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I want a new 2D Zelda too, but I don't know who would make it. The only option I can think of is Grezzo, but I don't know if Nintendo would trust them to do it.
I'd love them to follow Wonder's path and build up a young in-house team by drawing on EPD's talent pool, mentored by a few people who are used to Zelda.
At this point I am kind if wondering if Nintendo will still release Switch games for the next 3-5 years. There are many franchises that don't really need the fancy new hardware and it would be a good way to keep development costs down, keep the release schedule stocked, and take advantage of the large install base. Boutique titles would still be next gen exclusives, but the rest could be released on Switch and playable on the new hardware through backwards compatibility.

Examples of franchises that don't really need more powerful hardware: Yoshi, Wario Land, Rhythm Heaven, 2D Kirby, any visual novels, Mario Party and various other spin-offs, any hagi versions of GC/Wii games.

It does cut against Nintendo's "don't release more than one iteration of a franchise on the same hardware" guideline, but at the end of the day a Yoshi game is going to sell better on an install base of 140 million than an install base of 20 million.
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I disagree. For example TF was 20$ on Wii U and they released the enhanced port on Switch full price.
I think the pricing is related to the trilogy but in a different way, they just knew what kind of demand and sales to expect.
Imo if Nintendo decided to release the remaster for 40$ instead of 60$, they probably did some internal estimations and concluded that for this game the budget price would actually bring more sales and bigger profit.
But the situation isn’t much different. In the case of both Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Nintendo had already devalued the games last generation, yet they charged more for the Switch versions than they last sold the games for on Wii U. And remember, DKC:TF was a single game, not a compilation of three games like Metroid Prime Trilogy. So the effective price increase for Metroid Prime was actually greater than that for Tropical Freeze—about $7 to $40 (not factoring in the 50% off launch price), which is about a 570% increase, compared to DK:TF going from $20 to $60, which is only a 300% increase.

The point is, yes, Nintendo is willing to price games higher than they valued them at in previous generations, especially when the audience that could have purchased the games at those lower prices was as small as it was for the Wii U. But at the same time, they very likely don’t want to push the price too much further, like charging $60 for a previously ~$7 game.
But the situation isn’t much different. In the case of both Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Nintendo had already devalued the games last generation, yet they charged more for the Switch versions than they last sold the games for on Wii U. And remember, DKC:TF was a single game, not a compilation of three games like Metroid Prime Trilogy. So the effective price increase for Metroid Prime was actually greater than that for Tropical Freeze—about $7 to $40 (not factoring in the 50% off launch price), which is about a 570% increase, compared to DK:TF going from $20 to $60, which is only a 300% increase.

The point is, yes, Nintendo is willing to price games higher than they valued them at in previous generations, especially when the audience that could have purchased the games at those lower prices was as small as it was for the Wii U. But at the same time, they very likely don’t want to push the price too much further, like charging $60 for a previously ~$7 game.

Tropical Freeze is a very minor resources port, Prime Remastered was an extremely resource intensive remake.

RE4 has been available on and off for $5 for a decade and RE4 Remake still sold great at $60.

The whole situation with Prime Remastered is a little weird.
Tropical Freeze is a very minor resources port, Prime Remastered was an extremely resource intensive remake.

The whole situation with Prime Remastered is a little weird.
It’s still the same game regardless of the shiny new coat of paint, though. But yes, that’s probably why they were okay with an effective ~570% price increase for Prime Remastered instead of just a 300% increase as was the case with Tropical Freeze.
Yeah the entire idea of the project is then just pretty weird if they always wanted to do a really expensive remake, but then only sell it at $40, lol.

Guessing Prime 1 remastered was just something to do for artists and programmers who were underutilized during Prime 4 pre production as I’m struggling to think of why else the project would be done.
It does cut against Nintendo's "don't release more than one iteration of a franchise on the same hardware" guideline, but at the end of the day a Yoshi game is going to sell better on an install base of 140 million than an install base of 20 million.
There's still a reason you would keep a game like Yoshi exclusive, and that's because it helps establish a library for the Switch 2.

