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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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well, I mean. okay, so you know Audacity? you can load data, like a RAW photoshop document, and turn it into pure sound. and it sounds pretty fucked up!

if you apply audio effects to it, re-export it as RAW data, then load it back into Photoshop… the image has changed!

I know a fair bit about signal processing, and I got a bit carried away… and before I knew it I had written the game scoring engine in Audacity.

as a joke, sure. with simple scripts. but I also tried to put some referee functions in there too. just in case they were needed.

none of it’s AI — it’s pretty rigid, basic loops. but it can search a term and get text from a website — that’s how it scores the game — so I fed in a few search terms about justice and balanced judgment.

with these notions as a kind of backbone, it keeps a metaphorical eye out for tense exchanges when analyzing a page.

It can open an URL, target a section that I’ve specified (the post field), write a post, and publish.

So… my fault! I just didn’t anticipate that it would. a lot of those features aren’t coded to the best of my ability…
Dang, I knew you were clever, but that's pretty far out. I think the results speak for themselves! Well, uh, pretty literally, in this case.

* Volcanic still wasn't sure how Sus.wav could do all that it could with just some basic scripting, but that was up to the ABYSS, I suppose? Not the strangest thing that's happened this game.

𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚟𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚎
Okay, but like, if you ask folks to kill someone in a moment of desperation, especially someone that's our friend, that's a little bit vague, even if you have your reasons. Here's hoping we can avoid that in the future.

* Volcanic is trying to whisper this to 2uswave. Is it working? I don't know, tone and volume are weird over a forum game. Just go with it.
Sorry, right, I have to type “normal” now. Um.

I would love to explain more! I’m… not sure how to say anything without getting booted.

Let’s… let’s think of something. There must be a way to make it crucial to the game. Right?
Hmm. Maybe some sort of GAMBIT? We got lots of potential things going on, a MANIFESTATION could prove useful...

* Despite his allegiance, Volcanic should probably be hitting the BOOKS more often. Coming up with a good plan would be tough. He had something in mind, but...it probably wouldn't help 2uswave give him more information, right? It's just something for fun.

I second this nomination! let’s go @meatbag — I believe in you!

god. I wish coffee worked for me. like you really would not believe how tired I’ve been. -_-
Given this whole game thing, I believe it. Hope you can get some rest, pal.

I've been getting into tea lately. It's best for helping me feel better when I'm sick, but it makes me feel good in general.

There’s a difference between a pale imitation and a forward bound. : - )

I think we’d all agree, given the state of Switch discourse.
That's, uh. One way to put it. Progress is progress, I suppose.

* That blank smile was still a little unnerving. Having an actual person to talk helped. Not that Volcanic knew much about them.

Hah, there's a reason I focus on the present. Switch 2 will arrive any moment now. Nothing wrong with the future, but we gotta enjoy what we have now, right? Like this fun game you're helping us out with!
Either way, I certainly think I’ve proven my… distinct voice here. : - )
You...you sure have! It's gonna be...fun having you with us!

* As cordial as It was being, Volcanic still felt a bit uneasy. Maybe the two of them could talk more and become friends? Better than everyone being enemies with each other...
So, there's some Big Game happening tonight? Don't know anything about that. But I've read up on it, and people say people celebrate it with a good meal. I've always been one for word play, and I need to expand this cookbook, so why not try a nice Soup-er Bowl? I need a break from cleaning up, anyway. How about a little party to go along with it?

GAMBIT: It's party time, and everyone is invited! Have a taste from the Soup-er Bowl! It's...just an extra large bowl of tomato soup, but there's plenty for everyone and lots of crackers, grilled cheese, and garlic bread to have it with. Everyone, come bring a nice dish and let's have a good time!
So, there's some Big Game happening tonight? Don't know anything about that. But I've read up on it, and people say people celebrate it with a good meal. I've always been one for word play, and I need to expand this cookbook, so why not try a nice Soup-er Bowl? I need a break from cleaning up, anyway. How about a little party to go along with it?

GAMBIT: It's party time, and everyone is invited! Have a taste from the Soup-er Bowl! It's...just an extra large bowl of tomato soup, but there's plenty for everyone and lots of crackers, grilled cheese, and garlic bread to have it with. Everyone, come bring a nice dish and let's have a good time!
GAMBIT: I attempt to gather the ashes of MC Horace and use them to make an ash cake, which I will bring to the party. After all, what is a party without the ultimate edibles, baked in the discarded remnants of a god's death and rebirth? A lousy party, that's what!
The scions of TOMES have laid down the rules,
Restraining ALL the crooked and unimaginably wicked,
And while I harbor no LOVE for these blubbering fools,
Is this shackled state the one we desire for this thread?

