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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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Is it just me who's happy we didn't get many big games in the direct?
Kinda. I'm already drowning in so much backlog I'll never get through it, and this Direct had several games I'm wanting to get as it is. If it had been wall-to-wall bangers I'd be thoroughly overwhelmed right now. 😅
There's always more stupid shit for us to buy and get hyped about. Throwing a temper tantrum today. Shitting your pants in excitement tomorrow. That's the Nintendo fan life.
If this isn’t signature worthy, I don’t know what is.

Ganondorf Amiibo is more expensive than the Zelda one. Didn't know that Nintendo was charging based on size. In that case, the Link Amiibo should have only cost around $5.
IIRC the BotW Guardian Amiibo was definitely the most expensive of the lot back in the day

Everyone needs to remember that TGS is very much an extension of a Nintendo direct. Lots of games to get info on still.
This! I know SaGa is getting two presentations so there’s still a chance for a surprise remake reveal.

If anyone is sad that F-Zero GX isn't coming to Switch, take a look at the F-Zero AX Arcade Locator on Google Maps to see if there's a machine near you:

F-Zero AX Locations (Note: This link will open Google Maps!)
@Magic-Man Can you verify if there’s still one in the Contemporary Hotel arcade at WDW?
If this isn’t signature worthy, I don’t know what is.

IIRC the BotW Guardian Amiibo was definitely the most expensive of the lot back in the day

This! I know SaGa is getting two presentations so there’s still a chance for a surprise remake reveal.

@Magic-Man Can you verify if there’s still one in the Contemporary Hotel arcade at WDW?
Unfortunately I can't! Never been inside the hotel!
Do I smell a road trip in your future??
If I had a car that I knew would make it 😅

What kills me is I know I played it at one point, I just can't remember where. It was at least ten years ago. Maybe there were more machines back then?
AHHHH they're multiplying!

My main gripe was no new NSO road map or big NSO game dropped. Like we have two N64 games (1080 abd Mario party 3) and 3 GBA games left (Golden Sun, F Zero, and Kirby's Amazing Mirror) Like are just going to go in blind from now on?
My main gripe was no new NSO road map or big NSO game dropped. Like we have two N64 games (1080 abd Mario party 3) and 3 GBA games left (Golden Sun, F Zero, and Kirby's Amazing Mirror) Like are just going to go in blind from now on?
I can still see an announcement in October. They need to give people a reason to stay subbed to the XP tier, and those are going to start lapsing next month.
If anyone is sad that F-Zero GX isn't coming to Switch, take a look at the F-Zero AX Arcade Locator on Google Maps to see if there's a machine near you:

F-Zero AX Locations (Note: This link will open Google Maps!)

This is bizarre, the only currently known public cab in California is in some backwater very north city, sorta near Mount Shasta. The whole region has a reputation of having a lot of hippies and poverty and is quite conservative compared to the rest of California. I remember there were a few known cabs in SoCal back in the day, but I'm guessing those are either trashed after becoming nonfunctional or ended up in the hands of private collectors.

Other interesting notes: There are two in Madison, Wisconsin for some reason. This is notable given how few there are throughout the US. There's also a lot more throughout Russia than I'd typically expect, especially as someone who's looked at other arcade cab locators. Honestly some of them seem to be in some pretty remote parts of Russia. I wonder if they're used Japanese cabs that ended up getting transported west somehow.
Week 3 Pop Quiz
Now that the direct is over it’s time for the new weeks round of pop quiz:

Communications 301: What is the best (or worst) “voice acted” scene in a video game? I put this in quotes because it really could be some other communication sequence to advance the story but might be before games were capable of advanced audio. It could even be cut scenes with captions. Whatever you feel communicates the scene the best. Explain your reasoning.

Art History 312: What video game has the best use of art in the game? I’m not talking art style but pieces of art in the game. It could be simply for design or integral to the game’s story or mechanics. It doesn’t need to be old and could even be in the future. Let us see it if you can and explain why.
My main gripe was no new NSO road map or big NSO game dropped. Like we have two N64 games (1080 abd Mario party 3) and 3 GBA games left (Golden Sun, F Zero, and Kirby's Amazing Mirror) Like are just going to go in blind from now on?
They tend to do it close to the renewal(which reminds me, time to reach out to my family group)
Now that the direct is over it’s time for the new weeks round of pop quiz:

Communications 301: What is the best (or worst) “voice acted” scene in a video game? I put this in quotes because it really could be some other communication sequence to advance the story but might be before games were capable of advanced audio. It could even be cut scenes with captions. Whatever you feel communicates the scene the best. Explain your reasoning.
Best voice acted scene in a game... wow that's difficult. I can think of several off the top of my head, so I will do three, BUT I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton and I'd have a different answer for you if I really dug in and thought about it.

