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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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Hoping that it's a lot of misdirection. She does have whatever it is that 'only she can do', hopefully that plays a major role.

oh I have no doubt that she will play a major role in TotK, she'll be way more involved in the game than she was in BotW for sure.

It's just a minor complaint towards how the trailer was structured, I don't think the game itself will have that issue tbh. I already loved how she was written in BotW, I believe Zelda team will deliver.
oh I have no doubt that she will play a major role in TotK, she'll be way more involved in the game than she was in BotW for sure.

It's just a minor complaint towards how the trailer was structured, I don't think the game itself will have that issue tbh. I already loved how she was written in BotW, I believe Zelda team will deliver.
I don't want to say I don't like Zelda's English VA, but if you listen to the Japanese trailer, the VA is just better that hearing Zelda repeatedly saying "Link" didn't bother me at all; in fact, I quite love the way she says it. That said, the difference in the delivery of the last like "Link, you must find me" between the English and Japanese trailers is huge IMO, and I much prefer the Japanese version(which is わたしをさがして).
I don’t think her voice actress is a bad voice actress. But she kind of does feel miscast. She sounds older than what she’s implied to be, and it also gives off the vibe of an American doing a British accent.

Other BotW characters had similar problems imo. Impa sounded like a younger person doing an old lady impression. And the King sounded like a young guy not even trying to sound old. Most of the other characters were fine, though.

Mercer’s Ganondorf is giving me similar vibes but I hope it ends up better in the game.
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I don't want to say I don't like Zelda's English VA, but if you listen to the Japanese trailer, the VA is just better that hearing Zelda repeatedly saying "Link" didn't bother me at all; in fact, I quite love the way she says it. That said, the difference in the delivery of the last like "Link, you must find me" between the English and Japanese trailers is huge IMO, and I much prefer the Japanese version(which is わたしをさがして).

Just rewatched JP VA again and found out why I think it's way better than EN VA, cause the line before the last line of Zelda in JP never said Link, instead it just said you are (あなたは). It's just way less annoying than hearing the word Link again and again...

In addition to changing how those lines were acted, they really should just remove that one Link from the line in EN VA version.
This was probably already discussed but...


...this is probably about the more mechanical enemies but I blame the MCU for making immediately think of a certain Endgame meme when I read that... -_-

The new abilities are great, except this one which I find strange and not really fun. Pressing a button to cross the ceiling is a bit dumb to me and Nintendo hasn't convinced me yet that it's an interesting gameplay mechanic.
The new abilities are great, except this one which I find strange and not really fun. Pressing a button to cross the ceiling is a bit dumb to me and Nintendo hasn't convinced me yet that it's an interesting gameplay mechanic.

Maybe there's a requirement to have one of the main skills suck. Cryonis was almost always useless junk in BOTW as well.
The new abilities are great, except this one which I find strange and not really fun. Pressing a button to cross the ceiling is a bit dumb to me and Nintendo hasn't convinced me yet that it's an interesting gameplay mechanic.
imagine there's coordinate shared in a mission by NPC or from online community, when you use your ascend ability at that place, instead of reaching the top of a mountain as you expected, you're ascended to a secret hidden closed space (a cave with no entrance inside the said mountain for example), where all kinds of surprises may await you. This ability basically allows you to freely enter and escape those places and I think it'll be a fun feature for the exploration aspect of the game.
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I'm not really sure what to make of Zelda's lines in the trailer and frankly, I also don't think there's much of a point in reading too much into them given that they're probably played out of context anyway. Taking the very last "you must find me" line with her sitting on that sky island at face value, at least it doesn't look like she's physically trapped in a fixed place like she was in BotW but other than that 🤷‍♂️
Just rewatched JP VA again and found out why I think it's way better than EN VA, cause the line before the last line of Zelda in JP never said Link, instead it just said you are (あなたは). It's just way less annoying than hearing the word Link again and again...

In addition to changing how those lines were acted, they really should just remove that one Link from the line in EN VA version.
When she looks at the person who lays their hand on her shoulder she 'says you are'?
Would be interesting and maybe hint at this (goat person?) being an early reincarnation of Link.
The new abilities are great, except this one which I find strange and not really fun. Pressing a button to cross the ceiling is a bit dumb to me and Nintendo hasn't convinced me yet that it's an interesting gameplay mechanic.

