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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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Used my TotK hype to start my first ever playthrough of ALttP! Just got the third pendant and moon pearl, heading to bed now. Master sword tomorrow!

Gonna try to beat the game before TotK but I'm so busy at work that I'm not sure it'll be possible.
Incredible game I played it twice

Best 2D Zelda
I'm trying to understand if in the rebuilt Hyrule castle shot Link is with the messed arm or not

It seems so, in the first shot it has the vials, in the next shot seems there is the corrupted arm but why, seems a shot in the past (not destroyed castle + two thrones instead of one)
What's the general opinion on the low gravity jump? Is it a new unlockable ability to use anywhere (maybe the fabled feet icon?) or purely contextual?
A youtuber noticed that there was a bunch of blue particles in the air for both shots of Link using antigravity, so it's likely contextual.
I'm trying to understand if in the rebuilt Hyrule castle shot Link is with the messed arm or not

It seems so, in the first shot it has the vials, in the next shot seems there is the corrupted arm but why, seems a shot in the past (not destroyed castle + two thrones instead of one)
I would say he has the corrupted arm.

I sound like a broken record, sorry - but if Link never physically goes to the past and instead just enters time bubbles with memories or images of the past, it all makes sense. The throne room sparkles golden which might hint at the use of the Recall ability in some form (to recall can also mean to remember something, as someone pointed out yesterday).

Would be cool if Zelda needs to visit these places in the past to know how they look. Then she sends her memory of it somehow to Link and he can have access to those places.

Edit: I would guess it is done through the master sword and in the delay announcement we see Link gaining access to a new memory of Zelda.
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I would say he has the corrupted arm.

I sound like a broken record, sorry - but if Link never physically goes to the past and instead just enters time bubbles with memories or images of the past, it all makes sense. The throne room sparkles golden which might hint at the use of the Recall ability in some form (to recall can also mean to remember something, as someone pointed out yesterday).
Wow, recall applied to locations to gather memories of the past will be extremely cool

ultimate npc party of tears of the kingdom .
The fear of reusing the same map feels so miniscule now, it's really funny.

I was always in the camp that Nintendo will surprise us and hides a lot but I could somehow understand the worries of some lost incentive to explore the already known surface again.
Now I have already 30 places from BotW in my head, I want to revisit to see what has changed - and on top of that I want to go to every sky island, am really curious about the underworld, how big it is and how deep it goes and finally there might be some time alternating events as well, which might shake up things in known areas even more.
Just crazy.
totk trailer views on NoA's youtube channel ranking:

E3 2019 teaser - 15.4 million
E3 2021 teaser - 12.9 million
official trailer #3 - 6.8 million
Aonuma gameplay showcase - 6.8 million
official trailer #2 - 6.6 million
official trailer #1 - 6.5 million
delay to spring 2023 announcement - 2.2 million
Used my TotK hype to start my first ever playthrough of ALttP! Just got the third pendant and moon pearl, heading to bed now. Master sword tomorrow!

Gonna try to beat the game before TotK but I'm so busy at work that I'm not sure it'll be possible.

Get the Master Sword and then on to Hyrule Castle for the final boss fight to finish the game.
I just jumped into my Cemu playthrough to revisit Thyphlo Ruins. Maaaan it made me very excited for what they could do with similar gameplay underground.
i know but its not the Gerudo's skin tone. Maybe Zonai looking at the person talking with Zelda in the latest trailer
Could also see it as Gerudo males that pop up every 100 (?) or so years are genetically determined to be lighter green, distinguishing them from the rest of the female population. its kinda like with many animals that are sexually dimorphic, like for example the male Mandarin ducks are much more bright and colorful than the female counterparts that are dull gray. Basically I’m saying him being male alone accounts for that variation.
You know, I was thinking about this just now in regards to accessibility issues with Nintendo systems...

I wonder if the game will have any forced motion controls like the previous game did... I've been somewhat wondering about the crafting system a bit and I "don't" think those were motion forced, given the footage we had, but...
Please be more considerate when using genuine accessibility concerns as a jumping point to a tangential topic. -xghost777, PixelKnight, VolcanicDynamo, Red Monster
You know, I was thinking about this just now in regards to accessibility issues with Nintendo systems...

