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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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Two remeaning arts now oficially provided by Nintendo.

I keep debating on if Riju looks older or not. I definitely think she does but it's hard to tell without a height comparison between her and the other Gerudos and/or a Hylian. My gut says she is tho and if I had to argue how much older, I'd say she's probably gone from 11-12 in BOTW to 16-18, i.e. the same age park as Link and Zelda in BOTW. I kinda hope this is the case, and there's no weird time travel nonsense with Link and Zelda, as that would make both of them in their early 20s which is something we've never seen out of Link and Zelda.
Zelda's cave-girl Zonai look is so clearly a Princess Mononoke homage that it's a shame she's most probably not playable, but I wonder if there'll be something of the warrior-princess (or at least, active-leader-princess) about her when we do find her. I think Nintendo will at least not miss the opportunity to have Link join Zelda for part of the quest, but I'm also wondering how heavily they lean into groups of NPCs engaging enemies and how much of that we get as events in main quests; maybe we'll have Zelda rallying Hyrule's resistance to Ganondorf if we find her.

While I'm giving up on Zelda as playable in the main game, I am willing the Second Quest expansion - where we play as Zelda in Zonai-era Hyrule - into existence.
I don't think she's playable at all, but it is weird that there seems to be cutscenes that only involve her and not Link.
Getting some Xenoblade vibes from the huge stone near Kakariko Village.


Wonder how much Zonai charge we'll need to Recall that back to where it came from?

Also how much Zonai charge do we need to get Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition?
I don't think she's playable at all, but it is weird that there seems to be cutscenes that only involve her and not Link.
Could easily be scenes that Link glimpses through some magical power or whatnot, like the Memories in BotW; as much as I want each Zelda game to use a narrative structure that works around that game, it wouldn't surprise me if something like Memories return. This time, it obviously wouldn't be Memories that Link has, but would instead be messages or visions Zelda leaves around the sky ruins which show Link what she did in those places in the past, or something like that.

It would be much more interesting to play as Zelda, but I don't see Nintendo doing Witcher 3 style Ciri sequences for Zelda, even though that'd be something I'd welcome.
Ganondorf's move sets in combat. Think about the possibilities. He theoretically could wield his katana, shoot malice-covered arrows at us or fire malice from the palm of his hands, recruit other enemies to help him (if we can have NPCs like Sidon et. al to help us fight, what prevents him from doing the same? Add in a lynel or two and it'll be game over for most), and so many other cool possibilities.

edit: hope we have an OOT moment where we play tennis with ganondorf
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Probably because of the English VA's accent? I don't think she did a bad job, but I can see why some people complain about the voiceacting. Anyway, Japanese Revali is still the best in the game IMO and I hope we hear him again in ToTK.
probably misunderstanding you, but not sure why they would change a line because of a accent
The X,Y,Z coordinates is such a big deal to me and I never knew I needed it. Now we can have quests attached to it. We can give coordinates to other people to help them find something. We see how far underground we can go.
It wasn't even until I read your comment that I realized how useful this is
Just rewatched JP VA again and found out why I think it's way better than EN VA, cause the line before the last line of Zelda in JP never said Link, instead it just said you are (あなたは). It's just way less annoying than hearing the word Link again and again...

In addition to changing how those lines were acted, they really should just remove that one Link from the line in EN VA version.
first time exposed to localization vs literal translation?
I think that what makes Ascend stand out compared to other abilities is that it's the only one that require a more "traditional" approach to puzzles. Unlike Fuse, Ultrahand and Recall that can be used alongside Botw engine and its whole systemic approach. Ascend is a direct "going from A to B" and those pathways have to be explicitly set by the developers.
So I guess your affinity with Ascend depends on whether you prefer Zelda previous or current design. Personally, I think Ascend is the least interesting ability because it doesn't allow as much freedom as the rest of the game and doesn't contribute to the "mutliplicative design" the Zelda team is so fond of.
I'm sure speedrunners will find spots to abuse Ascend, so they can skip a bunch of the game, but that won't be the intended way by Nintendo. But at least, a good number of people will be happy as it allows adding back some linearity in the game.
I also understand the feeling of discovering some "secret rooms" but if such cases happen, it would be either because the surrounding area hints toward a secret place at "that location" or by sheer luck because you tried the ability in a bunch of places. None of the 2 are satisfactory to me, but I get the appeal.

I can't represent every player but at least for me personally, if "secret rooms" do exist in TotK (I believe they do, cause the patent indicates that), those moments will only happen naturally according to my personal gaming style. I'm not a completionist, I won't try the ability every step I take just in case there might be something above me.