Even if it would sell better with a larger install base, the sooner they start making every game exclusive to Switch 2, the more people will upgrade to a new system. It's not that they would necessarily buy a new system for Yoshi, or even buy Yoshi at all when they upgrade, but the more games they see exclusive to the new system, the more likely they are to want it.
ooooh man, the day the DVD logo actually bounced perfectly in the corner. I remember, wow
Prediction time from your local sherif banana:

January- Anther code remake collection drops
February- Direct time baby, Twilight princess and windwaker remasters shadow drop as a double pack for 60 bucks, 40 dollars individually. We also get Mario Vs DK and a Pokémon presents this month
March- Peach showtime releases to mid 70 reviews and disappoints everyone (please don’t let this happen). Some time in March before or after showtime, a switch 2 reveal trailer is shown with a presentation slated for June
April- Rhythm Heaven Melody Mayhem drops to 90’s and 100’s across the board, sells 8 million copies, and turns rhythm heaven into a flagship Nintendo series (PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN)
May- Fire emblem, genealogy of the holy whatever drops to whatever reviews and whatever sales, whatever. We also get the physical launch for the Zelda remasters, but that is a mere foot note on peoples mind. At this point hype for the Switch Advance presentation is atmospheric, and things get even crazier when Pyoro drops a single message, 4
June- The presentation begins with the big one, Metroid Prime 4. Full meaty trailer with tons of mechanics, beautiful graphics, haunting music, and an early 2025 release window. The game has a duel release on switch and switch advance, with the switch version looking surprisingly passable. After that bomb shell comes even more. Third party’s storm to release games on switch 2, with SF6, Final fantasy 7 remake, Devil may cry 5, Call of Booty, and Elden ring announced to be on Switch Advance day 1. Now for some more exclusives, a new Mario Kart! A new extensive single player mode is announced, alongside 48 entirely new and gorgeous tracks. More of the tracks in this game are based on places from the games, with tracks based on Delfino island, the wonder isles, Sarassa land, and other famous locations being shown. The game isn’t a full crossover kart, but it definitely ups the crossover element with Kirby, Captain Falcon, and Olimar being included alongside a surprise appearance by the blue blur himself, Sonic T. Motherfucking Hedgehog. Game launches exclusively on switch 2 for 70 dollars (yep that’s a thing now). Heres a little look at the console itself, which is decked out with some sweet specs. This thing is at the level of a PS4 Pro, being able to decently run most modern games, though most people could surmise that from the third party support. Nintendo also took notes from the PS5 controller and has interactive controllers, bumping the price of the Joycons up to 100 bucks. Then we get an insane bombshell, Nintendo Vs Sega, battle for the universe, a marvel Vs Capcom style game featuring an all start line up of Nintendo and Sega characters, developed by ArcSys and launching sometime in 2025. The game looks beautiful and has a starting roster of 30 characters, with DLC being teased. The game supposedly started as a Mario and sonic crossover before turning into something bigger. Kirby is up next, with a sequel to forgotten land being slated for Spring 2025. People will be surprised this is coming out so soon after forgotten land, but then they will realize by the time the game comes out forgotten land will be three years old and they will feel ancient. The big focus with this game is improving upon forgotten land, with more copy abilities, worlds, and playable characters. Finally, the new 3D Mario is announced to immense excitement. The game combines many aspects of Odyssey and Bowsers fury, having five massive levels that change themes as they go along. For instance, you may start out a level in the sea, then go to a pirate filled archipelago, before finally reaching an undersea metropolis. Each of the 5 levels is the size of 3-4 levels in odyssey, with the devs really making use of the what the switch advance can do. The game is set for September alongside the launch of the new console as an exclusive.
July- Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door + Paper Dk’s royal rumble launches to critical acclaim and moderate sales success. It ends up underperforming compared to origami king however, causing great anxiety among Paper Mario fans
August- Nothing but crushing anticipation and a direct for the new 3D Mario
September- Switch advance finally launches alongside the next 3D mario, with both receive universal acclaim and decent sales. It doesn’t get to the height of the switch 1, but definitely comes close, which I have a feeling will be a theme this generation. Mario Kart 9 or 10 or whatever also gets itself a direct, with DLC announced for 2025
October- The next Mario kart comes out to immense praise. The sales for this thing are off the charts, with it selling better then the actual console it’s exclusive to. There is some debate on if it should have just been Nintendo kart, but most people agree Nintendo made the correct choice
November- Black and White remakes come out to horrible reviews and sell like hot cakes anyway. Pokémon Company says that they are “closely looking into player issues” while rushing game freak to make gen 10 by November 2025.
December- A much needed breather after the chaos of the last few months. The switch 2 launch is considered a massive success, and Nintendo is only just getting started with its newest console

Then I wake up
Why would Nintendo shadow drop Twilight Princess HD? They could easily give it a release date for later
I hope they continue shadowdropping games to hype up upcoming ones.

