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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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I know a lot of people weren't hot on it but I do think LA Remake's plasticky toy look is quite lovely
It might actually be the only remake I think looks better than the original with zero reservations, though admittedly that's not hard to do with a Game Boy game. I'd give the nod to Pokemon too for the same reasons, but it really bothers me that they threw out Kanto being a grassland to make it forested like every other region, and whenever they did a graphical update I feel like Game Freak managed to lose a lot of the sense of scale and a greater world outside the boundaries of the game. Look at Route 1 in Gen 1 vs Gen 3 to see what I mean.
Two weeks ago, I had committed a horrible atrocity within this esteemed thread. I dared to STRIKE our beloved mascot Bingle. I had selfishly labeled him a monster for merely being different from other dogs, for his beetle like features and constantly shedding skin. I let myself become power hungry and as a result, have disgraced House BOOKS and my fellows in arms. To atone for this grievous sin: I STRIKE MYSELF IN THE NAME OF BOOKS!!!!! My fellow BOOK lovers, Bingle, everyone..... forgive me........

It's gone, what I miss???
Keighley had a tweet about some ridiculous AI smell device that would shoot out smells to correspond to the game. I shit you not, things like gunpowder and vomit were on the list. Anyhow. Someone quoted it and blasted Geoff for being a shill to the game corporations and never saying two shits about the layoffs and recognizing the actual dev teams.
Keighley had a tweet about some ridiculous AI smell device that would shoot out smells to correspond to the game. I shit you not, things like gunpowder and vomit were on the list. Anyhow. Someone quoted it and blasted Geoff for being a shill to the game corporations and never saying two shits about the layoffs and recognizing the actual dev teams.

I used to take the position that Geoff seems to genuinely mean well but probably just leans hard into his own tastes (and/or what's popular with a particular demographic) and has to kinda tow a line in regards to the big corps that are paying his shows' bills, but if he's on the fuckin AI bandwagon now I'm gonna give him less and less benefit of doubt.
@Suswave though I wasn't able to participate much in the latter half of the game, I just want to share my appreciation and thanks for your dedication of crafting this in-game world that kept everyone engaged for four consecutive weeks. Not once did I ever see participation lull with enthusiam from everyone, but also I want to point out you have the distinction of having the most active GenDisc thread in the last twelve months on this board. It makes sense as Famiboards grew that more threads would crop up and take away from the number of pages GenDisc would accomplish, but by gum this brings a tear to my eye how you so effortlessly brought a community together, let them self divide among factions for the sake of this game, and brought glory and a sense of camaraderie that I love in this community when it acts its best 🥲

Thank you for being chaotically you 💜
Keighley had a tweet about some ridiculous AI smell device that would shoot out smells to correspond to the game. I shit you not, things like gunpowder and vomit were on the list. Anyhow. Someone quoted it and blasted Geoff for being a shill to the game corporations and never saying two shits about the layoffs and recognizing the actual dev teams.

What kind of sick fuck would wanna use this feature? Imagine having this hooked up while playing NBA 2K or something. Not surprised by Keighley's shilling, the TGAs don't pay themselves, but still.
It's gone, what I miss???
The user went private because apparently they started catching heat from capital-G Gamers™, but I can still see it on my end in my Liked tweets (which was my first in over a year apparently lol):

"You are spineless and create spaces to lift yourself up as a figurehead in games without ever praising the devs that make the medium you say you love. You don't defend them, call no attention to astounding layoffs amidst astounding profits. You are a hollow vessel."

Which was scathing on it's own, but was followed up by the same user with:

"I hope the respect you crave never comes. Lauded only by fickle fanboys and true creators until you can speak out about a single fucking thing that matters. It certainly isn't GameScentAI you deeply unserious and untalented nepo baby."
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I used to take the position that Geoff seems to genuinely mean well but probably just leans hard into his own tastes (and/or what's popular with a particular demographic) and has to kinda tow a line in regards to the big corps that are paying his shows' bills, but if he's on the fuckin AI bandwagon now I'm gonna give him less and less benefit of doubt.

Yeah, I’ve been pretty disenchanted with him for a while, and it just gets more and more apparent it’s all about keeping the corporate overlords happy with not much care for the industry at large.
There once was a time when Geoff Keighley was a respected games journalist. His Final Hours articles were some of the best insights into game development for their time. Shows like G4TV.com were ahead of their time and he had a very candid and laid back personality that worked well for hosting duties for shows like these. But I think once we got a taste at hosting the Spike Game Awards, he probably realized that he could be the event and it was probably more lucrative doing that his old games journalism job. It pays more to be an advertiser to benefit the game makers than it is to be an outside party getting news and information on behalf of the gaming audience.
All done! Really satisfying, nothing too tricky or wild on this guy buts it's a solid and well implemented build with no major details spared. Kamen Rider Agito looks great and only needed a slight bit of touch up


Doing some minor touch ups on Fourze so no double rider pic till tomorrow. I need to bite on KR Black. Would love a Stronger kit.

