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Pre-Release Splatoon 3 — Pre-release Discussion Thread

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How many times does Plum need to state that what they're lamenting as a lost opportunity isn't enough to deter them from looking forward to the game? Not on a false hope that Nintendo's holding something back, just that the game itself is both satisfactory and less than what was hoped for.

Of course, the issue here might just be Plum taking your call out as directed at them when it may well not have been.
Lol I could probably post a picture of me holding my Switch, playing Splatoon 3, with a massive smile on my face and I’d probably get “it’s not for you, maybe you just shouldn’t buy it.” :p

Like, for me the new maps, the refresh, the more cinematic-looking SP campaign and a bunch of much-needed QoL features are enough to get my excited for the game. I’ll be there Day One and I genuinely plan to take Splatfests and progression more seriously this time.

But, I’m still disappointed that it’s not more than that. That a franchise which I feel has such massive potential just… isn’t really reaching it, and is unlikely to ever reach it. All because Nintendo just doesn’t want to push the boat ‘too’ far from the aesthetic and gameplay formula that made the original game one of the Wii U’s only successes.

Basically, it sucks to me that Splatoon is another franchise whose Switch run can be defined - to me - by a feeling of hoping for a three course dinner at a fancy restaurant, but not getting the third course. The dinner was nice, well made, and enjoyable… but it could have been so much better, so much more satisfying, had there just been that one ‘course’ more.
Sorry but for me I was wanting a two player game local as a turf war but split screen this would of had me parting with my money and pre ordered straight away.
I never even finished splatoon 1 on wii u but got Splatoon because it was an enhancement of 1, with the hope of a 2 player real game not just some rubbish bursting balloons.
I thought with how local player games are selling Nintendo would of learned that players in same household is still a very high selling point.
Oh well I might start playing Splatoon 2 again as I have hardly touched it.
I guess I just don’t get why this game even needs to exist. Should have made a spin-off and put this on the next console if they’re just going to do minor iterational releases.

There's a point with multiplayer games where it's better for players that changes be done as new game rather than an update. Take something minor like adding checkpoints to Rainmaker. If that was patched into Splatoon 2, those who prefer Rainmaker as is would be SOL. This way if Splatoon 3 Rainmaker turns out to suck, everyone who enjoyed Rainmaker can still dip back into Splatoon 2 the same way Gamepad die-hards still keep Splatoon alive.

Now take that one minor change and add several dozens others, like new weapons, specials and movement options that shift game balance in a direction different enough from what was there before that people will either prefer it or wish they could go back to how it used to be and it's good this new thing is its own new thing and doesn't overwrite the old thing fans paid for, got used to and will remain fond of.

Of course, that doesn't mean one couldn't wish for bigger changes between sequels, only that the threshold for what prompts a sequel is lower than you think.
I think for me I’ve just been waiting for the announcement that basically just says “THIS is the game mode that justifies this games existence” like that 3D World trailer that turned everyone’s opinion around.

But that new game mode doesn’t exist. It’s just Splatoon 2 again with some bells and whistles.

If you just want more of the same then I’m happy for you, but I’m not excited.
I think for me I’ve just been waiting for the announcement that basically just says “THIS is the game mode that justifies this games existence” like that 3D World trailer that turned everyone’s opinion around.

But that new game mode doesn’t exist. It’s just Splatoon 2 again with some bells and whistles.

If you just want more of the same then I’m happy for you, but I’m not excited.

I think a lot of people are looking so hard for a new big gamemode that they don't notice all the other new things and improvements.
Here’s what I said would get me in before the direct
There are three things this presentation can do to secure my purchase, if we get more than one I’ll be ecstatic

1. Expanded Single Player that shows off the outstanding universe they’ve built
2. New Battle Royale style mode (Last Spartan Standing from Halo Infinite would be a great model for this. Smaller lobbies, multiple lives per player, upgrading weapons as you get kills splats) - the ink mechanic would be a slam dunk in this kind of mode, like a version of Fortnite build mode that… is actually worthwhile
3. Overhauled progression / lobby systems
  1. I’m not crossing this out yet, the look at more cinematic cutscenes has me excited, as does the reminder of more grounded settings. My expectations were in check there.
  2. Swing and a miss, was really hopeful for a new significant mode. Tri-Turf war doesn’t count, it’s a mode modification.
  3. Kind of there. All of the QoL updates seem like they’ll add up to more than the sum of their parts, though it’s not 100% what I had in mind. Won’t know till I go hands on.

