Rumour Bandai Namco Studios is developing a 3D action game for a Nintendo contracted project (probably a remaster/remake?)

Bandai Namco also worked on Smash. Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart Tour, Go Vacation. Pokken Tournament and New Pokemon Snap for Nintendo so, they definitely aren't that weird of a partner for Nintendo. The largest reason they were originally selected for Prime 4 in the first place was the size of their workforce, including their overseas studios

I am aware of what they’ve worked on and how great of a partner they are. Just saying it would be a bit weird they didn’t like what there were doing with Prime 4, took them off of it, and then contracted them to remaster Prime 2 & 3 instead.

I’m also all for it being Kid Icarus or Eternal Darkness. Idk if Nintendo has any say in Baten Kaitos, but I do recall the trademark for that having been renewed not that long ago.
Kid Icarus Uprising would be amazing... buuuuut a part of me still wants for someone to salvage Metroid: Other M.
it's time


While I would love if they brought both of those games to the Switch; they probably need new games to fix the issues they had plus rethink some of their decisions.
Star Fox Armada + Assault complete, since Bamco did that one?
Honestly, I could see it. Assuming the listings are all for the same project, I'm not sure what else would check all the boxes. Switch doesn't have a Star Fox game, and this one isn't old enough for NSO nor does it require an interface overhaul to port.
Could be Mother remakes
Clay does deform rather readily.

or any of Skip's games (Chibi-Robo, Giftpia, Captain Rainbow).

Bandai do co-own Chibi-Robo with Nintendo... I wish that were possible.
... Skip is a good option. And I do keep suggesting Chibi-Robo! could probably find an audience these days. Put all the Chibi-Robo! On a re-release.

Kid Icarus Uprising would be amazing... buuuuut a part of me still wants for someone to salvage Metroid: Other M.
Oh, poster obsessed with comics, Other M is going to require a tad more than a remaster to be salvaged.
Is this the first time a big developer has made a Nintendo remaster/remake? I feel like if they have decided to contract Bandai to make a remaster/remake it has either to be something big in size ( two games like in a Prime 2+3 would fit in this category) or something really special they want to be more than their usual HD remasters.
Is this the first time a big developer has made a Nintendo remaster/remake? I feel like if they have decided to contract Bandai to make a remaster/remake it has either to be something big in size ( two games like in a Prime 2+3 would fit in this category) or something really special they want to be more than their usual HD remasters.
Mario Kart Tour/8 DLC,the hiring say the content is remastered,not that the game is a remaster
Came in here ready to preach the good word of Kid Icarus but I see my work has been done and you’re all truly my people.
Mario Kart Tour/8 DLC,the hiring say the content is remastered,not that the game is a remaster
I thought about that possibility, but the listing that talks about remastering backgrounds mentions porting them to an in-house engine; and Mario Kart 8’s engine wasn’t created by Bamco. Maybe i’m taking that too literally though.

Not really sure what 3D backgrounds would entail for Mario Kart 8 anyway. Do inaccessible parts of the tracks constitute as the “background”, or is that more part of the general track design? Can’t refer to skyboxes for a few reasons; but the big one is that 99% of them were ported from 8 in the first place; Sunset Wilds is a rare exception necessary for the course’s gimmick; there’s almost nothing to remaster there.
Ever Oasis getting a second chance would be splendid, but sadly unlikely they’d get BN to work on that.
I don't think we need to be too attached to the word "deformed".
To a Japanese person's intuition, the visuals of most Nintendo games are "deformed".
"Deformed" does not necessarily mean "chibi".
Well, at least it is not a photo-realistic game.
Agreed. The term "deformed" as an art style is used very loosely in Japan. Anything that's not of the real-life proportion can be described as such.

Funny how things are. Namco was kind-of enemies with Nintendo during the PS1 era and before, and now they are best buds.
Honestly, I could see it. Assuming the listings are all for the same project, I'm not sure what else would check all the boxes. Switch doesn't have a Star Fox game, and this one isn't old enough for NSO nor does it require an interface overhaul to port.
Realistically, I'd just question "why that game". The main campaign isn't anything special, with a lot of the levels being repurposed multi-player maps. And if MP is supposed to be the main draw, the enduring part of Assault's legacy? Good luck getting netcode beyond "serviceable" so long as Bamco is in charge.

It's enough that I would honestly rather Nintendo hire Bamco to just make a new StarFox, rather than dress up an old one.
This could be the Mario Kart 8 Booster Course Pass DLC. Namco were involved with both MK8 and MKT, so it would make sense that they’re also involved with these remastered courses…
Could it be Luigi’s Mansion 1 and/or 2? It fits the 3D action game, cartoony art style, and it could be a way to tide fans over while Next Level is busy with Strikers.

