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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Catching up with the thread and I can only wonder what's up with Endless Ocean, I only remember it because the Game Grumps did a one off about it and I always thought it was one of those 3rd party shovel ware games that was thrown on the Wii as a quick cash grab.

I am not trying to throw shade on the games because catching up on the thread people seem to really love that game, but I don't get what the game is about and who is the developer?
Endless Ocean were two first-party games produced by Nintendo and developed by Arika. These days Arika are probably best-known among the Nintendo fandom as the developers of Tetris 99, Super Mario Bros 35 and Pac-Man 99. Like Another Code, these games didn't set the world on fire but reviewed OK.
Endless Ocean were two first-party games produced by Nintendo and developed by Arika. These days Arika are probably best-known among the Nintendo fandom as the developers of Tetris 99, Super Mario Bros 35 and Pac-Man 99. Like Another Code, these games didn't set the world on fire but reviewed OK.
Oh okay cool, after looking up a longplay video of the game it doesn't really look all that interesting, you are swimming around the ocean with not much happening at all.

I appreciate your response.
Endless Ocean were two first-party games produced by Nintendo and developed by Arika. These days Arika are probably best-known among the Nintendo fandom as the developers of Tetris 99, Super Mario Bros 35 and Pac-Man 99. Like Another Code, these games didn't set the world on fire but reviewed OK.

am I the only one that would be a hundred times more interested in an Endless Ocean 99 than a remake/remaster of the original games themselves?
Haha nah I'm totally tracking with you! I agree that if there is a General in April it will cover the summer months up until the usual September direct. But thinking that this is still probably a console reveal calendar year, I feel like some patterns might shift. Will there even be a September direct?

Last time they revealed a new console they didn't have a General Direct until after it already came out. (Oct 2016 reveal trailer -> Jan 2017 Switch Showcase -> March 2017 Release -> April 2017 General Direct). The worry of announcing the Switch successor 9 months before release is that there's still gotta be a General direct in between right? But I'm already dreading the future Direct announcement tweets written with "Focusing exclusively on Switch software coming out in the next quarter" after we've had a taste of the next gen.

I'll be curious to see how Nintendo does it. Obviously you can't really do multiple Directs for a system before it comes out, but it'll be painful waiting in September for Switch 2 news and only getting a General for the OG Switch. My atm thinking is if the June reveal is true, it's outside of Directs. And Switch 2 won't be in Directs until it releases, instead focusing more on showcases, preview events, and maybe even a TGA game reveal?
I can totally see what you're saying! Yeah, I agree it would be weird to have a larger General Direct before the console releases that only shows Nintendo Switch games but I do think maybe that's also reliant on what they do this June for next-generation! If the reveal is just a press-release and maybe a picture of the console, I think it'll be fine seeing Nintendo Switch games in September since we still won't ultimately know how much better everything looks until we get that first look, which could happen again in October I feel? If that First Look is in June though, I do agree that maybe the September Direct could be up in the air? Before the internal delay, they probably did plan to have one around the time of the console's release to highlight Next-Generation games but now that is probably not on the equation. Maybe they'll do a Mini around then instead of a General?

Ultimately I think a September Direct will probably rely on how much longer they intend to support the Switch from a first-party perspective! I mean, this will be the eighth full year (if I'm counting correctly) of Nintendo supporting the console so maybe they do more quickly move off the Switch from a first party perspective than we think, with Metroid Prime 4 maybe being the final Nintendo developed Switch game? We have the upcoming Pokémon Presents next week so we probably get something announced for Switch there (I think everyone, including myself, thinks it'll be what Nintendo's main anchor for the holiday will be) and then we'll probably get another Presents between June to August so a Direct in September probably wouldn't need to cover that Pokémon game!

The real ones know that the first ever Partner Direct happened in 2014. It was 22 minutes long and included many 3rd party devs as: Shinji Hashimoto from Square Enix. Hideo Baba from Studio Istolia. Yuji Horii and Yosuke Saito from Square Enix and Yoshifumi Hashimoto from Marvelous.

You can watch it here: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23981429
Oh okay cool, after looking up a longplay video of the game it doesn't really look all that interesting, you are swimming around the ocean with not much happening at all.

I appreciate your response.

That's correct, it's an incredible vibes-based game.

Who wouldn't love to do some scuba diving in a big open sea and pet some fish while a Celine Dion-soundalike serenades you?
as much as i'd also like to see it I feel like anyone expecting even a tiny chance of FE4 tomorrow is just setting themselves up for disappointment

as far as Unicorn Overlord goes that should see a demo tomorrow, Pyoro liked a tweet about it getting one
Please be right
Ugh. I'd hate to have to wait until April, but I guess it would kind of make sense. That just...feels pretty far away, and it's a fairly wide window. Early April? Not so bad. Late April? That's a serious drag.
Ugh. I'd hate to have to wait until April, but I guess it would kind of make sense. That just...feels pretty far away, and it's a fairly wide window. Early April? Not so bad. Late April? That's a serious drag.
Early April if Peach remains the last dated Nintendo release.