Honorable Mention: Nearly every single scene in Final Fantasy 12. Seriously. It still has IMO some of the best voice acting in a videogame of all time. I would probably have one of them on my list but I can't think of which one specifically to pick.

Not in order:

1) The Prison Island scene in Xenoblade 1. This might be partially down to how much this scene hit me originally, but I love it - and Shulk, Dunban, etc. are all great here. The way it communicates several massive plot developments (some you don't even realize at the time), on top of the voice acting and the MUSIC, is wonderful:

2) There's a scene late in Tales of Berseria that utterly broke me:
It's been a while so this is summarized from memory, but it's the scene where Velvet is giving in to despair, and Laphicet grabs her and refuses to let go. She tries to do the 'arghhhh but I'm scary' thing yet again, but this time, at last, she finally breaks down and cries, telling the truth: She loves everyone. She had everything taken from her, and basically wishes it were her and not them, and... hoo boy. Part of it is how long we've built up to this moment, when Velvet's armor finally cracks and she actually breaks down, but it's delivered SO well and the scene hit me like a truck.
Basically, the buildup to this moment and catharsis of finally having this release and emotion is what makes this scene. Velvet's voice actor is amazing, and one of the best parts about the entire game.

3) This is probably recency bias since it's fresh in my head, but for a change I'll talk up Final Fantasy 16! I know I've been mostly down on the game overall, but something that I can't criticize is the voice acting and voice direction, which is overall excellent. This scene in particular is just one of the most incredible voice performances I think I've ever encountered in a video game: Dion's delivery, the conflicting loyalties, the way you see the Emperor wincing and knowing that Dion is right - and how he just keeps going and twisting the knife with his speech - just fantastic stuff:

Hey guys, when do we start seeing TGS announcements?
Show starts the 21st, so probably then. There is an Xbox showcase that day too. Maybe there will be things that get announced that week to generate some interest prior to the show floor being open to the public.
I'd just like everyone to be aware, simply for the laugh of it, that anytime anyone mentions TGS my brain seriously reads it as:


and I have to do a quick mental translation in order to understand what I'm reading.

Every. Time.
They tend to do it close to the renewal(which reminds me, time to reach out to my family group)
Ah hell, I gotta do that too lol

I hate shaking down friends once a year for money, but it usually goes down smoothly
Now that the direct is over it’s time for the new weeks round of pop quiz:

Communications 301: What is the best (or worst) “voice acted” scene in a video game? I put this in quotes because it really could be some other communication sequence to advance the story but might be before games were capable of advanced audio. It could even be cut scenes with captions. Whatever you feel communicates the scene the best. Explain your reasoning.

Art History 312: What video game has the best use of art in the game? I’m not talking art style but pieces of art in the game. It could be simply for design or integral to the game’s story or mechanics. It doesn’t need to be old and could even be in the future. Let us see it if you can and explain why.

The best voice acted scene I’ve ever seen is

Kyle McCarley just delivers on all cylinders here, really conveying 9S’s devastation and sorrow that he is experiencing after the latest revelations the game throws at you.

“Isn’t that hilarious? Doesn’t it make you laugh?” always tears my soul in two.

Major spoilers of course.
Last edited:
I hereby propose that the users of Famiboards will be prohibited to make profile pic bets.

The magical girls are at least cute.

But those purple monstrosities ... nah.
Part of my brain has decided that Metroid, Fire Emblem and F ZERO GX HD are missing right now because Nintendo have settled on them as cross-gen launch period titles to keep the Super Nerds happy when they buy their expensive new toy (I include myself in that group).

Also I'm in another spell of self employment and am yet to check my emails, but I'm waiting on other people to get back to me before I can complete my current commission. If they haven't emailed me, I guess it's Future Redeemed and F ZERO 99 Friday?
Finally got to watch both the Direct and SoP, and now I’m kinda glad I didn’t watch live because I could easily fast forward the videos haha

SoP had the best single announcement (Separate Ways) but otherwise I thought Direct was more solid. Eyeing Unicorn Overlord and Dave the Diver.
I'm contemplating buying a Switch again. Had to sell the last one because money.
I let you imagine how cool it feels to buy a console when everyone knows it's in its golden years. But Mario Wonder. And Super Mario RPG. Difficult to argue with that.

