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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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I'm thinking extra long-eared lady is Ancient Zelda, and goat man is Ancient Link. No reason to assume every incarnation of Link is Hylian/Human. This is why goat man displays some familiarity with present-day Zelda, placing his hand on her shoulder: because he knows a previous incarnation of her.
No idea about long ears but the goat guy is very likely not the ancient analog to Link, he is wearing an owl-themed item around his chest which the Zonai associate with the triforce of wisdom, not courage. They associate dragons with courage.

Pulling out the big guns.
Also is it weird that I'm already fantasizing about the BOTW / TOTK arc being a trilogy of sorts? Like, imagine

Breath Of The Wild
Tears Of The Kingdom
Dawn Of The New World

Guns of the Patriots-esque battle hardened Twilight-Princess-But-Older Link.
Also is it weird that I'm already fantasizing about the BOTW / TOTK arc being a trilogy of sorts? Like, imagine

Breath Of The Wild
Tears Of The Kingdom
Dawn Of The New World

Guns of the Patriots-esque battle hardened Twilight-Princess-But-Older Link.
Given we've had wind/air (Breath) and water (Tears), I think we should have fire next. Would also fit the Triforce colour scheme of green (wind/courage), blue (water/wisdom) and red (fire/power). I like the contrast between Wild and Kingdom, but I'm not sure what the third would be. Nature, civilization, maybe gods? Idk.

Breath of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
Flame of the Heavens

Edit - Gods doesn't fit because the Wild and the Kingdom are places, so maybe heaven instead? But that would fit more with the sky islands idea who knows
This scene/uniting was hinted at on the mural (in the first trailer, though obscured)...



No, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be long ears in the mural, not present day Zelda. The theme of fusion kinda suggests together they're combining their people (Zonai and Hylian)
It's getting to the point that even just hearing a lot more theories and analyzing this last trailer is starting to be too much for me, I think I'm going to have to bow out of heavy speculation from here on. As fun as it is I'd rather just not know as much or even have as many ideas about things going into the game, and it's only going to pick up and get worse as the game approaches. So I probably won't be in here much now (not that I was before, other than lurking :p)
Given we've had wind/air (Breath) and water (Tears), I think we should have fire next. Would also fit the Triforce colour scheme of green (wind/courage), blue (water/wisdom) and red (fire/power). I like the contrast between Wild and Kingdom, but I'm not sure what the third would be. Nature, civilization, maybe gods? Idk.

Breath of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
Flame of the Heavens

Edit - Gods doesn't fit because the Wild and the Kingdom are places, so maybe heaven instead? But that would fit more with the sky islands idea who knows
Sacred realm!

Supposing we don’t visit it in this game.
Sequel to BOTW. They could have easily made changes to the world, some new and returning abilities and new story. But this is EPD3 what we are talking about so they did the full Sky Islands, underground and also abilities like Fuse and Ultrahand which are literally inspired by the fans who were so creative in BOTW. They ane of the best developers in the world imo.
Man, if they are really higing that much as some assume, then this game will be massive, and people accused BotW of being massive.

The Owl guy just confuses me. first i assumed Dragon,
then we had Dragons - Link, Hylia - Zelda, Ganon/Demise - Ganondorf

As it stands... that is an Owl Guy, so Zelda. Ganon is just Ganon, and Link has...?
Just a Dragon thats close to the design of the others, who where already assigned to the 3 forces?

im really confused what they are doing with the lore, and almost worried that they will handwave illogical stuff or retcons.

And while i get that for say OoT, i would not be Okay when they retcon stuff from BotW.

And i really really hope there are 1 or 2 new races. We have the Zonai, we need something additional. May add a handful of less important races back? (Dekus, Oocca, or especially for the underground: Mogmas or Subrosians.)
Sequel to BotW/TotK should be Link leaving Hyrule to explore Labrynna/Holodrum, obviously, to close the Fujibayashi cycle.
Oh yeah, im 100% for a mainline 3D game thats not in Hyrule. The last one was MM with Termina.

(@whoever, don't get technical on me with "SS was before Hyrule was established"...)
Oh yeah, im 100% for a mainline 3D game thats not in Hyrule. The last one was MM with Termina.

