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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Is it still happening at all though?
It is. It’ll be alright.

I won’t say the date because I get called enough names on the internet already and God forbid something else changes, but it’s gonna happen.

This instance of a Direct delay was particularly funny because I’m pretty sure everyone laid it down based on completely different sources, haha. Shit happens.
what bums me out for this corner of the internet is that insider culture, not the insiders themselves, takes all the air out of the room

we took a partner direct on the same day of the xbox thing as fact and didn't thoroughly engage with any other speculation

and well here we are
Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if false intel was fed in order to weed out leakers.

Maybe something bigger is happening and they wanted to reap the leakers?
Maybe Nintendo just delayed it out of respect for MS cause there will be MS games in it. I mean to Nintendo they haven't announced the direct to us. So is it a big deal delaying it internally? No. I'm just spitballing to make sense.

edit: but to be frank I see no use in this thread anymore. It just serves no real purpose anymore especially with how today has been.
This is a really fucking weird worldview

says a lot about you I guess. He hasn't done shit to deserve the vitriol he's getting so to essentially shrug it off like you're saying "too bad" is, and I'm going to censor myself, horrible.

I feel bad for Necro getting dumped on twitter because what he says doesn't hurt a soul. People do not deserve to be dogpiled and trashed for just saying they've heard about things. I seriously can't believe it's gotten this bad.
The only reason people leak anything is for Internet clout. It's not a profession and it's not a requirement. People shouldn't be angry and vitriol towards him, but he's basically choosing to allow this outcome to happen every time he chooses to try and leak anything. They all are.
obviously it sucks that people are being so aggressive and rude but in broad strokes I agree

at this point when people say shit like "I wouldn't be surprised if the insiders all leave and never come back!" I'm like

Nintendo Directs should be surprises not expectations because Twitter guy said so.
Maybe Nintendo just delayed it out of respect for MS cause there will be MS games in it. I mean to Nintendo they haven't announced the direct to us. So is it a big deal delaying it internally? No. I'm just spitballing to make sense.

edit: but to be frank I see no use in this thread anymore. It just serves no real purpose anymore especially with how today has been.
it'd be a big deal if they promised 3rd parties that it'd be aired today, but they delayed it
can you describe the shape of the leak? does it have reflections? perhaps conforming RT works well on Switch 2?

The leaks definitely had advanced raytracing effects, raytraced shadows of dongs, HDR color for the splatter effects. It was all pretty impressive stuff!
There's no reason to attack anyone on Twitter or here. Everyone makes mistakes and every rumor can turn out to be incorrect. Necro and Nate are good people and they have good intentions, I feel sorry for them receiving hate.
The only reason people leak anything is for Internet clout. It's not a profession and it's not a requirement. People shouldn't be angry and vitriol towards him, but he's basically choosing to allow this outcome to happen every time he chooses to try and leak anything. They all are.
ah yes victim blaming. Go off I guess.
Ima be real no one is telling any leakers they have to leak. I can't feel bad for Necro getting dumped on Twitter, he chose to stick his neck out there. I'd honestly be happier with less leakers around anyways.

Honestly, I'm with you. I would prefer if there were no leakers; they just ruin the surprise. But I do like things like when Monolith Soft's website was updated in January 2022 and it was known that something new was coming.

And most of the time "leakers" are ambiguous. You ask them questions and they either don't answer or they answer in a way that they can't miss. That is quite frustrating.
For me, I just think that the Direct wasn't going to air today. It was supposed to and it was delayed a week or so, then that decision was made weeks ago and maybe this old info still fell through the grapevine. I think the simplest solution is the most realistic one and the most fantastical the explanation it is, the more proof I need to believe it.

The idea that Nintendo moved the Direct because were worried about the Xbox podcast overshadowing them or Phil stopped it at the last second because he wanted the devs to announce the ports is an interesting narrative which is why so many people believe at face value. It puts human traits onto a company. But giant corporations like Nintendo and Microsoft are not as emotional as people would like to believe. If you look at it from a purely corporate side, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Marketing takes time and money. Delays take time and money. It annoys people both the company that is presenting and for partners that are involved. Companies don't like having their money wasted. A more elegant solution, like just having the podcast be on Wednesday, would have been less of a hassle.

