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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Week 1 - What are you most looking forward to and hoping for from Nintendo in 2024?
That's the cool thing: I don't know. This is the first year since the Switch's release where I don't really know what to expect next. I mean yeah, 2 Switch 2 Furious will be hitting at some point but I feel like that's been such a known quantity for so long (in terms of hardware at least, so unless they throw a wild gimmick in then we basically know what it is already) that at this point I want it revealed/released less out of excitement and more out of wanting the ride to be over. Throw the damn ring into the fire already, Frodo!! 😅

So then that leaves software. And uh, aside from a few (very good looking) remakes and some DLC for games I don't have, there's just Peach. Which I'm looking forward to, don't get me wrong, it's just that I don't know what else is coming. And that's exciting. Donkey Kong? Metroid? Hell, a new Star Fox or F-Zero? What's Nintendo cooking up to either send the Switch off or show off the new kid? We don't know, and without the old guard of software leakers (hope you're doing well Emily!! 👋) this really does feel like the training wheels are off and we're on our own.
switch 1 focused direct in january discussing already announced games (and “surprise” fire emblem remake drop), somewhere around the another code release.

switch 2 reveal by march. no chance switch 2 misses 2024. book it!
No way we get past the April/May sharholders meeting without Nintendo acknowledging the new system.

I'll donate a copy of Super Mario RPG if this thing isnt announced by May. It would mean the impossible (Or something massive in the world happened). It would mean Nintendo is so locked up that they don't have any insider trades going on (Again, Impossible from what I see in my line of work but the Wii-U release was leaked into the shareholder community beforehand so...).

The margin of error is for release is March through September considering past rumblings I've heard for other tech releases. Usually when wall street hears a release date or announcement, It happens within 1 quarter give or take. (March - September). Anything else would be a massive failure of intel/speculation and I've only seen that happen once in like over 50 tech releases across 10-15 years through multiple industries. (Can anyone guess what the one was? One hint, It did not have to do with the pandemic. Pre 2020. Second hint: If the Switch 2 is announced in March, Then this situation may be worst case scenario for Switch 2)
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Sounds a bit weird but I can see Switch 2 being revealed in March and then the day after, a general direct that has only Switch 1 titles and nothing to do with Switch 2.
Direct in February where they reshow all the Mario spinoff games and announce 17 more, WW and/or TP ports, and show off MP4 for the first time.

We'll get a Switch 2 reveal a couple weeks later where MP4 will be the BotW of that console's reveal, basically confirming it's a cross gen launch.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they show MP4 footage in the Direct that's actually playing on the next gen system, without actually mentioning that, just so that it looks better.
No direct before march either means Nintendo is overconfident/arrogant and thinks they can hold out on Switch for as long as possible or that they have some technical hurdle that has delayed the console reveal and launch
I have a new dream game.

A Nintendo music game that features music from all major IP under their umbrella that works with the standard controller, touch, motion, AND the new PDP guitars that are coming soon.

just make a music game nintendo please, preferably in the next direct ty
Switch 2 reveal in January to settle the market -> February Switch 1 direct a-la 2017 3DS Direct -> Press release "also playable on Switch 2 with enhancements for X games."

I don't think we see Switch 2 integrated into a Direct nor getting its own Direct until mid year, regardless of when it releases.
You know what's weird: I think this will be the first Nintendo console announcement that has no stage presence whatsoever. The whole thing will very likely be revealed and showcased via pre-recorded videos. Likely more fancy than a typical Direct, but we won't have Koizumi or Furukawa or whoever on stage physically talking about the price, launch date, and such. If Apple can do it then Nintendo definitely can.

Either way, I expect this year to be a bunch of obnoxious pretending from Nintendo that they would never reveal a new console, only to reveal a new console. Probably revealing it at least 2 weeks later than any of us could have ever expected, just to keep us on our toes.
You know what's weird: I think this will be the first Nintendo console announcement that has no stage presence whatsoever. The whole thing will very likely be revealed and showcased via pre-recorded videos. Likely more fancy than a typical Direct, but we won't have Koizumi or Furukawa or whoever on stage physically talking about the price, launch date, and such. If Apple can do it then Nintendo definitely can.

Either way, I expect this year to be a bunch of obnoxious pretending from Nintendo that they would never reveal a new console, only to reveal a new console. Probably revealing it at least 2 weeks later than any of us could have ever expected, just to keep us on our toes.
Reveal at the Game Awards, release in March 2025. Whole forum gets antsy
I have a new dream game.

A Nintendo music game that features music from all major IP under their umbrella that works with the standard controller, touch, motion, AND the new PDP guitars that are coming soon.

just make a music game nintendo please, preferably in the next direct ty
that or I'm down with a Nintendo-skin Theatrhythm game
Switch 2 reveal in January to settle the market -> February Switch 1 direct a-la 2017 3DS Direct -> Press release "also playable on Switch 2 with enhancements for X games."

