Rumour Bandai Namco Studios is developing a 3D action game for a Nintendo contracted project (probably a remaster/remake?)

It's kind of Bandai-Namco to inadvertently reveal something like this, given Nintendo are absolutely refusing to give us any news.

Yes I know we got a Three Hopes trailer yesterday I'm just mocking myself because like lots of us, I want the news Nintendo give it to me
If this were ever remade, you can bet they'd bring Dylan Cuthbert/Q-Games onboard.

Armada was also done by Q-Games.
Assault was actually done by Project Aces if I'm not mistaken.

Eh? Command was made by Q-Games. Armada was just a working title for Assault.
it's time


I would be so in. I started the game a few days ago and I'm having a great time. Of course, it's not the typical metroid (and metroid is one of my most beloved series, if not the most), but it has great gameplay, and I'm surprised the story is relevant to the pilot after prime 3, so it would be interesting to let people play this before prime 4.

Of course, I doubt the work offers are refering to this. I feel this game would be a great addition to the NSO expansion pass .
Mario Kart isn't a 3D Action game though, it's a racing game.
Japanese developers/publishers tend to play very fast and loose when it comes to genre titles. I wouldn’t read all that much into it either way.

I still think the MK8 DLC is the most sensible answer. BNS were involved in both MK8 and MKT, so they’re almost certainly also involved with the MK8 Booster Course Pass DLC too.
To those of you in this thread predicting that it's a remake/remaster of Starfox Assault...

Federation Force would need a complete reimagination to actually sell decently. That game is so low budget i fear even advance wars would outsell it lol. If said reimagination happened and it actually looked great i could easily imagine it outselling dread, for example
I really hope it's Kid Icarus. Game deserve to be played on a system with dual analogs. 3DS really limited it.
But I wouldn't mind a Star Fox remake. Although one would ask why remake a GC game when there's Star Fox Zero and also the fact Zero was meant to be a reboot of the franchise.
Strongly assume MP2+3 remakes, though not 100% convinced

According to multiple sources, the Metroid Prime plans went like this:
  • Nintendo starts MP4 development as an experiment in "modern" development, with multiple studios handling different tasks. BN is the lead dev
  • Ninty cancels Unannounced Retro Project, hands them MP remakes as a "lets stay staffed up, get back on our feet" project
  • Retro level design staff have nothing to do, are assigned to MP4
  • MP1 remake looks... really good.
  • Retro designed levels are the best parts of MP4.
  • Why is Bandai involved again?
  • New plan, move MP4 entirely to Retro
  • Level design staff are already on MP4, engine has already been brought up to speed
  • Trim MP remakes down to just the first game, so that art staff can move to MP4
  • Contract out Prime 1+2 remakes, using Prime 1 as a template
We can also infer a few things:
  • MP4 wasn't cancelled, so the cancellation clause of the Bandai Namco contract was likely never invoked
  • Nintendo and Bandai Namco would like to maintain a good relationship
  • Contract may have been modified to something like X amount of work over Y number of years
  • The trouble with Bandai Prime 4 was apparently the level design work
  • Which of course isn't a problem when working with remakes
Other things of note:
  • Despite being dropped from the project, Bandai Namco has experience with the franchise
  • Prime 2+3 need some level/enemy redesign to work with dual stick and/or gyro controls according to the original lead designer
So we have games that have an in-house engine, and some existing HD assets (from the complete Prime 1 remake), but need stylized background assets converted to the new engine, along with some level design expertise to retune around a new control scheme. Which pretty much exactly matches these job descriptions.
Yeah, Prime 2 is a possibility. Let's say Nintendo have Prime 1 this year, and Prime 4 next. You likely have Metroid 6 from MercurySteam and EPD 7 planned for 2024 or 2025. Prime 2 remaster gives you another Metroid option for 2024 or 2025, and Nintendo can keep the franchise in the spotlight.

I'd love it to be Kid Icarus, though.
Realistically, I'd just question "why that game". The main campaign isn't anything special, with a lot of the levels being repurposed multi-player maps. And if MP is supposed to be the main draw, the enduring part of Assault's legacy? Good luck getting netcode beyond "serviceable" so long as Bamco is in charge.

