
Princess Peach
Detective Pikachu 2

I feel like there was another 3rd party not on that collage but maybe it's just the Batman Trilogy but I feel like it's something releasing next year. Oh well
I’ve been speaking with my uncle while on vacation. Starting to wonder if I’m the victim of a medical mis diagnosis. My hand had issues involving pain and shakiness last year. I was told it was just inflammation in the inside from hand positions on controllers causing it. After PT fixed the pain, they couldn’t fix the shakiness. This was last November of last year. Today I still get persistent shakiness along with numbness of my hand and tingling of a few fingers. My uncle thinks it’s carpal tunnel or nerve damage but my tests last year came out negative. When I come back from my trip, I plan to come back to the doctor and hopefully get another test. Something’s going up,

It has affected my to play games for longer periods, especially on my handheld as the hand will go numb after a short while

Definitely going back for a doctor visit when I get home
I’m kinda dumb.

So I got a new switch Oled. To replace my day 1 switch. But how to I make my Oled the “main” switch. Basically it doesn’t make me have to check I have permission to play my digital games?
I’m kinda dumb.

So I got a new switch Oled. To replace my day 1 switch. But how to I make my Oled the “main” switch. Basically it doesn’t make me have to check I have permission to play my digital games?
eShop account settings of your original Switch has the option to remove it as your main device.

Then you just log into the eShop onto your OLED.
I’ve been speaking with my uncle while on vacation. Starting to wonder if I’m the victim of a medical mis diagnosis. My hand had issues involving pain and shakiness last year. I was told it was just inflammation in the inside from hand positions on controllers causing it. After PT fixed the pain, they couldn’t fix the shakiness. This was last November of last year. Today I still get persistent shakiness along with numbness of my hand and tingling of a few fingers. My uncle thinks it’s carpal tunnel or nerve damage but my tests last year came out negative. When I come back from my trip, I plan to come back to the doctor and hopefully get another test. Something’s going up,

It has affected my to play games for longer periods, especially on my handheld as the hand will go numb after a short while

Definitely going back for a doctor visit when I get home
I’ve got regular tremors. They’re not particularly treatable and they can be heavily amplified by stress and anxiety to the point I start to lose grip strength. It’s a weird nervous system thing
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