I don't think we see Switch 2 integrated into a Direct nor getting its own Direct until mid year, regardless of when it releases.
I know I'm always Team January on principle but honestly I see this as possible. No Direct in January but a Switch 2 Presentation followed by a swan song Direct for OG Switch in Feb/March.
New Direct Thread already? Excellent news!

This is it! The time has arrived!

I expect the Switch 2 reveal in a January direct or similar presentation because it‘s what I want to happen, and it‘s what i want to happen because my current Switch is basically unplayable in handheld mode thanks to joycons being broken. It‘s also an original model with bad battery life so yeah, I‘m already saving for the Switch 2.

As for potential games in the next direct, I would like a 3D Mario game that features Donkey Kong heavily. Would be neat.
To answer the question: My current thoughts are that there will be a low-key February Direct, possibly a mini. And then we’ll hear about Switch 2 in March or April, once the fiscal year is wrapping up. I will be extremely surprised if we don’t hear about it before the summer.
If you don't want to be disappointed, set a time frame. It's pretty much guaranteed to be 1st Quarter. Anytime from January-March we will see this thing.

@Josh5890 I think the one last thing will be Metroid Prime 4 this time.
Assuming we get a February Direct like usual, it will definitely be one of the least eventful ones. Unless Nintendo trusts the process, I wouldn't expect any big announcements.
hell yeah

I feel like if January mini has ever had a shot in one of these threads it's now, especially with the Nintendo Live Peach demo thing
I agree. I hope we get a January direct this time, even if it’s a mini or a console reveal. I’m all on team January this year.
I know I'm always Team January on principle but honestly I see this as possible. No Direct in January but a Switch 2 Presentation followed by a swan song Direct for OG Switch in Feb/March.
Honestly, I think we get a reveal and presentation separately, like reveal in January, "swansong" Direct February, presentation March or something -

Or a reveal in one week and presentation the next week in January, but I doubt that for one reason or another.
Personally if Prime 4 is a "one more announcement" it will just be a "OH FINALLY!" rather than something unexpected.
It'd still be a great announcement, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it'd have some of the surprise factor as other direct closers, or stand out nearly as much. I could see it being a direct closer, but I think it'd probably be in the middle so they can talk about it before and/or after the trailer.
If the Direct ends up starting off with this I'm gonna go nuts

tbh, I think an FE4 remake reveal trailer would likely start with this instead:

On the topic of FE, I'm gonna make a wild prediction. Remember how, back in January 2017, we got a Fire Emblem Direct that revealed Echoes? Well, my big Direct prediction is that we're getting FE Direct 2 in January 😎 We'll get the FE4 remake, a new spinoff (Fighting game? Rhythm game? Warriors 3? Kart racer?), maybe an acknowledgement of FE Switch 2, and some kind of multimedia project. An anime, maybe?

We'll get the next general Direct in February like usual, which will also have the next big trailer for FE4R.
tbh, I think an FE4 remake reveal trailer would likely start with this instead:

On the topic of FE, I'm gonna make a wild prediction. Remember how, back in January 2017, we got a Fire Emblem Direct that revealed Echoes? Well, my big Direct prediction is that we're getting FE Direct 2 in January 😎 We'll get the FE4 remake, a new spinoff (Fighting game? Rhythm game? Warriors 3? Kart racer?), maybe an acknowledgement of FE Switch 2, and some kind of multimedia project. An anime, maybe?

We'll get the next general Direct in February like usual, which will also have the next big trailer for FE4R.

Warriors 3: Featuring just 3 Houses, Awakening, and Fates with Lyn and Marth thrown in.

Fire Emblem Kart: Seth wouldn't be in because he's terrribly unbalanced.

Assuming we get a February Direct like usual, it will definitely be one of the least eventful ones. Unless Nintendo trusts the process, I wouldn't expect any big announcements.
the fall direct was so freaking mid that another, somehow worse direct would possibly kill me
the fall direct was so freaking mid that another, somehow worse direct would possibly kill me
It's all about personal tastes but the last september Direct was one of the best for me. A new SaGa game, new VanillaWare game, another Wayforward made Contra (DS one was one of the best games on the platform), superb looking Another Code remake... Made me feel right at home, all those glorious returns...
New 3D Mario? I sleep
New DK 2D/3D? I'm out cold
New Mario Kart? I'm passed out behind the wheel

Remake of Cing games? I'm awake, directly into my veins!
New 3D Mario? I sleep
New DK 2D/3D? I'm out cold
New Mario Kart? I'm passed out behind the wheel

Remake of Cing games? I'm awake, directly into my veins!
Hell yeah. This will be my first time playing Another Code R with next month release, I'd be crazy happy if Nintendo allows me to play The Last Window for the first time. I'll have my bourbon ready, I'll accompany Mr. hyde this time.
Most likely announce the new console and a price drop for Switch to keep it selling. Surprised they haven’t dropped the price already, but if it keeps selling no point I suppose. Never played xenoblade X, so I’m waiting for that remake to drop!
Too drunk to speculate properly

Nintendo will do stuff

People will be both mad and happy

All events will both confirm and rule out new hardware, including the launch and widespread availability of new hardware
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