Those moments will happen when I actually want to use the Ascend ability, such as when I want to reach the top of the mountain but I "accidentally" found a hidden space, or when I want to escape the underground but I "accidentally" found a secret room with a powerful boss inside, I know I'm not strong enough to fight it at the moment so I just immediately use the Ascend again to escape the room, but I got the coordinate of that hidden place now so I'll come back later when I'm ready, etc.

I don't think it's gonna be sheer luck either, TotK's map is designed by a group of best developers in the world with the Ascend ability in mind, it's not just randomly generated, and Zelda team likes to test-play the game themselves over and over again while developing it, they have the data of places where players most likely to use the Ascend ability, so they could put "secret rooms" in those specific places to surprise players, let alone developers could easily use obstacles like stalactites to secretly guide players where to and not to explore.

In BotW, Zelda team introduced triangular landmarks and obstacles to hide the point of interest, players often thought they found a secret location by accident, but the truth was the game just had a very well-designed map that tricked players to think so, that it's just pure luck that they found that place, without knowing the map itself was secretly guiding them to find those places.

These triangular landmarks and obstacles are suitable for creating surprises in horizontal exploration, but since TotK focuses on vertical exploration, Zelda team has to find another way to provide those special "accidental moments", and I think the answer is the Ascend ability.
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This trailer might be the biggest mistake made by a major gaming company in the past decade. I literally screamed "I NEED YOU" at my screen. I knew they said it was going to be something special, but the lack of marketing made me think they were just going to release BotW DLC. Absolutely unacceptable to make us wait another 4 weeks. Once they knew hype was going to explode, they should've delayed the trailer closer to release.
How much time do we think has passed between Link's arm being damaged and him waking up on the sky plateau? I feel like the assumption has been that the few years that have clearly passed were before Link and Zelda find Ganondorf, but I'm starting to think that happens fairly soon after the end of BotW and instead the time skip happens afterwards. Just like BotW, Link has been asleep while recovering from his injury.

There are platforms and scaffolding built around the Zonai ruins in Kakariko, and the Rito have built platforms and ships around the tornado in Hebra. Those could only happen after Ganondorf awakens and would have taken some time to accomplish.

Ganondorf's revival is shown to be the event spawning new enemies that have the new horns, and they have new camps all throughout Hyrule. Those also would have taken time to be built after Ganondorf awakens.

We also have to reconcile Ganondorf reviving and taking over Hyrule with things like Link walking into Hateno where everyone is casually going about their lives. If the world erupting in malice and the sacred realm phasing into their reality was a recent event, there would be far more chaos and panic. I feel like they've come to terms with Ganondorf taking over the same way people did in the adult section of OoT. Link coming back after several years gives them the hope they need to start fighting back.

I'm also fairly certain Link talks to Zelda at the end of the sky plateau and gets the recall ability at that time. Some time must have passed from her falling to her being in a position where she's wearing Zonai clothes and wielding a tear of the kingdom and remotely communicating with Link to give him the rundown of what he must do.

This game is totally gonna start with "open your eyes."
Ascend feels like a solution they had to a problem with the underground that has been made more fleshed out
Yeah, ascend seems more like a tool to keep the game flowing more than anything else. After how seamless it was to get anywhere in BotW, the verticality benefits from an extra tool.

At the same time, I'm looking forward to it in designed puzzle situations. The fact that it only works in one direction makes for interesting possibilities.

E3 2021 - April 2023

didn't see anyone make this comparison yet but the glow up in the scene of Zelda falling is crazy

The shadowing is more appealing in the latest trailer but I prefer the 2019 look overall. I liked what the red glow added to that scene.
first time exposed to localization vs literal translation?

It's not about localization, I believe there's a great chance that in the actual game (Japanese version) Zelda still says "Link, you're our final hope" just like in English version, but in the trailer, Japanese version purposefully edited out the word "Link" from that line, since the next line of Zelda they chose to put in the trailer also starts with a "Link", which makes lines in the trailer (Japanese version) less annoying imo.
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Okay so I don't think this will be the case. I think Zelda will be the final Campanion character you will unlock.

BUT I've just been thinking over the past couple of days that SOMETHING is weird with Zelda's story. Link has the broken Master Sword, but Zelda has a fully in-tact one? She's lost somewhere, but clearly out in the open on the surface?

It does seem to me like she will be in past. But what if she IS playable in the past? With her own Master Sword and her own Hyrule to explore. And doing things in past Hyrule will affect future Hyrule. And the other Zelda-like person (whether it's Hylia, a past Zelda, etc) takes on the traditional "Zelda" role in the story.

