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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST25 October 2023| Have a Wonderful Famiversary!

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Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist.

She tried to talk me out of getting it, telling me "You know these don't actually do anything, right? Right?" And I just sorta sat there dumbfounded so she kept going.

"Remember when New York fired all those people for not getting vaccinated?" and I sat there. "Remember that? Didn't you hear about that?"


"Well the Supreme Court just ruled that there's no evidence that the vaccines even do anything, so they decided all those fired people are owed back pay and their jobs back. So all those people who were just making their own individual choices are gonna be coming back to work anyway, and who do you think is paying for that??"

I continued to sit there dumbfounded trying so damn hard to not tell her exactly what I think about the current Supreme Court and their fucking rulings.

She went on, "Well you know, you look like a really smart guy. I'm surprised you don't know more about this. You really should read more. I can give you some things to read about if you'd like to be more educated about this."

"Just the shot please, thanks."

"Well why are you even getting this? Why do you want it? I mean I'll give it to you if you want but it doesn't stop you from getting covid, just makes it slightly less severe when you do get it."

"I still want it."

"Okay then." She gave me the shot. "Oh and by the way, you know that mask doesn't do anything either, right? I mean it's real cute that you like to wear it but it doesn't actually do anything."

I stood up and walked out. She kept saying "You should read more!!" while I was walking away. Got into the truck with my dad (he was with me to get his booster too) and I told him all this. He said "Oh geez, you too, huh? Yeah she gave me the same spiel. She musta rehearsed it or something."

The pharmacist. Told my dad. Who is 77 years old and has lung trouble already. That the covid vaccine doesn't do anything and there's no reason for him to get it.

What the fuck, America.

What in the absolute fuck.
antivaxxers need to learn the fine art of shut the fuck up and mind your own business
"chocolate" is not precise enough for a Swiss. A Swiss will make a 32-slides PowerPoint explaining why they prefer Frey to Cailler, or vice-versa (half of the slides will be dedicated to why they think Milka is terrible chocolate)
That's reserved for other Swiss people. (Also, it's Frey over Callier every day)
Western Europe for sure, though both France and Italy for examples are more pastry countries.

My family is originally from Eastern Europe and our chocolate gives American chocolate a run for their money in terms of terribleness.
Hmmm can’t comment on that

But man, can’t imagine that. I remember getting some M&M’s in the States and it was so weird.
American chocolate is like American beer. The mass produced brands are only trying to create a minimally acceptable product on the cheap, and so are rightfully mocked, but the smaller scale stuff you find in chocolate shops/microbrews are quite good.
Okay, changing my answer to the weekly question.

US Smarties/Rockets? Gimme them. Gimme all of them. All of the haters will not convince me that they are bad. If you don't want your Smarties, then give them to me!!
I do like Smarties (US) more than most seem to. It’s just lightly flavored sugar, like a more solid pixie stick, but sometimes you just want that hit of sugar.
If we're talking WORST candy, it's absolutely these:
It's the last week of October - that means one last Weekly Question! Halloween is tomorrow, so let's end things off with a simple question. What is your favorite Halloween snack/treat?

In truth, I'm not a big candy person. My sweet tooth goes more for baked goods - give me a nice Halloween themed cupcake and I'm good to go.
It's not a snack and it's not really Halloween related but rather seasonal, so it doesn't answer your question at all, but I absolutely love pumpkin soup. Soup is usually kind of whatever for me, but pumpkin soup rules.
Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist.

(story snip)
This is like the exact opposite of my experience getting the COVID shot/boosters/flu shot where the woman the local pharmacy hires to do it every year is very knowledgeable, tells you the possible side effects, tells you how they were developed and that getting the flu shot won't give you the flu, etc.
I'm sorry, fami, but while my taste in games may be elite, my taste in candy is sadly not. Snickers, twix, kit kat for the win.
I'm allergic to dairy so by default, I'm a dark chocolate fanatic. If it aint burning your throat on the way down, it aint real chocolate.
Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist.

She tried to talk me out of getting it, telling me "You know these don't actually do anything, right? Right?" And I just sorta sat there dumbfounded so she kept going.