It's enough that I would honestly rather Nintendo hire Bamco to just make a new StarFox, rather than dress up an old one.
Keeps the IP around if they're planning to do something more with it, particularly if Assault happens to be the closest thing to whatever may be in the works. The scope of the game being relatively limited is a plus for a remaster on a budget.

Japanese developers/publishers tend to play very fast and loose when it comes to genre titles. I wouldn’t read all that much into it either way.

I still think the MK8 DLC is the most sensible answer. BNS were involved in both MK8 and MKT, so they’re almost certainly also involved with the MK8 Booster Course Pass DLC too.
If Mario Kart is on the table, it could be an arcade game. I could see them looking to bring back tracks from older arcade games or incorporate tracks from Tour.
Strongly assume MP2+3 remakes, though not 100% convinced

According to multiple sources, the Metroid Prime plans went like this:
  • Nintendo starts MP4 development as an experiment in "modern" development, with multiple studios handling different tasks. BN is the lead dev
  • Ninty cancels Unannounced Retro Project, hands them MP remakes as a "lets stay staffed up, get back on our feet" project
  • Retro level design staff have nothing to do, are assigned to MP4
  • MP1 remake looks... really good.
  • Retro designed levels are the best parts of MP4.
  • Why is Bandai involved again?
  • New plan, move MP4 entirely to Retro
  • Level design staff are already on MP4, engine has already been brought up to speed
  • Trim MP remakes down to just the first game, so that art staff can move to MP4
  • Contract out Prime 1+2 remakes, using Prime 1 as a template
We can also infer a few things:
  • MP4 wasn't cancelled, so the cancellation clause of the Bandai Namco contract was likely never invoked
  • Nintendo and Bandai Namco would like to maintain a good relationship
  • Contract may have been modified to something like X amount of work over Y number of years
  • The trouble with Bandai Prime 4 was apparently the level design work
  • Which of course isn't a problem when working with remakes
Other things of note:
  • Despite being dropped from the project, Bandai Namco has experience with the franchise
  • Prime 2+3 need some level/enemy redesign to work with dual stick and/or gyro controls according to the original lead designer
So we have games that have an in-house engine, and some existing HD assets (from the complete Prime 1 remake), but need stylized background assets converted to the new engine, along with some level design expertise to retune around a new control scheme. Which pretty much exactly matches these job descriptions.
if I remember correctly, Retro wasn't on MP4 at the time, but the game at Bamco wasn't coming together. Retro put their own pitch and was accepted to take on MP4 since MP1 was close to done
Strongly assume MP2+3 remakes, though not 100% convinced

According to multiple sources, the Metroid Prime plans went like this:
  • Nintendo starts MP4 development as an experiment in "modern" development, with multiple studios handling different tasks. BN is the lead dev
  • Ninty cancels Unannounced Retro Project, hands them MP remakes as a "lets stay staffed up, get back on our feet" project
  • Retro level design staff have nothing to do, are assigned to MP4
  • MP1 remake looks... really good.
  • Retro designed levels are the best parts of MP4.
  • Why is Bandai involved again?
  • New plan, move MP4 entirely to Retro
  • Level design staff are already on MP4, engine has already been brought up to speed
  • Trim MP remakes down to just the first game, so that art staff can move to MP4
  • Contract out Prime 1+2 remakes, using Prime 1 as a template
We can also infer a few things:
  • MP4 wasn't cancelled, so the cancellation clause of the Bandai Namco contract was likely never invoked
  • Nintendo and Bandai Namco would like to maintain a good relationship
  • Contract may have been modified to something like X amount of work over Y number of years
  • The trouble with Bandai Prime 4 was apparently the level design work
  • Which of course isn't a problem when working with remakes
Other things of note:
  • Despite being dropped from the project, Bandai Namco has experience with the franchise
  • Prime 2+3 need some level/enemy redesign to work with dual stick and/or gyro controls according to the original lead designer
So we have games that have an in-house engine, and some existing HD assets (from the complete Prime 1 remake), but need stylized background assets converted to the new engine, along with some level design expertise to retune around a new control scheme. Which pretty much exactly matches these job descriptions.
Metroid Prime isn't "deformed" though.
1. A Kid Icarus expanded remaster could have some traction with Namco-Bandai/Sakurai/EPD connection.
2. Metroid Prime 2/3 remaster doesn't make sense if it is commissioned outside of an MP1 project by another developer. MP1 retail is enough for now. IMO.
3. There's way too much conjecture and fan fiction attached to "what we think we know" of the original MP4 production
1. A Kid Icarus expanded remaster could have some traction with Namco-Bandai/Sakurai/EPD connection.
2. Metroid Prime 2/3 remaster doesn't make sense if it is commissioned outside of an MP1 project by another developer. MP1 retail is enough for now. IMO.
3. There's way too much conjecture and fan fiction attached to "what we think we know" of the original MP4 production
I want to say i agree so much on the last one. On all aspects. I do agree mp1 can stand by itself, but also if this job listing is 2 and 2 they would most likely be releasing 2 to 3 years after 1
I'm finally re-playing Kid Icarus Uprising and OH MAN if this game gets a Switch remaster and a control scheme that doesn't turn everyone off, it's going to explode. It's incredible.
DW you werent a downer that is a reasonable take really. I myself didnt believe In Bamco matching Retro anyway, for a lot of reasons. But hope is the last one that dies amirite? 2 and especially 3 wouldnt suffer a lot from that treatment tho, as they aged really well.