Idk, it's something that would take so much work that it seems infeasible. But there's SOMETHING we're missing with Zelda's role in the game, and I just can't put my finger on what it is.

Also, while I'm here: has anyone pointed out yet that Sidon's moveset is like 1-for-1 from Age of Calamity? Probably show that I played way too much of that game lol.
Eh, i assume its 2-3 years since BotW, and a few days or weeks link needs to wake up in the sky.
In what world would ganondorf, unrestricted, take years to take over the land again? In OoT people where already partially subsurvent (LonLon Ranch...), and those that werent did get hammered. Here it seems that people are generally more countering his reach, and in those cases he would have destroyed the places with how powerfull he is now?
This game is totally gonna start with "open your eyes."
... i hope instead of that something or someone just kicks link out of his "bed" and screams "wake up". maybe a construct that needs to clean xD

There are a lot of spots on the map with names that reference different aspects of the series. Be fun if some of those places now have things on them, like Arbiter's Grounds now potentially being home to a dungeon.

For example, there was a Gleeok Bridge in BotW, and we've got Gleeok guarding a bridge (the one over lake Hylia, not Gleeok Bridge).
Gleeok seems to be an overworld boss, but honestly I wonder if it’s one of the types that will respawn after the blood moon.

Bc it’s not just spawning in some random area of the overworld, it’s straight up blocking the bridge of hylia. Do they expect you to fight it every time you cross?
Gleeok seems to be an overworld boss, but honestly I wonder if it’s one of the types that will respawn after the blood moon.

Bc it’s not just spawning in some random area of the overworld, it’s straight up blocking the bridge of hylia. Do they expect you to fight it every time you cross?
I would say that yes it will respawn like Hinox and other stuff

is confirmed is a boss like that + we will probably have also other elemental Gleeoks given the fact that the one in Hylia Bridge is a Flame Gleeok
Ignoring aesthetic differences, and assuming BOTW/TOTK follow the Downfall timeline:

Is this Ganondorf & his sealed state one & the same from OOT with the hero falling? Is the past being depicted here all the way back to OOT, with this being Ganondorf's first emergence within the DT? (FWIW, I believe BOTW's 10,000 years ago & TOTK's mural past are two different times).

I think the prevailing sentiment is to not mix the two; Ganondorf was sealed after the hero fell in OOT. And then at some other later point in time (still far in BOTW/TOTK's past), the sealing depicted in the 2019 trailer happened.

But what if they're just telling that story now. BOTW & TOTK trailers have now proved that Ganon can emerge while Ganondorf remains sealed. Let's assume that applies to all previous Downfall titles, to the extent that OOT Ganondorf has simply been sealed this entire, while ALTTP, OOA/S, TLOZ, AOL were just Ganon emerging in a similiar manner to BOTW.

Meaning the "past" that will be shown/explored in TOTK is just OOT post Link's death (but aesthetically reimagined).

I can see the resemblance between this lady and OOT Zelda, aside from skin tone.
Ganon proper didn’t appear in BotW, that was just a manifestation created by Ganon’s malice. The Ganon we see in all the Downfall Timeline games is actually Ganon in the flesh. So it doesn’t seem to make sense for TotK’s Ganondorf to be the same Ganondorf from OoT. It’s either a new, third Ganondorf…or the Ganondorf from FSA.

Either way, that’s another reason why I think it makes the most sense for BotW/TotK to take place on the Child Timeline. Gerudo seem to be long gone by the end of the Downfall Timeline (and Adult Timeline), after all, while they’re clearly still around in the Child Timeline, so that’s the only timeline where it would make sense for a new Ganondorf to be born (unless TotK’s Ganondorf is the one from FSA, which also means it has to be the Child Timeline).
Okay so I don't think this will be the case. I think Zelda will be the final Campanion character you will unlock.

BUT I've just been thinking over the past couple of days that SOMETHING is weird with Zelda's story. Link has the broken Master Sword, but Zelda has a fully in-tact one? She's lost somewhere, but clearly out in the open on the surface?

It does seem to me like she will be in past. But what if she IS playable in the past? With her own Master Sword and her own Hyrule to explore. And doing things in past Hyrule will affect future Hyrule. And the other Zelda-like person (whether it's Hylia, a past Zelda, etc) takes on the traditional "Zelda" role in the story.

Idk, it's something that would take so much work that it seems infeasible. But there's SOMETHING we're missing with Zelda's role in the game, and I just can't put my finger on what it is.

