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As the biggest fan of Gen 3.

I could write an entire thread/essay about the remakes.

Unfortunately I was not a fan of them. Except the music, I ended up liking the soundtrack a lot and even bought it. That’s a plus.
Quoted by: Leo
After X/Y, I couldn't bother purchasing another PKMN game until Lets Go. I was completely burned on the series after every entry since D/P.

Lets Go was a fresh of breath air. S/S was alright. Not as egregious as people were saying it was, but far from earning strong praise.

If the next games after BDSP (Not Arceus, that looks legitimately good) aren't something more substantial, Ill be going on another break.
I saw a ton more roadkill than usual yesterday while driving, I have a theory that daylight savings time ending and changing the flow/pattern of traffic by one hour overnight caused this increase. Animals go about their normal routine based on the time of day/position of the sun/moon but humans completely change their routine because of stupid Benjamin Franklin and unbeknownst to all of these animals traffic patterns are completely different.

Does this theory make sense?
I was treading through the thread trying to catch up after spending every waking hour this weekend playing GOTY 2021 HHP, and I got to the part about fishing in games and I've come to the realization that I will absolutely prioritize a shitty game with a tacked on fishing segment over an actual good game.

And I hate fishing in real life.

This is actually, probably why I like Sonic Adventure 1 and OoT as much as I do. Beyond just having terrible boomer game tastes lol.

Preorders entering the eShop bestsellers is not a common occurrence, but I'd expect a mainline Pokémon to do so. Both SwSh and Let's Go games did it. Yet just two weeks before the release, they're not there. But both GTA Trilogy and Star Wars Kotor are on the list, 14th and 16th spots respectively. Either GTA's gonna explode on Switch or BDSP will have the lowest ever sales in the series.
Preorders entering the eShop bestsellers is not a common occurrence, but I'd expect a mainline Pokémon to do so. Both SwSh and Let's Go games did it. Yet just two weeks before the release, they're not there. But both GTA Trilogy and Star Wars Kotor are on the list, 14th and 16th spots respectively. Either GTA's gonna explode on Switch or BDSP will have the lowest ever sales in the series.

Oh it's gonna be big lol.
Preorders entering the eShop bestsellers is not a common occurrence, but I'd expect a mainline Pokémon to do so. Both SwSh and Let's Go games did it. Yet just two weeks before the release, they're not there. But both GTA Trilogy and Star Wars Kotor are on the list, 14th and 16th spots respectively. Either GTA's gonna explode on Switch or BDSP will have the lowest ever sales in the series.
They enter one week before release.
Preorders entering the eShop bestsellers is not a common occurrence, but I'd expect a mainline Pokémon to do so. Both SwSh and Let's Go games did it. Yet just two weeks before the release, they're not there. But both GTA Trilogy and Star Wars Kotor are on the list, 14th and 16th spots respectively. Either GTA's gonna explode on Switch or BDSP will have the lowest ever sales in the series.

Pre-orders for games on the eshop (with the pre-load option) aren't charged and downloaded until a week before release, so placement on the eshop wont show up until this Friday.
Liked X/Y and Sun/Moon, bet Ultra Sun/Moon is alright too. I have it downloaded on my 3DS.
I gotta hot take here. A HOT! TAKE!


really enjoyed



Had a fun time with it.
I enjoyed them too! At the time, at least. But I do think they're probably the most forgettable Pokemon games, at least to me. I barely remember anything about them at all, even though I know I did enjoy them when they came out.
I can’t speak for other Pokémon fans, but I know I’m gonna buy Shining Pearl, sooo
I haven't decided which version I'm getting, but I'll get one or the other. I missed my 'warm blanket winter Pokemon' game last year, so I'm looking forward to revisiting D/P.
I love Pokemon and they'd have to essentially completley eff up the games on purpose to not make me happy. But its still disapointing how those remakes are shaping up. Especially since Gen 4 is my favorite. oh well...
Pre-orders for games on the eshop (with the pre-load option) aren't charged and downloaded until a week before release, so placement on the eshop wont show up until this Friday.
I looked it up, preorders used to enter the best sellers without the preload but they seem to have changed it in 2019. You're right, now only a week before they can enter the list. But... I've been checking eShop very often and MH Rise, Metroid Dread, Skyward Sword and GTA have been the only preorders entered the list as I remember (I might have missed some though). Let's see if BDSP will repeat that.
I gotta hot take here. A HOT! TAKE!


