Rumour Bandai Namco Studios is developing a 3D action game for a Nintendo contracted project (probably a remaster/remake?)

I don't know, I have to imagine remastering and marketing Kid Icarus would be leagues more expensive than remastering Miitopia. Also the Mii art style makes lower quality graphics less noticeable.
Not really, no. It was heavily reworked for Switch. All the textures were replaced with high rez ones, there are new backgrounds, new models, new lighting, new content. As far as graphics are concerned, Miitopia would be a better remaster than Twilight Princess HD and Skyward Sword HD.

Xenoblade Chronicles didn't sell a lot on the Wii, was basically remade(as far as codes go) to get ported to New 3DS(didn't sell a lot either), and got a remaster that's basically a remake with a brand new side game for Switch.
the marketing for Miitopia was pretty extensive. if anything, Kid Icarus wouldn't get the same level of marketing because it wouldn't hit its numbers
I disagree, miitopia only sold 1,3 million on the switch, that isnt mindblowing numbers by any means, i dont think kid icarus would have problems reaching that. Didnt uprising reach 1 million anyway?
There’s a lot of reasons for Nintendo to remaster/remake Kid Icarus: Uprising on Switch—perhaps the biggest being that Nintendo put a lot of money and effort into the development of the original game compared to other games, so I imagine being able to salvage much of that like the fantastic and expansive voice work and soundtrack by rereleasing it on Switch where the game would probably see more sales than it got on 3DS might be pretty appealing to Nintendo. And, of course, there’s a lot of demand for a rerelease, too.
For Japanese, "3D Action Game" also applies to 3D Platformers, by the way (in fact, I don't think they use the term 'platformer' even for 2D games); I'd like to see some older game like Wario World or Donkey Kong 64 remastered, but there's also the possibility of being Chibi-Robo, since it's co-owned by Bandai NAMCO.
Kid Icarus!? Star Fox Assault? Chibi-Robo?!!

Ughhh... can someone please predict something really disappointing instead, so I can no longer care about this?
It's Aquaspace/Zenquaria/Aqua Living.

The pitch to include Sega's Seeman this time fell through.

I'm so sorry.
Its Eternal Darkness 2 100%
are the Star Fox games on GameCube possibly the game?
Star Fox Adventures, likely not. Start Fox Assault would be a great guess but IMO unless you radically change the feel of the game I don't think it's worth revisiting. The story is great, and the concept (mission structure/multiplayer) is exactly what Starfox should be, but the overall game feel is wrong.

Fix that with online multiplayer though? Yeah you got a winner.
Star Fox Adventures, likely not. Start Fox Assault would be a great guess but IMO unless you radically change the feel of the game I don't think it's worth revisiting. The story is great, and the concept (mission structure/multiplayer) is exactly what Starfox should be, but the overall game feel is wrong.

Fix that with online multiplayer though? Yeah you got a winner.

You know what would work? Make it like Sin and Punishment 2 meets Assault. On foot segments play like that, and then the vehicle sections like the Star Fox we all know and love.

Get Treasure to do it. Technically they are still around as it has 15 employees, and they contract employees for projects as need be per project.
You know what would work? Make it like Sin and Punishment 2 meets Assault. On foot segments play like that, and then the vehicle sections like the Star Fox we all know and love.

Get Treasure to do it. Technically they are still around as it has 15 employees, and they contract employees for projects as need be per project.
Back in the Wii days, Treasure was 100% the candidate to do Star Fox. S&P2 is top-tier. Star Fox with that direction would've been wonderful.

That's the thing with Star Fox; there are so many different directions you can take it in and they'll all work. Nintendo insists on remaking 64 for some reason.
Remaster of a 3D action game? Eternal Darkness? Sin and Pubishment? Trying to think of other 3D action games that are not Zelda or Metroid as they are not 3D action games.

Kid Icarus?

Sin and Publishment?

Ah.... Ahhh... Neurons involuntarily firing..... Unexplained connections and leaps being made.....


