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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST28 January 2024| This Is Our Year

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1081
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So is Goku DBZ's equivalent of Sora and Xehanort from KINGDOM HEARTS? Lots of versions of the same character hahahhhahahah
You know, I just noticed that there is a Shadow head on the hood of the police cruiser, seems he got arrested too.
Man I played the Tekken 8 demo and it was SUPER fun and I want to get it but with fighting games I always play for a few hours then get intimidated and drop it forever. I'm basically a fighting game noob that would start from 0. In fact I think half the reason the demo was so fun was I used the easy control mode. It's just every time I try a fighting game I always want to learn it and get good and I just end up sucking and getting filtered.

Should I take the $70 plunge and put in the dedication to get good at the game or just buy a singleplayer game 😩 decisions decisions
Got the new smash spirits!
Nice, thanks for the heads up. I need those 13 Sentinels spirits.

Should I take the $70 plunge and put in the dedication to get good at the game or just buy a singleplayer game
Buy it then just play it singleplayer lol, that’s what I do. It’s great for when you have a bit of time to kill.

(Also I want more people to get into Tekken lol)
I know I've made this post before and I'm guessing I'll make it again, but...

Nintendo, when are you going to officially release your soundtracks internationally for purchase and/or streaming? I just played through Super Mario RPG and I'm now playing through Another Code Recollection, and both have soundtracks I'm enjoying a lot. I already gave Nintendo $100 for these games...don't they know how financially irresponsible I'd be if they also sold a soundtrack alongside each game they published?
oh sorry I meant to type dog’s peed (as in, the carpet). Forgot to take him out for a walk
I really appreciate the enthusiasm but I don't think the cops are gonna be all that thrilled if we drift into the station
Just be sure to have the windows down while blasting Initial D. Pretty sure it’s completely legal* if you meet that requirement.

*I am not a good source of legal advice and do not endorse this statement
Man I played the Tekken 8 demo and it was SUPER fun and I want to get it but with fighting games I always play for a few hours then get intimidated and drop it forever. I'm basically a fighting game noob that would start from 0. In fact I think half the reason the demo was so fun was I used the easy control mode. It's just every time I try a fighting game I always want to learn it and get good and I just end up sucking and getting filtered.

Should I take the $70 plunge and put in the dedication to get good at the game or just buy a singleplayer game 😩 decisions decisions
For me with fighting games I like to hang in single player until I have a really good feel for the game. I haven’t booted up Tekken 8 yet as I’m too busy with Under Night In-Birth II which also hit this week (which is rad as heck btw), but if it has solid enough single player options I’d focus your attention there and have fun bouncing between characters before more rigorously learning combos with a main or two and heading off to online. At least a good thing with fighting games, your experience in one is always a step forward in all of the others.
Is the banned poster the same person that was banned from the hardware thread?

The only win #TeamJanuary has is that we got rumblings to confirm it's not happening in January xD
…maybe? It was the OP of this thread and dude gets into some serious dogwhistles

I don’t really read the hardware thread anymore because it’s all over my head and it’s hard for me to keep up with it 😅
I know I've made this post before and I'm guessing I'll make it again, but...

Nintendo, when are you going to officially release your soundtracks internationally for purchase and/or streaming? I just played through Super Mario RPG and I'm now playing through Another Code Recollection, and both have soundtracks I'm enjoying a lot. I already gave Nintendo $100 for these games...don't they know how financially irresponsible I'd be if they also sold a soundtrack alongside each game they published?
I really don't understand why they don't put their soundtracks on Apple Music/Spotify/Tidal... Literally free money.
I really don't understand why they don't put their soundtracks on Apple Music/Spotify/Tidal... Literally free money.
There has to be a reason, but I don't know what it is either. I wonder if they think people buy their games to listen to their music? Maybe it'd require staffing people to manage that process and they think that would cost them more money to do that than they'd make? I wonder if Kit and Krysta have ever commented on this and have any insights, though I don't know if they worked in jobs where this would have come up.
There has to be a reason, but I don't know what it is either. I wonder if they think people buy their games to listen to their music? Maybe it'd require staffing people to manage that process and they think that would cost them more money to do that than they'd make? I wonder if Kit and Krysta have ever commented on this and have any insights, though I don't know if they worked in jobs where this would have come up.
I‘d rather want the soundtrack to be a ingame reward, kind like Odyssey handled it. Or have band in the game, like in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It‘d be nice if there was a option to download/buy it from Nintendo officialy though, for all the people who want to.
I‘d rather want the soundtrack to be a ingame reward, kind like Odyssey handled it. Or have band in the game, like in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It‘d be nice if there was a option to download/buy it from Nintendo officialy though, for all the people who want to.
That's fair. Super Mario RPG gives you a music player, so if I want to listen there, I can. I just personally never use my Switch to listen to music, so I'd love to have access to these songs on my phone or other devices.