Also, while I'm here: has anyone pointed out yet that Sidon's moveset is like 1-for-1 from Age of Calamity? Probably show that I played way too much of that game lol.

I guess Zelda teams up with the champions 10.000 years ago in the era of prosperity before the first Great calamity.
She helps building the Guardians and Divine beasts through research.
There she meets the woman and the dragon/goat guy of the trailer.

With Zonai tech she forms time pockets for Link so that he's able to visit Hyrule in the past (or some kind of image of it) where we have to collect the tears or do certain tasks. In the end when we brought back Zelda to our time there might be some parallel/fusion fight occur. Between Link/Zelda/champions and Ganondorf in the present and between ancient Zelda/goat guy/Sheikah technology and Calamity ganon (both have the full set of 7 tears for the good ending). Closing the cycle or breaking it once and for all.

Maybe the part of Zelda in the past is playable or just done in flashbacks again... (could be provided later as DLC).

I think Yunobo was too afraid of Ganondorf and he snatches his red tear after Link and him obtained it from the dungeon boss.
Ganondorf inserts it into the socket on his headband and becomes stronger and more Demise-like.

Edit: or the Recall ability of Zelda's golden tear provides the means for creating time bubbles
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Gleeok seems to be an overworld boss, but honestly I wonder if it’s one of the types that will respawn after the blood moon.

Bc it’s not just spawning in some random area of the overworld, it’s straight up blocking the bridge of hylia. Do they expect you to fight it every time you cross?

Well, I imagine it will be not too hard to beat eventually, but yeah it could be a bit annoying. Maybe blood moon will spawn less frequently.
Eh, i assume its 2-3 years since BotW, and a few days or weeks link needs to wake up in the sky.
In what world would ganondorf, unrestricted, take years to take over the land again? In OoT people where already partially subsurvent (LonLon Ranch...), and those that werent did get hammered. Here it seems that people are generally more countering his reach, and in those cases he would have destroyed the places with how powerfull he is now?
I don't think he takes years. I think he takes over fairly quickly, and Link wakes up to a world in which he's the undisputed ruler, just like in OoT.

I just don't see the castle rising on a geyser of malice, a demon king being reborn, a barrier between worlds being shattered, and monsters once again taking over the land happening a few days before Link is casually checking in horses at the stable or buying mushroom clothes at Hateno.

Ganondorf has that whole cutscene where he summons the blood moon, breaks the sky barrier, and spawns all his minions, and then just chills in Hyrule castle and the stables and towns are acting as if nothing happened a few days later? It doesn't make sense.

Plus we've seen tons of structures that were clearly built after Ganondorf was revived.
i am wondering how the story will be told here.

While I like speeding running to the boss.

I wouldn’t mind a more linear story. Even if it might cause some restrictions when exploring the open air concept BOTW sought after.
Crazy thing is the I will probably spend 2 hours just to build the vehicle for a specific quest like the one that seem that you have to transport people around

This game will be so huge if you see it in this perspective
Crazy thing is the I will probably spend 2 hours just to build the vehicle for a specific quest like the one that seem that you have to transport people around

This game will be so huge if you see it in this perspective
The game looks fucking huge.

By that, I mean this:

It evokes awe, seeing those islands in the background and going through underground caverns.
I think this is the best original music ever composed for a video game trailer. Maybe for a trailer, period.
After watching trailer #3, I can almost foresee how severe my post-TotK syndrome will be. I'm afraid that only new 3d Mario launched on Switch 2 can cure that.
I think there were some posts lamenting that Zelda might have a reduced role in TOTK.

I truly hope that fear is misplaced. I don't mind her not being playable, that's just one of those things. But I really liked how the main narrative hook of BOTW was focused on her character development and the relationship she had with Link.

It's not something we had ever really seen before with those two. They usually get along instantly, and their connection doesn't usually have much of an impact on the plot. The finale of BOTW really felt like it was  their victory, which was something I really enjoyed.

So yeah, I hope they don't dump that in the sequel. At least Zelda has a tangible presence in TOTK, so hopefully she will not be relegated to flashbacks this time around.
I was so busy at work but during my lunch break watched the trailer and was blown the fuck away. Definitely the best trailer for the game yet for me. Hype through the roof now. Game releases literally after my birthday too. Amazing year for games. But this will probably be my GOTY when all is said and done.
Gleeok seems to be an overworld boss, but honestly I wonder if it’s one of the types that will respawn after the blood moon.

Bc it’s not just spawning in some random area of the overworld, it’s straight up blocking the bridge of hylia. Do they expect you to fight it every time you cross?

He will respawn after the bloodmoon, but I will prepare something for him.

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