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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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This is kind of how I feel about this situation overall. While I have the same thought as you all that Nate has always been careful with his wording so it makes it most likely that it is a Partner Showcase and the reasoning is sound overall for why they may consider this their best avenue, I don't believe that the format of the Direct is really any indication of what Nintendo has planned for the reveal of the next platform. Maybe it's just the easiest avenue Nintendo felt like they could take to limit any confusion for the next couple months but, for me, there isn't really anything (unless it's 3D Mario or a new Mario Kart) that can come about and cause any format of a Direct to overshadow the reveal or be indicative of the timing. Besides this, though, I do believe that any event next week and the Switch 2 reveal in presumably March are two different presentations.

During the Game and Talk podcast, as some have posted in this thread, Nate was asked if these types of Directs are sometimes just Nintendo following contractual obligations and he said that Nintendo typically would go out around three to five months before the Direct airs and ask a developer/publisher if they'd want to appear in a "Nintendo Direct" to allow them time to get an asset ready, which would have put planning for this Direct occuring from anywhere of right after the September one to the end of last year. However, Nintendo doesn't necessarily tell anyone the type of Direct that asset would be apart of, just the general timing of it's release. I could honestly see that there's a chance Nintendo wanted to put as many people as possible on work related to both the Switch 2 reveal and then it's eventual presentation and, so, a Direct that could've been a General then became a Partner so that they could still fulfill the promises they made.

I think, while we all will assume if it's a Partner Showcase and then the console being revealed in March as connected, I do just feel like ultimately there might've been a handful of other factors that would have influenced the format next week. I think this is why I am still keeping my thoughts open to it being something that has first-party Switch games but, obviously time will tell and I think, no matter what, we have an exciting year ahead of us!!! :)
I just wanted to add a little extra on here being that, I do believe, as I alluded to here, that Nintendo probably had the reveal (and maybe even entire marketing) plan for the console ready long before planning for the early 2024 Nintendo Direct began and so, again, while I do think in hindsight history will probably have the Partner Showcase allude to there being a Nintendo console reveal on the horizon, I don't think there being a General or Partner Showcase next week is the ultimate indication. I'm sorry again for the word scramble haha! :)
What does actual artstyle even mean?
I think he's reffering to a focused/singular art style that is consistent throughout the whole game, like Wind Waker being cel shaded or Skyward Sword having impressionist art/painting visuals.

Personally, having mentioned Wind Waker, I would be quite curious to see how a 3D Mario would look using cel shading.
The Zelda Concert is making me very emotional. There hasn't been a Zelda game I really loved since 2017, and one or two games I do just plain dislike, but it reminds me how much I love the series as a whole.

Breath of the Wild especially, though the painful part of that is remembering how much I love Breath of the Wild means remembering why I don't like Tears of the Kingdom...
Each kingdom had very cohesive art direction. Them being so different from each other was the whole point.
I think the most out there is got was when that Dragon appeared, but it still felt in-line with the variety of styles throughout the game.

A singular art style for the next Mario title would be ideal, but I think it worked for Odyssey.
Do you know how much I'd love to see another company take a crack at a Zelda title again? Minish Cap was brilliant and was made by Capcom. I'd love to see an indie studio do something like Cadence of Hyrule or even make a wholly new game. So much potential.
Cadence of Hyrule was such a neat thing and I’m disappointed Nintendo hasn’t attempted something like it again since. Like if every year we got a new indie game take on a Nintendo franchise it’d be supremely rad.
Cadence of Hyrule was such a neat thing and I’m disappointed Nintendo hasn’t attempted something like it again since. Like if every year we got a new indie game take on a Nintendo franchise it’d be supremely rad.
We haven't been getting Warriors spinoffs so it's not like Nintendo hasn't been playing around with the idea.
To be honest, i'm surprised that there isn't an Idolmaster-like spin-off for Splatoon, or even an official collaboration with Idolmaster.

