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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST2 Nov. 2021| Are You Gonna Play Shin Megami Tensei V the Dub Way, or…

Which TGA nomination snub upset you the most?

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I'm torn. I want to try Breath of the Wild again but the first time I played it, it didn't really click with me. But at $39.99, it seems like it's a no brainer to give it another go. I also have the tendency to just try to get through a game as fast as possible instead of just taking it slow (which is what my friend says happened with BotW). Maybe I'll try it again and see if it actually clicks.
in what way?
More of a personal thing. I’m in the minority that hates how 3D animation films look like with those plastic and round character design.

And KH3 just seems to try and be like a Pixar film. I mean I get it, but just looks ugly. Except when in small places where they try being more realistic with its environment and pulls it off.
I have been to one concert in my entire life. It was not a cool one, but I absolutely loved it. A Mannheim Steamroller group came to my university for a Christmas concert and opened with this:

Those who know me know that I love electronic music, and I think that started in part because of my childhood exposure to Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music. That concert got me into the rest of Fresh Aire, and now I have another lame old man music discography to add to my collection.

when it’s less plague-y, you deserve more live electronic music in your life. Really truly.

One of my best electronic-adjacent concert experiences in the early early 2010s was Crystal Castles (before Ethan Kath was outed as a huge abusive piece of shit) — Alice Glass had a broken leg and shouldn’t have been touring, but fueled it into pure chaotic passion and ill-advised crowd-surfing. The sound in the venue was absolutely transcended, and the combination of drums + etc with everything else made them sound a million times better than I expected, even having seen them before in passing at a music festival. Like I was stone sober but felt like a neon wheel flung through pitch-black heaven. Definitely also met someone at the show and we really hit it off, so I mean the dancing and romantic tension definitely added to the whole vibe.

I was really into them, too, but it didn’t end up working out. Turned out they were my editor-in-chief’s younger sibling, and it turns out my editor-in-chief had a penchant for mob-style dramatics and bone-chilling speeches (mostly in jest). Which didn’t phase me that much, but between that and the hour gap between us with no cars (I was done with long distance by then after a few spectacular (and on one occasion literal) trainwrecks), we ended up letting the spark die and crossed paths as pals later in life.

but god DAMN did the band SLAP, RIP

oh god why am I like this with anecdotes
holy shit my Nintendo Switch Pro Controller OLED Model finally came!

Man, I've been so neck-deep in Animal Crossing since the update and DLC came out that I almost forgot this place existed. Hope everyone's been having as much fun with it as I am!
-Forced Exp Share
-TMs are not infinite
-They nerfed the opponent's teams (Cyrus's Crobat now has the weaker move air cutter instead of Air slash)
-Music is terrible
-Character models look weird

Literally nobody in that thread is interested in getting the games now.
I see. Interesting leaks happen, didn’t know that.

Tho I’ve seen so many threads like these and a good chunk end up getting the game regardless. Which is amusing
I have been to one concert in my entire life. It was not a cool one, but I absolutely loved it. A Mannheim Steamroller group came to my university for a Christmas concert and opened with this:

Those who know me know that I love electronic music, and I think that started in part because of my childhood exposure to Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music. That concert got me into the rest of Fresh Aire, and now I have another lame old man music discography to add to my collection.

addendum to say this song slaps and thank you
I see. Interesting leaks happen, didn’t know that.

Tho I’ve seen so many threads like these and a good chunk end up getting the game regardless. Which is amusing
Pokemon fans in a nutshell. The majority complaining will still buy the games. I know I am, even if I don't like some of the changes made.
Man, I've been so neck-deep in Animal Crossing since the update and DLC came out that I almost forgot this place existed. Hope everyone's been having as much fun with it as I am!
I got so neck-deep in it that I had to stop playing


I hurt my fuckin’ neck playing it on my Switch Lite
Hey this looks pretty cool. Where’d you get it?
it’s just a real Pro Controller but I swapped the handles with some of those “Extremerate” ones you can get on the deep-cursed Bezosweb
Been away from smash for a good 2 years and looking at the scene.

Min Min is apparently the most godawful thing to exist in the game lol. Didn’t expect that, I recall when she released the talk was she was bad and would disappear into nothing from the meta.
Been away from smash for a good 2 years and looking at the scene.

Min Min is apparently the most godawful thing to exist in the game lol. Didn’t expect that, I recall when she released the talk was she was bad and would disappear into nothing from the meta.

I knew she would be good day one with her reach.

And I'm glad to say she's based and love to see it when some smash fans get mad whenever someone uses her.
Without even looking at most leaks, I can already assume what was added and what was taken away.

