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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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That's ok, I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years and there are plenty of franchises I don't like by them. And especially in the Switch era, a lot of them are franchises that Nintendo has put a HUGE focus on, such as Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Mario Sports/Party, and Xenoblade.
I understand, I've been a Nintendo fan for like 20 years now and all the franchises that I don't like have been sidelined by Nintendo like F-zero, Star fox, Golden sun, Wave race, Pilotwings, custom robo, startropics, 1080°
So yeah thank you Nintendo pls give me more fire emblem
So we’re getting three Fire Emblems in the span of a year or so? A spinoff, a new title and a remake? Did somebody at Nintendo just throw bags of money at KT and IS and were like “you’re FE factories now”?
So we’re getting three Fire Emblems in the span of a year or so? A spinoff, a new title and a remake? Did somebody at Nintendo just throw bags of money at KT and IS and were like “you’re FE factories now”?

Did you forget 2017 when a mobile game, a remake, and a Warriors game was released? Plus Fire Emblem Switch was officially announced with a scheduled release date for 2018.
So we’re getting three Fire Emblems in the span of a year or so? A spinoff, a new title and a remake? Did somebody at Nintendo just throw bags of money at KT and IS and were like “you’re FE factories now”?
That IS job. Outside of warioware and papermario (recent entries) FE is their baby
No matter what NLG's next project is, we know it's going to look godlike on that new hardware. LM3 already looked near pixar-level. That was back in 2019
I understand, I've been a Nintendo fan for like 20 years now and all the franchises that I don't like have been sidelined by Nintendo like F-zero, Star fox, Golden sun, Wave race, Pilotwings, custom robo, startropics, 1080°
So yeah thank you Nintendo pls give me more fire emblem
you don't like wave race?
Fire Emblem Heroes is really in need of some new mainline characters. Its OCs are fairly popular but they're running out of fan-favourites to add to the game, and recently added Ascended Heroes to basically have an excuse to add alts of old faves to sell banners. I would not be surprised if new FE has been prioritized because of it.

I just hope Pepsi-Chan was real :)
Have to wonder if a FE 2022 release is still possible....

Although December seems to be a valid candidate since there doesn't seem to be anything major set for release during that month, which would be quite perfect since the Autumn/Fall Season will be stacked especially in October and November.
Reviving series like 1080 and Wave Race is an interesting challenges because they are products of their time. By that I mean those type of sports popular at the time so it was natural to have games based on those. There were more water based racing games back then and popularity of snowboarding speaks for itself. But xtreme sports are definitely not as popular as they used to be and so the amount of games we get have dwindled.

I think new a new Wave Race and a new 1080 could be relatively successful but there's definite risk, risk that could potentially hold back the amount of investment Nintendo would be willing to put in, even if those projects are approved.
Have to wonder if a FE 2022 release is still possible....

Although December seems to be a valid candidate since there doesn't seem to be anything major set for release during that month, which would be quite perfect since the Autumn/Fall Season will be stacked especially in October and November.
I’d be floored if we get anything more than Metroid Prime HD and Stinky Horse.
Doubt so at this point.

Mostly because the last few months are pretty damn packed from the Nintendo front and that's without talking about the extra stuff that Third Parties bring.

(And seriously, they need to release frikking Advance Wars before).
Well I mean, December still seems to be open since there doesn't seem to be anything major announced. At least not yet.
I saw that a Doom-like game Prodeus was rated for Switch by one of the ratings boards a couple months ago. Hopefully we'll see that in a Direct or Indie Showcase soon.
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You know what's funny?

I actually want Pokemon Scarlet&Violet to be good games.


Same. My sister and I have wanted a mainline Pokemon game with full co-op like Dragon Quest IX ever since we played together in Sinnoh's underground... fifteen years ago, wow. I'm too young to feel this old!
Well I mean, December still seems to be open since there doesn't seem to be anything major announced. At least not yet.

There's a reason why publishers don't often release games in December. You miss the Black Friday shopping week. People have grown accustomed to December releases because of some high profile Nintendo releases but it's not the norm. The beginning of the December is the cutoff date. If a game isn't ready by then, then it gets delayed into the following year. Smash Ultimate was probably originally scheduled to release in November. Same with Xenoblade 2. But they needed some extra time and got pushed to December. The new Fire Emblem is allegedly done so they don't need the extra time. Since Nintendo has previously made no prior commitments to releasing a Fire Emblem game this year, they will probably just release the game sometime next year.
There's a reason why publishers don't often release games in December. You miss the Black Friday shopping week. People have grown accustomed to December releases because of some high profile Nintendo releases but it's not the norm. The beginning of the December is the cutoff date. If a game isn't ready by then, then it gets delayed into the following year. Smash Ultimate was probably originally scheduled to release in November. Same with Xenoblade 2. But they needed some extra time and got pushed to December. The new Fire Emblem is allegedly done so they don't need the extra time. Since Nintendo has previously made no prior commitments to releasing a Fire Emblem game this year, they will probably just release the game sometime next year.
ye I guess. I forgot about Black Friday. I put December as a potential due to me taking the Christmas period into consideration.
Well I mean, December still seems to be open since there doesn't seem to be anything major announced. At least not yet.