Dark Moon actually holds up super well in HD. Of course not it wouldnt look as good as 3 but if you check the game on higher resolutions it could definitely pass off as an 7th gen game IMO.
Oh, I would definitely like to get Prime 2 and 3 as simpler remasters so they wouldn't take as much time as 1 did.

Also, I'll check out Dark Moon on high rez to see! I would take it and 1 before we get 4. I still hope 4 happens on Switch tho.
I don't really think it's gonna be MP2+3 tbh. I think they'd give those simpler remasters like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword HD, and I definitely think Tantalus or NST would make the work.

Can we assume it's a game very along in development or something that's just entering production? Because that would add to the speculation a lot tbh. If it's something already in the works, could be MP2+3 after Prime 1 gone gold at Retro and 4 is expected to next year.

If it's something just entering development... I think it can be Kid Icarus. Maybe even a remaster + a new one? Smash WiiU/3DS entered development early 2012 with KIU completed, then Ultimate late 2015/early 2016 with DLC for it completed, so Samurai's next task beginning after DLC development for Ultimate finished late 2021.
I think there's only three games that it realistically could be, if you break it down, considering multiple factors
-The game needs to be important enough for Nintendo to remake not remaster. You don't need a bunch of new HD assets for a remaster, so BamCo would not need to hire a new artist for such a project, this is a remake.
-It needs to be an action game. No they don't lie or misrepresent in their hiring ads to throw people off. This is an action game, so it's not going to be F-Zero or some other non-action game.
-It obviously can not be something that received a recent remake or remaster, so TP, WW and SS are all out.
-It probably isn't going to be a 3DS game because they're not going to go through the hassle of trying to redesign the game around non-touch controls and massively redo the graphics to make them fit for a console vastly stronger.

With that in mind
1.Metroid Prime
Action game, needs a remake (because Prime 4 is coming), we know it's being remade so maybe they're the ones handling it.
2.Occarina of Time
Action game, needs a remake (the 3DS version is not good enough), would sell fantastically. It's also just extremely important to Nintendo in general so I could see them wanting to remake it just for the sake of having a better version of it.
3.Majora's mask
Same reasons as OoT, though I think they would remake OoT first, so I doubt it.

The pessimist in me says it's just Metroid Prime.
Kid Icarus honestly makes the most sense. Who wants to bet it’s Kid Icarus?
I don't think so. It would be like remastering Samus Returns. It would take so much work to make Uprising into a switch game, why not simply make a new game entirely? I don't think there's much demand for it either. Kid Icarus is a small series to begin with, if you then shrink the potential audience more by making it a remaster instead of a new game, I think that game sells like ass and kills the franchise.
Man, I’ve seen some real wild guesses on line for what this could be. I guess it will be fun to speculate on in the coming year…

A little confused about the guesses for Metroid Prime? I thought according to insiders, Metroid Prime 1 was already finished??
Man, I’ve seen some real wild guesses on line for what this could be. I guess it will be fun to speculate on in the coming year…

A little confused about the guesses for Metroid Prime? I thought according to insiders, Metroid Prime 1 was already finished??

