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Discussion I currently root for Nintendo because they're the best for gaming

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I've always gone where the games are, and play all consoles and many different types of games, but in terms of the direction of the industry, I root for Nintendo now more than ever and I feel the industry at this point would be in serious trouble without a healthy Nintendo. I feel this way much more strongly than in past generations where I actually preferred close to everything the competition offered (like in the Wii gen).

Selfishly or not, Nintendo have always been looking out for the industry. They have always seemed the most future-thinking/caring major player and have predicted/actively fight against rising development costs focusing on game play systems, art-style and ingenuity over incredibly expensive (but less interactive) cinematic games and GaaS.

Diminishing returns are diminishing and it's ultimately going to come down innovating gameplay to keep gamers hooked. I far prefer that to the often predatory GaaS methods of keeping gamers hooked anyhow.

That doesn't mean I always like Nintendo's games the best (though they have several of my all time top 10 spots).... many of my favourite games are also third party indie and AAA titles like Arkham, Read Dead, GTA, Far Cry, Elden Ring, MGS and other great franchises that also feature fantastic gameplay systems and offer a different flavour than Nintendo... but it unfortunately feels like these AAA games are fewer and farer between these days. At 4k with the level of fidelity, voice acting and cinematics the development costs are insane. I'd much rather their being an abundance of amazing games at 1080p than what we are seeing from AAA now. The Xbox/PS3 AAA third party generation destroyed what we are are currently seeing in terms of quality AAA output in my opinion.

I also like that Nintendo doesn't involve themselves in politics... just the joy of good games. Their games still convey a sense of class to all gamers without having to say so.
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I root for Nintendo because it makes most of the games I want to play.

And like no company is your friend, but I at least appreciate that Nintendo’s ethos is essentially: Yes, we want your money, but in exchange, you’ll (usually) get S-tier gameplay. Nintendo’s games often have a level of polish I don’t get from other developers.

Am I a homer? Maybe.
I root for Nintendo because it makes most of the games I want to play.

And like no company is your friend, but I at least appreciate that Nintendo’s ethos is essentially: Yes, we want your money, but in exchange, you’ll (usually) get S-tier gameplay. Nintendo’s games often have a level of polish I don’t get from other developers.

Am I a homer? Maybe.
Yes it's a fact that all companies are out to make as much money as possible from their buyers. There are no saints in industry... but Nintendo's current methods seem the most sensible and sustainable to me (as someone who loves to play a ton of great games and would like to continue to do so). GaaS and massively bloated budgets are bad news for people who love great games.
I also like that Nintendo doesn't involve themselves in politics... just the joy of good games.

Hmmm, wasn't expecting much from this thread, but while I don't agree with the op, its a surprisingly even handed post and...

No op, don't do it! It isn't worth it!
I also like that Nintendo doesn't involve themselves in politics... just the joy of good games. Their games still convey a sense of class to all gamers without having to say so.

As long as Nintendo keeps on releasing games I like, I'll support em.
I also like that Nintendo doesn't involve themselves in politics... just the joy of good games. Their games still convey a sense of class to all gamers without having to say so.

I also like that Nintendo doesn't involve themselves in politics... just the joy of good games. Their games still convey a sense of class to all gamers without having to say so.
My charitable interpretation of this is you mean there's a lack of pretension behind Nintendo's games i.e. there's no real equivalent to the deluge of self-important 3rd person-'''cinematic'''-narrative-driven-'''experiences''' (and I like The Last of Us/New God of War/etc.) in their library, which I would agree with.

Buuuut if you just meant politics on its own then I mean, would their games magically be worse if they did? There's good and bad ways of handling politics in a game I guess but if this statement is as broad as it can get then I don't think a game is inherently worse because suddenly some of the cast is LGBT+.
I root for Nintendo, because they focus (most of the time) gameplay over other production values.

Like OP, I also play triple AAA games but their innovations comes in different aspects.
They do care when it comes to the games, but there are clearly areas where they could improve. From their services or features when it comes to their platform, Accessibility options in games or some business decisions; they are clearly lacking in many things.

Also if you are interested in like Simulation, Strategy, First Person games and many more, Nintendo dosen‘t have much to offer for you. There a great devs out there who contribute a lot to type of games where Nintendo has zero interest in. You are able to play many good game without even touching a Nintendo Switch, even genres where Nintendo is actually good in.

I‘d say that Nintendo is the most creative of all the big publishers and king of perfecting game mechanics all under one strong but strict design philosophy. Which can have its good and bad sides.