It's not Mario Kart, no one calls that an action game, it's always described as a racing game.
We probably shouldn't be ignoring the description of the background art as "deformed" (デフォルメ) in a few of those listings.
  • デフォルメされた世界観の制作が得意な方
  • デフォルメ系3D背景のHDリマスター作業を行っていただきます
  • デフォルメ系背景アセットの作成
In this context the English definition is irrelevant; it'd be referring to a visual style that people here would probably identify as "chibi"; characters shrunken down with the key features emphasised. Probably not Kid Icarus or Metroid in that case; could just be Wind Waker.
Jesus Christ it's gonna be Metroid Prime Federation Force remastered 😭

Wasn’t Bandai-Namco the rumored studio originally working on Metroid Prime 4 before Retro took over? It would be so weird if they were remastering 2 & 3. It’s like they were demoted.
Well in this context they were demoted lol

For real tho im not very excited. While Bamco does help on some great titles, i can only imagine this being something bizarre like "chibi robo sip lash HD or Sportmates The Game" lmfao.

If it was Kid Icarus Uprising or Metroid Prime 2 and 3 i would be amazed tho. Hopefully they can match Retro's quality (if Retro's remaster even exists!)
Back on the Switch Presentation in January 2017 it was mentioned Tales was coming to the console, and it ended up being solely the multiplat remaster of Vesperia.

Now that Arise was multiplat and skipped Switch, I fully expect them to go the Capcom route(MGU HD, no World, then exclusive Rise) and serve an exclusive Tales game for the Switch. Probably with a remaster, but who knows if one of those hirings doesn't turn into a new instalment?
I think Tales is the big enough Bandai Namco IP Ninty would fund a game.

Of course, if we take on Nintendo games made by Bandai Namco that they'd get to remaster, I think Baten Kaitos, Star Fox Assault, and the most obvious to me: Xenosaga. With how successful Xenoblade has turned, I would definitely expect Nintendo to go after BN and ask them to remaster the spiritual predecessor.

The distorted/chibi might mean something older that's low poly or very low res so would require major reworking, so stuff like Eternal Darkness, Sin & Punishment (hopefully), Chibi Robo, hell, maybe the OG Star Fox or Star Fox 64, all come to mind.
There are, of course, even more bold predictions like chibi/clay 1:1 remakes of Mother Trilogy, or maybe they've tasked with doing an action Mario spin off, or a new Zelda spin off, who knows, really.

The most commented possible candidate on this thread is also probably the most exciting outcome, Kid Icarus Uprising remastered. I don't know if they'd do that. Like, Nintendo revive that franchise. But it makes sense if we consider Smash Ultimate development finally ended last year with Sora, so it would be about time Samurai moved to his next work, and I think he'd want to take something "easier" this time, before jumping on whatever he'll have to go with Smash next.

An unexpected IP revival, new spin off or iterative sequel is definitely the most exciting possible outcome of this to me to be honest. Actually... A new IP would be, of course, like Astral Chain was. Ring Fit Adventure will inevitably get a sequel some day, so it's posted the wording about remastering means reworking assets for a new entry, they could help EPD heavier this time maybe. Same could apply to something like an ARMS sequel or spin off, or even an all new thing we just couldn't expect, but they're doing (it happened already with New Pokémon Snap, so who knows!)

Emily talked last year about a game aiming for 2023 or 2024 that she hopes doesn't leak because would be something she'd want to see the reactions. I wonder what that could be too. (And I'm immensely sorry if misremembered exactly what she said and ended up mixing with something else).
Could it be Luigi’s Mansion 1 and/or 2? It fits the 3D action game, cartoony art style, and it could be a way to tide fans over while Next Level is busy with Strikers.

It's not Mario Kart, no one calls that an action game, it's always described as a racing game.
Well, Luigi's Mansion 1 remake did happen exactly one year before 3, so that wouldn't be out of question (even tho it was still 4 years after 2). They hired Grezzo for the task.

While I would find it super weird, it kinda makes sense as 3DS has both 1 and 2 and Switch has neither but has 3. So they'd just remaster 2 3DS games. Good luck with the graphical comparisons with 3 tho lol. But new lighting, high resolution textures and higher poly character models(maybe pull from 3) would do fine. Now, it was something like remaking or remastering 1, then I'd find it strange because they basically 1:1 remade the game for the 3DS. But we're talking about Nintendo and it wouldn't be the first time they did it, as we got Xenoblade Chronicles DE 5 years after XBC 3D. So for all we know they can just remaster/almost remake Luigi's Mansion just for the Switch again lol.
Wind Waker is the easy (and disappointing) potential solution, but I don't actually think it's that. The description would easily fit something like the DS / 3DS Zelda games (Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, A Link Between Worlds or Tri Force Heroes) or any of Skip's games (Chibi-Robo, Giftpia, Captain Rainbow).

Bandai do co-own Chibi-Robo with Nintendo... I wish that were possible.
The DS/3DS Zelda's are some stuff they should be preparing already for the not so distant future, as every single 3D Zelda was already remastered now, and the top down DS/3DS games do feature 3D modeled environments, so they'll look dated, won't be holders by nostalgia/artistic pixel art like the 2D NES/SNES, nor would need/benefit from full remakes like LA got.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were tasked with remastering OoT 3D and MM3D too, while Grezzo works on making new 2D games or remaking the 2D games or on other projects.
one says high-end game assets using PBR,the remake one dont
I'll now go with my prediction:
A brand new IP for Nintendo (ala Astral Chain) or an IP revival as brand new game, and an exclusive Tales of remake game. Okay maybe swap with a brand new Tales of game and a remaster for an unexpected or expected Nintendo or Bamco franchise.
I dont think it has anything to do with Zelda. Tantulus has handle all the 3d zelda ports to consoles, grezzo to handhelds.