Have to agree, it doesnt seem very interesting as a mechanic. There's no agency with the ability, you press a button and suddenly you're above the ceiling. Sure they can make puzzles around that, but the ability itself isn't engaging.
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Yeah ascend hasn't seemed particularly interesting so far. Having it be vertical loses some intuitiveness as you're not typically looking at the ceiling during gameplay.
If you replaced Cryonis with something that instantly sends you to the opposite edge of any body of water*, that would probably feel more intuitive as you'd have a much better sense of where you'd be going without having to refer to map coordinates or whatever.
Obviously this game has a big theme of verticality though, so it's understandable.

*brb going to patent this idea
Can't wait for Nintendo to announce the Tears of the Kingdom Second Quest Expansion, where you play as Zelda in Zonai Hyrule thousands of years in the past.
I'm not really sure what to make of Zelda's lines in the trailer and frankly, I also don't think there's much of a point in reading too much into them given that they're probably played out of context anyway. Taking the very last "you must find me" line with her sitting on that sky island at face value, at least it doesn't look like she's physically trapped in a fixed place like she was in BotW but other than that 🤷‍♂️
It's actually not the full line: "You must find me a killer bagel recipe before the next blood moon or you're fired."
I think ascend can become interesting if it can be done with moving platforms or from a zoomed out perspective, that way it would become another way to solve puzzles and be timing dependant.

Oh! I am imagining a scenario where we can only enter a house with some goodies on the surface by remembering it's X, Y coordinate and ascending from a cave below, that way coordinates are useful as well.

As long as there is no free flight possible I am a happy man, I have always been of the opinion that free flight is a game breaker because everything would be too easy to access, that's no fun.

Reminiscing further, I bet instead of a motorcycle we'll get a plane with unlimited flight this time for DLC, powered not by a Zonai battery but the triforce of power.
Tears of the Kingdom: Second Quest is the Switch 2 launch title because Nintendo want to copy Spiderman: Miles Morales

Don't @ me
The new abilities are great, except this one which I find strange and not really fun. Pressing a button to cross the ceiling is a bit dumb to me and Nintendo hasn't convinced me yet that it's an interesting gameplay mechanic.
For me its the otherway around. Its the most interesting one. Example like finding a way into a locked home. A lot of puzzle elements can be done with this aswell. Anyway, lets see how they will use it in the game

Overal, im glad my prediction on how it starts is true. So it does starts in the sky and you'll need to gain the required abilities before going to the surface.
Are you kidding? Lol

You really can't see how that would sour someone?

The way Nintendo constantly push their weight legally over stupid shit is cowardly. Nintendo's in the wrong, but there's no way almost anyone could ever challenge them without massive amounts of money. But your stance is Nintendo should do what they please, and you should be happy about it.
No I’m not kidding, and with all due respect, please keep your fucking words out of my mouth. I didn’t say half the things your reply implies, and you don’t know how I feel so don’t project your strawman on me.

He has every right to be sour, but I’m sure he’ll be fine. If he has $10k to throw at a couple of people to make a mod that piggybacks on others’ creations and intellectual property, I think the sourness will quickly melt away the next time he feels the need to make a video that’ll hit a million or two views.

To get back to your patronizing reply, I never said whether or not he should feel sour, what Nintendo should do, or who should be happy about any of it. What I was referring to in nearly the entirety of my comment was that some of these YouTube influencers seem like they are teetering on the edge of holding their “influence” over Nintendo’s head in exchange for being “excited” about an upcoming release. In my life, at least, that’s just now how interests and passions work, and to me, it shows that PointCrow’s opinions can’t be trusted since they are at least partly based on what can make him money. In my opinion, that’s no better than the world where all the content about games is controlled by organizations who received special treatment (free games, press kits, perks) from publishers.

