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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion Thread | ST23 August 2023 | Things get WEIRD

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It had sharks. But same thing, right? Apart from dolphins being complete psychos.

Apparently only instance of dolphins in the whole Tomb Raider series was in Tomb Raider III. I wouldn't say no to a TR3 release but that sounds more like a Nightdive job.

The two main things I remember about this game:
1. The main selling point was Lara in a wet suit
2. This game overheated my laptop while I was playing during a hot summer day and I never went back to finish it

I would definitely be interested in picking it back up again if it came to Switch. I remember liking what I played. I think I got the game as some part Humble Bundle or whatever.
Capcom give us a Bionic Commando Rearmed package for Switch please! That game was awesome!
Only if it includes the NES and GB/GBC games (or just put them up on NSO already!)
Seconded/Thirded/Fourthed, man-of-culture.gif, etc.

For some reason when I heard Ms Splosion Man and Castle Crashers was coming to Switch, I honestly thought Bionic Commando was shortly behind in line of XBLA arcade games moving from 360 to Switch. Hell as a whole I'm surprised more haven't.

But yeah, god I would love to play Bionic Commando Rearmed properly from start to finish.
You know folks, I realize I didn’t say this online anywhere so I want to just quickly say that Pikmin 4 is the best game I’ve played in 5 years

It’s the best game I’ve played since Yakuza 0 and I’m not even remotely joking. Probably a top 5 all-timer for me
There are definitely some #gamer undertones to the whole BG3 discussion.

-There's the crowd who are against the AAA live service model and are propping up BG3 as the gaming messiah, despite there having been plenty of great non-GaaS this year alone
At the same time, all of those other great non gaas games didn’t get this weird counter narrative groundwork laid out before they were released to try and argue why other games can’t/shouldn’t be like that. Like this seems really Streisand effecty to me. They have me asking questions and making comparisons my brain wouldn't have had they not done that. Most social media arguments I see are against my own will but I'm just sort of confused as to why this is happening with this game specifically.

Like I don't remember when Smash Ultimate dropped a bunch of fighting game developers teaming up like Voltron to remind #gamers to never compare this game with other fighters and don't ever use this as some sort of standard or compare it to other fighting games.

Its like, uh ok? Why are you here? Was anyone going to do that?? And even if they did who made you guys the authority on who is allowed to compare which game to what?? I don't understand why some peoples first reaction to a game that was getting a lot of praise is to throw a bucket of cold water on its release hype.
Seconded/Thirded/Fourthed, man-of-culture.gif, etc.

For some reason when I heard Ms Splosion Man and Castle Crashers was coming to Switch, I honestly thought Bionic Commando was shortly behind in line of XBLA arcade games moving from 360 to Switch. Hell as a whole I'm surprised more haven't.

But yeah, god I would love to play Bionic Commando Rearmed properly from start to finish.
Man for real, that game is so fun! And it is a cliche, but it fits the Switch so much I feel.
You know folks, I realize I didn’t say this online anywhere so I want to just quickly say that Pikmin 4 is the best game I’ve played in 5 years

It’s the best game I’ve played since Yakuza 0 and I’m not even remotely joking. Probably a top 5 all-timer for me
That's awesome to hear. Can't wait to really get into it after I beat Raincode. Tbh I was a little nervous after playing the demo; was a bit unsure of the controls and feel of it for a second there.
That's awesome to hear. Can't wait to really get into it after I beat Raincode. Tbh I was a little nervous after playing the demo; was a bit unsure of the controls and feel of it for a second there.
I found the controls took a very little bit of getting used to, and after a bit I was commanding my Pikmin babies like a professional.
Thankfully one of my DnD buddies who's been playing BG3 has said it's fairly overrated so now I can curb my FOMO a bit

I'll probably end up disagreeing with him when I actually play it, mind, but for now my wallet is safe
Honestly, I want ALL of Capcom's PS3 era digital only games to be re-released, of course, on Switch. Bionic Commando Rearmed, Stryder, Ducktales Remastered, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Dungeon and Dragons 1-2...
Honestly, I want ALL of Capcom's PS3 era digital only games to be re-released, of course, on Switch. Bionic Commando Rearmed, Stryder, Ducktales Remastered, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Dungeon and Dragons 1-2...
Yoooo I completely forgot about how awesome Strider was!
I'm almost done with Judgment, great characters and story! The minigames weren't very interesting but I've read that's a common complaint about this game. I'll definitely play Lost Judgment in a month or two.

Next is Ys IX.
Question time!