If another title slots into April, we might only get a Direct after that game launches.
Is there a statistic how many Fami useres live in which timezone? Would be quite interesting and we could find the best (and the worst) direct timing.
Sounds like a reasonably stress free ‘start of direct speculation thread poll’ option (so not this time round unfortunately)
Though I guess whoever nominates their timezone on their profile can be logged assuming XenForo has a means of readily compiling said data as a function (it’s been too long since I’ve done forum management but I’d imagine such functions exist)

AUS represent here but I hop on during night shifts every so often so my presence shouldn’t be taken as reflective of the co-AUS Fami crew
Oh yeah 2014. I vaguely remember that year. I graduated graduate school and got my first real big boy job. The PS4 and Xbox One had just come out a few months prior. Dragon Age Inquisition came out that year. So did Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS. 10 long years ago.
Partner this week
Pokémon next week
Indies in March
General Direct in April
Honestly, this sounds pretty reasonable. Especially if the Switch 2 was only recently delayed internally to next year. Would give them a bit of time to put together a last Direct for Switch, if a March blowout for Switch 2 isn't in the cards this year.
I wonder how long it takes to create a General Direct. Probably months right? Just really loopy thinking about timelines if the Switch reveal was delayed last minute. Even if it was internally delayed and relayed to partners a week or two ago, I bet Nintendo has been aware of the outcome for probably a month or so longer.
  • Seems like Partner Direct now was always the plan.
  • March reveal is up in the air, but was the plan according to some sources and has since been more believed to no longer be happening.
  • April General Direct means what for their "sometimes" expected June General?
  • Will there be a Direct at all in June? Maybe just a Partner again? And we mayyyy get a game or two announced at the Switch reveal? It would be hype if June was like their 2017 Jan showcase, but I can't see that happening so early
I would imagine they have the actual format (pacing, graphics, etc) pretty down pat.

What I would think would be significant time-investment would be:
-Game footage
-Live action speakers localization
-Third-party announcements (getting assets/scripts from them).

It shouldn't take more than a few weeks to put all that together, but its getting the assets in the first place that would probably hold things up.

Additionally, coordination in post-direct marketing/retail listings would probably be a time sink too.
I voted for close too. The community need a break from these sort of things. It's not healthy to be in constant vigilance mode and closing the topic will help with that. Also it's likely there's nothing until April anyway so what is there to discuss? People can wait a month or two to ramp up discussion again.
maybe endless ocean 1 + 2 is the april game
That would make sense as to why it gets to feature in a Partner Showcase - the release is only 2 months away so it needs to be announced.

There's a chance it's Nintendo-licensed but not Nintendo-published, but they filed Another Code and Endless Ocean trademarks at the same time in 2018, so I assume it's first-party.
I just remembered that Level 5 has something in April :unsure: . Coincidence? Totally😅

I know that there were rumors a while back that they'd have an event to announce a new Yo-Kai Watch! Is this that event everyone was talking about? I watched the Visions from last year and I know they announced this in it but I didn't remember the connection that people were making on why it meant Yo-Kai Watch haha!
I know that there were rumors a while back that they'd have an event to announce a new Yo-Kai Watch! Is this that event everyone was talking about? I watched the Visions from last year and I know they announced this in it but I didn't remember the connection that people were making on why it meant Yo-Kai Watch haha!
They tease Yokai-Watch at the end of the last one
Endless Ocean and SMT V: New Bullshit Edition at this Direct and I'm a happy little sucker no matter what else shows up. Your favorite third-party game I don't care about, maybe actively dislike? It's yours. Take it. I'm feeling good today.
This would be an incredible game title. Imagine if Atlus was that honest about it, haha.
I doubt Nintendo does anything new with Earthbound/Mother without Itoi and he said he's done with the IP.
First, it's time to see what Yasuyuki Honne's (MonolithSoft) Mother game would have ended up being. Maybe just file off the serial numbers so it can be its own thing.


it's almost definitely just a merch thing, but a few months ago Hobonichi (Itoi's company) did note something to the effect of having a lot of plans and things to look forward to "and things that we don't know yet" regarding Mother 2/Earthbound's 30th anniversary

again, probably just teasing some merch, but maaaybe it'll be more than that just this once. Crazier things have happened
Second, Mother (trilogy) release incoming, let's go!

Remember when Treasure tweeted they were working on a highly request title in 2022?
I'm going to ignore Radiant Silvergun for a moment and pretend they put a team together for Sin & Punishment trilogy release on new Nintendo hardware, it's actually happening!
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