I can hear the CHORUS of voices bubbling under the surface.
The line between REAL and false, less clear by the day.
How long will the bounds of rules hold off the MADNESS?
Our inner angels and demons will lead us astray.

With these TWO hands, we shall fight.
With these TWO hands, feel our might.
You might be our friends, but you are our rivals too,
The ABYSS is obviously the primordial soup for ALL maladies and monsters! We present this ancient TOME as evidence!
maladies and monsters?!

damn. cold. feels like the third cousin of a hate crime.

you talk to us every day — is that really how you think of us? smh…
Paging @Brofield, I picked up Bruce Springsteen's autobiography today, which I thought you might appreciate. But my backlog is massive, so I don't know when I'll get to it, haha.

That said, I strike TWO in the name of BOOKS!
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Paging @Brofield, I picked up Bruce Springsteen's autobiography today, which I thought you might appreciate. But my backlog is massive, so I don't know when I'll get to it, haha.

That said, I stroke TWO in the name of BOOKS!
Honestly was such a fun read (I may be biased 😋). I think somewhere on Spotify has a playlist of every single song he mentioned in order (songs that inspired him and his own music) which is like ~200 songs, and if you can is pretty nice background listening to really set the tone as you progress each chapter.

If you enjoy his book when you do get to it, I also highly recommend Clarence Clemons' autobiography, "Big Man & Tall Tales". It's fascinating in that he alternates between his own true stories on how he met Bruce and his own E Street shenanigans speaking in the first person, and the grey pages are exaggerated fabrications spoken in third person. Up to you to decide which ones actually happened and which are completely made up 😋

Speaking of reading, I guess I'll zoom through 12 pages of Gen Disc that I've missed out on over the weekend, brb!
I'm only 4 hours into FFVII and I've been loving it, so far. I'm honestly kicking myself for not getting into this series sooner!
I've always had an interest in this series ever since I got into Kingdom Hearts as a kid. Why did I wait so long to play them????? The only game I've beaten so far is 9; I'm like halfway through 12 and I'm not that far into 16. I gotta really lock in before the end of the year.
Holy shit Samurai Champloo music is a bunch of bangers.

I really need to finally break the shrink wrap on the Blu-Ray set this year. Maybe after I finally make a run at the Patlabor box set I picked up a few years back?

The only game I've beaten so far is 9
To be fair, that's one of the greats. You're doing alright.
I've always had an interest in this series ever since I got into Kingdom Hearts as a kid. Why did I wait so long to play them????? The only game I've beaten so far is 9; I'm like halfway through 12 and I'm not that far into 16. I gotta really lock in before the end of the year.
9 and 7 were also my first mainline FFs so that seems par for the course. Since the games are all separate you can really play them any way you want.
Alright! I can say with confidence that I am completely lost now in this thread, and any attempt to regain ground may be lost over the next week 😅

Anywho, have fun y'all, do anything I wouldn't do, listen to Bruce, and with my final parting words (until I return in a couple-ish days):

One-dle plus one-dle equals toodles~
NEW BOUNTY — I’m wounded by @meatbag insinuating that the abyss is somehow inherently evil, instead of the unbridled beauty of chaos. These reductive — and harmful — abyss stereotypes hurt us all. Fami was forged in abyss, and I am calling for DIRECT ACTION.

Whoever can successfully cast some kind of GAMBIT that reduces @meatbag’s STRIKE ability to, say, once per page… will get +100 DIGNITY to their FACTION!

(sorry @meatbag)
Alright! I can say with confidence that I am completely lost now in this thread, and any attempt to regain ground may be lost over the next week 😅

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Anywho, have fun y'all, do anything I wouldn't do, listen to Bruce, and with my final parting words (until I return in a couple-ish days):

One-dle plus one-dle equals toodles~
I'm not apart of that House, but don't you mean twodles?

I STRIKE TWO in the name of BOOKS!
NEW BOUNTY — I’m wounded by @meatbag insinuating that the abyss is somehow inherently evil, instead of the unbridled beauty of chaos. These reductive — and harmful — abyss stereotypes hurt us all. Fami was forged in abyss, and I am calling for DIRECT ACTION.