Metroid Prime 1 is rumored to be finished, but the rumors were that Retro was working on an entire trilogy remake that got scaled back to Prime 1 alone when they took over Prime 4, and that Nintendo would consider farming out remakes of Prime 2 and 3 to other studios.
I don't think so. It would be like remastering Samus Returns. It would take so much work to make Uprising into a switch game, why not simply make a new game entirely? I don't think there's much demand for it either. Kid Icarus is a small series to begin with, if you then shrink the potential audience more by making it a remaster instead of a new game, I think that game sells like ass and kills the franchise.

This take makes no sense. In this case, why remaster or remake any old game in a small franchise at all? Why remaster Miitopia or Pikmin 3? Why remake Advance Wars and Famicom Detective Club? They're used as proof of commercial viability for more potential games in the series.

Also, I've seen a lot of people talk about a Kid Icarus port. Sakurai himself has addressed it.
I think there's only three games that it realistically could be, if you break it down, considering multiple factors
-The game needs to be important enough for Nintendo to remake not remaster. You don't need a bunch of new HD assets for a remaster, so BamCo would not need to hire a new artist for such a project, this is a remake.
-It needs to be an action game. No they don't lie or misrepresent in their hiring ads to throw people off. This is an action game, so it's not going to be F-Zero or some other non-action game.
-It obviously can not be something that received a recent remake or remaster, so TP, WW and SS are all out.
-It probably isn't going to be a 3DS game because they're not going to go through the hassle of trying to redesign the game around non-touch controls and massively redo the graphics to make them fit for a console vastly stronger.

With that in mind
1.Metroid Prime
Action game, needs a remake (because Prime 4 is coming), we know it's being remade so maybe they're the ones handling it.
2.Occarina of Time
Action game, needs a remake (the 3DS version is not good enough), would sell fantastically. It's also just extremely important to Nintendo in general so I could see them wanting to remake it just for the sake of having a better version of it.
3.Majora's mask
Same reasons as OoT, though I think they would remake OoT first, so I doubt it.

The pessimist in me says it's just Metroid Prime.
There's literally no way it's Metroid Prime. That one was done internally by Retro, and it was completed late last year. It can be Prime 2 or 3, but I highly doubt they'd get the remake treatment like 1, it's most likely they'd be simple remasters.

NOW, Ocarina of Time... That one is gonna get remade some day, yes. It's an emblematic, critically acclaimed and historic title. It was kinda remade for the 3DS almost tho? Models/graphics were redone. I don't think they'd just remaster the 3DS remaster for the Switch, and they won't let traditional 3D Zelda die. So unless they go on and make a new linear 3D Zelda (I would love that actually but I think it's gonna be open world from BotW on), I think the next logical step is to ground up remake the most emblematic title of the franchise before BotW, and that's OoT, now that every 3D Zelda is remastered already.
They gave the remaster/remake treatment for Xenoblade Chronicles and rumored Metroid Prime, so I can't se why they won't give it to Zelda too eventually.

But I still think they're going for something like Kid Icarus Uprising, or any of the DS Zelda games, remastering, remaking some models and all, but not remaking from scratch. Or from an IP that Nintendo just doesn't touch anymore or hasn't for a long time, like Baten Kaitos, Sin & Punishment or Star Fox(Assault).

It can be a non Nintendo IP that Nintendo is paying them to make exclusively for Switch and going to publish, like Bayonetta 3. Or a new IP they're making with BAMCO staff(like Astral Chain with Platinum).

My bets are still on an exclusive Tales of game exclusive for Switch as it didn't get Arise(like MHR coming only for Switch after it missed Worlds) and a remakester of Xenosaga trilogy or Kid Icarus Uprising. Or the other way around, and it's an exclusive Tales of remake and they were hired to make, idk, a new Star Fox? Sin & Punishment? Mario/Zelda/Metroid spin off?
Man, I’ve seen some real wild guesses on line for what this could be. I guess it will be fun to speculate on in the coming year…

A little confused about the guesses for Metroid Prime? I thought according to insiders, Metroid Prime 1 was already finished??
The most credible rumor has it was finished/went testing late last year, aiming for late 2022 release(20th anniversary), with Prime 4 aiming for 2023.
The remake/remaster was handled by Retro Studios from, like 2017/18-21.
Kid Icarus honestly makes the most sense. Who wants to bet it’s Kid Icarus?
I don't know if it is THE most likely game solely on the fact it's not such a big or well known franchise. But looking back on how Sakurai's projects were started finished ever since Uprising, him starting to work on a remaster of Uprising early this year/late last year lines up perfectly, and his team is basically Bamco staff ever since early 2012, so I'm considering it very likely indeed.