Anyway, I’m just excited to play me some Splatoon and have a reason to keep coming back with the updates every few months.
I think a lot of people are looking so hard for a new big gamemode that they don't notice all the other new things and improvements.
like when we get an outstanding Direct but the entire thread is full of “Where’s Metroid Prime?”
This Direct was a hype deflator personally. Consider my expectations managed.

This seems like even more “more of the same” than 2 was, that at least introduced Salmon Run.

This is just, more Turf War, the same four ranked (anarchy) modes, more Salmon Run, a new single player that looks the same as the other two (floating platforms, octarians, collect the Zapfish…).

The new content is just minor stuff, a board game, customisable victory emotes, a locker. The biggest new thing is that 3 team turf war, which is locked behind Splatfests.

I guess I just don’t get why this game even needs to exist. Should have made a spin-off and put this on the next console if they’re just going to do minor iterational releases.

The DLC is where the actual meat will be here, so why not just make another DLC for 2?
Because everything they've added to Splatoon 3, whether or not you feel it warrants a sequel, is enough to differentiate it from its predecessor in terms of nuances that while the core remains the same it's still much different from 2 in execution. Personally I put my hundreds of hours into Splatoon 2 and don't regret a single minute of it, but I'm ready to move on. I want new weapons, movement mechanics, progression features, and the better online. None of that should be expected to be retrofitted into a game that's 5 years old at this point, is running on sales fumes, and is also hamstrung by being a game running on older multiplayer services. If a new game can justify rebuilding and refreshing its core systems, and also allow for a more stable vehicle to put out more content, then I'll take it.

I think it's also time to accept that with this game's 2 year lifespan, we're not going to enter a traditional "hardware cycle" for the next Switch if they're putting out this title this late into the console's lifetime. The next console will likely launch in the middle of this game's lifespan and maintain the same ecosystem, and probably only receive a scarce amount of exclusives for quite some time where the real benefit will chiefly be playing Switch games at higher fidelity. Hell, I'm not even sure what would even be necessary out of Splatoon to save it to a hypothetical next console outside of maybe going beyond the 4v4 format, which at this point feels codified and might not be something they're comfortable to completely mess with yet if the gimmickry of the 4v2v2 is of any indication.
-"Large-scale expansion" is interesting phrasing to me that makes me wonder if it's bigger than Octo Expansion was; it's also interesting that they're not currently trying to associate it with single player. (I did go back and check, and Octo Expansion was described as a "hefty single player mode". It was also called the "first paid DLC" for Splatoon 2, I had forgotten they implied more was on the way.)
The thing with paid DLC is that what with Splatoon being a predominantly multiplayer game I think the last thing Nintendo wants to do is include something that can split its base in half. That's why they've been such a stickler for rotations when it comes to this game and why they're probably only now feeling comfortable opening up Salmon Run 24/7. Mario Kart has paid DLC maps but it makes sense for that game since they can be experienced outside of the random whims of online selections whereas Splatoon is strictly random whims of online selections. Logically the paid DLC would probably only be something that benefits the individual experience of the game, which would have to be either an expansion of the single player component, or an element that personalizes the multiplayer experience.

In reality it's probably closer to both, because even Octo Expansion needed that allure of getting to play as an Octoling in multiplayer to really "justify" its existence. Whenever the paid DLC drops, I'd expect it to similarly follow a trend of a single player component which gives some kind of perk for the multiplayer component by extension.
The Direct was actually really bad lol

the point of this Direct is giving the illusion that there's ton of new additions in this iteration , Nintendo kinda does this in other game specific Directs, but with Splatoon they're making it too obvious

it's also predictable how we moved from "just wait Nintendo will show how big of a leap this game is from previous games" to "actually meaningful additions aren't even needed in a sequel"

definitely passing on this
With how coy Nintendo usually is with their narratives in marketing I'm holding out hope that they're doing that again here and Octo Expansion levels of care has become the template for Splatoon single player. Some stuff in the Direct snippet looked promising - cutscenes, some more grounded environments (also in the Rise of the Mammalians trailer), others less so, so we'll have to wait and see, but I'm keeping an open mind.

Also the single player campaign's title is used extensively in marketing, bringing to mind Octo Expansion.