"Remember when New York fired all those people for not getting vaccinated?" and I sat there. "Remember that? Didn't you hear about that?"


"Well the Supreme Court just ruled that there's no evidence that the vaccines even do anything, so they decided all those fired people are owed back pay and their jobs back. So all those people who were just making their own individual choices are gonna be coming back to work anyway, and who do you think is paying for that??"

I continued to sit there dumbfounded trying so damn hard to not tell her exactly what I think about the current Supreme Court and their fucking rulings.

She went on, "Well you know, you look like a really smart guy. I'm surprised you don't know more about this. You really should read more. I can give you some things to read about if you'd like to be more educated about this."

"Just the shot please, thanks."

"Well why are you even getting this? Why do you want it? I mean I'll give it to you if you want but it doesn't stop you from getting covid, just makes it slightly less severe when you do get it."

"I still want it."

"Okay then." She gave me the shot. "Oh and by the way, you know that mask doesn't do anything either, right? I mean it's real cute that you like to wear it but it doesn't actually do anything."

I stood up and walked out. She kept saying "You should read more!!" while I was walking away. Got into the truck with my dad (he was with me to get his booster too) and I told him all this. He said "Oh geez, you too, huh? Yeah she gave me the same spiel. She musta rehearsed it or something."

The pharmacist. Told my dad. Who is 77 years old and has lung trouble already. That the covid vaccine doesn't do anything and there's no reason for him to get it.

What the fuck, America.

What in the absolute fuck.
fucking piece of shit

i don’t fucking care, i’m not being palatable about this

if that’s your take in healthcare, die

I don’t say this as someone who’s surprised at all — believe me. I have family in healthcare like this and I will never not be furious with them.

if you don’t fucking care to help us the rest of us survive, simply die
Okay I'm done emotionally and intellectually spiralling


Reese's Big Cups are my absolute jam. Twix is a close second. the classic caramel Twix is good but the old peanut butter Twix was phenomenal (the old one where it still used the same cookie rather than the chocolate cookie they started using when they brought the pb back a few years ago). I don't like sweet stuff usually except for chocolate (hence the name actually), so as far as the gas station sweets I'm pretty much all about Reese's, Twix, Crunch/Krackel bars, KitKats (including the wild Japanese ones), M&Ms (almond or plain) Rolos, and one of my favorites but I never hear anyone talk about: the Whatchamacallit.

But then

For my birthday one year, my Sask friends sent me a care package of Canadian snacks. Literally googled "Canadian snacks that aren't in USA" and filled a box with the results. And fuckin wow yall. Aero, Caramilk, Mr Big, Coffee Crisp, a literal NHL-sponsored hockey puck sized Reese's Cup... the cold folk up north got this shit figured out. Canadian chocolate snacks is yet another reason the USA can fuck right off 🍁🍫
we used to have smarties but instead of chocolate it was gummy bear filling, I thought that's what US smarties are
I,m more of a white chocolate person

- but ermitron2, white chocolate isn't real chocolate

We have Mexican certified cacao white chocolate, you wouldn't doubt the Aztecs

People advising against getting certain type of healthcare while spouting all these theories makes me uncomfortable
Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist.

She tried to talk me out of getting it, telling me "You know these don't actually do anything, right? Right?" And I just sorta sat there dumbfounded so she kept going.

"Remember when New York fired all those people for not getting vaccinated?" and I sat there. "Remember that? Didn't you hear about that?"


"Well the Supreme Court just ruled that there's no evidence that the vaccines even do anything, so they decided all those fired people are owed back pay and their jobs back. So all those people who were just making their own individual choices are gonna be coming back to work anyway, and who do you think is paying for that??"

I continued to sit there dumbfounded trying so damn hard to not tell her exactly what I think about the current Supreme Court and their fucking rulings.

She went on, "Well you know, you look like a really smart guy. I'm surprised you don't know more about this. You really should read more. I can give you some things to read about if you'd like to be more educated about this."

"Just the shot please, thanks."

"Well why are you even getting this? Why do you want it? I mean I'll give it to you if you want but it doesn't stop you from getting covid, just makes it slightly less severe when you do get it."