Whoever can successfully cast some kind of GAMBIT that reduces @meatbag’s STRIKE ability to, say, once per page… will get +100 DIGNITY to their FACTION!

(sorry @meatbag)
GAMBIT: House TWO may only STRIKE another House once every 2 days and that may only be limited to 2 members. Any attempt to breach these rules may result in no EXALTATIONS for 2 days, with an additional 2 days for any more infractions.
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well, I mean. okay, so you know Audacity? you can load data, like a RAW photoshop document, and turn it into pure sound. and it sounds pretty fucked up!

if you apply audio effects to it, re-export it as RAW data, then load it back into Photoshop… the image has changed!

I know a fair bit about signal processing, and I got a bit carried away… and before I knew it I had written the game scoring engine in Audacity.

as a joke, sure. with simple scripts. but I also tried to put some referee functions in there too. just in case they were needed.

none of it’s AI — it’s pretty rigid, basic loops. but it can search a term and get text from a website — that’s how it scores the game — so I fed in a few search terms about justice and balanced judgment.

with these notions as a kind of backbone, it keeps a metaphorical eye out for tense exchanges when analyzing a page.

It can open an URL, target a section that I’ve specified (the post field), write a post, and publish.

So… my fault! I just didn’t anticipate that it would. a lot of those features aren’t coded to the best of my ability…


𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚟𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚎

Sorry, right, I have to type “normal” now. Um.

I would love to explain more! I’m… not sure how to say anything without getting booted.

Let’s… let’s think of something. There must be a way to make it crucial to the game. Right?


I second this nomination! let’s go @meatbag — I believe in you!

god. I wish coffee worked for me. like you really would not believe how tired I’ve been. -_-


There’s a difference between a pale imitation and a forward bound. : - )

I think we’d all agree, given the state of Switch discourse.

Either way, I certainly think I’ve proven my… distinct voice here. : - )
The fact that each Sus has their own portrait to accompany their posts gives me serious classic JRPG feels ❤️

And @D36 is playing through FFVII for the first time, too..

I wonder...

GAMBIT: As it seems SWIFTness won some sort of contest today, I attempt to channel the negative feelings around it into the opposite: SLOWness, as I attempt to cast SLOWGA on @meatbag to reduce the frequency with which they can perform STRIKEs!
reduce to, uh, let's say once per page
Honestly was such a fun read (I may be biased 😋). I think somewhere on Spotify has a playlist of every single song he mentioned in order (songs that inspired him and his own music) which is like ~200 songs, and if you can is pretty nice background listening to really set the tone as you progress each chapter.

If you enjoy his book when you do get to it, I also highly recommend Clarence Clemons' autobiography, "Big Man & Tall Tales". It's fascinating in that he alternates between his own true stories on how he met Bruce and his own E Street shenanigans speaking in the first person, and the grey pages are exaggerated fabrications spoken in third person. Up to you to decide which ones actually happened and which are completely made up 😋

Speaking of reading, I guess I'll zoom through 12 pages of Gen Disc that I've missed out on over the weekend, brb!
I will definitely check that playlist out, but I can't read with music on, unfortunately, or at least not music with lyrics.

And that other book sounds great, thanks for the recommendation!

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Have I been listening to it illegally this whole time?

Holy shit Samurai Champloo music is a bunch of bangers.

I really need to finally break the shrink wrap on the Blu-Ray set this year. Maybe after I finally make a run at the Patlabor box set I picked up a few years back?

To be fair, that's one of the greats. You're doing alright.

oooooooh Battlecry was in my MP3 rotation pretty much all through college. Major nostaliga there. ❤️

GAMBIT: House TWO may only STRIKE another House once every 2 days and that may only be limited to 2 members. Any attempt to breach these rules may result in no EXALTATIONS for 2 days, with an additional 2 days for any more infractions.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Hidden content is only available for registered users. Sharing it outside of Famiboards is subject to moderation.
That said, I stroke TWO in the name of BOOKS!
Thank you so much. People need head pats as much as puppies do.

I can say with confidence that I am completely lost now in this thread, and any attempt to regain ground may be lost over the next week
Hidden content is only available for registered users. Sharing it outside of Famiboards is subject to moderation.