Now I want a game where you play as Monty Python's corporate pirates, sailing a building and shit around cities and raiding other companies, swinging your ruler, or your note spike to lay low their minions as they utter their death cries of 'Send this!' and 'File That!!'
That would be hilarious given the (alleged) history of Metroid Prime 4.
But also, dk is one of the wii's best looking games by far. Would be the easiest remaster in the planet
My opinion is the “3D Action game” is a generic term and it’ll end up being Baten Kaitos 1 and 2 HD ports.
Im hoping it will be something decently hyped at least, if it turns out it is some sportsmates from nintendo sports i will be sad lmao
Im hoping it will be something decently hyped at least, if it turns out it is some sportsmates from nintendo sports i will be sad lmao
Sportsmates aren’t ever going to be a thing outside of the [Nintendo console] Sports series; I’m not sure why I keep seeing this kind of take being brought up… That’s like expecting the Ring Fit Trainees to be added to a new game unrelated to Ring Fit Adventure (that’s not a crossover like Smash, of course) or something like that.
Sportsmates aren’t ever going to be a thing outside of the [Nintendo console] Sports series; I’m not sure why I keep seeing this kind of take being brought up… That’s like expecting the Ring Fit Trainees to be added to a new game unrelated to Ring Fit Adventure (that’s not a crossover like Smash, of course) or something like that.
It was just a silly example, i dont actually think that will happen
Quoted by: Tye
Not impossible but if it happens I'd ask myself why they gave it to Bandai Namco specifically.
I'd imagine Nintendo would prefer Retro to do it like they did Tropical Freeze, but between prime 1 remake and prime 4 they probably have their hands full. Banco does a lot of contract work for Nintendo so it isn't that out there. It wouldn't surprise me if tantalus was getting twilight princess hd and wind waker hd ready themselves so they are too busy to do it.
While we all know this mystery project is Zenquaria, though without the much-sought inclusion of Sega's Seeman, it could still be interesting to consider what else it could have been.

Icarus Abides

First, I must thank Clix, at whose behest the thread turned toward anticipation of Kid Icarus' triumphant return.

The most obvious answer is that Bandai Namco is working on a Kid Icarus: Uprising port, from which they will leverage the experience to craft a new Star Fox inspired by the same design concepts, as Mercury Steam readies their own new Kid Icarus entry (thus echoing its historic status as a sibling series to Metroid). Mercury Steam's game also includes Kid Icarus as well as Myths and Monsters. The whole series is here.

Seeing as this could be anywhere from one to three separate projects the best outcome would be a Kid Icarus Uprising remake, Kid Icarus Uprising 2 and Kid Icarus Saga, a JRPG inspired by Panzer Dragoon Saga which every railshooter series should have.
Or there's something like this. I wouldn't consider Kid Icarus a railshooter series just yet -- nor necessarily expect it to locked in as such --, but I can't at all say I actually dislike this outcome in general. The JRPG addition is a good touch, and Uprising's additional focus on cast and story lends itself to that.

It would take so much work to make Uprising into a switch game, why not simply make a new game entirely? I don't think there's much demand for it either. Kid Icarus is a small series to begin with, if you then shrink the potential audience more by making it a remaster instead of a new game, I think that game sells like ass and kills the franchise.
I keep saying it, but I think Kid Icarus could break through to become a major series for Nintendo, and one with added mascot potential. There's a large audience that could be directed toward it, and the relatively low sales on 3DS don't necessarily mean it won't succeed. There are a lot of people who didn't play this at its original release (I didn't have a 3DS, so I'm one of them).

A remaster should require some amount less work than a fully new game and give the game an opportunity to reach a further audience. It's not guaranteed, of course, but nothing is, really.

I do think releasing Uprising on Switch in anticipation of a new game isn't a bad idea.

Vampiric Space Jellyfish

The idea of Metroid Prime 2 and 3, following the original redone by Retro, also seems plausible. Unfortunately, we might expect a downgrade of sorts in the changes, just going by different things going around, and that would be unfortunate.

I don't think so. It would be like remastering Samus Returns.
A brilliant idea. Metroid 1-4 collection, including originals and remakes both for applicable entries.
an art change and a rebalancing of single player would do a lot for Feddie Force
The decisions made for that game still strike me as strange. As far as art, even, something akin to Hunters or even E.X. Troopers probably would have worked and been much better received:
Federation Force would need a complete reimagination to actually sell decently. That game is so low budget i fear even advance wars would outsell it lol.
As Advance Wars should.
If said reimagination happened and it actually looked great i could easily imagine it outselling dread, for example
... This, this I dread. The potential message this would send does not agree with me.

Other Stuffs

Could it be Luigi’s Mansion 1 and/or 2? It fits the 3D action game, cartoony art style, and it could be a way to tide fans over while Next Level is busy with Strikers.
The lack of Luigi's Mansion and Dark Moon does bug me. I'm still really hoping the first two are brought over.