Still though, I'm a sucker for Gen 4, so I'm buying it anyway <.>
I got so neck-deep in it that I had to stop playing


I hurt my fuckin’ neck playing it on my Switch Lite
I definitely did that this morning. I've been enjoying it on the big screen lately just cause there's been so much to check out and it's nice to be all comfy, but I played some in handheld this morning to enjoy that tasty OLED screen and my neck is gonna give me hell for it today at work haha.
I definitely did that this morning. I've been enjoying it on the big screen lately just cause there's been so much to check out and it's nice to be all comfy, but I played some in handheld this morning to enjoy that tasty OLED screen and my neck is gonna give me hell for it today at work haha.
My primary Switch (the TV one) has my partner’s island on it, so no dice. I’m a neck-pain frequent flyer, but in my hubris, I ignored all the warning signs until the related headache tanked my weekend and the painkillers tanked my guts. RIP!
My primary Switch (the TV one) has my partner’s island on it, so no dice. I’m a neck-pain frequent flyer, but in my hubris, I ignored all the warning signs until the related headache tanked my weekend and the painkillers tanked my guts. RIP!
Oof, most painkillers will definitely do a number on you, for sure. Make sure you take care of yourself too, and not just your villagers!
how’s everyone doing? I feel like I’m playing catch-up after not posting much for the past few days. Is everyone good? Thriving? Suffering but surviving?

I successfully found a gay little outfit for our elopement next year! and it was dirt cheap! so that was a big highlight to a physically painful weekend!
Looking at Sales data and whatnot.

And I forgot all about Monster Hunter Stories 2. Seems to have sold well. Tho I probably just had bigger expectations for it.

This is some top-tier marketing.

Marketing the game at the train station that was shown in one of the early trailers.
if you had bigger expectations, you way overshot. the current numbers are already 500K over Capcom's leaked expectations
Thus the reason I don’t participate in sales predictions.

I have no clue what I’m talking about.

Except Super Mario Party. I was very adamant it was going to be the best selling in the series. Tho I didn’t know a few in the series were in the high 6-7 million lol. Thought the best was around 4. Hooray for my ignorance
-Forced Exp Share
-TMs are not infinite
-They nerfed the opponent's teams (Cyrus's Crobat now has the weaker move air cutter instead of Air slash)
-Music is terrible
-Character models look weird

Literally nobody in that thread is interested in getting the games now.

Have we heard more of the music? I didn't follow the leaks.

Last time I checked, the music was in a weird situation were some tracks sounded like great rearrengements and others were sounding like really cheap midi stuff to the point people were wondering if they were placeholders (i don't know why they wouldn't just use the original music as placeholders, but tha'ts what people were saying). I can't believe the final soundtrack would be that inconsistent in quality.
Meh, those Black Friday Offerings from Nintendo aren't for me. Guess i have to wait for Christmas/ New Year.

Looking for Mario 3D Wörld, Age of Calamity, Animal Crossing or Bayonetta. Or some good Third Partie like Monster Hunter Rise or Crysis Trilogie for 40€.
Monster Hunter Rise is $39.99 at Target in the US, so hopefully you’ll get lucky and find a good price on it soon as well!
...Is it just me, or does Nintendo always have the same games for their big 1st party sales? Like, I'm pretty sure XBDE, Origami King, and Astral Chain are the only newcomers in that BF sale lol
Yeah, kind of lame but at least Astral Chain is on sale this year. Hope it gets a nice little boost.

Literally nobody in that thread is interested in getting the games now.
Oh, alright. So…I should expect to see it become a 10 million seller then?
Min-Min is one of the best characters in Smash, but the way some Smash fans sheer at her you would think she's busted like Brawl Meta Knight or Smash 4 Bayonetta (Hint: she's not).

Also if anyone wants to see a banger trailer from the UK that includes the English dub here it is.

The trailer made the game look even more hype. By far the most open Atlus game ever.
I'm sure BDSP will sell squillions but I'd really rather just play Platinum. Or better yet, Renegade Platinum.

It looks so unambitious and dull it's making me look back fondly on ORAS. And I didn't like ORAS much at all!
Considering the price of Platinum these days, it'll be cheaper and more secure just buying BDSP, as funny as that is.
BDSP looks like the usual 1 step forward 3 steps back from GF that I will buy solely because of nostalgia. I will not like it but I will continue to buy the next game because I am incapable of letting the past go.
Put about 1,500 hours into the Hoenn remakes. It helped that every other day I was catching a shiny Roselia.
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