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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST25 October 2023| Have a Wonderful Famiversary!

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I came across this trailer, and I just need to shout it from the rooftops

It looks so good. Only in theatres this coming Sunday and Monday (Canadians, I know most of you have either the Sunday or the Monday holiday free from family feasts πŸ‘€), and I just think it needs more eyes on it period

I'm still waiting for a theatrical release here but I've been listening to the OST of the movie on Spotify for a few months now and it's so damn good. Hope the movie is great, looking forward to hearing your opinion about it!
Am I the only one who loves watching out for price drops?

Recently there have been some crazy good deals at shops in my country.
This week I've purchased Kirby and the Forgotten World for €22,48, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker for €19,98 and No Man's Sky for €20,00. All physical btw!
This is in total 58% less than MSRP.
Hello, "Nintendo General Discussion |ST25 October 2023| Have a Wonderful Famiversary!"

I've been playing lots of games lately and have been becoming pretty tired of cis-het stories that plague the gaming world. Are there any cool games with queer elements in them? I obviously know of Celeste, Hades, and Undertale, and am holding my breath for Yakuza 8 to finally introduce an LGBT story element as something more than a (really cool, but still) fleeting dialogue box or two. Don't even care about the genre, will check them out if it's a Bomberman clone with dating elements or a... i can't think of another joke. Anyway, if anyone reading this has any faves, fire away.
Is there a Weird Al biography?
Well there's the movie...

Am I the only one who loves watching out for price drops?
I do not admit to regularly checking out Deku Deals, no siree.

Are there any cool games with queer elements in them?
Haven't played them myself but I heard good things about Ikenfell, Paradise Killer, Wylde Flowers, Cassette Beasts, Citizen Sleeper, Life Is Strange and Boyfriend Dungeon.
Haven't played them myself but I heard good things about Ikenfell, Paradise Killer, Wylde Flowers, Cassette Beasts, Citizen Sleeper, Life Is Strange and Boyfriend Dungeon.
Oh, Paradise Killer is great! A really weird murder mystery that's also an open-world collectathon. It kinda doesn't fit together but the atmosphere and the art make it land. I'd recommend it to people here, it's cute. Possibly better on PC if Switch (is there a port?) has a hefty tax, because I don't see a reason to replay it. It's fairly narrative-light and walking and jumping around might not be your cup of tea.
Boyfriend Dungeon and Citizen Sleeper I've heard of, might even have one of them on Steam, will check, thanks!
+1 for recommending Paradise Killer, game also runs great on Switch. It frequently drops to $8 on the eshop and the Switch port ran well.
Oh, Paradise Killer is great! A really weird murder mystery that's also an open-world collectathon. It kinda doesn't fit together but the atmosphere and the art make it land. I'd recommend it to people here, it's cute. Possibly better on PC if Switch (is there a port?) has a hefty tax, because I don't see a reason to replay it. It's fairly narrative-light and walking and jumping around might not be your cup of tea.
Boyfriend Dungeon and Citizen Sleeper I've heard of, might even have one of them on Steam, will check, thanks!

+1 for recommending Paradise Killer, game also runs great on Switch. It frequently drops to $8 on the eshop and the Switch port ran well.
Gonna also recommend Paradise Killer, and point out that one of the main reasons the atmosphere is so good is that the music absolutely slaps. Like one of my favorite game soundtracks of all time, full stop.
Yo fami, I need your help.

I just beat SMRPG for the first time, and want to keep the RPG train a rollin' by playing Chrono Trigger, a game I've never played before. I know there's a few different versions of Chrono Trigger, so I ask you:

What's the best version of Chrono Trigger?
If you have a DS or 3DS, you can get the DS JPN copy of Chrono Trigger on Ebay for cheaper than the US version. It has English subtitles so you can play it.
Okay which spinoff is this? I've never seen it before.
Kinnikuman the lost legend, a TV drama Mockumentary about making a live action Kinnikuman movie. I randomly stumbled across the sound track on Apple Music and wondered what it was from.
What the heck, that’s a funny idea.