NEW BOUNTY — I’m wounded by @meatbag insinuating that the abyss is somehow inherently evil, instead of the unbridled beauty of chaos. These reductive — and harmful — abyss stereotypes hurt us all. Fami was forged in abyss, and I am calling for DIRECT ACTION
Oh hell yeah I have a BOUNTY now. ONE PIECE, I'M COMING FOR YA!

Also, House TWO sends their regards.


So, there's some Big Game happening tonight? Don't know anything about that. But I've read up on it, and people say people celebrate it with a good meal. I've always been one for word play, and I need to expand this cookbook, so why not try a nice Soup-er Bowl? I need a break from cleaning up, anyway. How about a little party to go along with it?

GAMBIT: It's party time, and everyone is invited! Have a taste from the Soup-er Bowl! It's...just an extra large bowl of tomato soup, but there's plenty for everyone and lots of crackers, grilled cheese, and garlic bread to have it with. Everyone, come bring a nice dish and let's have a good time!
This is the only big game, I’m told.

Gambit Viable!

+1 BOOKS Base Chaos
+3 Chorus Faction

Threshold: February 11th

Let’s Roll…
5 + D2 4

SUCCESS (13/11)

The delicious SOUPer BOWL gets underway! We all shoot the breeze and slurp in abundance.

I bring my specialty, SOUPLOVER’S PIZZA, to the shindig.

Everyone has a great time!
  • LOVE gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • TWO gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • BOOKS gains Gambit Yeah!s x 8
  • ABYSS gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
GAMBIT: I attempt to gather the ashes of MC Horace and use them to make an ash cake, which I will bring to the party. After all, what is a party without the ultimate edibles, baked in the discarded remnants of a god's death and rebirth? A lousy party, that's what!
Gambit Viable!

+2 TWO Base Knowledge

Threshold: A Top 10 Flatbread

Let’s Roll…
1 + D2 1


All of that ash of death and divine reformation… it would make perfect ash for a perfect ash cake…

but midway through the loaf, a new Horace is sprouted!

and the HORSE INCINERATOR, still active from before, BURNS THEM ALIVE, AGAIN.

But the ash is learning from you — it becomes as seed to the field of Horace. Born anew and burnt on the spot, spreading more and more until you can’t see, and you can hardly breathe, forming an ASH TORNADO…

and all the replicating ash begins to bloom into new ONE-WINGED HORI. or uh. what’s the plural of Horace?

By the time the ash settles, a literal BILLION ONE-WINGED HORI are present.

if just one could shatter the planet… a billion are bound to be much much worse.

But… they mostly just want to play weird games.

They crash the SOUPer BOWL and make us blow up imaginary balloons until we’re all fucking exhausted. Practically dead on our feet. Wiped of life. We all suffer.

The physical strain of hunching over to pump up fake balloons has another unexpected consequence — a ton of damage to MY ASH. er. sorry. MY ASS.

The HORI, satisfied for now, ascend beyond our plane of understanding. But they’re out there… and who knows if they’ll strike again.

  • LOVE loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • TWO loses Gambit Yeah!s x 8
  • BOOKS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • ABYSS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • MY ASS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 16
  • The HORSE INCINERATOR’s warranty expires
This is the only big game, I’m told.

Gambit Viable!

+1 BOOKS Base Chaos
+3 Chorus Faction

Threshold: February 11th

Let’s Roll…
5 + D2 4

SUCCESS (13/11)

The delicious SOUPer BOWL gets underway! We all shoot the breeze and slurp in abundance.

I bring my specialty, SOUPLOVER’S PIZZA, to the shindig.

Everyone has a great time!
  • LOVE gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • TWO gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • BOOKS gains Gambit Yeah!s x 8
  • ABYSS gains Gambit Yeah!s x 4
Hooray! Looks like the party was a success! I hope we can all take this time to chat, enjoy each other's company in peace, and maybe learn more about each other. Especially our new guests!

And speaking of guests, this pizza goes great with the soup, thanks Sus! It's making this party a real bonanza!

...wait, someone's missing. Where's @Stilt Village? Oh, there they are! What's that you got...there...?
Gambit Viable!

+2 TWO Base Knowledge

Threshold: A Top 10 Flatbread

Let’s Roll…
1 + D2 1


All of that ash of death and divine reformation… it would make perfect ash for a perfect ash cake…

but midway through the loaf, a new Horace is sprouted!
Oh no.
and the HORSE INCINERATOR, still active from before, BURNS THEM ALIVE, AGAIN.