It feels like a no-brainer given that actual "idol groups" are at the center of every Splatoon game so far.
No, i'm absolutely not jealous of y'all talking about the Zelda concert while i'm sitting here unable to listen to it.

Not at all.
I wish the Zelda concert would be a little bit more like the modern Zelda game and take more risk. The different concert are more or less the same musical arrangement ,,,
The concert btw if you haven’t seen it yet:

The main theme of Tears of the Kingdom is still incredible, nothing to add.
Actually I will add, I forgot how incredible the january botw theme was.
Also hearing the link's awakening credits theme made me a bit emotional I have to say.
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The concert btw if you haven’t seen it yet:

Nice, I'll watch it later!

Brings back good memories from when I was an exchange student and got the opportunity to attend Symphony of the Goddesses. That was so good! I still have my 8-bit sword bookmark they gave as a gift.
They should make a new 2D Zelda. They should just do that.

Yes, indeed.
A new 2D Zelda is a must, absolutely. One thought I've had on the matter combines some particular Switch functionality with Aonuma's stated desire to rethink single-vs-multiplayer as a series convention, all while answering some certain fan requests.

In this concept, the player controls both Link and Zelda simultaneously, each character mapped to their own Joy-Con™, requiring the use of both to properly solve puzzles, traverse the world, navigate social encounters, and engage in combat -- all while allowing for instant single-to-multiplayer action.

In any case, this feels exactly like something (Switch-era, in particular) Nintendo would invest in.


Hold onto one Joy-Con™ and hand the other off to a friend, relative, significant other, or random stranger you just met on a plane or at a rooftop party. Share the Joy™.
Yes, it's the same idea I keep throwing out there, but something more traditional would also be good to see.

Do you know how much I'd love to see another company take a crack at a Zelda title again? Minish Cap was brilliant and was made by Capcom. I'd love to see an indie studio do something like Cadence of Hyrule or even make a wholly new game. So much potential.
Cadence of Hyrule was such a neat thing and I’m disappointed Nintendo hasn’t attempted something like it again since.

Absolutely agreed. When Cadence of Hyrule came about, I thought Nintendo was going to lean more into that sort of collaboration. I still think they should, because it could lead to some neat creations.

From another thread a while back:
One idea that does fit into that category, however, follows from the Cadence of Hyrule school of thought, where an indie title was allowed to translate its concept into a The Legend of Zelda setting.

The title under consideration here is former Apple Arcade exclusive Bleak Sword.

For spinoff purposes, it would likely take its high-octane retro-inspired diorama scene concept and structure it more akin to a Zelda title. Now there are scenes that are focused on combat and scenes that are focused more on puzzle-solving (puzzle dioramas similar to the earlier Zelda-based Captain Toad), put together in a manner that vaguely emulates classic Zelda structure, each diorama scene analogous to the individual rooms of old Zelda games.

Something like this would likely retain much of Zelda's prestige aura, a more indie art house take, if you will.

Alternatively, we could all just play The Lampshade of no Real Significance, from some nobody development team.

Like if every year we got a new indie game take on a Nintendo franchise it’d be supremely rad.

That would be great, actually. (Of course, go the Cadence of Hyrule route and give it to me on physical.)
Please tell me that this rumor about a Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase is from a dubious source, that would be disappointing (Fire Emblem 4 Remake, come on!)
It's Nate, so it's literally the same source as the initial FE4 Remake rumor. Feels like we might be waiting for the Switch 2 reveal at this point. I know Nate said it was purely a Switch 1 title, but I wonder if that's changed at this point.
It's Nate, so it's literally the same source as the initial FE4 Remake rumor. Feels like we might be waiting for the Switch 2 reveal at this point. I know Nate said it was purely a Switch 1 title, but I wonder if that's changed at this point.
It might be a Switch 1 title still, but I'd be shocked if Switch 2 isn't backwards compatible in some way, shape or form. It might even get enhancements if played on a Switch 2 IMO.
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