Otherwise I‘m not so sure if they really care that much for others but for themselves, their goal is to make profit the best they can (like all companies in their core of course). Though they make a great effort to have indies on their platform and they are really good in long term planing, something many big gaming companies seem to lack. In that regard they are clearly a role model.

Don‘t know what you mean with politics and not sure if I want to know.
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Damn, OP, you’re gonna have to explain that weird politics line because it’s obscuring the main point you seemed to want to make here. Snuck it in right at the end too…

Beyond that, this seems to be what you wanted people to focus on:

in terms of the direction of the industry, I root for Nintendo now more than ever and I feel the industry at this point would be in serious trouble without a healthy Nintendo.
I get it but don’t fully agree. Serious trouble, no. Worse off, yes. Nintendo is what I wish more video game companies should strive for at its purest form: selling fun, engaging gameplay first.
Ah yes, Nintendo. Noted unpolitical company, with unpolitical games such as Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
I find myself wondering from time-to-time about how their contract workers here in the States (and elsewhere) are being treated, I wish they'd be less skittish when it comes to taking open and clear political stances, and they could really do better on catching up on the accessibility front...

But when it comes down to the end product that are their games? Yeah, Nintendo is pretty cool. They make some of my favourite titles, and I enjoy the gimmicks that they've thrown at us with their hardware. I generally come out of a Nintendo gaming experience pretty damn satisfied and feeling as though I played one of the best games ever for a while, so yeah, Nintendo number one as far as the console trio goes.
They have always seemed the most future-thinking/caring major player and have predicted/actively fight against rising development costs focusing on game play systems, art-style and ingenuity over incredibly expensive (but less interactive) cinematic games and GaaS.
This, big time. PS3 era killed gaming for me for a long time because of stuff like this.
They are good. I like them better than Microsoft and Sony because they seem more innovative. But Sony rules at making big blockbuster games (even though I don't enjoy most of them). And Xbox has basically given up development for providing a game service instead (and this seems poised to change with their accusitions)
Fuck it, I’ll just ask.

What do you actually mean with this statement?
I meant what I said. I don't think Nintendo needs to take a stance on political issues in their games. They convey a sense of class, tastefulness and the ability to appeal to everyone without having to say anything. FUN is the universal language

A company that leans neither left or right, merely forward and A :cool:
Another banger Kreese 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Keep 'em coming 🙏

Thank you. I'm always appreciative of the appreciation you show my contributions.

There's no medal for getting on the ban list more times than anyone else.

For what exactly?
I meant what I said. I don't think Nintendo needs to take a stance on political issues in their games. They convey a sense of class, tastefulness and the ability to appeal to everyone without having to say anything. FUN is the universal language

A company that leans neither left or right, merely forward and A :cool:
I meant what I said. I don't think Nintendo needs to take a stance on political issues in their games. They convey a sense of class, tastefulness and the ability to appeal to everyone without having to say anything. FUN is the universal language

A company that leans neither left or right, merely forward and A :cool:

Thank you. I'm always appreciative of the appreciation you show my contributions.

For what exactly?
Ummm. You may want to rethink this. The political stance that Nintendo typically avoids is LGBTQ+ content.
I meant what I said. I don't think Nintendo needs to take a stance on political issues in their games. They convey a sense of class, tastefulness and the ability to appeal to everyone without having to say anything. FUN is the universal language

A company that leans neither left or right, merely forward and A :cool:
Most companies do stuff or go in a particular direction because they think it will make them the most amount of money.
They're businesses.
(Look at what happened to the latest Spider-Man game, they delayed the release to self censor the game in other countries.)
Ummm. You may want to rethink this. The political stance that Nintendo typically avoids is LGBTQ+ content.
I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo take a political stance in any of their games in the thousands of political issues that have arisen since they started making games. They seem to just focus on making fun games for everyone.

Most companies do stuff or go in a particular direction because they think it will make them the most amount of money. They're businesses.

Yes. I mentioned that here:

Yes it's a fact that all companies are out to make as much money as possible from their buyers. There are no saints in industry... but Nintendo's current methods seem the most sensible and sustainable to me (as someone who loves to play a ton of great games and would like to continue to do so). GaaS and massively bloated budgets are bad news for people who love great games.
I meant what I said. I don't think Nintendo needs to take a stance on political issues in their games. They convey a sense of class, tastefulness and the ability to appeal to everyone without having to say anything. FUN is the universal language

A company that leans neither left or right, merely forward and A :cool:
I find myself wondering from time-to-time about how their contract workers here in the States (and elsewhere) are being treated,
Not contract work per se, but Nintendo has pulled some shenanigans with voice actors like going non-union because it’s cheaper. Boo/hiss

Also, in the mid-1990s, Nintendo cheated John Hulaton (Wave Race 64 announcer) out of some pay. At the end of the Wave Race 64 voice recording session, he was asked to read an extra page which was then used for the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64. To add insult to injury, Nintendo misspelled his name in the Mario Kart 64 credits. It took me a bit to find the interview. The relevant bit starts at 20:20.