There's quite a bit of Octo-Expansion influence going by the trailer:

- They way you start the level is essentially the same as it was in Octo-Expansion, where it thrusts you into the level.

- They show the character having infinite use of Specials for certain levels like with Octo Expansion, so they could design whole levels around use of the Crab Tank, or the Zipline special as shown.

Some other notes:

- They showed some use of Little Buddy in a level with him enabling that platform movement. He's probably one of the bigger mechanics that they haven't discussed too much of, as he can be used to attack enemies, solve puzzles and enable contraptions. He's even getting his own Amiibo so he's probably an important part of the story.

- We get the same wide shot of the Inkling in the snow area getting up from the ground, with the Rocket ship in the back, but it's very different this time. Now the rocket ship and adjacent building are encircled in huge swathes of red hair.
The thing with paid DLC is that what with Splatoon being a predominantly multiplayer game I think the last thing Nintendo wants to do is include something that can split its base in half. That's why they've been such a stickler for rotations when it comes to this game and why they're probably only now feeling comfortable opening up Salmon Run 24/7. Mario Kart has paid DLC maps but it makes sense for that game since they can be experienced outside of the random whims of online selections whereas Splatoon is strictly random whims of online selections. Logically the paid DLC would probably only be something that benefits the individual experience of the game, which would have to be either an expansion of the single player component, or an element that personalizes the multiplayer experience.

In reality it's probably closer to both, because even Octo Expansion needed that allure of getting to play as an Octoling in multiplayer to really "justify" its existence. Whenever the paid DLC drops, I'd expect it to similarly follow a trend of a single player component which gives some kind of perk for the multiplayer component by extension.
Yep, all of this. I don't think there's any significant reason they didn't call it a single-player expansion up front. It's just because they haven't actually announced it yet and, besides the fact that it's big, they don't want people to form impressions of it ahead of time.

There's quite a bit of Octo-Expansion influence going by the trailer:

- They way you start the level is essentially the same as it was in Octo-Expansion, where it thrusts you into the level.

- They show the character having infinite use of Specials for certain levels like with Octo Expansion, so they could design whole levels around use of the Crab Tank, or the Zipline special as shown.

Some other notes:

- They showed some use of Little Buddy in a level with him enabling that platform movement. He's probably one of the bigger mechanics that they haven't discussed too much of, as he can be used to attack enemies, solve puzzles and enable contraptions. He's even getting his own Amiibo so he's probably an important part of the story.

- We get the same wide shot of the Inkling in the snow area getting up from the ground, with the Rocket ship in the back, but it's very different this time. Now the rocket ship and adjacent building are encircled in huge swathes of red hair.
There was also one level shown where you don't have a main weapon, which is another thing from the Octo Expansion.
The Direct was actually really bad lol

the point of this Direct is giving the illusion that there's ton of new additions in this iteration , Nintendo kinda does this in other game specific Directs, but with Splatoon they're making it too obvious

it's also predictable how we moved from "just wait Nintendo will show how big of a leap this game is from previous games" to "actually meaningful additions aren't even needed in a sequel"

definitely passing on this
You do you, but if you think this is anything like the Mario Sports games(or some of the other multiplayer games) where there is a lack of real content, then we clearly didn't see the same trailer. There is no illusion here. And as I said, we need to quit with the dismissive commentary.
If you just want more of the same

My point being that in competitive multiplayer games not even going from one big balance update to the next is more of the same.

Anyway, the current same in Splatoon 2 doesn't include Splatfests, patches, or new clothes, weapons, maps or single player levels. If I want those, in any online game, I'd have to pay for it, either as $20 skins, $30 DLCs, $15 battlepasses or, heck why not, bundled into one $60 game.
I think a lot of people are looking so hard for a new big gamemode that they don't notice all the other new things and improvements.
Generally I don’t really see the issue in people valuing new stuff over improved old stuff. It’s not an indicator of ignorance, just of different priorities.

Like, Rainmaker checkpoints is a cool update that’ll hopefully improve the gameplay experience. But it’s still Rainmaker. Salmon Run is similar; new boss enemies and a Godzilla fight are cool, but it’s still - at it’s core - going to be the same mode we all played last time. It doesn’t even look different lol (seriously, who wanted more ugly sewage lakes?).
Generally I don’t really see the issue in people valuing new stuff over improved old stuff. It’s not an indicator of ignorance, just of different priorities.