It's not Mario Kart, no one calls that an action game, it's always described as a racing game.
Mario Kart isn't a 3D Action game though, it's a racing game.
It's not. But what if ... it could be?
Supreme Overlord said:
Tangential thought: an F-Zero Hyper Stylish Racing Action Game by Platinum Games would almost certainly include some iteration of Wonder Red)
Supreme Overlord said:
I present again the outlandish idea of F-Zero, Hyper Stylish Racing Action Game developed by Platinum Games
I must conclude that the idea was too far out there ...

Or that Nintendo already has Platinum Games on queue for an F-Zero Hyper Stylish Racing Action Game.
They wouldn't be in this situation if they'd just gone ahead and made that F-Zero Hyper Stylish Racing Action Game.

What if it's Donkey Kong Country Returns?
This is another one that I figured should be available. Maybe Nintendo figures it sold enough on Wii that it's prospects as a re-release aren't promising enough.

I kind of wish they'd made a third one and sold a trilogy pack. Or even just left it at the two and had both of them.
But also made available the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy as it's own thing.

personally I'm pulling for The Last Story.
They're gearing up for this because they just completed work on Pandora's Tower: Until I Return to Your Side.

... I do like the idea of Chibi-Robo! finding new life here. And that seems strangely plausible.
Put it all in a package. Give the little robot it's best shot at life.
Now's the time.

Also. Eternal Darkness lies ever waiting, all undying.
A random game came to mind: Tales of Symphonia. I know its not a nintendo ip but its a 3d action game that was on the gamecube, chibi characters, blurry backgrounds. Makes too much sense lol
And it launched exclusively on the GameCube.. I can see Nintendo asking for a remake since the JRPG audience is strong on the console and we haven't got Tales of Arise.
That reminds me.

I once had the crazy thought that Nintendo might collaborate with Bandai Namco to secure Tales of on Nintendo platforms, but through use of a special Tales of [Nintendo] series, where one might see Tales of Hyrule following Zelda herself on a quest or Tales of the Pikmin or Tales of the Black Sugar Gang, so on and so forth.

I kind of dropped the idea, with the thought that it might introduce rights conflicts Nintendo would rather avoid. But, then, they do have their Warriors games now.

All that wouldn't be so much a remake, though. For this present case, Symphonia does make a lot of sense. It checks so many boxes and is owned by Bandai Namco but largely associated with Nintendo.
And it launched exclusively on the GameCube.. I can see Nintendo asking for a remake since the JRPG audience is strong on the console and we haven't got Tales of Arise.
Yeah. I still cant believe there is only 1 tales of game on switch, a ps3/360, remaster. I dont see them porting the old ones yet so why not pay Bandai to bring the game over. Sounds dumb but who knows
Yeah. I still cant believe there is only 1 tales of game on switch, a ps3/360, remaster. I dont see them porting the old ones yet so why not pay Bandai to bring the game over. Sounds dumb but who knows
This wouldn't be the first time. Nintendo published and localized Tales of Phantasia Advance in west. They ARE willing to involve in Namco JRPG IP's.

That said, I think Xenosaga should have the priority. I bet both Monolith and Nintendo management want to bring the games back (it's clear that Monolith still cares about it, putting KOSMOS in the recent XB games), they can talk it over with Namco and work something ouy.
This wouldn't be the first time. Nintendo published and localized Tales of Phantasia Advance in west. They ARE willing to involve in Namco JRPG IP's.

That said, I think Xenosaga should have the priority. I bet both Monolith and Nintendo management want to bring the games back (it's clear that Monolith still cares about it, putting KOSMOS in the recent XB games), they can talk it over with Namco and work something ouy.
In 2018, Yasuyuki Honne was interested into porting Baten Kaitos and working on a third entry. Now that it looks like he's returned to the Tokyo office, he could totally direct a new game.
This wouldn't be the first time. Nintendo published and localized Tales of Phantasia Advance in west. They ARE willing to involve in Namco JRPG IP's.

That said, I think Xenosaga should have the priority. I bet both Monolith and Nintendo management want to bring the games back (it's clear that Monolith still cares about it, putting KOSMOS in the recent XB games), they can talk it over with Namco and work something ouy.
I forgot about Phantasia.

As far as Xenosaga, its a bit of a hurdle. For one Harada brought up to the board, granted for a remaster, and they said no. Also as far as that game goes, in my opinion, it has not aged well. There would need to be some serious remaking to modernize that game.