Yeah tho it also seems hyper budget XD
What the heck, that’s a funny idea.

Do yourself a favor and watch the movie "Tropic Thunder".

I do warn you, there's a case of blackface in the movie. Dunno how to describe it, but it's not shown in the way it "usually" is used for ... an absolute no-go ..., and the character in question who does it gets rightfully criticized and confronted about it.
I actually already did! And yes I’m also hesitant about recommending it due to Downey haha

I won't say it's a good thing, but i appreciate that this example is used as criticism to Hollywood, which today still loves to miscast PoC roles with white people.

Don't think that either RDJ, or Ben Stiller, Jack Black or any of the other main stars of the movie would've signed up for this if the movie would've used Blackface in any way other than to criticize and confront such behaviour.

It definitely manages to transport the message how fucking insane this is/would be.
Hey everybody, I've just posted my thoughts on the current state of the site in the Site Feedback and Suggestions thread. I hope that anyone interested in the issue joins the discussion and shares their thoughts.

Hello all. I believe that there is currently an under-addressed organizational problem on the site, as has been identified by others in the First Party Software Development thread, the Hardware thread, and Moderation Feedback. Currently there is no suitable place for casual speculation about the future of Nintendo.

Here is the current problem as I see it. The hardware thread has seen an increase in off-topic discussion of wild speculation and discussion of software. When such discussion moves to the First Party thread, it is shut out for detracting from the grounded discussion that has always taken place there. Finally, there is no space for consistent discussion in the Nintendo General Discussion thread because it is functionally unmoderated.

I believe that there are two obvious approaches to addressing this foundational organization problem.

First, and perhaps most intuitive, would be to direct all casual conversation that currently takes place in the general thread to the currently existing "Chit Chat" thread. This approach has many clear advantages, including being holistically consistent with on-topic policy on the site, integrating all casual discussion into one thread, and being more accessible to new users who may be confused as to why the Nintendo thread on a Nintendo forum never talks about Nintendo. However, I suspect that this would be a very unpopular decision. This community formed around these threads, and the functional removal of that tradition could be considered a blow to that original community, as well as those who have lurked in the past and joined in the hopes of joining that community.

Second, less intuitive but more practical in my mind, would be to reinstate the year-round Direct threads, concurrent with the existing General threads. With the General threads descended from the old Direct threads still existing, the Direct threads on Famiboards have generally been much more healthy and have tended to stay on topic. That topic, however, is broad. I see the Nintendo Direct Speculation thread as being the space for casual sweeping discussion of the future of Nintendo, the exact avenue of discussion that has proven problematic in these more serious threads. Anecdotally, the First Party and Hardware threads on Famiboards have both been more healthy during the periods in which Direct threads were active.

The implementation of these new Direct threads would be delicate. The purpose of the threads would have to be clearly dictated and enforced by moderation. While, as I mentioned previously, the Direct threads have been healthier and more on-topic here than they were on ResetEra, there would have to be a clear understanding that all posts must relate to Nintendo. Obviously they would not be so serious as the First Party and Hardware threads, which would in my mind defeat the purpose of creating them. However, the topic of "the future of Nintendo" would have to be imbued in some way in every post.

As for minor details, I would only create and run such a thread in the case that there are no eager volunteers. Additionally, I'd advocate for the threads to last for about 20,000 posts, as per tradition, rather than being on any regular schedule.

I hope that my thoughts on the matter are considered and that some action, regardless of what, is taken soon. As it stands the structure of the site is dysfunctional to both casual speculators and grounded "armchair analysts."
Week 1 (October 1-7)
We all started our Famiboards adventure from somewhere. Some of us journeyed from the old sites, others joined the party over time. How did you find the forum, and why did you join?
16 pages in and I'm finally answering this!

I was on Era when the Media Create drama exploded. I wasn't involved with it, but I did lurk the thread and read through every post after it all went down. I remember the absolute shock at the "You all have lost your absolute fucking minds" post, and I remember distinctly thinking "oh, this isn't going to be another Era mod drama which blows over, people are done".

