Rumour Bandai Namco Studios is developing a 3D action game for a Nintendo contracted project (probably a remaster/remake?)

Still feels like it's gonna be Kid Icarus Uprising with Sakurai helming the project, clearly he's been doing wonders with Bandai Namco dev staff so it wouldn't be surprising if at least part of the remaster project was comprised of the same people who worked on the Smash games (especially if they're also bringing back stuff like the online components which would need to be remade from the ground up network wise I imagine).

Tho if I recall correctly it was also stated somewhere that a big part of that dev team had been moved to Tekken 8 but I don't remember the source.
if it is contracted by Nintendo, it's not gonna be a Bandai-Namco IP with multiplatform release, as the Soul calibur remaster would be imho
Gonna be honest: I get kind of frustrated at how people take a quick off-the-cuff joke from Sakurai and make it out to be proof that he’s totally for real working on a Kid Icarus Uprising remaster or remake. As much as I’d like it to be real, it feels like people are hyping themselves up over nothing. In all honestly, it reminds me a little of some of the worst bits of Smash speculation (remember people taking tweets from the Overwatch Twitter account as proof Tracer was gonna be in Smash?) Best of what we can tell, Sakurai’s doing his YouTube channel, and he’s said as much that he’s doing it because he finally has some free time. I doubt he’d be doing YouTube if he had to commit to an Uprising remaster; doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be one, but it makes me think at the very least he won’t be involved in it.
I don’t think Sakurai’s comment in that video is proof that he’s working on Kid Icarus: Uprising for Switch, but it adds fuel to the fire that already seemed to have a lot of smoke pointing towards it before he even said anything. Also, we know that Sakurai is already working on some new project, but despite that he’s had time to make his YouTube videos, so it must be a project that doesn’t demand nearly as much from him as his typical director roles…and overseeing a Switch version of Uprising would be just that. The game is already made, so there would be far less for Sakurai to have to do for a project like that; he’d probably mostly just be in charge of planning the redesign of some things to work on Switch, while leaving pretty much everything else to Bandai Namco, assuming they’re the ones tasked with bringing the game to Switch if that’s really what’s happening. Of course, none of that is guaranteed by any means, but it doesn’t seem very far-fetched either.
I don’t think Sakurai’s comment in that video is proof that he’s working on Kid Icarus: Uprising for Switch, but it adds fuel to the fire that already seemed to have a lot of smoke pointing towards it before he even said anything. Also, we know that Sakurai is already working on some new project, but despite that he’s had time to make his YouTube videos, so it must be a project that doesn’t demand nearly as much from him as his typical director roles…and overseeing a Switch version of Uprising would be just that. The game is already made, so there would be far less for Sakurai to have to do for a project like that; he’d probably mostly just be in charge of planning the redesign of some things to work on Switch, while leaving pretty much everything else to Bandai Namco, assuming they’re the ones tasked with bringing the game to Switch if that’s really what’s happening. Of course, none of that is guaranteed by any means, but it doesn’t seem very far-fetched either.
By the same token, fans tend to run absolutely wild when Sakurai does literally anything on camera. Remember the whole Smash Bros. "Chair theory" that predicted Skull Kid would be the next character unveiled because there were a couple of office chairs behind him in a video that just happened to match Tatl and Tael's colors?
I find it silly how people keep trying to draw a false equivalency between fans obsessing over random background elements in videos or reading hints into unrelated tweets, and Sakurai deliberately recording and including a statement saying that it would sure be great if someone would port Kid Icarus Uprising to a home console.

I think there's a vast gulf between Sakurai not anticipating that people would extract meaning from a couple of chairs that happened to be in the room, and him making a conscious decision to record himself musing about a Kid Icarus port and place it at the end of one of his YouTube videos. Especially considering Sakurai is well aware at this point that there are people who will overanalyze everything he says. At the very least, Sakurai certainly intended to get a discussion going about a Kid Icarus port.
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By the same token, fans tend to run absolutely wild when Sakurai does literally anything on camera. Remember the whole Smash Bros. "Chair theory" that predicted Skull Kid would be the next character unveiled because there were a couple of office chairs behind him in a video that just happened to match Tatl and Tael's colors?
Sure, but I don’t think that’s at all comparable to what I’ve said. All I’m saying is that there was already sufficient reason to believe that this Nintendo 3D action game remake/remaster by Bandai Namco may very possibly be Kid Icarus: Uprising well before Sakurai made any comment about the game being ported, and his comment only adds more fuel to that speculation. Basically, I’m just saying that it sure would make a lot of sense. But I’m not going around saying or believing that it’s 100% confirmed or anything like that, just that it seems like a very likely possibility.
Nintendo (I realize Sakurai is independent) rarely teases projects like this, so I think that a KIU remaster is happening. Why else would Sakurai try to get people's hopes up about it?
I find it silly how people keep trying to draw a false equivalency between fans obsessing over random background elements in videos or reading hints into unrelated tweets, and Sakurai deliberately recording and including a statement saying that it would sure be great if someone would port Kid Icarus Uprising to a home console.