"I still want it."

"Okay then." She gave me the shot. "Oh and by the way, you know that mask doesn't do anything either, right? I mean it's real cute that you like to wear it but it doesn't actually do anything."

I stood up and walked out. She kept saying "You should read more!!" while I was walking away. Got into the truck with my dad (he was with me to get his booster too) and I told him all this. He said "Oh geez, you too, huh? Yeah she gave me the same spiel. She musta rehearsed it or something."

The pharmacist. Told my dad. Who is 77 years old and has lung trouble already. That the covid vaccine doesn't do anything and there's no reason for him to get it.

What the fuck, America.

What in the absolute fuck.
I'm probably what you might call meek in person, and the few times I've run into people saying really crazy/right wing shit I tend to keep my mouth shut or just nod and say "oh interesting" but...

If a pharmacist whom I'm trusting to give me a shot gave me any sort of resistance to the idea of a vaccine, I'd immediately ask for another pharmacist to assist me.

I guess maybe I'm lucky to be in an area where I have reasonable pharmacists coming out the wazoo so maybe you wouldn't have been able to find one.

All I can say is yeeeeeesh
Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist.

She tried to talk me out of getting it, telling me "You know these don't actually do anything, right? Right?" And I just sorta sat there dumbfounded so she kept going.

"Remember when New York fired all those people for not getting vaccinated?" and I sat there. "Remember that? Didn't you hear about that?"


"Well the Supreme Court just ruled that there's no evidence that the vaccines even do anything, so they decided all those fired people are owed back pay and their jobs back. So all those people who were just making their own individual choices are gonna be coming back to work anyway, and who do you think is paying for that??"

I continued to sit there dumbfounded trying so damn hard to not tell her exactly what I think about the current Supreme Court and their fucking rulings.

She went on, "Well you know, you look like a really smart guy. I'm surprised you don't know more about this. You really should read more. I can give you some things to read about if you'd like to be more educated about this."

"Just the shot please, thanks."

"Well why are you even getting this? Why do you want it? I mean I'll give it to you if you want but it doesn't stop you from getting covid, just makes it slightly less severe when you do get it."

"I still want it."

"Okay then." She gave me the shot. "Oh and by the way, you know that mask doesn't do anything either, right? I mean it's real cute that you like to wear it but it doesn't actually do anything."

I stood up and walked out. She kept saying "You should read more!!" while I was walking away. Got into the truck with my dad (he was with me to get his booster too) and I told him all this. He said "Oh geez, you too, huh? Yeah she gave me the same spiel. She musta rehearsed it or something."

The pharmacist. Told my dad. Who is 77 years old and has lung trouble already. That the covid vaccine doesn't do anything and there's no reason for him to get it.

What the fuck, America.

What in the absolute fuck.
What kind of cursed existence is it to be an antivax pharmacist?
Just started blasphemous, what a great metroidvania. Have not been this hooked on a game in a while, where I can’t put it down. Reminds me of 2d dark souls.
For full size bars nothing beats a Snickers. It's thankfully not pure sugar so you don't feel like you're gonna die right after eating it.

Unless you have a nut allergy
I'm probably what you might call meek in person, and the few times I've run into people saying really crazy/right wing shit I tend to keep my mouth shut or just nod and say "oh interesting" but...

If a pharmacist whom I'm trusting to give me a shot gave me any sort of resistance to the idea of a vaccine, I'd immediately ask for another pharmacist to assist me.

I guess maybe I'm lucky to be in an area where I have reasonable pharmacists coming out the wazoo so maybe you wouldn't have been able to find one.

All I can say is yeeeeeesh
I actually thought about that after I left. My brain tends to freeze up when faced with potential conflict so I was like "okay let's go, get it over with" but when I had a chance to think about it I realized I shoulda made trouble.

What kind of cursed existence is it to be an antivax pharmacist?
A lucrative one, if I was guessing. You can always tell which parking lots are for medical stuff in this area because they'll be the ones filled with the most expensive cars. 😅
I actually thought about that after I left. My brain tends to freeze up when faced with potential conflict so I was like "okay let's go, get it over with" but when I had a chance to think about it I realized I shoulda made trouble.