Like, Rainmaker checkpoints is a cool update that’ll hopefully improve the gameplay experience. But it’s still Rainmaker. Salmon Run is similar; new boss enemies and a Godzilla fight are cool, but it’s still - at it’s core - going to be the same mode we all played last time. It doesn’t even look different lol (seriously, who wanted more ugly sewage lakes?).
This is probably my biggest perceived personal disappointment with the game. Or at least, was back at the Salmon Run trailer and wasn’t eased much from this Direct’s Salmon Run showing :(
Generally I don’t really see the issue in people valuing new stuff over improved old stuff. It’s not an indicator of ignorance, just of different priorities.

Like, Rainmaker checkpoints is a cool update that’ll hopefully improve the gameplay experience. But it’s still Rainmaker. Salmon Run is similar; new boss enemies and a Godzilla fight are cool, but it’s still - at it’s core - going to be the same mode we all played last time. It doesn’t even look different lol (seriously, who wanted more ugly sewage lakes?).

I think my main gripe with this though is that new content and options for existing modes isn't just improvements. It's actual new stuff that will make everything completely different. I do understand wanting a completely new experience, however I think with all the additions and changes the existing modes will feel more than fresh enough.

By the way, completely unrelated to your post, I understand why they were merged but I liked the chill vibes of having the direct and pre release threads separated 😔
I don’t mind paying for dlc but it would be nice if it’s included in the Online Expansion Pack. Just sayin’
I wouldn't put it passed the game making them part of the Expansion Pack after Animal Crossing and Mario Kart got thrown into the mix, we just don't have the specifics confirmed yet other than "it's coming".
Generally I don’t really see the issue in people valuing new stuff over improved old stuff. It’s not an indicator of ignorance, just of different priorities.

Like, Rainmaker checkpoints is a cool update that’ll hopefully improve the gameplay experience. But it’s still Rainmaker. Salmon Run is similar; new boss enemies and a Godzilla fight are cool, but it’s still - at it’s core - going to be the same mode we all played last time. It doesn’t even look different lol (seriously, who wanted more ugly sewage lakes?).

I get in a sense because my dream scenario for Splatoon 3 was Splatoon 2 with a few balance updates and a huge, build-up, fully-featured Salmon Run mode that made Splatoon 2's version look like an early proof of concept.

I don't get it in a sense because if I got my wish, I firmly believe there'd still be the same number of people saying Splatoon 3 could have just been an update to Splatoon 2 if it wasn't gonna have even one new mode.
Generally I don’t really see the issue in people valuing new stuff over improved old stuff. It’s not an indicator of ignorance, just of different priorities.

Like, Rainmaker checkpoints is a cool update that’ll hopefully improve the gameplay experience. But it’s still Rainmaker. Salmon Run is similar; new boss enemies and a Godzilla fight are cool, but it’s still - at it’s core - going to be the same mode we all played last time. It doesn’t even look different lol (seriously, who wanted more ugly sewage lakes?).
Yep. I put about 40 hours into both 1 and 2. I’m not one to play the same modes for hundreds of hours.

In 1 I played a bunch of Turf War and it was fun!

In 2, I played a bunch of Salmon Run, loved the Octo Expansion, but only played a little bit of Turf War etc because well, I’d already seen that and had my fill.

For 3, I’m not seeing anything to get me playing another 40 hours. It’s all stuff I’ve already seen.

I was hoping for maybe a new spin on the Salmon Run style co-op PvE mode, make like a raid mode where you go through a level and fight a boss at the end. Put it on rotation with the regular Salmon Run if you’re scared of fragmenting the player base. Or a new PvP mode that stands up there toe to toe with Turf War. Just, something that’s brand new.

I’m sure the DLC will be great, but it’s like, I have to buy a $60 game with nothing I want to then buy that.
Yep. I put about 40 hours into both 1 and 2. I’m not one to play the same modes for hundreds of hours.

In 1 I played a bunch of Turf War and it was fun!

In 2, I played a bunch of Salmon Run, loved the Octo Expansion, but only played a little bit of Turf War etc because well, I’d already seen that and had my fill.

For 3, I’m not seeing anything to get me playing another 40 hours. It’s all stuff I’ve already seen.