Luigi's Mansion would be the perfect one. Drop that in Febuary, and then Dark Moon in Summer.
A Prime 2/3 collection before 4 should probably happen
And if a 3D Mario is coming in the fall (not really an "if" at this point), it might be a great time to fill that Galaxy 2 hole
Because after 7 year in the market it’s good for them having a couple of months of marketing hype for a “new” Zelda game coming to Switch.
They didn't think the same for Metroid though. Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD will be re-releases of re-releases. They're not that important unless there's new content added to them, which won't happen.
I don't think Switch 2 will be in the next direct, they may however announce a direct to reveal it there.
The Switch 2 announcement/reveal will most likely be its own thing.

It also better suits their timing, so they can have one last Switch centric direct in February, and reveal Switch 2 in late March/early April after their fiscal year has ended.
Just sort of thinking out loud, but I seem to remember Skyward Sword HD getting a fairly big marketing push all for it to "only" sell about as well as the Wii original (~3 million). And that was a "new" remaster, versus WW/TP being ports of decade-old remasters

I could kinda see Nintendo figuring "why bother with an extended marketing cycle for WW/TP? How much is that really gonna move the needle". Like, a couple months of marketing probably won't be the difference between WW/TP selling 3-5 million and 8-10 million, so why not just put them out during a direct and pocket the money they would have spent advertising them elsewhere
Just sort of thinking out loud, but I seem to remember Skyward Sword HD getting a fairly big marketing push all for it to "only" sell about as well as the Wii original (~3 million). And that was a "new" remaster, versus WW/TP being ports of decade-old remasters

I could kinda see Nintendo figuring "why bother with an extended marketing cycle for WW/TP? How much is that really gonna move the needle". Like, a couple months of marketing probably won't be the difference between WW/TP selling 3-5 million and 8-10 million, so why not just put them out during a direct and pocket the money they would have spent advertising them elsewhere
But Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD also only launched on Wii U, so the audience for them was very limited. Like every other Wii U port, they could be repositioned as 'new' releases for the majority of the Switch audience. Despite how conclusive people are being in this thread, I don't think there's any substantive evidence either way for how Nintendo will treat these games. They may well hold onto them for future use (c'mon, 60fps and orchestrated/instrumental music).

Skyward Sword HD outsold the original release. It did fine by the standards of the older titles, breaking the 4 million barrier, but Link's Awakening performed better (and is the fifth best-selling Zelda release of all).
I think they will drop Luigi's Mansion hagi port on June direct as LM2 HD was announced for summer, so it would be a similar situation as with Pikmin on 2023. The first LM is a very short game, so I don't see them launching it with so many months in advance from 2 HD.

The potential February shadowdrop could be Prime 2 or 2+3. One can dream.
I hope Luigi's Mansion 1 isn't a Hagi port, I'd much rather they do the 3DS version with local multiplayer. Speaking of which, hopefully they add multiplayer to Luigi's Mansion 2 HD as well. I played the entirety of 3 with my brother which was a blast, so I'd definitely buy the others if they came with multiplayer as well. But Nintendo hasn't been very kind to local multiplayer enjoyers lately...
Quoted by: Tye
What other IP revival remakes like Another Code would you like to see and why? Can be first or third party.
Custom Robo 100%, maybe with Demikids (Atlus' Devil Children franchise) on the side. I LOVED Demikids as a kid, and so seeing Atlus bring that back would be dope. Custom Robo however was one of my favorite games as a kid, and one I loved to play with my friends. Seeing that come back would probably have me shed a tear of joy.
But Nintendo hasn't been very kind to local multiplayer enjoyers lately...
Huh?? Nintendo’s been pretty great in that regard within the past year. We got Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (EDIT: I forgot that this one technically isn’t “officially” multiplayer but it works perfectly fine regardless by having each player hold one Joy-Con, which is how I played it with my partner), Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and WarioWare: Move It!, all of which feature local multiplayer throughout the entire game, plus Everybody 1-2-Switch!, which is basically their biggest local multiplayer game ever. And if you include local wireless, the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC is fantastic with its BBQs! There’s also Pikmin 4’s local co-op, of course, but that’s the only one that really feels a bit disappointing to me, but it’s likely due to technical limitations so I understand. The local multiplayer in Dandori Battle mode is still excellent, though (even if it’s a downgrade from Pikmin 3’s Bingo Battle).
They didn't think the same for Metroid though. Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD will be re-releases of re-releases. They're not that important unless there's new content added to them, which won't happen.
It’s Zelda, it’s always important. Sadly in real world nobody cares about Metroid while Zelda after BOTW has become stronger than Pokèmon.