Pointing to a specific game is difficult since we dont know the full scale of this remake/remaster but since the positions are temp or short we could see it in a year times.
I think the Grezzo 3D Zelda's for 3DS are mid term between remaster and remake as they heavily replace assets and heavily rework or make new models, whereas Tantalus goes for more "simple/traditional" remasters, mainly increasing resolution and touching up textures. Wind Waker HD was done internally by EPD with help from a studio I don't recall the name tho.
This is 100% Kid Icarus, book it. It's probably the single most requested 3DS game to be ported to Switch outside of Pokemon and maybe Zelda ALBW.
If it was Kid Icarus Uprising or Metroid Prime 2 and 3 i would be amazed tho. Hopefully they can match Retro's quality (if Retro's remaster even exists!)
Sorry to be a downer on that one but Metroid Prime Remaster, the one done by Retro, sounds more like a 1:1 remake, and was a big project that had years of development. If another studio takes the job of remastering 2 and 3, be it Tantalus, or Bamco or whatever, I'd expect a simpler and safer remaster of only bumping resolution and better textures, at best new lighting.

I see it as the same as Wind Waker HD, done internally, is a remaster but really looks like a remake because it's stunning with that lighting and textures rework. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3D also shine as the mid ground between remaster and 1:1 remake, with character models all replaced with new ones, geometry reworked, everything. Twilight Princess HD and Skyward Sword HD tho are not as ambitious nor change that much on the originals.

So I definitely won't expect the same remakester treatment for Prime 2 and 3. I even say they might go for NST for the task, like they handled porting (remastering!) 3D World and Captain Toad.
This is 100% Kid Icarus, book it. It's probably the single most requested 3DS game to be ported to Switch outside of Pokemon and maybe Zelda ALBW.
I think it's probably more requested than ALBW because Zelda will already be covered for sure for the following years with TPHD/WWHD, BotW 2, new 2D, the much requested Oracle games and Zelda 2 remakes... There will be plenty of stuff before it's needed.
And Zelda and Pokémon are both covered every single year anyways, Kid Icarus would definitely be the one that needs it more urgently. Hope it's that one so I get to play it.
Wild to wake up to a 3 page thread where there's lots of hope for a Kid Icarus Uprising remaster.

Am I right in thinking these hiring calls could also point to different projects? A remaster and a new game?
Sorry to be a downer on that one but Metroid Prime Remaster, the one done by Retro, sounds more like a 1:1 remake, and was a big project that had years of development. If another studio takes the job of remastering 2 and 3, be it Tantalus, or Bamco or whatever, I'd expect a simpler and safer remaster of only bumping resolution and better textures, at best new lighting.

I see it as the same as Wind Waker HD, done internally, is a remaster but really looks like a remake because it's stunning with that lighting and textures rework. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3D also shine as the mid ground between remaster and 1:1 remake, with character models all replaced with new ones, geometry reworked, everything. Twilight Princess HD and Skyward Sword HD tho are not as ambitious nor change that much on the originals.

So I definitely won't expect the same remakester treatment for Prime 2 and 3. I even say they might go for NST for the task, like they handled porting (remastering!) 3D World and Captain Toad.
DW you werent a downer that is a reasonable take really. I myself didnt believe In Bamco matching Retro anyway, for a lot of reasons. But hope is the last one that dies amirite? 2 and especially 3 wouldnt suffer a lot from that treatment tho, as they aged really well.

Well, Luigi's Mansion 1 remake did happen exactly one year before 3, so that wouldn't be out of question (even tho it was still 4 years after 2). They hired Grezzo for the task.

While I would find it super weird, it kinda makes sense as 3DS has both 1 and 2 and Switch has neither but has 3. So they'd just remaster 2 3DS games. Good luck with the graphical comparisons with 3 tho lol. But new lighting, high resolution textures and higher poly character models(maybe pull from 3) would do fine. Now, it was something like remaking or remastering 1, then I'd find it strange because they basically 1:1 remade the game for the 3DS. But we're talking about Nintendo and it wouldn't be the first time they did it, as we got Xenoblade Chronicles DE 5 years after XBC 3D. So for all we know they can just remaster/almost remake Luigi's Mansion just for the Switch again lol.
Dark Moon actually holds up super well in HD. Of course not it wouldnt look as good as 3 but if you check the game on higher resolutions it could definitely pass off as an 7th gen game IMO.
3D action game? It's finally back!

If this were ever remade, you can bet they'd bring Dylan Cuthbert/Q-Games onboard.
Star Fox Armada + Assault complete, since Bamco did that one?
Armada was also done by Q-Games.
Assault was actually done by Project Aces if I'm not mistaken.

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