The baiten kaitos pull would be cool, not 3d action game but hey
In 2018, Yasuyuki Honne was interested into porting Baten Kaitos and working on a third entry. Now that it looks like he's returned to the Tokyo office, he could totally direct a new game.
Xenosaga is much popular than Baten Kaitos though, they might prioritize that. Monolith puts KOSMOS in as many gas as possible (PXZ included) and merch is still being made and sold (my favorite figma figure in recent years).

But in the end, we should have the HD collections of both series.
... This, this I dread. The potential message this would send does not agree with me.
Why? Is it because its a multiplayer focused metroid game succeeding? I guess i understand your worries if so, but Prime 4 is still on the horizon and its certainly going to be singleplayer (at most a mode with friends)
Xenosaga is much popular than Baten Kaitos though, they might prioritize that. Monolith puts KOSMOS in as many gas as possible (PXZ included) and merch is still being made and sold (my favorite figma figure in recent years).
There are, of course, a number of different moving parts to this. MonolithSoft clearly values KOS-MOS, yes, though I'm not sure that particularly impacts the chances here.

Harada has spoken before about wanting MonolithSoft to be involved in any remaster or remake of the series -- and was even in contact with the studio about it. The remaster attempts, of course, were ill-fated.

Assuming they hadn't been shot down, though, the question of MonolithSoft is another issue. Takahashi has, after all, been busy with Xenoblade. How much would this impact his ability to work on the project? Would he be willing to designate it to someone else? I assume he'd want to be involved.

That's where Honne and Baten Kaitos come in:
In 2018, Yasuyuki Honne was interested into porting Baten Kaitos and working on a third entry. Now that it looks like he's returned to the Tokyo office, he could totally direct a new game.
Honne isn't known to be attached to any particular projects at the moment, but his return to Tokyo could indicate a return to directing. And Baten Kaitos has ties to Nintendo -- the second entry being published by them, even. It would also likely require less investment, helping with the profitability projections.

I don't know that Honne is working on that. The implication he's working on something, though, is exciting.

But in the end, we should have the HD collections of both series.
Not about to argue with that, not in the slightest.

Why? Is it because its a multiplayer focused metroid game succeeding? I guess i understand your worries if so, but Prime 4 is still on the horizon and its certainly going to be singleplayer (at most a mode with friends)
There's been a line of discourse surrounding Metroid for years, suggesting that the series must fundamentally change to become focused on multi-player and action, essentially in line with a lot of the concepts of Federation Force, essentially removing the elements at its core to chase the trends and a different audience (Though I did notice a lot of people talking about that also tended to mention that they didn't really care for the series).

Now, if this outsells Dread, it becomes the best-selling Metroid(-adjacent) title, though it has shed much of Metroid's core to get there. This could be seen to validate those earlier claims, though this doesn't necessarily mean the series will lean into that going forward.

Now, you do seem to suggest the Federation Force revamp could be basically a complete overhaul, perhaps turning into something more akin to an entirely different game, one scarcely resembling the one that released. This could theoretically reduce some disparity, but the core concerns would likely remain the same.
There are, of course, a number of different moving parts to this. MonolithSoft clearly values KOS-MOS, yes, though I'm not sure that particularly impacts the chances here.

Harada has spoken before about wanting MonolithSoft to be involved in any remaster or remake of the series -- and was even in contact with the studio about it. The remaster attempts, of course, were ill-fated.

Assuming they hadn't been shot down, though, the question of MonolithSoft is another issue. Takahashi has, after all, been busy with Xenoblade. How much would this impact his ability to work on the project? Would he be willing to designate it to someone else? I assume he'd want to be involved.

That's where Honne and Baten Kaitos come in:

Honne isn't known to be attached to any particular projects at the moment, but his return to Tokyo could indicate a return to directing. And Baten Kaitos has ties to Nintendo -- the second entry being published by them, even. It would also likely require less investment, helping with the profitability projections.

I don't know that Honne is working on that. The implication he's working on something, though, is exciting.

Not about to argue with that, not in the slightest.

There's been a line of discourse surrounding Metroid for years, suggesting that the series must fundamentally change to become focused on multi-player and action, essentially in line with a lot of the concepts of Federation Force, essentially removing the elements at its core to chase the trends and a different audience (Though I did notice a lot of people talking about that also tended to mention that they didn't really care for the series).