I was hoping for maybe a new spin on the Salmon Run style mode, make like a raid mode where you go through a level and fight a boss at the end. Put it on rotation with the regular Salmon Run if you’re scared of fragmenting the player base. Or a new PvP mode that stands up there toe to toe with Turf War. Just, something that’s brand new.

Uhm, have you ever played any of the four ranked modes?
Ah, that's a shame. I was hoping I could bring you the good news that Splatoon 3 has four whole new game modes for you!
To be fair, Splatoon 3 could be a good time to get back into it at launch. All the good players will be able to transfer some of their Splatoon 2 rank progress, so that new players can actually enjoy the beginner ranks.
You do you, but if you think this is anything like the Mario Sports games(or some of the other multiplayer games) where there is a lack of real content, then we clearly didn't see the same trailer. There is no illusion here. And as I said, we need to quit with the dismissive commentary.
it's not about the amount of content, it's about the content being basically the same as the last game

this is Splatoon 1.75, you can meme this point of view all you want but it's the truth

Like I said I lost interest in this game and am not buying it, no interest in debating anything about it, so am out
Lol I could probably post a picture of me holding my Switch, playing Splatoon 3, with a massive smile on my face and I’d probably get “it’s not for you, maybe you just shouldn’t buy it.” :p

Like, for me the new maps, the refresh, the more cinematic-looking SP campaign and a bunch of much-needed QoL features are enough to get my excited for the game. I’ll be there Day One and I genuinely plan to take Splatfests and progression more seriously this time.

But, I’m still disappointed that it’s not more than that. That a franchise which I feel has such massive potential just… isn’t really reaching it, and is unlikely to ever reach it. All because Nintendo just doesn’t want to push the boat ‘too’ far from the aesthetic and gameplay formula that made the original game one of the Wii U’s only successes.

Basically, it sucks to me that Splatoon is another franchise whose Switch run can be defined - to me - by a feeling of hoping for a three course dinner at a fancy restaurant, but not getting the third course. The dinner was nice, well made, and enjoyable… but it could have been so much better, so much more satisfying, had there just been that one ‘course’ more.
Honestly I kind of wonder if it's a manpower issue with EPD. They may simply just not have the staff. This is echoed in stuff like BOTW2's delays, the lack of an Odyssey sequel, the sparse content with Animal Crossing at launch. Sure, COVID and all that, but Nintendo is expanding EPD for a reason, and its' because they are struggling to put out in-house content at a steady clip, relying more and more on outsourcing to partners. Maybe after the expansion and hiring spree, they'll try to make a Splatoon 4 that really feels like a generational leap instead of an iterative sequel.

And yeah, missed potential seems to be an issue with Nintendo sometimes.
I do feel like Splatoon 3 is missing that "key ingredient" or "one big thing". That hook - no pun intended. The closest thing to me is the tri-color battle , but that seems to be more of an experiment, like the card minigame. It's not the big new mode like Salmon Run was for Splatoon 2. I think in a sense, Octo Expansion was that missing element that would've made Splatoon 2 an unquestionably justified sequel if it had been a part of the game at launch, and it's possible the paid DLC for Splatoon 3 will be the same.
There's no way people are unironically using "iterative sequel" and "splatoon 2.5" or whatever nearly 2k posts into this thread right? right?
To be fair, Splatoon 3 could be a good time to get back into it at launch. All the good players will be able to transfer some of their Splatoon 2 rank progress, so that new players can actually enjoy the beginner ranks.

Good point, actually. Not sure how many S+ and X pros actually made alt account smurfs to terrorize the C ranks in Splatoon 2, but they'll be busy for the first couple of weeks of Splatoon 3 at least!

I don’t think I’ve played the clam one before tbh.

But it looks bad.

it kinda is

It's fun tho

but it kinda is
it's not about the amount of content, it's about the content being basically the same as the last game

this is Splatoon 1.75, you can meme this point of view all you want but it's the truth

Like I said I lost interest in this game and am not buying it, no interest in debating anything about it, so am out.
You said that the game is giving off the illusion that there's a ton of new additions to the game, which makes the trailer bad, which ain't true. Don't frame your statements like it's a fact amigo, especially if it's not atleast somewhat reflected anywhere else on the internet.
This is probably my biggest perceived personal disappointment with the game. Or at least, was back at the Salmon Run trailer and wasn’t eased much from this Direct’s Salmon Run showing :(
Yeah, I was hoping for Salmon Run to see the same evolution Zombies received in CoD. Very basic at first, but grew more and more complicated, whilst also serving as a way for the developers to implement some more wacky ideas. But here there’s none of that, it seems. A few minor gameplay improvements, and a few new boss enemies. All on maps that look the same, which could never be said about Zombies.