So I think Microsoft chose today because there was nothing else scheduled for today. But those are just my thoughts.
There's no reason to attack anyone over this people. People make mistakes, but even that doesn't seem to be the case here, plans change. Please be kind to one another.
I still don't get that seemingly Microsoft knew for some time that their games will be at this Partner and they were fine with that? That it would have been announced first by Nintendo and not them? Or am I missing something here?
That what I was tryna get at with Meelow's post.

But tbf if the whole freak out didn't happen last week or whatever would we really side eye MS games coming to switch? They've done it before. Think about it for a second, we look at the podcast as a nothingburger. Nothing has really changed for MS. It's just an expansion or continuation of what they've been doing. So would they really care if Nintendo announced it first?
Maybe Nintendo just delayed it out of respect for MS cause there will be MS games in it. I mean to Nintendo they haven't announced the direct to us. So is it a big deal delaying it internally? No. I'm just spitballing to make sense.
My working theory is that Nintendo's partner showcase does have some Xbox titles in it and has been planned for today (maybe?) the entire time.

But then there were meltdowns from Xbox influencers thinking Xbox is leaving the console business because it was said their 1st party titles are going multiplatforms, Microsoft/XBox had to pivot.

Nintendo got wind of this XBox Podcast event, opted to reschedule the Partner Showcase, which would've not been a big deal (not from their POV, but is big deal here and Twitter, etc apparently), because part of those meltdowns were related to Xbox 1st party going multiplatform specifically, so it's a bit too on nose, they thought why not just reschedule?

It's not the first time we have gotten 1st party Xbox titles either: Cuphead and Ori and the Blind Forest, for example. It's weird that there are meltdowns now all of sudden, whereas there were none before (or were there meltdowns in the past too over those?)

I agree, I think Nintendo felt like it was no big deal to reschedule due to the recency of those meltdowns, especially if it's just a partner showcase.
While I don’t think anyone deserves violent, super negative attacks on social media, i don’t think criticism is bad.

It all depends on the leaker in question. What are they leaking for? Just for fun? For attention? Followers? That doesn’t warrant a ton of anger.

Money maybe changes things. No one should be threatening or racist or super crude, but I get people getting a bit more upset when money is involved. If you have a YouTube channel you make money from or you’re selling ads or if you’re taking money on Patreon or whatever then yeah, you can expect people to be more upset when you take a swing a miss. Getting paid for information is different. Some of these guys aren’t just doing it for clout. They make money here. Not a lot, but some.

It also matters how things are presented. Are you presenting rumors? Or going out and acting like you’re sharing facts?
I still don't get that seemingly Microsoft knew for some time that their games will be at this Partner and they were fine with that? That it would have been announced first by Nintendo and not them? Or am I missing something here?
Yep. It doesn't make sense. If Microsoft games were to be featured, then why ask Nintendo to delay it when you yourself knew they were gonna be there? Why not just schedule earlier?

Unleeeeesss... The Partners Showcase never had any Microsoft content in it, Xbox committed to Nintendo and Nintendo decided to delay the Showcase in order to properly include Microsoft's content
Nate and Necro posting stuff isn't the problem, it's the cottage industry of signal boosters who glom on their content.
And to be honest, it does sort of cut both ways, the signal boosters do help spread awareness of certain informaiton that is beneficial I think to our community, otherwise, the info will will be stuck in hyper specialized forums like here while misinformation spreads based on a 'guess' by someone who may have a bigger audience.

The Direct hype cycle is what it is. I don't think having insiders or not having them will impact it very much. After a certain amount of time, people just expect one and get upset if nothing happens (see 2020 era discussions around direct timing)
it's never okay to go actively harass people but the implication I see sometimes that if they have been right about things in the past insiders have like this god given right to be unquestionably believed by people when they leak stuff and that even suggesting that they may have been wrong about something if it didn't happen is out of line is honestly really bizarre
insider borderline cults of personality is cringe but if you're legit angry at someone over any of this you should reflect upon yourself for sure (meaning dont be a dumbass)
I still don't get that seemingly Microsoft knew for some time that their games will be at this Partner and they were fine with that? That it would have been announced first by Nintendo and not them? Or am I missing something here?
Having one Xbox game (let's say Pentiment) showing up at a Nintendo event isn't a big deal; they've already had both Ori games do exactly that without much incident. Personally I think the plan was to have that happen and then have the general positivity/buzz around that lead into their original plan of having a "we're planning to bring a couple other games to Nintendo and Playstation too, here's what that looks like" talk towards the end of the month that laid out the other 3 games