Now, if this outsells Dread, it becomes the best-selling Metroid(-adjacent) title, though it has shed much of Metroid's core to get there. This could be seen to validate those earlier claims, though this doesn't necessarily mean the series will lean into that going forward.

Now, you do seem to suggest the Federation Force revamp could be basically a complete overhaul, perhaps turning into something more akin to an entirely different game, one scarcely resembling the one that released. This could theoretically reduce some disparity, but the core concerns would likely remain the same.
You forgot to answer this didnt you? Lmao

Im sorry, you are worried if FF was completely revamped and turned out to be a bigger success than Dread that would mean that those people who said metroid should chase trends were correct after all? So its just about being right?

I wouldnt really think too much about a Prime game outselling Dread, its a 3d vs 2d situation. Prime 4 is going to do it but its not going to mean anything for dread or the future metroid 6.
You forgot to answer this didnt you? Lmao

Im sorry, you are worried if FF was completely revamped and turned out to be a bigger success than Dread that would mean that those people who said metroid should chase trends were correct after all? So its just about being right?

I wouldnt really think too much about a Prime game outselling Dread, its a 3d vs 2d situation. Prime 4 is going to do it but its not going to mean anything for dread or the future metroid 6.
I don't think it's so much about being "right" as it is not wanting the series you already deeply care for to be swept out from under its fanbase and fundamentally changed into something else for the sake of a group of people who don't appreciate said series in the first place.

Happens all the time when franchises seek "greater accessibility" and it's very frustrating for the people who have been there all along and simply want greater iteration on the same themes and mechanics.

And I agree with that sentiment - there's so many co-op shooters and multiplayer whatevers - we really don't need that in Metroid, or any sort of game that would give a Nintendo who, previously, was struggling with what to do with the franchise, the idea that it's a good 'evolution' of Metroid for the sake of higher profit.
I don't think it's so much about being "right" as it is not wanting the series you already deeply care for to be swept out from under its fanbase and fundamentally changed into something else for the sake of a group of people who don't appreciate said series in the first place.

Happens all the time when franchises seek "greater accessibility" and it's very frustrating for the people who have been there all along and simply want greater iteration on the same themes and mechanics.

And I agree with that sentiment - there's so many co-op shooters and multiplayer whatevers - we really don't need that in Metroid, or any sort of game that would give a Nintendo who, previously, was struggling with what to do with the franchise, the idea that it's a good 'evolution' of Metroid for the sake of higher profit.
Yes but in my first comment weeks ago i said that it didnt matter. If Nintendo was to chase what was the bigger success they would havr killed the 2d metroid series after fusion. At best the metroid franchise would have a third series now, focused on multiplayer.
You forgot to answer this didnt you? Lmao
... Might someone be able to parse the nuances of this for me? It must be a particular dialect of doggwoof in which I am not well-versed.

Im sorry, you are worried if FF was completely revamped and turned out to be a bigger success than Dread that would mean that those people who said metroid should chase trends were correct after all? So its just about being right?
So, I can see how you came to this reading of my post, but that's really not what was meant.

"Right" and "wrong," in a case like this, are going to be dependent on one's goals and, as such, aren't the question; for instance, I'd still consider that the wrong take for the situation, regardless if it appears the most profitable, which means suggesting this is born of concern of being shown wrong is ludicrous. It's not about a need to be right or fear of being wrong.

ElisaurusWrecks had more the correct reading. The idea is that the core of the series, the underlying, deeper aspects that make it what it is, are tossed out without a care, and everything replaced with a facsimile, a facade of the series, nought but a cheap veneer, hollow and retaining nothing of that core -- as is the end point of the suggestions.

What is yet undesired is for the series to become a twisted version of Theseus' ship, but given an added twist, wherein it could be argued there once was something resembling a soul, the aforementioned core, which is no longer present; thus it negates the thought experiment and provides a more clear answer, one that suggests this entity bears the same name but is not the same thing.

It's not exactly the same question as whether niche developers should prioritize outside critics over those who appreciate the genre in question, but it bears some similarities. We can consider that Metroid offers something unique within Nintendo's offerings, not only in basic gameplay but in theme and mood and focus. It makes no sense to shove something else entirely into that skin.

But that theoretically could happen, and that's what is being dreaded up above: not that someone else can claim the nebulous title of being right, but that the idea could be conveyed that it might be beneficial to swap the series out for something else in its skin.