Unless he goes wild and makes a new IP or is in charge of reviving another Nintendo IP, I think remastering Uprising in the same vein Monolith Soft did with XBCDE and Grezzo and Ninty did with OOT and MM 3D is a very logical step. Let's face it, Smash won't come for a while lol. I'm whiling to bet we're getting Ultimate updated to support 4K on Drake, maybe they surprise us announcing new waves of DLC like in 2024 like happened with MK8DX, and the next entry on the franchise is just on the full successor/non-switch family/"Switch 3", which will be like 2027. It's not that crazy to imagine actually. We got Mario Kart 8 in 2024, a remaster of it in 2017, new content for the remaster only in 2022/23. Mario Kart X ain't coming until like 2025(11 years without a new console entry) and that's being optimistic as hell. Having a gen without a proper Mario Kart gave us ARMS, probably will give ARMS 2 or another game by MK team, not to mention Tour and a new game worthy of content on the Booster Pass.

We got content for Ultimate for 3 more years after launch. Then we get a remaster of Kid Icarus Uprising 2/3 years after that (2023/2024). Maybe even we get new content for Ultimate later like happened with MK8DX and ACNL on the 3DS(got repacked). Switch Drake will have the best Smash possible with a ton of content impossible to replicate. Then we have, idk, a reboot of the franchise in 2027? I can see it happening, and that's an even more forgiving case than what happened with Mario Kart lol.
I don't think so. It would be like remastering Samus Returns. It would take so much work to make Uprising into a switch game, why not simply make a new game entirely? I don't think there's much demand for it either. Kid Icarus is a small series to begin with, if you then shrink the potential audience more by making it a remaster instead of a new game, I think that game sells like ass and kills the franchise.
Remastering Samus Returns makes a lot of sense actually and I can see Nintendo doing it tbh. The game looks great on Citra at high res already. Would be an easy job, better textures, maybe a new model for Samus and 60FPS. Would be marginally cheaper than Dread was. Would sell great.

I think Uprising still managed to sell 1m? They can remaster/remake some critically acclaimed/fan favorites as testing waters for new games, and they do it all the time actually. If Nintendo would only care for what makes tons of sales, they'd be having all of their staff working only on new content for Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and BotW to this day, or remaking an Animal Crossing game.

We're getting full remakes/reimagined/reboot of Advance Wars of all series, that should tell a lot. We got remakes of Famicom Detective Club.
Miitopia, a 3DS game, that wasn't a sales juggernaut, and the "port" of it was... Actually a remake? Done by Grezzo, that usually remakes Zelda games. If milking sales juggernauts and doing what's safest was the only thing they cared about, they'd just port Tomodachi Life that sold great.

They're always experimenting with C-tier series because you never know which of them can turn into A or even S tier. Awakening was Fire Emblem's swan song, now it's almost an yearly franchise, its mobile game was more lucrative than a full fledged 2D Super Mario game(!!!), every new game sells a lot for its genre, budget and in general actually. Metroid Dread was for sure high budget as hell, and that's for a franchise that never broke 3M, well, Dread probably did now!!

Animal Crossing, which had its first game on GCN/N64(JP only) and that debut game sold less than Metroid Prime on the Game Cube (!!), got 11m on the DS, then the Wii game """"flopped"""" at 5m, 3DS game sold 12m.
Then New Horizons came out... Outsold its franchise combined. Not only that - will outsell every Mario Kart game not named 8 Deluxe, and probably every Super Mario game ever.

Nintendo is reviving Mario Strikers this year, made by the same studio that made the 10m+ seller Luigi's Mansion 3, while they could've just started working on LM4 to get another hit fast.
The most extreme example: ARMS was made by the Mario Kart team. And I hope they're working on a sequel/new direction for that series.

Doing a remaster that has to rework controls but doesn't need to remake to scratch won't take as much effort as making a brand new game for Kid Icarus. Nor will they have the task to possibly mess with perfection of having a project as big as remaking the most critically acclaimed game ever(OoT). And that one selling 1m will be a great result to Nintendo already.