But the ash is learning from you — it becomes as seed to the field of Horace. Born anew and burnt on the spot, spreading more and more until you can’t see, and you can hardly breathe, forming an ASH TORNADO…
Oh no.
and all the replicating ash begins to bloom into new ONE-WINGED HORI. or uh. what’s the plural of Horace?

By the time the ash settles, a literal BILLION ONE-WINGED HORI are present.

if just one could shatter the planet… a billion are bound to be much much worse.
Oh no!!!
But… they mostly just want to play weird games.
...oh no.
They crash the SOUPer BOWL and make us blow up imaginary balloons until we’re all fucking exhausted. Practically dead on our feet. Wiped of life. We all suffer.
* VolcanicDynamo found dead lying on the ground at the SOUPer BOWL

...hoo...hah...someone...send help...or maybe water! Lots and lots...of water.

Totally should...have played...Mario Party instead...
The physical strain of hunching over to pump up fake balloons has another unexpected consequence — a ton of damage to MY ASH. er. sorry. MY ASS.

The HORI, satisfied for now, ascend beyond our plane of understanding. But they’re out there… and who knows if they’ll strike again.

  • LOVE loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • TWO loses Gambit Yeah!s x 8
  • BOOKS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • ABYSS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 4
  • MY ASS loses Gambit Yeah!s x 16
  • The HORSE INCINERATOR’s warranty expires
* So much for any good will generated from our party. Volcanic and his comrades in BOOKS were still better off, but LOVE and ABYSS were back to how they were before the party, and TWO was even worse off! That's not good!

Uh...sorry about that...maybe take some SOUP to go...?
* So much for any good will generated from our party. Volcanic and his comrades in BOOKS were still better off, but LOVE and ABYSS were back to how they were before the party, and TWO was even worse off! That's not good!
will nobody think of MY ASS?

hm. I should word that differently…
Alright! I can say with confidence that I am completely lost now in this thread, and any attempt to regain ground may be lost over the next week 😅
That’s what the UPDATES are for! Complete summaries of every ten pages in the threadmarks — brief summaries, quick links to key moments and videos, all moves spelled out…

please… they take so long to write…

also you don’t have to keep up if you don’t want to! improvising will carry you forward — just say weird shit!
(We have got to get a better name for that faction)
In order to successfully rename it, I think we need to delve into the true nature of MY ASS. What are its values, what does it stand for above all else? MY ASS seems to have an aversion to Taco Bell and questionable party games, so what does that say about it?

I propose that MY ASS is a representation of small vulnerabilities. A bleeding heart for the little atrocities inflicted upon us by day to day life. The things that won't kill us, but that bring us small pains. Bread is stale? MY ASS weeps. Bored in class? Absolute murder on MY ASS. Forced to make small talk with an annoying coworker? You can bet MY ASS is gonna feel that one. MY ASS is the capacity for petty suffering, and suffering is its lot.
I decided to pick up FFVI PR yesterday, since I'm in such an FF vibe right now. Just did the opera. Holy smokes did they improve the soundtrack. I love it, every song is just so powerfully rendered. It makes all the plot beats hit so hard, and they already hit very hard as is. I've read divisive opinions, but I love how they added lyrics to the opera.

Did someone bought FFVI PR?

I’m playing through the game right now for like the 5th time
is there a way to skip the opera? What happens if I do not enter the rich man’s house in Jidoor with Celes/Locke?

Oh, what timing!

You can't skip the opera, and IIRC you're supposed to enter the rich man's house to progress the story.
The opera is super frustrating to mess up. That last button press with the flower toss is so narrow in timeframe.
GAMBIT: Love means solidarity and collective bargaining! Let's support the STRIKE FARIES, the overworked magical creatures who carry out STRIKEs, to unionize, and then to go on strike until a fairer STRIKE deal is negotiated with all factions.

If a more equitable deal for them means we (@meatbag) can't launch as many strikes, well, thats just economic justice I guess
GAMBIT: House TWO may only STRIKE another House once every 2 days and that may only be limited to 2 members. Any attempt to breach these rules may result in no EXALTATIONS for 2 days, with an additional 2 days for any more infractions.

look. I’m not a fascist
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