I wouldnt really think too much about a Prime game outselling Dread, its a 3d vs 2d situation. Prime 4 is going to do it but its not going to mean anything for dread or the future metroid 6.
Prime, in general, has maintained that Metroid essence, even if Corruption might have flirted with pushing a different direction. The series, at its core, remains. The different elements retain a certain similarity. Your statement doesn't convey a sentiment that addresses the connected discussion, not unless you somehow equate Prime with Federation Force.

And, again, a complete rework could theoretically alleviate some of this, but it seems unlikely.

At best the metroid franchise would have a third series now, focused on multiplayer.
You, you do realize "at best" doesn't mean "likely," do you not? Regardless, I still maintain a rework of Hunters would have been a better method of achieving those ends.

This best case scenario seems to remove the possibility for trying something new that still hews closer to what the series has developed itself to be, though, at least without removing something else from the rotation (a suggestion that already seemed unlikely).

And given scheduling, resource allocation, theoretical return on investment, and the idea of sunk cost, there's definitely no guarantee of this best case scenario.

Yes but in my first comment weeks ago i said that it didnt matter. If Nintendo was to chase what was the bigger success they would havr killed the 2d metroid series after fusion.
I defy you to quote where you commented this, and weeks before your post here at that.

But this all digresses from discussion on the grand revelation that Bandai Namco is developing a remake of Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast.
Last edited:
I Might someone be able to parse the nuances of this for me? It must be a particular dialect of doggwoof in which I am not well-versed.

So, I can see how you came to this reading of my post, but that's really not what was meant.

"Right" and "wrong," in a case like this, are going to be dependent on one's goals and, as such, aren't the question; for instance, I'd still consider that the wrong take for the situation, regardless if it appears the most profitable, which means suggesting this is born of concern of being shown wrong is ludicrous. It's not about a need to be right or fear of being wrong.

ElisaurusWrecks had more the correct reading. The idea is that the core of the series, the underlying, deeper aspects that make it what it is, are tossed out without a care, and everything replaced with a facsimile, a facade of the series, nought but a cheap veneer, hollow and retaining nothing of that core -- as is the end point of the suggestions.

What is yet undesired is for the series to become a twisted version of Theseus' ship, but given an added twist, wherein it could be argued there once was something resembling a soul, the aforementioned core, which is no longer present; thus it negates the thought experiment and provides a more clear answer, one that suggests this entity bears the same name but is not the same thing.

It's not exactly the same question as whether niche developers should prioritize outside critics over those who appreciate the genre in question, but it bears some similarities. We can consider that Metroid offers something unique within Nintendo's offerings, not only in basic gameplay but in theme and mood and focus. It makes no sense to shove something else entirely into that skin.

But that theoretically could happen, and that's what is being dreaded up above: not that someone else can claim the nebulous title of being right, but that the idea could be conveyed that it might be beneficial to swap the series out for something else in its skin.

Prime, in general, has maintained that Metroid essence, even if Corruption might have flirted with pushing a different direction. The series, at its core, remains. The different elements retain a certain similarity. Your statement doesn't convey a sentiment that addresses the connected discussion, not unless you somehow equate Prime with Federation Force.

And, again, a complete rework could theoretically alleviate some of this, but it seems unlikely.

You, you do realize "at best" doesn't mean "likely," do you not? Regardless, I still maintain a rework of Hunters would have been a better method of achieving those ends.

This best case scenario seems to remove the possibility for trying something new that still hews closer to what the series has developed itself to be, though, at least without removing something else from the rotation (a suggestion that already seemed unlikely).

And given scheduling, resource allocation, theoretical return on investment, and the idea of sunk cost, there's definitely no guarantee of this best case scenario.

I defy you to quote where you commented this, and weeks before your post here at that.

But this all digresses from discussion on the grand revelation that Bandai Namco is developing a remake of Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast.
I dont have much to say about the rest. I do prefer the idea of something closer to hunters than ff, but nothing to declare.

Nooow, about your challenge of me trying to find where i said that, ill lose cause i also have no idea if i said that. Not even a memory. I believe i did in some way cause it would be shameful if i didnt.
Let me guess...

It's a proper Lost Reavers game.
So I suppose to list them by the likelihood rating;
1. Star Fox Assault 80%
2. Custom Robo 75%
3. Chibi Robo 70%
4. Eternal Darkness 70%
5. Kirby Air Ride 65%
6. Doshin the Giant 60%

I also think Captain Rainbow is possible. it fits the bill of action-adventure game with weird stylisation published by Nintendo.

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