Metroid after Dread can be a constant 3-5m seller, which is about the average of Zelda games from Majora's Mask to Skyward Sword. And a higher result than most handheld Zelda games too. I'm sure they're fine with that, and know they have to get couples of millions with C and B tier series and not only bet on 10m+ series.
I'd rule out NST now that they're working on Mario games with the Tokyo studio
It doesnt mean they will do that forever, hopefully not. Maybe its a way to get them going again? I mean im sure they wont stop helping them but maybe in the future they will return to do their own stuff.
Kid Icarus would be the safest bet in this instance but IIRC Sakurai hinted that development for that game was pretty troubled so he may be reluctant to return to it personally. Would be great if it got a second shot, it's a fantastic game which people sniff at because of the controls/it's on 3DS.

Starfox could be an option as well. It's the biggest Nintendo franchise with no real presence on Switch right now and Bandai-Namco have a history with the series.
I don't think so. It would be like remastering Samus Returns. It would take so much work to make Uprising into a switch game, why not simply make a new game entirely? I don't think there's much demand for it either. Kid Icarus is a small series to begin with, if you then shrink the potential audience more by making it a remaster instead of a new game, I think that game sells like ass and kills the franchise.
True, but at the same time they made a Switch version of Miitopia. They'd for sure put in the work for a 3DS game with some critical acclaim.
True, but at the same time they made a Switch version of Miitopia. They'd for sure put in the work for a 3DS game with some critical acclaim.
I don't know, I have to imagine remastering and marketing Kid Icarus would be leagues more expensive than remastering Miitopia. Also the Mii art style makes lower quality graphics less noticeable.
the marketing for Miitopia was pretty extensive. if anything, Kid Icarus wouldn't get the same level of marketing because it wouldn't hit its numbers
Kid Icarus would be the safest bet in this instance but IIRC Sakurai hinted that development for that game was pretty troubled so he may be reluctant to return to it personally. Would be great if it got a second shot, it's a fantastic game which people sniff at because of the controls/it's on 3DS.

Starfox could be an option as well. It's the biggest Nintendo franchise with no real presence on Switch right now and Bandai-Namco have a history with the series.
I think he meant as a sequel. But if it is just a re-master with some added control options like gyro and dual stick? The game is done. Let someone else just re-master it and have him be a producer.

As for the visuals, a nice remaster would be enough. Game is already gorgeous already with its saturday morning cartoon visuals.
I think he meant as a sequel. But if it is just a re-master with some added control options like gyro and dual stick? The game is done. Let someone else just re-master it and have him be a producer.

As for the visuals, a nice remaster would be enough. Game is already gorgeous already with its saturday morning cartoon visuals.

Even the game up-res'd in Citra looks great. Imagine some redone textures i.e. Starfox 64 3D but in HD? It has the potential to be a real highlight of the Switch's library. The game itself needs no change; it's such a feat that leaving it stranded to the 1.2mil sold on 3DS would be a waste.

Even the game up-res'd in Citra looks great. Imagine some redone textures i.e. Starfox 64 3D but in HD? It has the potential to be a real highlight of the Switch's library. The game itself needs no change; it's such a feat that leaving it stranded to the 1.2mil sold on 3DS would be a waste.

Jesus Christ, only an upres already makes it a gorgeous looking game. It wouldn't need a semi-remake treatment like Xenoblade Chronicles got or Metroid Prime is apparently getting. Skyward Sword or Wind Waker (hopefully) style remaster is the way to go. Would be done so much quicker too.

Maybe they can go for new models for main characters and just revamp textures and lighting. Gyro aiming "pointer" controls would work greatly.

The game probably had quite a budget seeing its quality, it did okay on the 3DS, but remastering it to the Switch will probably be a smart move, that way they can make for what it didn't sell back then, while also testing the waters for a potential new title and also having a nice game to fill the gaps or even highlight as a major release really.
StarFox Assault and/or Star Fox Adventures is my bet. Preferably both
While I'd love for Adventures to be remade, I believe because that was technically Rare Nintendo would probably have to do some license finagling with Microsoft (and more importantly tap Playtonic for a good chunk of the old guard who made the original and know what they'd want to make that final fight with General Scales properly with a budget and enough time)

Assault though...also fun, but like others have mentioned earlier I'm scared for any kind of online multiplayer given Bamco's track record.

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