I wonder if the game will have any forced motion controls like the previous game did... I've been somewhat wondering about the crafting system a bit and I "don't" think those were motion forced, given the footage we had, but...
While i get the concern from an accessibility standpoint,
i hate the wording as "forced" motion controls.

Motion controls are a part of the tool set to create games.
you don't have to like it, the same as some don't like other input methods.

They are also not uniquely bad for accessibility, since there are many people that can to bigger gestures or fine movement, but pressing buttons ore moving sticks are a problem (say with missing fingers).

There should be, when possible (mostly budget) to have a option to either map stuff differently or have it be done automatically (not just for motion, but for controls and in game actions in general... last example would be the timing for Bayonetta Origins, where the game asks you after the tutorial if you want to have that be automated, because i know a person that would really struggle with that but would love the game)

But we really need to move on from the notion that motion controls are bad or intrusive and not a natural part of game design.

(Mind you, i like (in concept) the shrines that used them, they just where... not great. having an option to either solve the puzzles in a different way or an assisted mode would be appreciated. Counter example: in no way could you replace them for aiming in the same game, the sticks just cant be that fine grained and there the only other option is auto assists on consoles... and i would not want that to be the default instead of motion assisted aim)
Did we get a glimpse of the captured memory locations of BotW during pre-release? My biggest fear right now with TotK is that those Glyphs are purely flashbacks/memories/cutscenes
Did we get a glimpse of the captured memory locations of BotW during pre-release? My biggest fear right now with TotK is that those Glyphs are purely flashbacks/memories/cutscenes
we did, but it was not explained at all. ..

fake Edit: ok, it was not a memory, it was link dissolving in the life of ruins trailer after a blight fight and getting the champions skill.

Yeah, them being just memories would be a boring rethread.
Im generally, looking back at old trailers, getting slightly worried in a sense.
Many of those aspects where less grand and specific then they where talked about. Like glimpses of the beasts looked like dungeons back then. (The fire Breathing Lizalfos in Rudania), but in the end it just didn't feel that distinct in the games context.
I hope its not again such a situation. The structure those scenes where settled in was the biggest distractor for me (for the memories, while i loved searching them, the cutscenes where always so... out of context),
and for the champion/dungeon stuff... i loved my first (Zora), but after that, the structure was so clear (go to place, meet elder and new champion, have them recognize the slate, do something for them, have a beast mounting sequence, mount, talk to old champion, 5 terminals, blight, old champion appreciating you, giving you skill, cut scene of beast positioning, you visiting the elder and getting the weapon of the old champion).

They can make as many changes to BotW as they want, but if then all of the new stuff again has the same structure, then... they fall in the same trap, for the second time, and in the first the fresh world did help get me over that, but with them reusing the world, having it be so by the numbers would hurt waaaay more.

(and im still confused why that was that way, those segments where in itself ordered, and it was not a limitation of the engine or that they made a framework that makes those Story Lines easy to churn out, so why have them be so close in regards to structure... that really felt like a OoT relict, and even that felt more diverging in those episodic moments, like ruto in jabu jabu was way different then the introductory Deku Tree, or how you had to talk to Darunia, or what happened at the Spirit temple with its 2 visits, or how you needed to first visit the well before the spirit temple (and also the cutscene with sheik...))
While i get the concern from an accessibility standpoint,
i hate the wording as "forced" motion controls.


You know, you could be less condescending to a disabled person who finds forced motion controls a barrier to playing. Motion controls are both a double edged sword for people on accessibility. Unfortunately, for me, they're a barrier. Optional are good. Forced is bad. They are part of game design, but game design can be bad when they're forced and not possible to disable or remap.

If your game design forces them onto a player that could otherwise not offer them, then it's an accessibility issue and barrier to people.