Time to game!
okay so telling y’all to spam was actually a horrible idea

I underestimated those numbers badly

like in the 100,000s

so instead the most furious GRACE spammers will get a small — SMALL — bonus instead

I’m so sorry

Sorry you have to see all of that spam and those shitposts. I take pride in my posts here.
I know a lot of people weren't hot on it but I do think LA Remake's plasticky toy look is quite lovely
I think it fits great with a game that mostly takes place within a dream 😅
Link's Awakening has always been a weird little game after all, so it having a weird artstyle fits.
I've been playing through some demos, and pointedly putting off the Unicorn Overlord demo for as long as possible because I knew I was gonna get addicted, then I stumbled into Crystal Project and welp I got addicted

But don't send help, I'm having a blast
I've been playing through some demos, and pointedly putting off the Unicorn Overlord demo for as long as possible because I knew I was gonna get addicted, then I stumbled into Crystal Project and welp I got addicted

But don't send help, I'm having a blast

This post just made me remember the ending of "The Tale of Sir Galahad" part from Monty Python and the Holy Grail for some reason.


My feed keeps being meh today 😔

Hope all people being laid off find something better soon!
they recently patched the game and aerith’s last line used to be “i miss it, the steel sky” now she says “this sky, i don’t like it” they changed it after 4 years. why?! such a weird thing to do.
Yeah sort of. Judgment is kind of its own thing, with little crossover in characters and stories (virtually just cameos), but the gameplay and worlds you explore are the same and are kind of taking over for the action games now that mainline Like A Dragon has become an RPG.

The best starting points today are either Yakuza 0 (which I’d recommend most) since the most easily available version of Yakuza 1 (Yakuza Kiwami) includes scenes that make it more of a sequel, Yakuza: Like A Dragon which is the first RPG one, and Judgment.

The order:

Kiwami 2
Like a Dragon
Infinite Wealth

Kiwami (which means Extreme) means it’s a remake.

Like @xghost777 said above: Judgment and its sequel, Lost Judgment, are their own thing. You can play those whenever you’d like, irrespective of the Yakuza franchise.

Also like xghost said above: the best place to start is the very beginning, Yakuza 0, or if you’d rather just play newer games, or if you just like turn based games, Yakuza Like a Dragon.

Also, you don’t necessarily need to play them all. Every Yakuza fan has differing opinions on which games are ultimately necessary so other fans might disagree with me. I’ll just say: maybe skip 3. The PS3 release of Yakuza 4 contains a 25-ish minute “here’s what happened” recap video that you can find on YouTube and will save you from the oldest un-remade and least good entry in the franchise.
thanks both! i’m really curious about the series, and when i searched yakuza all of these games came up, so i was confused as to where i should start. where does the man who erased his name and ishin fit into the series?

i really hope these come to the switch 2 in some form
thanks both! i’m really curious about the series, and when i searched yakuza all of these games came up, so i was confused as to where i should start. where does the man who erased his name and ishin fit into the series?

i really hope these come to the switch 2 in some form
LAD Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name should be played after Yakuza: Like A Dragon (LAD7) and ideally after Yakuza 0-6. It helps set up the story for LAD8 Infinite Wealth. It’s a really awesome story and definitely worth playing!

LAD Ishin is a one and done spin off that sort of recasts the characters in the Meiji era of Japan. You are essentially a samurai who also wields a gun. You can technically play it whenever, but without going into details I’d recommend playing it after having played Yakuza 0-7. It’s very fun!

To be thorough on spinoffs available in English, Yakuza Dead Souls (the zombie action game stuck on PS3) is best played after Yakuza 4. This one is not canon at all (and also of iffy quality) so don’t feel too bad if you can’t get to it.
thanks both! i’m really curious about the series, and when i searched yakuza all of these games came up, so i was confused as to where i should start. where does the man who erased his name and ishin fit into the series?

i really hope these come to the switch 2 in some form
The Man who erased his name is sort of a spin-off but also prequel to Infinite Wealth, detailing what Kiryu has been up to after 6 and during 7/Like a Dragon. So play it either after 6 or 7

Ishin is set in 19th century Japan and doesn't really have any plot importance as far as I know, but the main appeal is seeing characters from the franchise looking like historical characters so play it whenever I guess
Also agreed, playing any of those games on Switch 2 would be a dream. They're pretty beefy content wise so having them on the go would be great.
Welcome to the 30 year old club, and you better keep moving those hips because they're only going to get creakier from here on out!

30 year old club? Please, i graduated from that one last saturday. I'm in the 40 year old club now, and that club has massage chairs.
they recently patched the game and aerith’s last line used to be “i miss it, the steel sky” now she says “this sky, i don’t like it” they changed it after 4 years. why?! such a weird thing to do.
I'm glad I finished it last week! This new line is less good.

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