He's a major BOTW content creator on YT
I don't watch his stuff. But it's understandable that something that he sinks countless hours into / is a big part of his livelihood would make him feel this way.
Thanks for the context! I did know that about him already because I’ve followed the news about “his” mod for a bit, but I still appreciate it. 😀
I agree with you, he has every right to feel any way he wants. Personally, I think he should shift his YouTube channel toward creating entirely original content. Then, he wouldn’t ever have to worry about a company issuing him strikes/takedowns for using their intellectual properties in ways they don’t want him to, and that way, his countless hours of work, livelihood, and enjoyment of his hobbies/interest wouldn’t rest on a corporation like Nintendo looking the other way. I mostly say that because this situation was completely foreseeable. When his $10,000 bounty went out, I knew instantly that if it released, Nintendo would be all over it. That’s exactly what happened, and a popular YouTuber making Nintendo-related content would know that, too. (Maybe he was even counting on it? All the “Nintendo took down my videos!” hoopla has definitely brought more eyes to his channel, after all.)
Either way, it’s still not a great situation, but maybe Nintendo will relax their standards somewhat when they don’t have any YouTubers left? (I somewhat doubt that in situations like this, however, because I believe Nintendo goes after “fan” mods , so that if they ever have to take someone/an entity to court over selling modified versions of their software, the defense can’t point to times where Nintendo didn’t enforce their copyrights.)
Yeah ascend hasn't seemed particularly interesting so far. Having it be vertical loses some intuitiveness as you're not typically looking at the ceiling during gameplay.
If you replaced Cryonis with something that instantly sends you to the opposite edge of any body of water*, that would probably feel more intuitive as you'd have a much better sense of where you'd be going without having to refer to map coordinates or whatever.
Obviously this game has a big theme of verticality though, so it's understandable.

*brb going to patent this idea
Ascend feels like a solution they had to a problem with the underground that has been made more fleshed out

Matt Mercer's Ganondorf is giving me 'Catherine' the game narrator vibes. That isn't a complaint.

I also don't know why my font is weirdly formatted and I can't change it. Help.
We are thinking about Ascend without the context of the game. With the absurd amount of verticality the game has, I'm sure it will not only be useful and fun, but it is a hability that came naturally to the developers mind while playing the game, because the world structure required something like that.
I wonder if they'll make reference to popular speedrun mechanics in the game. BLS actually bought me back into the game because of how much fun exploration became (After 2k hours of regular play and multiple prior playthroughs) I think late-game items that aid exploration in a profound way are necessary in sandbox type games. Remember the first time you opened the glider after jumping from the tower in BOTW? Palpable elation.

I also distinctly remember going to a Switch pre-release event in Manchester where they would let you play some of the games, Splatoon, 1-2 Switch and then a huge queue for Breath of the Wild and I remember being completely mind-blown by it.
i don't know about speedrun mechanics but I thought it was funny that the sky islands have minecarts on them after all the minecart flying machines people made in BotW.
I think what's fun about Ascend ability is pretty obvious, it's the moment when Link pokes his head through the ceiling.

The gameplay demo only showed cases where Link already knew where he would end up being, which is pretty useful for fast vertical traversal. But I would assume that won't always be the case. For instance, when you're in the deep underground area, you don't always know what's actually above you, maybe it's the surface of Hyrule, or maybe it's another secret underground area with completely different environmental design, creatures, puzzles, or rewards.

It's like opening a mysterious box and you don't know what's in it until you actually opened it, and that's just pure fun.
I think what's fun about Ascend ability is pretty obvious, it's the moment when Link pokes his head through the ceiling.

The gameplay demo only showed cases where Link already knew where he would end up being, which is pretty useful for fast vertical traversal. But I would assume that won't always be the case. For instance, when you're in the deep underground area, you don't always know what's actually above you, maybe it's the surface of Hyrule, or maybe it's another secret underground area with completely different environmental design, creatures, puzzles, or rewards.

It's like opening a mysterious box and you don't know what's in it until you actually opened it, and that's just pure fun.
But it would have to be in fairly obvious or otherwise signposted areas where the ability could be used, otherwise you're going to be deep underground ascending every few steps in the hope of finding a secret cavern. But also now I'm picturing finding a secret cavern, and the absolute joy of deep exploration / secret finding. I want it absolutely crammed to the rafters with rewards, I want exploration to be rewarded in every facet. Think of that big pile of coins in Odyssey when you finally learn how to cappy bounce onto the roof. Or when you learn how to find the right angle to bounce straight into New Donk City. I need these moments.
I think Ascend as a mechanic will be more reliant on good setpieces, boss fights and good puzzle designs to make it enjoyable to use.