I was on Pipeline, but I wasn't super active. But when talk started of creating our own damn forum, first as just a suggestion but then as a much more real idea, it was obvious we couldn't really do that on Era itself, so discussion moved to Pipeline. It was decided very quickly that the Nintendo forum and the sales forum would be different forums, so the sales folk went their own way and created what is now Install Base. The Pipeline admins created a channel, #new-nintendo-forum-plan, to discuss creating a new Nintendo forum (that channel still exists! It's locked and only visible if you were involved at the time, but it's all still there!) which I joined after maybe a day or two. I do some light coding for my job, but I have little confidence and no experience in web dev, so it wasn't immediately clear what role I would take, if any. I settled on "drumming up hype". I'd frequently post in the Nintendo General Discussion OT to let people know we were in the planning stages of a new forum, and sent invites to Pipeline periodically. Things moved super quickly, and before I knew it, we had a list of people who had volunteered to be on staff in some capacity all together in a new Discord server (after a failed attempt at a group chat when we realized you could have a maximum of 10 people), which became what is now the staff server.

With no dev or project management experience, my staff role defaulted to moderator. Again, I must reiterate, things moved extremely quickly - we went from "here are the list of staff and vague roles" to "here is a basically functional version of the site" in like, a couple of days. We required email approval at first, so a bunch of us took on the role of "taking email addresses of interested users to approve". Then we decided that that kind of personal information should be limited in who has access to it, so mods had that permission revoked it was given solely to admins. (By this time we had decided mods would rotate in some capacity, so my role wasn't to be permanent, although we hadn't finalized how rotation would work yet.) Within a few days, we were basically ready to launch, and so I believe it was at this point we gave up on the email approval process and opened up registration publicly.

It should be pointed out that, in some ways, we moved too quickly. We hadn't finalized our moderation policies, and the staff list was a bit volatile at the start -- we had a few people who volunteered for admin or dev positions who either left the team completely or entirely stopped participating right away, and we had to add two more moderators within the first few weeks. But having said that, given that our staff selection process at the start was "if you volunteer, you've got it", things went remarkably well. I'm especially proud of the first batch of moderators. There's now a much more thorough selection process (which we actually helped implement), so the fact that the initial team basically all turned out to be pretty suitable and do a good job despite not going through this process was quite lucky, I think.

Fast forward a year, and I'm celebrating our first Famiversary as a regular user instead of a moderator. Another year later -- I've now officially been a regular user longer than I was a moderator -- and things continue to run well. The moderation team is very dedicated and has a knack for selecting great new candidates, and the admin team do an excellent job of keeping the lights on and running things behind the scenes while taking on feedback and ensuring this board continues to be essentially community run. I'm proud of my time on staff and I'm looking forward to see where this place goes next. Happy Famiversary, everyone!
Happy Friday, all! This week was a whirlwind but I finally have some time to relax a bit, hopefully everyone has a good weekend coming up. Going to play more Sea of Stars, maybe catch some aspen leaves up in the mountains tomorrow.
Anyone here actually playing Detective Pikachu and can comment on it? Got it as one of several free games from Best Buy...debating returning it, but it could(?) be a fun time with my toddlers who are into Pokemon
Anyone here actually playing Detective Pikachu and can comment on it? Got it as one of several free games from Best Buy...debating returning it, but it could(?) be a fun time with my toddlers who are into Pokemon
I played the first one on 3DS a while back, it's a decent intro to the adventure genre for kids too young for stuff like Ace Attorney or Life Is Strange. I dunno how the new one holds up, but I could see toddlers getting a kick or two out of it
I played the first one on 3DS a while back, it's a decent intro to the adventure genre for kids too young for stuff like Ace Attorney or Life Is Strange. I dunno how the new one holds up, but I could see toddlers getting a kick or two out of it
That's what I figured. I'm sure they could - question for me is if that's worth the $30-40 I could make back selling it on marketplace πŸ˜…
it’s not called NG…
Did I need a One Piece Hobonichi Techo, extra Hobonichi papers, two sets of One Piece notes, a few plastic covers and a set of the first few volumes of One Piece in a nice box?