I think my main gripe with this though is that new content and options for existing modes isn't just improvements. It's actual new stuff that will make everything completely different. I do understand wanting a completely new experience, however I think with all the additions and changes the existing modes will feel more than fresh enough.

By the way, completely unrelated to your post, I understand why they were merged but I liked the chill vibes of having the direct and pre release threads separated 😔
Thing is, what may be fresh to those who like and have significant experience with the franchise, may just be ‘more of the same’ to others.

Look at another example: Far Cry 6. That game was actually one of the biggest departures gameplay-wise since the third entry. It got rid of the XP upgrades, it made everything more open, it changed how you do side quests, and added a bunch of new systems. For a Far Cry fan, this was all really different. But you know how it was received? As “just more Far Cry.” Because, despite all that, it was still the same for many, many people.

It’s not an exact science and never will be, so it’s why I never like seeing pure dismissals of people for wanting ‘more’ from sequels like Splatoon 3.
So we know Deep Cut will be apart of the story, considering the first time they reveal them was the same place within the story. What role do ya'll think they'll play? I'm really curious, since you already have the Squid Sisters, Cap N Cuttlefish, the original Agent 3(from the first Splatoon) and
potentially even DJ Octavio
on your side.
Last edited:
I wonder whether or not Octavio is a red herring in context of the Story Mode. Unlike Splatoon 2's Octo Canyon which concealed his presence everywhere in marketing, his presence has been very blatant in Splatoon 3's marketing. This trailer also showed a lot of different scenes like a school of monster-looking fish flying through the sky and some kind of purple ooze monster grabbing Cuttlefish. Even though the main enemy grunts are still Octarians, that was also the case for Octo Expansion where he was a non-presence and where there was a greater scope villain involved. Since this is billed as a "conclusion" to the saga, I feel they're mostly referring to the original war/conflict that Cuttlefish and Octavio have been waging against each other since before the first game (Octo Expansion's campaign was more or less removed from it and more like a side story). Given that, of course he has to be here, but maybe Octavio becomes an ally in this one.

Other detail I didn't notice: according to the website, Big Run is ostensibly Salmon Run but held on regular stages. Sounds like Salmon Run's equivalent of Splatfest's Shifty Stations.
Other detail I didn't notice: according to the website, Big Run is ostensibly Salmon Run but held on regular stages. Sounds like Salmon Run's equivalent of Splatfest's Shifty Stations.

I hope their phrasing of "these occur every few months" doesn't mean it's an event that happens only once every 3 months, but rather it's just a small chance to happen, and a new stage gets added to the pool in Big Run shifts every few months
I wonder whether or not Octavio is a red herring in context of the Story Mode. Unlike Splatoon 2's Octo Canyon which concealed his presence everywhere in marketing, his presence has been very blatant in Splatoon 3's marketing. This trailer also showed a lot of different scenes like a school of monster-looking fish flying through the sky and some kind of purple ooze monster grabbing Cuttlefish. Even though the main enemy grunts are still Octarians, that was also the case for Octo Expansion where he was a non-presence and where there was a greater scope villain involved. Since this is billed as a "conclusion" to the saga, I feel they're mostly referring to the original war/conflict that Cuttlefish and Octavio have been waging against each other since before the first game (Octo Expansion's campaign was more or less removed from it and more like a side story). Given that, of course he has to be here, but maybe Octavio becomes an ally in this one.

Other detail I didn't notice: according to the website, Big Run is ostensibly Salmon Run but held on regular stages. Sounds like Salmon Run's equivalent of Splatfest's Shifty Stations.
I personally think he's an ally this time. The mammal-like fur on the Octarians suggests that somebody else has taken control of his army(especially considering that he doesn't have that fur on him).

But seriously, is no one else wondering the role Deep Cut will play in the story?
I think the Direct did a poor job at times explaining details, and while parts of this were shared earlier in the thread, I was much more happy after reading this huge blog post from the website.

The actual megaton for me here is finally you can play ranked modes with friends, most importantly with groups of three, in anarchy battle open. This was my most wanted addition for this game so I’m very happy here. Very bizarre League Battle is MIA from the start, but it’s not terribly important either after this very welcome addition. Same deal too with finally always having the ability to be on the same team for Turf War. You can finally consistently enjoy the central mode of Splatoon together outside of Splatfests!