PS: about new content… what if in the WW re-release they add Tetra’s trackers? :0

Probably brought up here already and could potentially be third party or even nothing, but the notable series/titles that don't have amiibo line IDs:

Donkey Kong
Yoshi? (The current one seems to be for Woolly World specifically)
Star Fox
Peach? (maybe she'll get her own with Showtime?)
Rhythm Heaven

Another Code did pop up in my head, but I feel like they would have announced the amiibo already if it was going to happen.

Probably brought up here already and could potentially be third party or even nothing, but the notable series/titles that don't have amiibo line IDs:

Donkey Kong
Yoshi? (The current one seems to be for Woolly World specifically)
Star Fox
Peach? (maybe she'll get her own with Showtime?)
Rhythm Heaven

Another Code did pop up in my head, but I feel like they would have announced the amiibo already if it was going to happen.
Maybe Mother 3 gets localized finally, and to celebrate it we get Earthbound amiibos.
It never will happen… will it?
Huh?? Nintendo’s been pretty great in that regard within the past year. We got Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (EDIT: I forgot that this one technically isn’t “officially” multiplayer but it works perfectly fine regardless by having each player hold one Joy-Con, which is how I played it with my partner), Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and WarioWare: Move It!, all of which feature local multiplayer throughout the entire game, plus Everybody 1-2-Switch!, which is basically their biggest local multiplayer game ever. And if you include local wireless, the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC is fantastic with its BBQs! There’s also Pikmin 4’s local co-op, of course, but that’s the only one that really feels a bit disappointing to me, but it’s likely due to technical limitations so I understand. The local multiplayer in Dandori Battle mode is still excellent, though (even if it’s a downgrade from Pikmin 3’s Bingo Battle).
I was mostly alluding to Pikmin 4, which was a huge step down coming from 3 DX. Mario Wonder was also a letdown for me. The multiplayer feels so 'solo-ey', because the lack of collision with other players. Haven't played the other games, but Bayonetta Origins 'multiplayer' sounds really cool.
Quoted by: Tye
I was mostly alluding to Pikmin 4, which was a huge step down coming from 3 DX. Mario Wonder was also a letdown for me. The multiplayer feels so 'solo-ey', because the lack of collision with other players. Haven't played the other games, but Bayonetta Origins 'multiplayer' sounds really cool.
I feel you on Pikmin 4 (but I don’t think it’s quite fair to compare it to Pikmin 3 Deluxe, because the original Pikmin 3 didn’t have that co-op mode, and it likely only exists in Deluxe because they chose to add that to the Switch port over bumping the resolution or other technical improvements, and Pikmin 4 wouldn’t have had that extra headroom to add something like that without other compromises), but to say it has no good local multiplayer at all ignores Dandori Battle, which is great. Unless you’re just specifically talking about local co-op rather than local multiplayer in general, but that wasn’t specified. Can’t say I agree in regards to Super Mario Bros. Wonder, but regardless, there are a good amount of other games released in the past year that also feature great local multiplayer, so I don’t believe it would be true at all to say Nintendo hasn’t been very kind to local multiplayer enjoyers lately. In fact it’s been one of their better years when it comes to that, I feel. Especially with Everybody 1-2-Switch!, which is pretty much the ultimate form of local multiplayer, lol.
I feel you on Pikmin 4 (but I don’t think it’s quite fair to compare it to Pikmin 3 Deluxe, because the original Pikmin 3 didn’t have that co-op mode, and it likely only exists in Deluxe because they chose to add that to the Switch port over bumping the resolution or other technical improvements, and Pikmin 4 wouldn’t have had that extra headroom to add something like that without other compromises), but to say it has no good local multiplayer at all ignores Dandori Battle, which is great. Unless you’re just specifically talking about local co-op rather than local multiplayer in general, but that wasn’t specified. Can’t say I agree in regards to Super Mario Bros. Wonder, but regardless, there are a good amount of other games released in the past year that also feature great local multiplayer, so I don’t believe it would be true at all to say Nintendo hasn’t been very kind to local multiplayer enjoyers lately. In fact it’s been one of their better years when it comes to that, I feel. Especially with Everybody 1-2-Switch!, which is pretty much the ultimate form of local multiplayer, lol.
My bad, I personally prefer coop multiplayer, so that's what I was mostly thinking about.