Also there is nothing wrong with a "simple" mechanic that gets the job done in terms of traversal if that means reducing the tediousness of getting out of an underground area every time.
I guarantee there will be a puzzle in an otherwise nondescript room that I'll spend half an hour in before thinking to myself... I should try and ascend. I have a habit of forgetting game mechanics until absolutely necessary.
Knowing Nintendo they'll also have one of those classic "the lava is rising" moment where you have to time your ascend ability well to get out.
But it would have to be in fairly obvious or otherwise signposted areas where the ability could be used, otherwise you're going to be deep underground ascending every few steps in the hope of finding a secret cavern. But also now I'm picturing finding a secret cavern, and the absolute joy of deep exploration / secret finding. I want it absolutely crammed to the rafters with rewards, I want exploration to be rewarded in every facet. Think of that big pile of coins in Odyssey when you finally learn how to cappy bounce onto the roof. Or when you learn how to find the right angle to bounce straight into New Donk City. I need these moments.
If you're familiar with the patent Nintendo issued for the Ascend ability (I recommend MonsterMaze's video on that), there're some limitations designed for the ability. For instance, if the ceiling above you has spikes, then you can't use your Ascend ability. Underground ceilings have stalactites, and I believe those stalactites will be purposely placed by Nintendo to indicate the player which places are most suitable for Ascend. I'm sure the map was well-designed by Nintendo with the Ascend ability in mind.
I think that what makes Ascend stand out compared to other abilities is that it's the only one that require a more "traditional" approach to puzzles. Unlike Fuse, Ultrahand and Recall that can be used alongside Botw engine and its whole systemic approach. Ascend is a direct "going from A to B" and those pathways have to be explicitly set by the developers.
So I guess your affinity with Ascend depends on whether you prefer Zelda previous or current design. Personally, I think Ascend is the least interesting ability because it doesn't allow as much freedom as the rest of the game and doesn't contribute to the "mutliplicative design" the Zelda team is so fond of.
I'm sure speedrunners will find spots to abuse Ascend, so they can skip a bunch of the game, but that won't be the intended way by Nintendo. But at least, a good number of people will be happy as it allows adding back some linearity in the game.
I also understand the feeling of discovering some "secret rooms" but if such cases happen, it would be either because the surrounding area hints toward a secret place at "that location" or by sheer luck because you tried the ability in a bunch of places. None of the 2 are satisfactory to me, but I get the appeal.
You know that Goron that attacks Link in the trailer?
What if it's corrupted Yunobo

That's what I'm thinking. It would be a wild contrast from his demeanor in BOTW and they were being coy about who was holding the club in the one scene with Riju and Sidon.
I wonder how we will fuse weapons/shields with each other when they are in the inventory. Should we drop one on the ground? What do you think?
Zelda's cave-girl Zonai look is so clearly a Princess Mononoke homage that it's a shame she's most probably not playable, but I wonder if there'll be something of the warrior-princess (or at least, active-leader-princess) about her when we do find her. I think Nintendo will at least not miss the opportunity to have Link join Zelda for part of the quest, but I'm also wondering how heavily they lean into groups of NPCs engaging enemies and how much of that we get as events in main quests; maybe we'll have Zelda rallying Hyrule's resistance to Ganondorf if we find her.

While I'm giving up on Zelda as playable in the main game, I am willing the Second Quest expansion - where we play as Zelda in Zonai-era Hyrule - into existence.
Ignoring aesthetic differences, and assuming BOTW/TOTK follow the Downfall timeline:

Is this Ganondorf & his sealed state one & the same from OOT with the hero falling? Is the past being depicted here all the way back to OOT, with this being Ganondorf's first emergence within the DT? (FWIW, I believe BOTW's 10,000 years ago & TOTK's mural past are two different times).

I think the prevailing sentiment is to not mix the two; Ganondorf was sealed after the hero fell in OOT. And then at some other later point in time (still far in BOTW/TOTK's past), the sealing depicted in the 2019 trailer happened.

But what if they're just telling that story now. BOTW & TOTK trailers have now proved that Ganon can emerge while Ganondorf remains sealed. Let's assume that applies to all previous Downfall titles, to the extent that OOT Ganondorf has simply been sealed this entire, while ALTTP, OOA/S, TLOZ, AOL were just Ganon emerging in a similiar manner to BOTW.

Meaning the "past" that will be shown/explored in TOTK is just OOT post Link's death (but aesthetically reimagined).

I can see the resemblance between this lady and OOT Zelda, aside from skin tone.
Just rewatched JP VA again and found out why I think it's way better than EN VA, cause the line before the last line of Zelda in JP never said Link, instead it just said you are (あなたは). It's just way less annoying than hearing the word Link again and again...

In addition to changing how those lines were acted, they really should just remove that one Link from the line in EN VA version.
Probably because of the English VA's accent? I don't think she did a bad job, but I can see why some people complain about the voiceacting. Anyway, Japanese Revali is still the best in the game IMO and I hope we hear him again in ToTK.
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