Has Nintendo gotten better in this regard? I don’t have enough info to say one way or another. However, I will say I have no f-ing patience for companies cheating anyone out of pay. That may have been nearly 30 years ago; doesn’t make it okay.
I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo take a political stance in any of their games in the thousands of political issues that have arisen since they started making games. They seem to just focus on making fun games for everyone.

I can get gay married in a few Fire Emblem games. Is that a political stance?
I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo take a political stance in any of their games in the thousands of political issues that have arisen since they started making games. They seem to just focus on making fun games for everyone.
In Xenoblade 3, there’s an entire subplot about how a political faction aptly named “the Conservatives” sucks complete balls. They aren’t even remotely subtle about it.
You know, the last time Nintendo stated they didn't want to participate in "social commentary", they were refusing to have same sex relationships in their life sim game. I guess that's what it means to "convey a sense of class, tastefulness" according to OP.
In Xenoblade 3, there’s an entire subplot about how a political faction aptly named “the Conservatives” sucks complete balls. They aren’t even remotely subtle about it.
I never played Xenoblade 3. I can only speak from my own personal experiences with Nintendo titles.

You know, the last time Nintendo stated they didn't want to participate in "social commentary", they were refusing to have same sex relationships in their life sim game. I guess that's what it means to "convey a sense of class, tastefulness" according to OP.
There is so much chatter around these games that you guys can't expect everyone to be keeping up with every detail. Am I saying they are perfect? No... but as stated in the title of the thread I feel their mantra of focusing solely on the joy of gameplay is the best for the sustainability of the industry overall.

Called me old fashioned, but I like how Nintendo is stuck in a timeless vacuum of FUN. No more. No less.

Anyway, night all :cool:
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I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo take a political stance in any of their games in the thousands of political issues that have arisen since they started making games. They seem to just focus on making fun games for everyone.
Mother 3 is game about how capitalism and industrialization is evil and destructive. Also drag queens have god like powers.
In Xenoblade 3, there’s an entire subplot about how a political faction aptly named “the Conservatives” sucks complete balls. They aren’t even remotely subtle about it.

I don't even like XB3, but there's literally two nonbinary characters in it.


Given how in the spotlight transgender issues are at the moment, with a significant portion of people who describe themselves as "nonpolitical" being firmly against us, is this not a political stance? It's a bare minimum amount of recognition, but it IS something there.
remember when nintendo said tomodachi 3 would have gay people and then they made a phone app with only one mii instead
I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo take a political stance in any of their games in the thousands of political issues that have arisen since they started making games. They seem to just focus on making fun games for everyone.

Yes. I mentioned that here:
I mean they literally released the Advanced Wars remake this year even though it was done a while ago specifically because the Ukraine invasion had just happened. They definitely do take political stances. I would also argue that "not taking a stance" is a political position.
What are trying to say @Aurc ?
I'm trying to convey a loss for words. I think calling Nintendo "classy and tasteful" for their avoidance toward taking political stances is weird. They've definitely put out a few games you could call political, as others are pointing out.
I root for nintendo because they have my family. please...mr miyamoto...I just thought calling star fox "star mid" was a funny joke..I didn't mean any offense...
The best, most positive thing Nintendo (of Japan, at least) does for the industry is retain its employees. Of all the lay-offs consistently happening with pretty much every other publisher and developer out there, Nintendo would rather cut the pay of their executives in half rather than layoff a single person because they actually value their worth and respect their work.

And that, in turn, results in better products for us gamers.
The best, most positive thing Nintendo (of Japan, at least) does for the industry is retain its employees. Of all the lay-offs consistently happening with pretty much every other publisher and developer out there, Nintendo would rather cut the pay of their executives in half rather than layoff a single person because they actually value their worth and respect their work.

And that, in turn, results in better products for us gamers.
Dang. I must have missed that story. I did not know they did that. Good on them! I wish more companies would follow suit. There is no reason to be laying off workers when companies are making record profits and management is raking in millions of dollars.
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