Good talk on talking down to me, though. The disabled gamers are not a monolith and every disability requires different attention for these sort of things. Motion Controls, unfortunately, are one of those double edged swords, where they provide accessibility with certain disabilities (as you noted), but for people who have issues, notably me who has neurological problems, it's a huge barrier. I literally couldn't even do something as simple as the Animal Crossing game for Wii because of this, without serious struggle and causing significant brain confusion.
You know, you could be less condescending to a disabled person who finds forced motion controls a barrier to playing. Motion controls are both a double edged sword for people on accessibility. Unfortunately, for me, they're a barrier.

Where was i condescending? if if felt that way im sorry.

What im arguing against is the wording for a mode of input being.
forced implies that its not needed, but its not a healthy way of talking about input methods and doesn't move the discourse about them forward, meaning it also removed nuance. And in the nuance (why is something the way it is, is there other ways to express the same experience, can something be as effective with another method) lies a lot of accessibility discussions.

You have a ton of people that talk that way against motion controls and that are abled, simply because they don't like it.
Thats where my problem lies, marking something as bad because of preference.
Optional are good. Forced is bad. They are part of game design, but game design can be bad when they're forced and not possible to disabled.

If your game design forces them onto a player that could otherwise not offer them, then it's an accessibility issue and barrier to people.
I 100% disagree here. Every aspect of a game os to some degree forced on somebody.
Not able to see? almost all games fall into this trap.
Having gamedesign that heavily relies on sound? (stealth genres, some shooters, Rhythm games)
Using buttons? motorically impaired sometimes have struggle with that.
Add aiming? i have a personal friend thats always struggling with that, and hated the forced bow and arrow aspect of BotW.

For me, that aspect is a core part of BotW, and would there not be such a reliance on the bow and arrow, it would be a game thats worlds apart from what i experienced.

Modes of interaction are inherent to game design, its at the essence.

Im all for as many options as there are to make experiences accessible.
But there will never be a posibility to make everything accessible for everybody universally. Im a big advocate to have button remapping on a console level, and that should also work for motion controlls, and its even better if the developers add features like aim assist for that struggle, or other input Methods for stuff like the shrine puzzles (again, those are not a good example of well implemented motion controls)
Good talk on talking down to me, though. The disabled gamers are not a monolith and every disability requires different attention for these sort of things.

Did i say that? no i did not. i gave another example, where motion controlls are prefered to stick controls. I argued AGAINST a monolith, and for a more nuanced talk about input methods.My goal is also not to talk down to you, but to argue about the wording "forced".
We can disagree, but that has nothing to do with talking down.
I wonder how we get bombs this time? I don't see them not having bombs but maybe It will be much more difficult to get it this time.
But it would have to be in fairly obvious or otherwise signposted areas where the ability could be used, otherwise you're going to be deep underground ascending every few steps in the hope of finding a secret cavern. But also now I'm picturing finding a secret cavern, and the absolute joy of deep exploration / secret finding. I want it absolutely crammed to the rafters with rewards, I want exploration to be rewarded in every facet. Think of that big pile of coins in Odyssey when you finally learn how to cappy bounce onto the roof. Or when you learn how to find the right angle to bounce straight into New Donk City. I need these moments.
Yeah should be a good amount to explore underground. I feel like some regions(like maybe Eldin) has more to find than others
Let's break down the different types of things we will find as we explore.

Right now, I think we have confirmation of the following:
  • Korok seeds
  • Shrines
  • Smaller caves
  • Larger underground caves
  • Story related dungeons
It seems like they have diversified the different things we can find compared to the first game. What else do we think they've added? Entirely new towns? New stables?
Let's break down the different types of things we will find as we explore.

Right now, I think we have confirmation of the following:
  • Korok seeds
  • Shrines
  • Smaller caves
  • Larger underground caves
  • Story related dungeons
It seems like they have diversified the different things we can find compared to the first game. What else do we think they've added? Entirely new towns? New stables?
New Stables are added yes, it was seen in one of the previous trailers. Towns even confirmed by Nintendo (surprised), there's gonna be in Sky and Underground no doubt, maybe even in Hyrule too.
Let's break down the different types of things we will find as we explore.