An idea maybe Nintendo would like: once you beat a game or just get far enough, you unlock the ability to play that game's soundtrack in the NSO app. I figure it could happen around the time you would normally unlock the ability to play music in the game itself. It'd give Nintendo some control over the distribution of their music, potentially drive usage of the app, and give people the ability to listen to songs on their phones. It wouldn't be as convenient as putting the music on every music platform out there, but I'd take it over what they do today. It might be fun to be rewarded for playing their games in that way.
I was hoping the little Mario Odyssey sampler Nintendo put on itunes would lead to more music arriving there, but nothing ever came of it. At least I have Steam Gardens and Jump Up Superstar on my phone I guess :/

The biggest Nintendo win has definitely been the three main Xenoblade soundtracks + Torna arriving on itunes / other platforms. Super glad we got those. Wish we could get the full Xenoblade X soundtrack up there to have it all.
Man I played the Tekken 8 demo and it was SUPER fun and I want to get it but with fighting games I always play for a few hours then get intimidated and drop it forever. I'm basically a fighting game noob that would start from 0. In fact I think half the reason the demo was so fun was I used the easy control mode. It's just every time I try a fighting game I always want to learn it and get good and I just end up sucking and getting filtered.

Should I take the $70 plunge and put in the dedication to get good at the game or just buy a singleplayer game 😩 decisions decisions
A lot of people talk about fighting games this way. Like, “I want to like them, but I don’t have the time or skill or inclination to get good, so I can’t play them”.

My thought has always been that these people should be playing against each other, not quitting.

A fighting game is only as hard as your opponent, so if you suck and feel like you can’t compete, play with other people who suck and feel like they can’t compete. You can’t throw a rock without hitting someone like that. They’re a lot easier to find than pros.
The biggest Nintendo win has definitely been the three main Xenoblade soundtracks + Torna arriving on itunes / other platforms. Super glad we got those.
Gotta wonder how much that had to do with Mitsuda and Procyon, though. While a lot of other Nintendo games have composers who are associated with (or straight-up employed by) Nintendo, Xenoblade is a bit unique in that there's outside talent doing the music, one of whom has his own record company. I wouldn't be surprised if Procyon Studio is the driving force behind the release of those OSTs and Nintendo just kinda lets them.
Gotta wonder how much that had to do with Mitsuda and Procyon, though. While a lot of other Nintendo games have composers who are associated with (or straight-up employed by) Nintendo, Xenoblade is a bit unique in that there's outside talent doing the music, one of whom has his own record company. I wouldn't be surprised if Procyon Studio is the driving force behind the release of those OSTs and Nintendo just kinda lets them.
I 100% think that was the reason. If it wasn’t someone outside Nintendo, it sadly just very likely isn’t happening :/ Hopefully that changes with Switch 2.
I thought to post a picture of Sailor Mercury with a microphone so I googled that and it gave me Freddie instead

But yes 😅
it might have been easier to search for Mars or Venus actually! since rei does a song for her school talent show early on, and minako wants to be an idol
Probably not, but at least your username checks out.

this sounds about right, although I did have to learn some stuff about Linux to set up one of those retro handhelds so maybe I can learn 🤔

current Nintendo related mood: I am annoyed that I somehow failed to unlock or even see any of the spirits in the Smash spirit event, but I also suck at Smash so perhaps Sakurai is punishing me
I went back to my parents' this weekend. I had churros and crepes. I am now terrified to weigh myself.
Man what a rooster to begin with!

I won't lie, seeing "Goku (Mid)" sets off all the neurons for me.

There being a new Budokai Tenkaichi in 2024 is just lovely. Unabashedly one of my most anticipated games of the year.
Why is the story presentation in FE Engage so bad? 😭
I hate it when people use "cringe" so flippantly to describe any situation they find weird / uncomfortable, but Engage's dialogue and cutscenes do make me want to call them just that. They are that bad, imo.

At least it looks really nice and the OST is great. And it's FE, I just love the gameplay.
Mrs. and I were at a 40th birthday party on saturday. The birthday boy wasn't. AMA.

Welcome to the world of the Emerald Beach!

I understood that reference!

164 slots!(does include forms for course)


Upper left seems to be OG DB/Vegeta arc(the Z fighters don’t change much after that for Z, and the upper left slot has to be kid Goku) upper right is mid Z and bottom left being late(and bottom right being super)

Everyone is here!

Multiple times!

Why is the story presentation in FE Engage so bad? 😭
I hate it when people use "cringe" so flippantly to describe any situation they find weird / uncomfortable, but Engage's dialogue and cutscenes do make me want to call them just that. They are that bad, imo.

At least it looks really nice and the OST is great. And it's FE, I just love the gameplay.

If you wanna see just how divisive Engage is even in terms of the characters, go and take a look at the results of Fire Emblem Heros' CYL8 that released today.

Not a single Engage winner. For reference, when the Three Houses chars became eligible to vote for, it was a full sweep for them.

(For clarification: CYL is basically a popularity vote, and the two winners in the mens and womens division get special alt versions in the game.)
If you wanna see just how divisive Engage is even in terms of the characters, go and take a look at the results of Fire Emblem Heros' CYL8 that released today.

Not a single Engage winner. For reference, when the Three Houses chars became eligible to vote for, it was a full sweep for them.

(For clarification: CYL is basically a popularity vote, and the two winners in the mens and womens division get special alt versions in the game.)
tbf, there's multiple Engage characters in the top 20, they just couldn't score a win.
tbf, there's multiple Engage characters in the top 20, they just couldn't score a win.

Yeah, but compare it to the results of CYL4, the one where the Three Houses chars where eligible to vote for the first time:

Winners: Dimitri, Edelgard
Runner-Ups: Claude, Lysithea

And in the ranks 3 to 9, there were 9 other Three Houses chars: Bernadetta, FByleth, Felix, MByleth, Dorothea, Marianne, Ashe, Sylvain and Hilda.

Dunno about Top 20, but i wouldn't be surprised if there were more than 5 in those lower ranks, too.
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