A lucrative one, if I was guessing. You can always tell which parking lots are for medical stuff in this area because they'll be the ones filled with the most expensive cars. 😅
Yeah you're right, I can say that now from where I am but I'd probably have been just as paralyzed in the moment.
Yeah, I dunno how that gets squared.
"I believe in medicine, unless it's injected into your muscles, then it's all bogus."
I actually knew a person kind of like this. They were going to school to be a doctor but were extremely fundamentalist in their views. They had a biology class and they were going to stage a coup during a class about evolution.

I don't think they ever became a doctor.
Oooo the wording on the megaton Musashi wired collab description changed
“Legendary mechs join the action!
Try your hand at piloting Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Combattler V, Voltes V, and more!
Collect all the parts for each mech to unlock their special moves!”
Apparently you can unlock each piece as a normal customization part but you need the full set for the actual unique abilities. That’s pretty cool

I beat Ninpen Manmaru! I don’t even care that I had to use save states because this game is tough as nails. The last four stages are like Tick Tock Clock, but in hell. Imagine playing TTC but with a worse camera and almost-but-not-quite tank controls. Topped off by a boss “fight” that is nonsensically hard.

I had fun though.
Someone scare the hiccups out of me so I can focus on finishing next month's General Discussion ST
Level 5 is dating 4 games that are supposed to release this year next month and we have no clue which ones will actually release this year.

Alternatively I’ll cry the hiccups out of you with this Kamen Rider Fourze spoiler
Poor Kengo DX. Had to go out like that ;( . I’m about to watch the last episode
Also I’m planning to watch KR Kabuto next. I get the feeling I’m going to have to sew his kit a tiny chef’s hat, scarf and waist apron.
So I finally sat down and played Alan Wake 1 Remastered over the weekend. As much as I hate horror games, that was really good. Hell of a journey. I don't quite understand the ending though, but that is what searching the internet is for lol.
Did you play the former two included DLC episodes too? They are quite good and continue the story. Play Control if you haven’t as well before playing Alan Wake II.
It's the last week of October - that means one last Weekly Question! Halloween is tomorrow, so let's end things off with a simple question. What is your favorite Halloween snack/treat?

In truth, I'm not a big candy person. My sweet tooth goes more for baked goods - give me a nice Halloween themed cupcake and I'm good to go.
I don’t really eat candy at all. I used to like Tootsie Rolls, but I can never find the normal sized ones anymore (it’s always the mini ones which stink). Smarties were my second favorite, glad they are still around.
Okay, changing my answer to the weekly question.

US Smarties/Rockets? Gimme them. Gimme all of them. All of the haters will not convince me that they are bad. If you don't want your Smarties, then give them to me!!
Seemingly going to have a triple post at this point, but it must be said VolcanicDynamo has excellent taste in Mario games and now candy. High five friend :)
teenagers are the dark souls of the human developmental stages
I think that’s two-year olds actually, they do some really dumb stuff

I just went to get this year's covid booster and they set me up with an antivax pharmacist
Okay so questioning the efficacy of a new vaccine is one thing, but doubting if MASKS have any use? I would revoke that pharmacist’s license, honestly. Disgraceful behavior for a health professional.

if you have good team retention and build up good experience working together over long periods of time and are able to really create the kind of game you want to make with more freedom
Yeah… it would be nice… <industry continues to push for more GaaS and keep on laying off people>

I don't think they ever became a doctor
I hope so. Imagine having your body fixed by someone who doesn’t believe in biology? That’s just weird.

What is your favorite Halloween treat?
We don’t really have Halloween but the only type of candy I like to eat is chocolate
Now that I'm in USA for a while, I thought that I can finally try to redeem my Nintendo platinum points for some of those cool physical stuff. Turns out even having a USA mailing address doesn't help if Nintendo insists on payment via an American-based card. TSK.
Okay so questioning the efficacy of a new vaccine is one thing
Questioning the efficacy of a new vaccine is one thing, but insisting to a customer that they don't do anything, pushing us to justify why we want them, and then suggesting the Supreme Court ruled that there's no evidence that they work is.... pretty wild
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