(@whoever, don't get technical on me with "SS was before Hyrule was established"...)
clears throat, adjusts glasses, places voluminous tome on lectern

Ackshually the VAST MAJORITY of The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker is set on THE GREAT SEA and only a SMALL PORTION of the game takes place within Hyrule ALTHOUGH Hyrule DOES FEATURE

You will also find that yes THE LEGEND OF ZELDA SKYWARD SWORD takes place before Hyrule is founded AND THEREFORE ACKSHUALLY only the credits of the legend of zelda skyward sword take place IN HYRULE

this is a joke

So it seems like the sky islands are leaking goo into Zora's Domain area, and we will have to go up to the "water dungeon" of the game and stop it. Likely by fighting the giant Crocodile/Shark thing. Wonder what the story will be for the other areas.
The setting I want for the next Zelda:
Evolution of Oot and Tp artstyle
Wind Waker timeline
Major part is an unknown new land and another considerable sea area
The sea part is the wind waker hyrule and we can explore underwater
In 4 hours, this trailer is probably going to surpass the number of views the February trailer has, geez.
I mean this is the trailer everyone has waited for. There’s a ton to dissect. It’s one of the greatest trailers of all time. People gonna watch it over and over. It’ll have 15+ million views years from now
Haven’t decided if I want to watch Zeltik’s breakdown… feel like we are too close and I’ve already seen bits and pieces of his video with Monster Maze.

In the meantime… all hail Tim de Man

This music holds up so well on piano! I might prefer it actually, the hype trailer drums are a bit much for me =P .
This will probably be the greatest video game of all time for me. From what I’ve seen so far it’s improving nearly on everything across the board in comparison to BotW.
But let's be real: Would love to see Holodrum and Labrynna in 3D. The Oracle games were my Zelda introduction.
Thats where i was 10 Years ago, would have loved a 3D remake of LA in the Style of OoT or MM for the 3DS. Would mean, it needed to be reimagined, so it would have effectively new dungeons etc, and they could go further down the creepy weird dream side with using MM inspiration.

But i knew that its a pipe dream. Now i just want a really fresh take, that doesnt reuse lands, races and mythology we already know.
Crazy thing is the I will probably spend 2 hours just to build the vehicle for a specific quest like the one that seem that you have to transport people around

This game will be so huge if you see it in this perspective
the presence of wagon parts to make a basic wagon implies there are gonna be a lot of default objects to build. there might be some more ornate pre-fabs out there that could rival the crazy contraptions like the battlebot from the trailer
I am slightly worried about enemy variety in the dungeon areas. So far they’ve only shown Constructs. Each one should have unique enemies
I am slightly worried about enemy variety in the dungeon areas. So far they’ve only shown Constructs. Each one should have unique enemies

I would say... They already addressed nearly every point of critic for the sequel judged by what we have seen so far so rest easily that enemy variety too, is among them.
Big improvement over the previous Zonai-related armor, that's for sure.

Speaking of Zonai, there's going to be a lot to unpack about them in this game. Mere barbarians they seem not!
I agree. I wonder if the Zonai themselves purposely left false information about themselves to live a peaceful life? I think the lore in this game is going to be so fascinating. I can't wait.

Tears of the Kingdom Creating a Champion book will be so interesting!!! I do hope Nintendo releases one, and they give us an in depth Zonai section.
Just realized: could this shot be confirmation of underwater exploration? Notice how Link’s swimming through the middle of the “water doughnut”, rather than his head sticking out on top (like BotW swimming). This could imply that there are controls created for sequences in which Link’s head goes underwater… which might mean underwater exploration in regular lakes too?

Just realized: could this shot be confirmation of underwater exploration? Notice how Link’s swimming through the middle of the “water doughnut”, rather than his head sticking out on top (like BotW swimming). This could imply that there are controls created for sequences in which Link’s head goes underwater… which might mean underwater exploration in regular lakes too?

That’s what some of us believe.
Already seen another accidental spoiler.

Without spoiling what it actually was, there seems to be another look at two characters on the Japanese download card for the game.

Media blackout may have to start much sooner than expected.
Sooo, are you guys gonna go digital or physical??

Physical. I wanted to take the 12th off so I can enjoy the game fully, but I'm afraid of Amazon delivering super late in the day. I got my preorder in the night before $69.99 became the new price so I'm holding onto it.
Sooo, are you guys gonna go digital or physical??

if I buy this(still uncertain since I didn't like BotW and want to read some reviews before I decide) then digital is such a no-brainer

I already vastly prefer digital in general and with the vouchers plus this being $70 with digital I can spend an extra 30 bucks to buy another game as well
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