But a couple weeks ago there was this flood of people claiming everything from Sea of Thieves to Starfield was coming to Playstation/Nintendo and folks started freaking out about how clearly Xbox was preparing to leave the hardware space imminently; given that, I can kinda see how they'd decide "we weren't ready to talk about this just yet, but we need to move things up to get control of the message and we definitely can't have that Switch port announced before we do because that'll just pour even more gasoline on the fire"

Does it make perfect sense? No, but then frankly neither does every decision made by every company
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Yep. It doesn't make sense. If Microsoft games were to be featured, then why ask Nintendo to delay it when you yourself knew they were gonna be there? Why not just schedule earlier?

Unleeeeesss... The Partners Showcase never had any Microsoft content in it, Xbox committed to Nintendo and Nintendo decided to delay the Showcase in order to properly include Microsoft's content
I think the part missing from some of analysis/theories being shared here is that Microsoft/Xbox wasn't counting on major meltdowns that occurred, despite Xbox 1st party title going multiplatform is not so unusual (Cuphead, Ori & Blind Forest, etc). So there might have been some pivoting involved here.
I don't think we will get confirmation even if it does air next week. They're not going to say "This was originally planned for last Thursday". Some people will make the assumption that is was moved but it's just as plausible that the premiere was always the intended one.
This is where I'm at as well. We'll likely never know (unless it also doesn't air next week) if something Direct-wise was planned for this week, and then we can just assume beyond that if something happens next week.

Since this morning, I have been thinking of the possiblity that there just wasn't one planned this week (mainly because of Mario vs Donkey Kong releasing right before or during the Direct, I don't know if they would've wanted to distract from that directly). I do trust everyone that has made statements about it being this week though and, first and foremost from that respect, I do have to believe it was delayed because of the Xbox Podcast Episode today. However, even with that, if it is the case that it wasn't even planned for this week, it does make me think it's not really anyone's fault, maybe some information got misconstrued or their was some misinformation involved with the entire situation that led to the conclusion of it being this week. There was too much smoke for something not to have been out there that made people believe today would've been the day. :)
what bums me out for this corner of the internet is that insider culture, not the insiders themselves, takes all the air out of the room

we took a partner direct on the same day of the xbox thing as fact and didn't thoroughly engage with any other speculation

and well here we are
As someone who really does enjoy the insider rumors and such and sees them as a fun peek behind the curtain, even I agree it's too bad that "insider culture" is even a thing. I'd hope these people could just be voices among the community who hear things every so often and share things here and there, as opposed to this thing where dozens of pages crop up over something they said or something that didn't pan out.

Like we aughta be cracking jokes with Nate right now about pouring out a little Henny for the Partner but instead the entire day is dedicated to discussing whether he ever knew anything at all over the past several years and whether this was all an elaborate lie, while literally a thousand non-members (or bots maybe?) lurk the site to watch. To say nothing of twitter and youtube.

It's really too bad.
While I don’t think anyone deserves violent, super negative attacks on social media, i don’t think criticism is bad.

It all depends on the leaker in question. What are they leaking for? Just for fun? For attention? Followers? That doesn’t warrant a ton of anger.

Money maybe changes things. No one should be threatening or racist or super crude, but I get people getting a bit more upset when money is involved. If you have a YouTube channel you make money from or you’re selling ads or if you’re taking money on Patreon or whatever then yeah, you can expect people to be more upset when you take a swing a miss. Getting paid for information is different.

It also matters how things are presented. Are you presenting rumors? Or going out and acting like you’re sharing facts?
people just act like every leaker is like SMD or a certain banned blogger. I mean people get bent out of shape over Nate's streamlabs. Every once and a while you will find 1 or 2 people make a swipe at Nate cause of it.

People are miserable and always project their misery.

I think the part missing from some of analysis/theories being shared here is that Microsoft/Xbox wasn't counting on major meltdowns that occurred, despite Xbox 1st party title going multiplatform is not so unusual (Cuphead, Ori & Blind Forest, etc). So there might have been some pivoting involved here.
See this is what I was tryna say.. You've put it much more simply. Nothing MS announced was big. This is what they've been doing.
I think the part missing from some of analysis/theories being shared here is that Microsoft/Xbox wasn't counting on major meltdowns that occurred, despite Xbox 1st party title going multiplatform is not so unusual (Cuphead, Ori & Blind Forest, etc). So there might have been some pivoting involved here.
Nintendo possibly didn't want the Direct to be affected by negative PR
All of this drama and vitriol over video games. Entertainment. A luxury good. A want.