Btw do we know if Pikmin 4 really used up so many resources that Pikmin 3-like multiplayer was not possible?
Quoted by: Tye
i;m at the point where i honestly care about TPHD or WWHD on switch unless there 60FPS now like with SSHD
My bad, I personally prefer coop multiplayer, so that's what I was mostly thinking about.

Btw do we know if Pikmin 4 really used up so many resources that Pikmin 3-like multiplayer was not possible?
I couldn’t say for certain, but I imagine that’s the case considering that Pikmin 4 is clearly a more demanding game technically, even just going by the visuals alone. If they kept it on the same level as Pikmin 3, then sure, they could have likely easily added a split screen co-op mode like they did for Pikmin 3 Deluxe, but split screen requires rendering two separate viewpoints, which is a lot more technically demanding than the single screen co-op that they opted for instead in Pikmin 4.
Speaking of Peach, I think a trailer next week is likely unless the Direct is very early in February. Another Code is out and it makes sense to show something a bit before Mario vs DK gets the spotlight. The game was also meant to have a playable demo this week before Nintendo Live Japan was cancelled.
It would be hilarious if Nintendo finally showed Metroid Prime 4 at the Direct and it had like insane visuals and just said summer 2024 with no platform listed and everything else was just regular Switch releases. Basically a tease to show off the graphics capabilities of Switch 2 before the system even gets unveiled (don't expect this to actually happen).
It would be hilarious if Nintendo finally showed Metroid Prime 4 at the Direct and it had like insane visuals and just said summer 2024 with no platform listed and everything else was just regular Switch releases. Basically a tease to show off the graphics capabilities of Switch 2 before the system even gets unveiled (don't expect this to actually happen).
The first time we will see Prime 4 will be the NG reveal calling it.

I also expect the Switch 1 version to be fantastic.
It would be hilarious if Nintendo finally showed Metroid Prime 4 at the Direct and it had like insane visuals and just said summer 2024 with no platform listed and everything else was just regular Switch releases. Basically a tease to show off the graphics capabilities of Switch 2 before the system even gets unveiled (don't expect this to actually happen).
be even funnier if all that happens and it's still a Switch 1-only game and it turns out Retro really is just that good
It would be hilarious if Nintendo finally showed Metroid Prime 4 at the Direct and it had like insane visuals and just said summer 2024 with no platform listed and everything else was just regular Switch releases. Basically a tease to show off the graphics capabilities of Switch 2 before the system even gets unveiled (don't expect this to actually happen).
What I do expect to happen is for them to show off the Switch 1 version and then people say "looks too good to be Switch, must be new hardware" anyway. 😅
be even funnier if all that happens and it's still a Switch 1-only game and it turns out Retro really is just that good

Metroid Prime looks great on Switch for sure but there is definitely more that could be done with even better hardware. I'm torn on whether this will indeed be crossgen like everyone thinks (since it was announced for Switch) or if Nintendo might want to take the opportunity to use this title as a showcase piece for Switch 2. The reason I would personally think is that because unfortunately Metroid isn't a huge selling franchise but if they push this as a graphical showpiece title for Switch 2 and maybe even a re-invention of the franchise to a degree, it may actually sell well as a launch title for Switch 2. Just my personal opinion here though.
What I do expect to happen is for them to show off the Switch 1 version and then people say "looks too good to be Switch, must be new hardware" anyway. 😅

Every freakin time lol. People will comb over it with every forensic toolkit out there looking for evidence of Switch 2 behavior lol. Just like with Pikmin 4 and other trailers that were "too big for Switch". :p
Speaking of Peach, I think a trailer next week is likely unless the Direct is very early in February. Another Code is out and it makes sense to show something a bit before Mario vs DK gets the spotlight. The game was also meant to have a playable demo this week before Nintendo Live Japan was cancelled.
I’m pretty torn on Peach getting a trailer next week despite the reasons you laid out and it certainly being due for one as the big upcoming March game because the week ahead is just so packed with games. Maybe on Tuesday before everything drops?
Every freakin time lol. People will comb over it with every forensic toolkit out there looking for evidence of Switch 2 behavior lol. Just like with Pikmin 4 and other trailers that were "too big for Switch". :p
Don't forget TotK's volumetric clouds 😎
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