I think there's a vast gulf between Sakurai not anticipating that people would extract meaning from a couple of chairs that happened to be in the room, and him making a conscious decision to record himself musing about a Kid Icarus port and place it at the end of one of his YouTube videos. Especially considering Sakurai is well aware at this point that there are people who will overanalyze everything he says. At the very least, Sakurai certainly intended to get a discussion going about a Kid Icarus port.
I’m not saying he didn’t want to get a discussion going (and get it going he sure has), but that’s not the same as “omg guys he’s working on a kid icarus port/it’s in the works and he knows about it”. I find it very hard to believe that Sakurai would deliberately hint at any future project in the works, his or otherwise. Dude has to know better than anyone how strict NDAs are, and as leaky as the previous two Smash games have been (I think Vergeben leaked pretty much every third party DLC character for Ultimate aside from Kazuya and Joker, and some of those leaks were all the way back in 2018) absolutely none of those leaks ever came from Sakurai’s accidental slips of the tongue. Dude was really steadfast about not giving away anything during Ultimate’s lifetime; same deal with Smash 4, and so on.

Nintendo (I realize Sakurai is independent) rarely teases projects like this, so I think that a KIU remaster is happening. Why else would Sakurai try to get people's hopes up about it?

In a way, you said it yourself: Sakurai is independent. He’s not going to hint at a project he knows is in the works at Nintendo, because doing so risks jeopardizing his relationship with them.

I think people in general kind of tend to both over- and under-estimate how many leaks the industry springs. Leaks are by no means a rare occurrence, but by no means does every project in the works at a given dev or publisher leak. (Otherwise, we would have known what Hi-Fi Rush was long before the Xbox Presents this past January.) Generally, the later in development something is and the more people involved, the more likely it is to leak, and even then a lot of leaks are flat-out wrong. If the industry seems leakier than ever, I’m willing to bet that’s in part because of the tribulations of simultaneous localization. Generally speaking, that means projects that are still early along in development are much more airtight for both the aforementioned reasons, all the more so if they’re from non-Western parts of the industry. Leaks due to people “hinting” at something? Those almost never happen, and someone gets fired when they do. (Don’t believe me? Remember back when Byleth was supposed to be voiced by Chris Niosi?)

NDAs are taken seriously in entertainment, and while breaking one isn’t a death sentence, it’s not something most professionals are willing to risk. If Nintendo or Sakurai “rarely [tease] projects like this”, that’s because no one in the industry does so outside of official channels. Until those say something on the matter, the existence of a KI:U-related project is up in the air.
Nintendo (I realize Sakurai is independent) rarely teases projects like this, so I think that a KIU remaster is happening. Why else would Sakurai try to get people's hopes up about it?
Because it's not happening and wants people to make noise to make it happen. Or rather, he's subtly saying that it's on fans to show that such a game could do well if it's made
The thing is, other then Uprasing i cannot see what it can be?

Is not F-Zero GX, probably done by someone else

Maybe is Star Fox since Namco worked on Assult? Maybe is Chibi Robot?
The thing is, other then Uprasing i cannot see what it can be?

Is not F-Zero GX, probably done by someone else

Maybe is Star Fox since Namco worked on Assult? Maybe is Chibi Robot?
Star Fox Assault was developed by Namco. Sakurai also works very closely with Bandai Namco. So these are the two games that are most relevant to this remaster project that Bandai Namco is in charge of.
I don't know if this F-Zero GX raster rumor is true, I'm really surprised by the sub-rumor associating NLG to this hypothetical project.

In any case, it seems coherent and relevant that Nintendo's next console should draw from previous consoles to flesh out its release schedule, in the same way that the current Switch has drawn from the Wii U library. So I think we'll have both Game Cube remasters, as we've already seen with Metroid Prime, and 3DS remasters as we've already seen with Miitopia.

So I don't know what Bamco is working on, but I want to think that Kid Icarus Uprising HD will come just like a Starfox HD remaster, just like other games (F-Zero, the Game Cube Zelda, but also 3DS games just like Kid Icarus such as Metroid Samus Returns or Luigi's Mansion 2 in a possible collection with the remake of the first opus)
Kid Icarus Uprising makes the most sense with the information we have. Especially with Sakurai himself gearing up the rumours.

But in the end, we don't know for sure.

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