Shouldn’t people and their well-being be more important than that?
Nate and Necro posting stuff isn't the problem, it's the cottage industry of signal boosters who glom on their content.
And to be honest, it does sort of cut both ways, the signal boosters do help spread awareness of certain informaiton that is beneficial I think to our community, otherwise, the will will be stuck in hyper specialized forums like here while misinformation spreads based on a 'guess' by someone who may have a bigger audience in legitimate media.

The Direct hype cycle is what it is. I don't think having insiders or not having them will impact it very much. After a certain amount of time, people just expect one and get upset if nothing happens (see 2020 era discussions around direct timing)
There are plenty of eyes on this forum and on this thread even without content being recycled on YouTube. I know that because even posts from regular members like me, who has never once pretended or claimed to have or had any leaks, have had people contact me about my posts being picked up offsite and people acting on them.

We don't need 'signal boosters' because there are more people reading and sharing and acting on our posts anyway.
Having one Xbox game (let's say Pentiment) showing up at a Nintendo event isn't a big deal; they've already had both Ori games do exactly that without much incident. Personally I think the plan was to have that happen and then have the general positivity/buzz around that lead into their original plan of having a "we're planning to bring a couple games to Nintendo and Playstation" talk towards the end of the month that laid out the other 3 games

But a couple weeks ago there was this flood of people claiming everything from Sea of Thieves to Starfield was coming to Xbox and folks started freaking out about how clearly Xbox was preparing to leave the hardware space imminently; given that, I can kinda see how they'd decide "we weren't ready to talk about this just yet, but we need to move things up to get control of the message and we definitely can't have that Switch port announced before we do because that'll just pour even more gasoline on fire"

Does it make perfect sense? No, but then frankly neither does every decision made by every company
Yep. Leaks caused things to spin outside of Microsoft's control and they have a somewhat close relationship with those influencers who were losing their shit. Microsoft have worked hard at their odd 'super casual gaming buddy who has corporate lingo issues' persona for the last few years, and their influencers vibe off of that. The podcast was aimed squarely at that audience to give them calming information to digest.

And, you know, that should serve as a fine cautionary tale for us all to not take rumours as fact. And, as much as I enjoy peaks behind the curtain, remember some of these leaks happen maliciously and do damage people. Microsoft's multi-format plans weren't leaked for fun and games, they were leaked to damage the people at the company taking Xbox in that direction.
In large part, how does everyone feel about the Direct now? Does this change anyone's opinion on what the format could be for it or is everyone staying put on the Partner Showcase?

It is going to be a little weird next week I feel because we likely won't have the same clues we had this week that made us all believe there would be a Partner Showcase unless Nintendo announces a new game on Social Media or provides a date for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD/Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door separate from a Direct. :)
Nintendo possibly didn't want the Direct to be affected by negative PR

Why would it be negative PR? It might be for Microsoft but it wouldn't for Nintendo. It would only be positive for them if they announced Xbox titles at their own show. Regardless, those games are coming to the system so if people are going to be negative about it, they're going to be negative about it no matter what.

Nintendo has to deal with Pokemon fans on a regular basis. I think they could handle certain Xbox influencers.
As someone who really does enjoy the insider rumors and such and sees them as a fun peek behind the curtain, even I agree it's too bad that "insider culture" is even a thing. I'd hope these people could just be voices among the community who hear things every so often and share things here and there, as opposed to this thing where dozens of pages crop up over something they said or something that didn't pan out.

Like we aughta be cracking jokes with Nate right now about pouring out a little Henny for the Partner but instead the entire day is dedicated to discussing whether he ever knew anything at all over the past several years and whether this was all an elaborate lie, while literally a thousand non-members (or bots maybe?) lurk the site to watch. To say nothing of twitter and youtube.

It's really too bad.
Yeah, I think we should dial back on the insider commentary and consider all venues. Especially from insiders with differing opinions, like Pyoro. The Forum basically went from bashing Pyoro and praising Nate/Necro, to the inverse: bashing Nate/Necro, praising Pyoro.