That being said, do I go Oled or Vanilla ? Vanilla is obviously cheaper and I don't care that much for 'those blacks'. But hey, if the IQ is better I'm not against it either. I just worry about burn in.
Like, I was looking at the nice NSO game selection, imagined playing through some series with scanlines, and.. oh, scanlines...

So yeah, tired question, to Oled or not to Oled ?
I don't understand Bamco's plan with that Tales of Arise DLC ... YEARS after the game released.

On one hand, it makes me think that this might've been a new mainline game, sequel to Arise, like Berseria was a sequel/prequel for Zestiria.
But then why not release it as a new game entry?

And what has the Tales team done in all this time? Just the DLC? Not even started / progressed much with a new mainline game?

Did the game end up missing expecations and they had to cut short dev for this which resulted in this super late DLC release?

So many questions.

I'm contemplating buying a Switch again. Had to sell the last one because money.
I let you imagine how cool it feels to buy a console when everyone knows it's in its golden years. But Mario Wonder. And Super Mario RPG. Difficult to argue with that.

That being said, do I go Oled or Vanilla ? Vanilla is obviously cheaper and I don't care that much for 'those blacks'. But hey, if the IQ is better I'm not against it either. I just worry about burn in.
Like, I was looking at the nice NSO game selection, imagined playing through some series with scanlines, and.. oh, scanlines...

So yeah, tired question, to Oled or not to Oled ?

Honestly, at this point, i would say money-wise it might be better to wait until March 2024. The successor will either be announced/unveiled then, or is launching around that timeframe.

And it's pretty certain that it's one of those two things.

But if you wanna play some games right now ... why not go for the Lite? Or do you wanna use the docked mode of the base/OLED models?
In case you're more of a portable player, i would opt for the cheapest option.
Art History 312: What video game has the best use of art in the game? I’m not talking art style but pieces of art in the game. It could be simply for design or integral to the game’s story or mechanics. It doesn’t need to be old and could even be in the future. Let us see it if you can and explain why.
I wanna say "A Link Between Worlds"? Link literally turns into a painting/graffity to solve puzzles and travel between Hy- and Lorule. The big bad is basically an evil painter. I think it's just a very clever (and artsy) mechanic.
I just got my Pikmin vases order in the mail and one of them died on it way home :cry:

Sometimes i wonder if Kamiya negotiated a new contract with P* games that requires the company to hype and constantly talk about W101.
yeah they've been tweeting about W101 non stop for a while now. i guess they don't have much else they can talk about now until their next game(s) get announced.
Baten Kaitos arrived in the mail.

When am I supposed to be able to play it.. still playing Sea of Stars, Ghost Trick, Death's Door, Trinity Trigger...
I think I want to beat all of those before I start a new game this time around.

Sometimes i wonder if Kamiya negotiated a new contract with P* games that requires the company to hype and constantly talk about W101.

Since they dont own that many IP.. I guess they need to talk about the ones they do own? :>
I just saw a TTYD comparison, the Switch version obviously looks much better, but I noticed some reflections on the ground in Mario’s house when Mario and Luigi were walking and in the water scenes. RT reflections? Basically, I’m clutching at straws to try and glean anything.

Idk if this was brought up, but aside of March of the minis and minis on the move, most Mario vs DK games were released on a console's cycle end. The fact that Switch has now an entry of the series on the console in 2024, might suggest the Switch 2 is indeed coming.

Idk if this was brought up, but aside of March of the minis and minis on the move, most Mario vs DK games were released on a console's cycle end. The fact that Switch has now an entry of the series on the console in 2024, might suggest the Switch 2 is indeed coming.

It's been some time now that discussions in the Future Nintendo Hardware thread have moved from "2024 vs 2025" to "H1 2024 vs. H2 2024". ;D
I’ve only played a few songs, but Trombone Champ is excellent silly fun and a good rhythm game too! I’ll have an opportunity to play with friends soon and I imagine that’s going to be a hilarious and fun mess in practice.
It's been some time now that discussions in the Future Nintendo Hardware thread have moved from "2024 vs 2025" to "H1 2024 vs. H2 2024". ;D
I felt like that thread was about the technical aspects of future Nintendo hardware, so I posted this here. Sorry ^^'
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