Weekly Question #2:​

What’s your favorite Weird Nintendo moment or game?
Muppets Direct baybeeee

I also love that this wasn't just Nintendo hiring out for puppets and puppeteers, this was a legit collaboration with Jim Henson Studios. The bits were even directed by Jim Henson's son Brian!!
If CP2077 didn't faceplant out of the gate we probably would've been having this discourse 3 years ago.
IMO if CP2077 had come out actually functional, the discourse would have largely been "oh, this game is... fine, I guess?" There was nothing groundbreaking or boundary pushing about that game, in contrast to the sky-high expectations people had

BG3, on the other hand, didn't really have those expectations. Sure, we'd been told by the EA players to expect something special, so it's honestly a bit strange how surprised we all ended up being lol, but it didn't have the hype CP2077 had, and it ended up being a game with much more impressive systems and mechanics

I think the best recent analogy is Elden Ring. It's not really the same thing, as that game was also heavily hyped, but there was plenty of skepticism over whether From Soft could pull off an open world. Hell, does anyone remember the "which will sell more: Elden Ring or Pokémon Legends Arceus" poll at the other place? Plenty of people, myself included, found it ridiculous to consider Elden Ring outselling PLA. Obviously, we look incredibly silly for saying that now, and From Soft knocked it out of the park and largely exceeded all expectations. And then the backlash began - remember that Twitter thread where a handful of devs from other (largely open world games) studios were shitting on the UI and other minor aspects?
Question time!

Weekly Question #2:​

What’s your favorite Weird Nintendo moment or game?
I have a weird affection for Yo-Kai Watch, despite of never playing a single game in the series (nor having actual interest, since it's a RPG and a collecting monster one), but it gave me this

I feel like developers are more willing to openly comment on and critique other peoples' games. Before it was pretty taboo which makes sense. They all know how hard it is to make games and there's a high chance any negative comments towards another will eventually come to karma bite you in the ass later. But in recent years, I have seen more and more developers talking about other games on Twitter. A few months, you had a Bungie dev calling the enemy scaling in Diablo IV lazy. During the Bayonetta 3 voice actor cluster fuck, you had all sorts of developers quickly jumping to the defense Helena Taylor's defense, including Cory Barlog, the director of the GOW games. He was then reminded that the original voice actor for Kratos wasn't even informed that he would be losing the role and Cory had to say that the circumstances were different than the Taylor situation. Then when the truth Taylor came out, him and many other devs quickly scrubbed their Twitter accounts.

Personally I don't think it's worth it. In my industry, your told to keep your comments about other firms to among yourself and coworkers because you're likely going to see the people from those other firms at the next conference.
Low key as much as I love my Switch and other current consoles I kinda low key miss the old dedicated handhelds if only for all the sorts of games we used to get on day GBA, DS, PSP etc… to go along side the console counter parts.
So if I wanted to restart my Pokemon Scarlet playthrough, the thing to do would be to store all my important Pokemon in Pokemon Home, right? Is that really all there is to it?
Low key as much as I love my Switch and other current consoles I kinda low key miss the old dedicated handhelds if only for all the sorts of games we used to get on day GBA, DS, PSP etc… to go along side the console counter parts.
Closest thing we get to that nowadays is indie games. I do wish big publishers would be more willing to put out lower budget titles for 30-40 bucks, but gotta get dem big returns.
Your a weird nintendo game
I wish

I kinda low key miss the old dedicated handhelds if only for all the sorts of games we used to get on day GBA, DS, PSP etc… to go along side the console counter parts
Time to get a Playdate!

Didn't expect this


Between Diablo 4, Path of Exile 2, and now this we've got some good ARPGs coming back
Seriously, what's next, a new Torchlight that doesn't suck?

I'm also now seriously considering getting an ARPG on Switch, but I'm not sure if I'll like the controls. I'm used to KB + M.
Sounds like the Overwatch 2 story missions are exactly what I thought they would be based on impressions I've seen online. It's basically like the PVE content that OW1 got in the past but with cutscenes. I can see why they cancelled the larger PVE mode with skill trees because I don't think a glorified horde mode would have kept people's interest for very long, even with skills to unlock. I think it's fun for events or even just as side mode to kick back with friends every once in a while but I don't think it would done much to keep player retention.

Very weird that Switch isn't mentioned in the trailer. Yesterday I only saw the trailer in the THQ presentation so I assumed it was just on the current-gen consoles.

HD-2D South Park game when
Isn't that pretty much what the 2 Ubisoft games were? They captured the look of the original perfectly, this one looks more like those N64 South Park games.
Very weird that Switch isn't mentioned in the trailer. Yesterday I only saw the trailer in the THQ presentation so I assumed it was just on the current-gen consoles.

Isn't that pretty much what the 2 Ubisoft games were? They captured the look of the original perfectly, this one looks more like those N64 South Park games.
Yeah, basically. But it would be funny if they added all the post processing effects.
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