Right now, I think we have confirmation of the following:
  • Korok seeds
  • Shrines
  • Smaller caves
  • Larger underground caves
  • Story related dungeons
It seems like they have diversified the different things we can find compared to the first game. What else do we think they've added? Entirely new towns? New stables?
I wouldn't be surprised if they added new towns. Lurelin village definitely has potential. And maybe there's a town in the skies, who knows
Let's break down the different types of things we will find as we explore.

Right now, I think we have confirmation of the following:
  • Korok seeds
  • Shrines
  • Smaller caves
  • Larger underground caves
  • Story related dungeons
It seems like they have diversified the different things we can find compared to the first game. What else do we think they've added? Entirely new towns? New stables?
I would add the sky islands, obviously :)

But are Korok seeds confirmed? I must have missed that.
If I had to bet, I would have said, they won't be in.

I think there will be new settlements, yes. We will see how big.
I hope at least one tribe lives somewhere underground.
Maybe you have to fuse flint with something and make bombs from scratch lol
People keep saying stuff like this, but Fuse doesn't work on item + item combinations, it's weapon + weapon or weapon + item only (we have hard confirmation on this from the website)

I do think though that it's possible there's a weapon or weapon type that's a bomb "shell" that you can Fuse things to to make different bomb types, because that sounds like a fairly fun idea. But we've seen no evidence of that and it would require some work to have that sort of system not be tedious (maybe make that weapon type stackable or something)
I would add the sky islands, obviously :)

But are Korok seeds confirmed? I must have missed that.
If I had to bet, I would have said, they won't be in.

I think there will be new settlements, yes. We will see how big.
I hope at least one tribe lives somewhere underground.
Korok seeds are in. A rock puzzles was spotted in the leaked commercial.
Let's break down the different types of things we will find as we explore.

Right now, I think we have confirmation of the following:
  • Korok seeds
  • Shrines
  • Smaller caves
  • Larger underground caves
  • Story related dungeons
It seems like they have diversified the different things we can find compared to the first game. What else do we think they've added? Entirely new towns? New stables?

From the official site:
The sky isn’t the only thing that’s changed in Hyrule. Familiar locations have been dramatically transformed, with new towns, dank caves, and mysterious gaping chasms springing up across the world—all waiting to be explored.

I doubt that changed towns are considered new towns, so there seem to be completely new ones. And the chasms spread all over the world, not only close to Death Mountain.

Also, are we thinking that Malice holes are directly linked to underground caves?
From the official site:

I doubt that changed towns are considered new towns, so there seem to be completely new ones. And the chasms spread all over the world, not only close to Death Mountain.

Also, are we thinking that Malice holes are directly linked to underground caves?
Very exciting that there are new towns. I suspect we will build some of them up throughout the game.

Well why Korok?

Can be another thing not related to Korok or related to Korok but not seeds like they were in Botw
This is definitely possible.
Korok seeds are in. A rock puzzles was spotted in the leaked commercial.
Oh wow, thanks for the info.
I am somewhat really surprised because that way, they make it some kind of necessity to scan the known land much more thoroughly again - and to me, that doesn't seem like the fun part in TotK. The fun is to see all the new stuff and differences on the known map and go there. Not climbing every hill or picking up every stone again.
Imho they could have done without them this time (and I really loved them in BotW) - and not limit inventory space at all.
This would also set BotW more apart of TotK.
We have to try all the combinations for Fuse to see what happens

We have to understand what are the limitation of Ultrahand since we have had a not so limited glympse of what can happen with the giant stone robot with Zonai wheels and with Zonai hand/cannon
Very exciting that there are new towns. I suspect we will build some of them up throughout the game.

This is definitely possible.

They specifically mention new town(s), hopefully there's one underground and perhaps maybe one in the sky? Or at least the ruins of one.

Also, concerning the Korok's, we've only officially seen footage of a single one that was carrying a backpack whilst looking at the sky. It seems that the Korok Forest and perhaps the Lost Woods are now airborne, so I don't expect to see many Koroks on Hyrule's surface., unless there's some side quest where you help them find their home
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