I expect the Metroid Prime Remakester to be dropped there (and frikking Advance Wars already, that was supposed to be released December last year).

Tbh.....I lowkey want every game that gets crapped on to be good just see the salty reactions online......and that's why I felt a bit sad about Saint Row apparently being mediocre.

This is mostly talking because of my own experience with the series and Game Freak.

I mean, Sword&Shield looked like crap from the get go and once that they were released, the "GF DF" constantly said to everyone "The games are actually great!" and once you played them (surprise, surprise), it turned out that they were just as bad as you expected. No, scratch that, they turned out to be worse since they were not only blatantly ugly games but they also had terrible performance and were clearly unfinished with the last few Gyms almost being nothing and the story simply stopping.

However, while Scarlet&Violet are not impressive looking (Because hey, GF), at least they don't hurt your eyes like Sword&Shield and I would even say that they look better than Arceus because they go for more consistent artstyle instead of the kinda Monster Hunter look of the world that Arceus was going for (Which of course GF was not going to nail). Mind you, there are quite a few things that they should have taken from Arceus and I'm pretty sure that the whole "3 story routes" is going to be half-assed but at least the school setting is interesting and there seems to be more appealing locations in the open world than whatever the hell Sword&Shield was trying to do.

(Seriously, if anything both Arceus and Scarlet&Violet might end-up making Sword&Shield even more of a failure than they already were).
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There are still groups and games I’m waiting to see announced and/or shown. Just knowing the next direct will still not fill in so much that has to be seen.

2D Mario
3D Mario
Pikmin 4
New DK game
BotW 2
Metroid Prime 4
New Fire Emblem

I’ve been waiting for the same group of games direct after direct too lol. And I know majority I’ll still be waiting for after this next direct.
If by any miracle chance that we get another FE announcement for late 2022, and I mean IF, I actually hope the reports and rumors are sort of a last minute bait and the late 2022 release is a remake of an older game instead of being rumored/expected for 2023 and being a new original installment.

Yes I'm obsessed with and addicted to FE lmao.
What always made the Retro DK vs Metroid discussion funnier is that Nintendo were the ones that wanted more Metroid from Retro while Retro wanted to move on from the series after Prime 2 and then 3. If it was up to Nintendo only we would have got Prime 4 on the Wii already Lol
Dont say that, it ruins the "nintendo hates metroid" narrative.
not a lot of people know this, but the only good Nintendo series is Metroid
Everyday raccoon changes his opinion on what the best nintendo thing is.
Smh what a crowdpleaser, only saying what people want to hear to recruit them for his evil plans.
Personally I hope NLG is doing LM4 now. It feels like the series finally has a home with them. And it's nice they they seem to alternate projects, so it still gives them a chance to work on other stuff in between LM games. LM3 is my second favorite Switch game after Dread, and I'm a huge fan of Dark Moon (and the first game too of course). My idea would be for LM4 to be a haunted town of some sort, with various haunted locations to explore. Maybe Luigi could even somehow ride Polterpup to get around town quickly. And it would be more a bit open ended like the first game. Not full on open world, but more sandboxy.
I dont think for most people the problem is disliking LM. Problem is Strikers lol. I will be really sad if in the entire switch gen they released one great game and a mediocre sequel of a party game.

People want NLG to work on other stuff because they are so good in things Nintendo usually doesnt gives a lot of attention: dem production values. Imagine a Star Fox game with LM3's animation quality and visuals, or a Ice Climbers reboot, or a Pikmin game, or that Star Tropics reboot that people insisted that it was being done by Retro in 2018.

Playing Bowser's Fury (and odyssey) after LM3 was certainly painful (due to the massive decrease of the animation quality)
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Smh what a crowdpleaser, only saying what people want to hear to recruit them for your evil plans.
if I had a nickel for every time someone on this forum alluded to me having some malevolent plot, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
I dont think for most people the problem is disliking LM. Problem is Strikers lol. I will be really sad if in the entire switch gen they released one great game and a mediocre sequel of a party game.

People want NLG to work on other stuff because they are so good in things Nintendo usually doesnt gives a lot of attention: dem production values. Imagine a Star Fox game with LM3's animation quality and visuals, or a Ice Climbers reboot, or a Pikmin game, or that Star Tropics reboot that people insisted that it was being done by Retro in 2018.