Also for some of y’all, you gotta stop putting down people who wanted more from single player. The three campaigns we’ve gotten in the series have all been fantastic and there’s especially a lot of love for the Octo Expansion, the biggest campaign yet that raised expectations for what is possible. They may be a drop in the bucket for some of you, but for others the single player is a huge part of the experience and some of the most valuable time they spend with the game. I also agree with Jersh earlier in the thread, the initial trailer for Splatoon 3 and the Rise of the Mamallians trailer each set up expectations that more attention was going to be given to single player this time so to see Nintendo turn around and just basically shrug over it in this Direct while also saying large scale DLC was incoming that single player fans have to now pin all their hopes and dreams on was very disappointing. Look there’s 12 million people who picked up Splatoon 2 alone and people are going to want and be excited about very different things from a series that does offer a lot of everything (single player, pvp, competitive pvp, co-op pve etc) even if one element will inevitably get the most love. Just because some people only put in 20 hours of Splatoon or whatever doesn’t make them lesser Splatoon fans than people all in on the multiplayer aiming for top ranks.
I think the Direct did a poor job at times explaining details, and while parts of this were shared earlier in the thread, I was much more happy after reading this huge blog post from the website.

Agreed. The Direct kind of felt like it was more for fans than newcomers, and the blog post did a better job at explaining everything.

The actual megaton for me here is finally you can play ranked modes with friends, most importantly with groups of three, in anarchy battle open. This was my most wanted addition for this game so I’m very happy here. Very bizarre League Battle is MIA from the start, but it’s not terribly important either after this very welcome addition. Same deal too with finally always having the ability to be on the same team for Turf War. You can finally consistently enjoy the central mode of Splatoon together outside of Splatfests!

100% this.

League was a little too stressful for my liking most of the time. My friend and I always wished we could team up in Turf War and Ranked for a bit less intense sessions. We ended up leaning on Salmon mode for that, but it's hardly the same.

Really the only things missing in this game for me are knowing I can switch my loadout/"Fit" between matches (has this been covered?), and a sane way to have voice chat and game audio at the same time. The latter is a lost cause
I personally think he's an ally this time. The mammal-like fur on the Octarians suggests that somebody else has taken control of his army(especially considering that he doesn't have that fur on him).

But seriously, is no one else wondering the role Deep Cut will play in the story?
It actually took me a while to notice that Deep Cut seem to be story mode players. I was a bit hesitant to make any guesses about their role since Off The Hook didn't get story prominence in Splatoon 2's original campaign either, and confirming paid DLC again made me wonder whether or not they'd have more than one campaign so I figured they'd save them for later. I only noticed on my Direct rewatch that the group's introduction is a cutscene that's actually from the game rather than something made for the trailer (since the A button prompt shows up at the end of their clip), and their introduction is clearly held in the Octarian area, so it's definitely not a scene taken from the game's intro where you travel to Splatsville, ruling it out as an initial boot cutscene. Plus their masks are even in the single player campaign's promotional poster which we've had for months now and has teased their presence ever since.

Their cutscene kind of make them seem like rival adversaries who cause trouble but probably wind up being good guys, assuming they're not just minor players. Despite their presentation they seem more like a "gang" who rule the Splatlands via cult of personality and that the Inkling / Octarian conflict is kind of encroaching on their domain. I can kinda see why they could afford to go with a Chaos / Order Splatfest to decide on this game's direction, because a lot of the presentation could've easily maintained the same overall plot if it went the other way.
If patterns repeat themselves

we gonna get a big man amiibo, start saving now folks


it better be the size of the guardian amiibo
I think the Direct did a poor job at times explaining details, and while parts of this were shared earlier in the thread, I was much more happy after reading this huge blog post from the website.

This is probably the best resource for seeing all the stuff they're adding, thanks.
Seriously sometimes we need to stop confusing trolling with normal criticism. It‘s not like that others and me derailed an OT or bought a game despite it having a big disclaimer on the cover ‚THIS IS A MULTIPLAYER GAME WHERE YOU HAVE TO PUT IN AT LEAST 300 HOURS A YEAR‘. It was just a direct of a game in a super successful game series and some people expected different things out of it.
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