"Pyoro's wings were clipped;
Nate burned himself;
Necro piggybacked"

Golly, who cares about keeping a tab on insider accuracy?

Always take insider claims with HALF a grain of salt because:
  • Innacurate info;
  • Plans change.

I keep bringing it up: but did people forget that the Switch trailer was supposed to air in September, but ws delayed a month?*

*Did not bring this example as a comparison to the Direct because, for all we know, it was never happening/never delayed.


Why would it be negative PR? It might be for Microsoft but it wouldn't for Nintendo. It would only be positive for them if they announced Xbox titles at their own show. Regardless, those games are coming to the system so if people are going to be negative about it, they're going to be negative about it no matter what.

Social Media backlash
So if TPHD isn’t released in the next month, is Amiibo theory officially dead?
Perhaps the TPHD/WWHD ports will be cross-gen, allowing the Switch 2 to have Zelda content in its library from the start of its lifecycle, in 4K and 60fps.

Hi-Fi Rush as a cloud version is absolutely not optimal at all. I'd honestly rather not have it at all than have it be a cloud version.

A native port at 30fps isn't ideal either, but at least it wouldn't be a delayed mess and virtually unplayable.
Similarly, it would seem simpler to port the game to the soon-to-arrive Switch 2 than to contort it to run on Switch 1. Especially given the nature of the game, that would be a waste of the experience.

Depends on which one releases first, which is another question of itself. I expect TTYD first
I don't know. Neither game is dated, but LM2HD at least has a release window, whereas Arlo HD does not. So I'd expect LM2HD's release to be closer perhaps.

Wow, 4 games going multiplat and Diablo IV coming to game pass in March. The industry will never be the same again
4 Microsoft games on Switch? You mean, like Minecraft, Cuphead and the two Ori games? What a revolution, yes!

Whoever at NOA who convinced NOJ to move the direct for Xbox deserves a talking to.
To be fair, the Partners Showcases are primarily of interest to the West, and if I'm not mistaken it's something that's more or less managed by NOA.

Microsoft and Nintendo are not very directly competitive with each other for the most part -- their American headquarters are next door neighbours to boot -- so I don't see it as even implausible.
Microsoft is "directly competitive" with everyone, always. The DNA of the company is to eliminate all competition. I can imagine the folks at NOA feeling closer to Xbox culture than NCL culture, but I think we'll be talking about this supposed camaraderie again if Microsoft ever decides to release hybrid or handfield hardware, as insistent rumours suggest.

...you really think they are gonna repeat the wii u situation?
We can never predict the future, but we can say with certainty that the second Nintendo realised that the Switch was a big success, Furukawa's first big decision was to announce a strengthening of EPD's workforce and investment in diversification. That sounds rather like someone saying "let's look precisely at what our weak points were during the Wii U era and take targeted action to address very exactly that.".

I don’t know either way, but I’m not confident. Just not good vibes right now. A lot of people see a lack of news now as proof we are closer to Switch 2, but I don’t see it guaranteeing anything, and I’m also concerned we’re only going to see 1-3 games perhaps shown on it while still waiting for more first-party stuff. And other than June or September, we never really get General Directs outside of February as far as I remember.
Technically, we know of two upcoming games, three with Prime 4. Theoretically, if those two games came out in May and June, then you'd literally have no gaps in the calendar until a Direct in June. Not to mention a possible Pokémon spin-off that could still be announced this month. Again, I don't think it's necessarily going to happen that way, but it just proves that this great anxiety about a potential drought seems vastly exaggerated.

So should we be worried about March reveal too?
I don't know if there'll be a revelation in March, but it's a certainty that there will be something soon. Quite simply because, as I've said before, never in Nintendo's history have we had a situation where they've simply said/announced nothing at all. Even at the worst of times, they've literally never done that. PPS is coming out. And at some point, a little before or a little after, Nintendo is going to make announcements of some sort, simply because that's what they always do.

Nope. It's really not. I don't even know why Nate bothers especially after last week. People up his ass about a podcast only for them to freak the fuck out over joy cons. Shit his comments about a March reveal was overshadowed by it. Not to assume but I'm sure this is why he's only interacted with this place once since then lmao.