Playing Bowser's Fury (and odyssey) after LM3 was certainly painful (due to the massive decrease of the animation quality)

Yeah, I totally get that. I'm just saying it sure would be nice to get an LM game once per console generation, and without NLG it would probably just disappear for another decade plus. It sucks that their last two non LM games were subpar, I wonder what the issue was with them. I know Tanabe was in charge of FF, but NLG still developed it and it was as bland as bland can be. And then it's bizarre how they made two great Strikers games in the past and dropped the ball with the new one, after having released arguably their best game to date in LM3.

Not sure about having them on Pikmin, as we know that's always being worked on (very...... very slowly) by EPD, but I agree that it would be nice to have them work on other abandoned franchises that don't have homes. I just really hope they can get their stuff together because historically they have had a mixture of great games and some stinkers in between, whether working with Nintendo or not.
Dont say that, it ruins the "nintendo hates metroid" narrative.

Everyday raccoon changes his opinion on what the best nintendo thing is.
Smh what a crowdpleaser, only saying what people want to hear to recruit them for his evil plans.

I dont think for most people the problem is disliking LM. Problem is Strikers lol. I will be really sad if in the entire switch gen they released one great game and a mediocre sequel of a party game.

People want NLG to work on other stuff because they are so good in things Nintendo usually doesnt gives a lot of attention: dem production values. Imagine a Star Fox game with LM3's animation quality and visuals, or a Ice Climbers reboot, or a Pikmin game, or that Star Tropics reboot that people insisted that it was being done by Retro in 2018.

Playing Bowser's Fury (and odyssey) after LM3 was certainly painful (due to the massive decrease of the animation quality)
This, absolutely. Seeing NLG do their thing with Star Fox would be like Nintendo getting their own Insomniac doing a Ratchet & Clank quality level of animation and characterization. It’d be great to see.

Strikers seems like a smaller title made quickly in-between bigger projects. I don’t think we need a LM4 yet, though I would like to see one before the 2030s. It’s okay to take a break and do something new, and there’s only so many variations they can do with the locations before “Mansion” has no use as a theme anymore.
If by any miracle chance that we get another FE announcement for late 2022, and I mean IF, I actually hope the reports and rumors are sort of a last minute bait and the late 2022 release is a remake of an older game instead of being rumored/expected for 2023 and being a new original installment.

Yes I'm obsessed with and addicted to FE lmao.
Which game would you want remade the most? I'm not a Jugdral fan so if it is FE4 I'd rather the new game first
Which game would you want remade the most? I'm not a Jugdral fan so if it is FE4 I'd rather the new game first
Unlike most people in the FE fandom which the popular assumption and hope is for FE4 aka Genealogy, I'm more into a Binding Blade remake instead. Out of mainly personal preference due to high potential but the original unfortunately doesn't exactly show it and could use a revamp as it's actually quite dated compared to its later GBA installments. And me taking potential marketing into consideration as Roy is one of FE's most iconic characters, Despite the fact that his game was never released internationally and solely relied on Smash for recognition. Taking that into account is why I often think it would be logical to remake Binding Blade first rather than Jugdral (despite Jugdral needing the remakes the most due to being even more dated than Binding Blade), at least marketing wise.
throwing hat out there for team 2d Mario or new DK in the next direct

My reasoning? Is will release around the Mario movie for that sweet synergy marketing
Unlike most people in the FE fandom which the popular assumption and hope is for FE4 aka Genealogy, I'm more into a Binding Blade remake instead. Out of mainly personal preference due to high potential but the original unfortunately doesn't exactly show it and could use a revamp as it's actually quite dated compared to its later GBA installments. And me taking potential marketing into consideration as Roy is one of FE's most iconic characters, Despite the fact that his game was never released internationally and solely relied on Smash for recognition. Taking that into account is why I often think it would be logical to remake Binding Blade first rather than Jugdral (despite Jugdral needing the remakes the most due to being even more dated than Binding Blade), at least marketing wise.
Based and Roypilled 🤝

Luckily for you the Shadows of Valentia agrees and also wants to remake FE6 the most (though I'm sure it'll be up to IS and Nintendo to decide)
Tbh I just want all of Mystery of the Emblem/Genealogy/Thracia 776/Binding Blade to be officially playable in English at some point and in some form, be it a remake or a port

I ain't a pirate so it's either that, me playing through them in Japanese, or buying a cart dumper and a flashcart (and while I have that for GBA, for SNES cartridge dumpers have been out of stock for a while). And in order to do that I have to source official copies of the original Japanese versions as well. Though I did play New Mystery in Japanese already.
Star Fox would be kinda wasted on NGL unless they bring back Andross. You usually don't see that many characters in rail shooters 😏
KT is making two of the three apparently.
Yeah. FE 18 and the recent warriors were KT.

Its very interesting cause IS is one of the larger teams/partners for Nintendo, at 190 people, monolith being the biggest. So if they are using KT to work on FE 18 and the remake is internal (which I don't think will require their entire team), they might have another project in the works, maybe the next paper mario (since we got warioware last year)
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