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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST6 Mar. 2022| Marchful Mode

What is the best (non-Kirby) Kirby franchise main character?

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I am actually a proponent of astronomical seasons, but I get that most people refer to calendar seasons nowadays.
You probably measure in inches too, ya weirdo

Sounds like the title for my college days am i rite guyz?!

Aonuma cutting his hair, now HockeyBird posting a gif of football. Truly this is a strange day.

Btw as a somewhat longer-haired guy, Aonuma's mane was always a hero of mine. It makes me kinda sad to see people cheering its absence. 😢

Oh and @Suswave don't think I didn't notice you casually skating past my Wind Fish theory. I'll be keeping an eye on you.
lol I take it you have your hands on shiny new hardware? I’m still waiting longer for those games to load on PS4, not that I mind

I also played BotW on Wii U the first time like a lunatic so y’know
Yeah, I luckily do and I won't deny that it's a privilege to have them.

Though the technological disparity is definitely worse with the Switch due to it being, well, the Switch. If you have a bog-standard PS4 you can still get Elden Ring and Horizon: FW at a decent 1080p/30fps, whereas BotW2 is likely gonna be running at 900p-at-best with relatively frequent drops down into the 20s. That's on top of the already-lowered graphical fidelity.

Like, I don't mind it overall - Kirby, for instance, looks incredible. But for a big immersive open world game like BotW2 instead of a linear, light-hearted platformer like Kirby, the relatively lacking technology is so much more noticeable.
I have to admit being surprised by how many people are seemingly surprised by this announcement.

We still don't have a real title, we only have 20 seconds or so of footage of the game, we don't actually know anything about how it plans to reproduce/expand on its predecessor. Shoot, they didn't even commit to a date! They were "aiming" for 2022. That doesn't inspire confidence!

Anyways, now there is a chance I'll actually finish Elden Ring before this comes out. A slim chance.
I have to admit being surprised by how many people are seemingly surprised by this announcement.

We still don't have a real title, we only have 20 seconds or so of footage of the game, we don't actually know anything about how it plans to reproduce/expand on its predecessor. Shoot, they didn't even commit to a date! They were "aiming" for 2022. That doesn't inspire confidence!

Anyways, now there is a chance I'll actually finish Elden Ring before this comes out. A slim chance.
I'm only surprised because I assumed after the BotW delays Nintendo wouldn't give us a timeframe until it was damn well near a lock. Plus it being built off the back of a pre-existing WiiU game. Though I'm happy to see the degree to which they've expanded the game, don't get me wrong. I just wouldn't be surprised if, like the original, this game will actually be ready for holiday 2022 but is being shuffled for marketing reasons (either to line up with Drake OR to get the hell out of the way of Pokemon Gen9)
Willing to take an avatar bet that BOTW2 and The Next Hardware from Nintendo™ are coming out March 3rd 2023. I'm also willing to take an avatar bet that Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD will be playable on Switch by end of Calendar 2022. I'm extremely confident in both of these.
Feeling very disconnected from people who are already thinking about how they’re gonna judge this game relative to its dev time.
It's less just the development time and more the fact that this game is gonna be using:
  • The same graphical style
  • The same basic gameplay systems set
  • Much of the same world
  • The same - lower-specced - generation of console
As its predecessor whilst also taking longer - even with COVID taken into account - than most entirely-new generations of Zelda beforehand.

Like, yeah, don't judge it just on the dev time - but you can't really deny people's disappointment if the 6 year wait doesn't meet 6 years of expectations. Especially considering it'll likely be another 5-6 years before we see the next Zelda after that.
Instead of asking if Elden Ring will influence BotW2, we should be asking why Elden Ring doesn't have skydiving and wall phasing. After all, those were shown in the E3 2021 teaser while Elden Ring was in development, surely there was enough time?

It's less just the development time and more the fact that this game is gonna be using:

  • The same graphical style and general level of fidelity
  • The same basic gameplay systems set
  • Much of the same world
  • The same generation of console

As its predecessor whilst also taking longer - even with COVID taken into account - than most entirely-new generations of Zelda beforehand.

Like, yeah, don't judge it just on the dev time - but you can't really deny people's disappointment if the 6 year wait doesn't meet 6 years of expectations. Especially considering it'll likely be another 5-6 years before we see the next Zelda after that.
I knew you’d agree with me
Feeling very disconnected from people who are already thinking about how they’re gonna judge this game relative to its dev time.
it's very obvious to me who has and hasn't created anything ever by how they THINK they know how that process works lmao
I knew you’d agree with me
Just trying to add context for why people are "just judging it based on dev time." Like, if this were a completely new generation of Zelda with an entirely new world, set of characters, and graphical style then it would definitely not be judged purely based on dev time. People aren't that simplistic.
Breath of the Wild 2 lives in a quantum state where we know so little to conclude that a 2022 release date was never possible but also know so much to conclude that's going to be 90% the same as BOTW 1 and therefore shouldn't be taking this long to make.
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So if the rule of "every new 3D Zelda takes longer to make than the previous Zelda game" continues, that means the next new 3D Zelda game is a 2029 game.
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Man even that short bit of BotW2 got me super excited. Take your time, make the game as good as it can be.
People are going to be really surprised when they'll realize that BOTW2 is not only the sequel to BoTW but also a brand new game in the franchise.
Making good games take time and they have the chance to take the time they want.
You probably measure in inches too, ya weirdo

Aonuma cutting his hair, now HockeyBird posting a gif of football. Truly this is a strange day.

Btw as a somewhat longer-haired guy, Aonuma's mane was always a hero of mine. It makes me kinda sad to see people cheering its absence. 😢

Oh and @Suswave don't think I didn't notice you casually skating past my Wind Fish theory. I'll be keeping an eye on you.

I have unsettling news for you.

I don't like hockey.
Breath of the Wild 2 lives in a quantum state where we know so little to conclude that a 2022 release date was never possible but also know so much to conclude that's going to 90% the same as BOTW 1 and therefore shouldn't be taking this long to make.
None of what I listed is false, though:
  • The same graphical style
  • The same basic gameplay systems set
  • Much of the same world
  • The same - lower-specced - generation of console
Those are obvious benefits that other developer simply didn't have, so expectations are gonna be different no matter the end result.

I personally expect that Nintendo's got a really big 'ace' up their sleeve with this game, but we're at a point where there's a very real possibility of this game just being, well, "a sequel to Breath of the Wild." If that's the case then the long wait - and the inevitable 6+ year wait (likely 7 given they'll be moving to a new generation) we'll have for the next Zelda - are gonna be in the back of some people's minds no matter how much people 'dunk' on them.
I had a weird thought about the Zelda delay, and why it ups my hype level for this year. Now that it's official, Nintendo will want to make the latter half of this year look really good as they probably assumed that most people were looking to Zelda as the big holiday title. I now think that they will have a pretty big announcement at E3 time to show the big holiday title. My hype is up now because it could be a number of things. DK, Mayrio, Fire Emblem, Eternal Darkness, who knows. I love going into directs without a clue as to what direction they want to go, and with the delay of Zelda, I think it made this year harder to predict. I now have a feeling that a June direct could be a monster show.
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