We only like him and these insiders when they tell us something we want to hear. And maybe I'm kissing their asses a lot in this thread but ya know...these guys don't act in bad faith when they report what they hear. I know some have a weird thing about Nate's streamlabs donations but he doesn't post enough nor get enough views to make a livable amount of money. I can look past what some get wrong based on if I think they report in good faith. It's why I have a different reaction to people like Dring.

I also don't get too pressed about directs and all this(except for that bird). I enjoy them and I like to sit down for 30-40 minutes to watch some ads but ya know if they don't happen when a insider says they will it's fine. The light shine brightly at the end of the tunnel(switch successor coming soon).
It's absurd blame Nate (or Conan), it really doesn't make any sense. But to be honest, I find it equally unbelievable and frightening to see dozens of Yeahs here as soon as he says he had carrots for lunch. I mean, come on. He makes a cool show and if people donate to him it's because they're having a good time listening to his cool podcast, not because he's some precious idol who shouldn't be shunned. Honestly, I'm much more interested in Nate's bad-faith Super Mario Sunshine posts, which are just comments from a video game enthusiast like the rest of us, rather than the dozens of posts and tags waiting for him like some kind of messiah. I mean, it's just not very healthy. He's just a guy who likes video games and makes a nice show about it. And that's largely enough.

Good post, though I don't see the big deal with Dring. He's made some bad takes but outside of that I respect his contributions on sales, for example.
What I like about Dring is that he's open to discussion. On the other hand, when he has a bias, he will NEVER admit it. Because he doesn't think 2D games are important, Mario Wonder is a minor game. Recently, during the xbox drama, he explained that Nintendo releasing Super Mario Run on mobile was comparable to Microsoft becoming a third-party publisher. As if Mario Run were a Switch game and not one literally made for smartphones.
As someone who really does enjoy the insider rumors and such and sees them as a fun peek behind the curtain, even I agree it's too bad that "insider culture" is even a thing. I'd hope these people could just be voices among the community who hear things every so often and share things here and there, as opposed to this thing where dozens of pages crop up over something they said or something that didn't pan out.

Like we aughta be cracking jokes with Nate right now about pouring out a little Henny for the Partner but instead the entire day is dedicated to discussing whether he ever knew anything at all over the past several years and whether this was all an elaborate lie, while literally a thousand non-members (or bots maybe?) lurk the site to watch. To say nothing of twitter and youtube.

It's really too bad.
are y’all doing this shit again? ugh

not you specifically choco
In large part, how does everyone feel about the Direct now? Does this change anyone's opinion on what the format could be for it or is everyone staying put on the Partner Showcase?

It is going to be a little weird next week I feel because we likely won't have the same clues we had this week that made us all believe there would be a Partner Showcase unless Nintendo announces a new game on Social Media or provides a date for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD/Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door separate from a Direct. :)
i'm still 100% on the partner + shadowdropped overview trailers for LM2HD and TTYD train. just makes sense to me, really; cleans up the rest of the first party and third party stuff set for the switch to make way for switch 2's apparent reveal next month.
In large part, how does everyone feel about the Direct now? Does this change anyone's opinion on what the format could be for it or is everyone staying put on the Partner Showcase?

It is going to be a little weird next week I feel because we likely won't have the same clues we had this week that made us all believe there would be a Partner Showcase unless Nintendo announces a new game on Social Media or provides a date for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD/Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door separate from a Direct. :)
It could be a General but im expecting a Partner. Im at the same position as last week lol. Just gotta be patient
In large part, how does everyone feel about the Direct now? Does this change anyone's opinion on what the format could be for it or is everyone staying put on the Partner Showcase?

It is going to be a little weird next week I feel because we likely won't have the same clues we had this week that made us all believe there would be a Partner Showcase unless Nintendo announces a new game on Social Media or provides a date for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD/Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door separate from a Direct. :)
I'm thinking we just hear nothing until a console reveal.
What social media backlash? Again, it would only be positive news for Nintendo.
I'm assuming Nintendo didn't know the contents of the podcast, so I presume they decided it wasn't worth scheduling a Direct, with Xbox content, in a moment where the Xbox fandom would be hell lose.

But it's just a thought.

Nintendo has to deal with Pokemon fans on a regular basis. I think they could handle certain Xbox influencers.
I quoted your post without reading it carefully, but you bring a most valid point, hockey.
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