really enjoyed



Had a fun time with it.
You know, X/Y are interesting in hindsight because it has both fantastic elements and lacking ones. On one hand, we got the introduction of customization (thoughblater games would do it better), a massive regional Pokedex, a new type, optional difficulty selection/grind removal with the new Exp Share, and a fantastic bottom screen which facilitated better interactions with Pokemon, Super Training to help with EV training, and still the best online in a Pokemon game. On the other hand, the story and characters were a massive step down from B/W, the experience of going through the region was just...kind of there, and the post game content was pretty lacking compared to prior entries. It is both some of the best Pokemon had to offer and some of the most...7/10 feeling aspects too. I can easily see someone calling it one of their favorites while someone like me calls it kind of lacking in retrospect.

...I could honestly say the same for ORAS too, now that I think about it.
This game is not developed by Game Freak, it's from ILCA.

And it's directed by Game Freak/TPC. My issues are not with the coding of the game but with its direction.

It's a bit like saying I should praise Koei Tecmo for the great cast of Three Houses.
I looked it up, preorders used to enter the best sellers without the preload but they seem to have changed it in 2019. You're right, now only a week before they can enter the list. But... I've been checking eShop very often and MH Rise, Metroid Dread, Skyward Sword and GTA have been the only preorders entered the list as I remember (I might have missed some though). Let's see if BDSP will repeat that.
The Pokemon games will definitely be in the top 30 once they start counting downloads, probably in the top ten.
Hearing that the music of the DP remakes is apparently really disappointing just makes me wish GF would take the same approach and level of quality to remaking music as IS did in Fire Emblem Echoes. GOAT Nintendo OST right there. It's one of the things I'm most excited for in potential future remakes.
Hearing that the music of the DP remakes is apparently really disappointing just makes me wish GF would take the same approach and level on quality to remaking music as IS did in Fire Emblem Echoes. GOAT Nintendo OST right there. It's one of the things I'm most excited for in potential future remakes.
Or just any remakes in general where the music is usually always redone lol.

Mario Party Superstars did it just recently
Searching: how long to beat TWEWY Final Remix....
Six days sounds like an extremely generous amount of time. Unless TWEWY is a 100+ hour game I’d think anyone could finish the story until that time

Please note that I haven’t played it so I’m talking out of my butt here
Or just any remakes in general where the music is usually always redone lol.

Mario Party Superstars did it just recently
The main feature I always look for in a remake with remixed music is the ability to swap between the soundtracks, original vs. remixed. XenoblaDE was great about that, for example. That way if you don't like one of the remixes you can just swap back to the old music. Anyone know if BDSP has that option? It was in HG/SS I think
This was my first Zelda game, played on a borrowed friends' gameboy. It's pretty unfair that the other games always have to live up to it's emotional impact on kid me.

Yeah, the only other games with the same emotional impact for me were Crisis Core and FFX.
that's being extremely generous
I mean, it's between "Easy Mode" and "Even Easier Mode", but it's still an option. Least this time you can select it easily unlike BW2 making its difficulties version exclusive unless you give it to a friend and unlocked after you beat the game and unlike games from Let's Go onward that force Exp Share but don't scale the game with it in mind.
Six days sounds like an extremely generous amount of time. Unless TWEWY is a 100+ hour game I’d think anyone could finish the story until that time

Please note that I haven’t played it so I’m talking out of my butt here
I hope so. I'll probably have to hold off on starting SMTV and control myself in the ACNH expansion (that is really addictive) for a few days, but since the 15th is a holiday here, I can at least try to do it.
According to how long to beat it is around 16h btw.
Or just any remakes in general where the music is usually always redone lol.

Mario Party Superstars did it just recently
Yeah, MP Superstars remade music sounds really nice from what I've heard. What I find really cool about this game in particular is how it let's you choose between the remade and OG versions of the tracks!
Any thoughts about when the next batch of N64 games will get pushed out? I wonder if the backlash that they've faced for the initial wave has changed their plans at all. I could see them maybe putting out a few games sooner, to try and please fans, or if they're worried about things not looking/playing right maybe that forces them to wait a little bit.

I do think that expectations for the release schedule should be a little bit higher because of the price. If they went from $20 to $50 then I'd hope we aren't still stuck with releases just every 2-3 months like we've been getting with NES/SNES.

Makes you wonder how many N64 games they add at a time, too. Maybe...2? 3?

It's crazy that those games were announced, but I wouldn't be too shocked if you can play Majora's Mask on your Switch next month...nor would I be shocked if you can't play it until next summer.
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