Did I buy it?

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so my sweet baby cat is still in the hospital. we’re worried sick about him, but really hope he’ll be okay.

it’s also… very… very expensive.

some of you have been intrigued by β€” and so supportive of β€” shared shreds of my game, plus the music I’ve been writing for it

if you’ve been considering buying any of the albums I’ve released from it so far

now would be an extra-appreciated time
I love that GrΓΆgol Bonanza β€” which started in the ancestor of this thread as a shitpost β€” has been so woven into this community. it’s still early, but it feels alive, and there’s so much of this thread woven through it. thank you all for helping me run with that spark.

if this goes against our community rules, please feel free to scrap it. But if anyone that was already thinking about it wants to… I’d appreciate it.

I just want my baby to be okay.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

so my sweet baby cat is still in the hospital. we’re worried sick about him, but really hope he’ll be okay.

it’s also… very… very expensive.

some of you have been intrigued by β€” and so supportive of β€” shared shreds of my game, plus the music I’ve been writing for it

if you’ve been considering buying any of the albums I’ve released from it so far

now would be an extra-appreciated time
I love that GrΓΆgol Bonanza β€” which started in the ancestor of this thread as a shitpost β€” has been so woven into this community. it’s still early, but it feels alive, and there’s so much of this thread woven through it. thank you all for helping me run with that spark.

if this goes against our community rules, please feel free to scrap it. But if anyone that was already thinking about it wants to… I’d appreciate it.

I just want my baby to be okay.
I'm so sorry, Sus, he's a cutie! Sending all the good energy and vibes I can in his direction.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

so my sweet baby cat is still in the hospital. we’re worried sick about him, but really hope he’ll be okay.

it’s also… very… very expensive.

some of you have been intrigued by β€” and so supportive of β€” shared shreds of my game, plus the music I’ve been writing for it

if you’ve been considering buying any of the albums I’ve released from it so far

now would be an extra-appreciated time
I love that GrΓΆgol Bonanza β€” which started in the ancestor of this thread as a shitpost β€” has been so woven into this community. it’s still early, but it feels alive, and there’s so much of this thread woven through it. thank you all for helping me run with that spark.

if this goes against our community rules, please feel free to scrap it. But if anyone that was already thinking about it wants to… I’d appreciate it.

I just want my baby to be okay.
As if I needed an excuse to splurge on the full collection. Hoping the best for your beautiful cat, I know all to well what it's like to worry about one :(

Do you get anything substantial from people also streaming it on Apple Music and Spotify?
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

so my sweet baby cat is still in the hospital. we’re worried sick about him, but really hope he’ll be okay.

it’s also… very… very expensive.

some of you have been intrigued by β€” and so supportive of β€” shared shreds of my game, plus the music I’ve been writing for it

if you’ve been considering buying any of the albums I’ve released from it so far

now would be an extra-appreciated time
I love that GrΓΆgol Bonanza β€” which started in the ancestor of this thread as a shitpost β€” has been so woven into this community. it’s still early, but it feels alive, and there’s so much of this thread woven through it. thank you all for helping me run with that spark.

if this goes against our community rules, please feel free to scrap it. But if anyone that was already thinking about it wants to… I’d appreciate it.

I just want my baby to be okay.
Say no more! Give kitty a hug from me once he's better!
As if I needed an excuse to splurge on the full collection. Hoping the best for your beautiful cat, I know all to well what it's like to worry about one :(

Do you get anything substantial from people also streaming it on Apple Music and Spotify?
satisfaction and joy, and the ghost of a tenth of a penny per play

but please, by all means, listen on the platform of your choice β€” I sure do

and getting the word out there plus seeing interest go up in my β€œartist dashboards” pays hydro for the little lightbulb in my heart
thank you so much for all the kind words and support, everyone. it means the world to me. πŸ’•
satisfaction and joy, and the ghost of a tenth of a penny per play

but please, by all means, listen on the platform of your choice β€” I sure do

and getting the word out there plus seeing interest go up in my β€œartist dashboards” pays hydro for the little lightbulb in my heart
How is the game progressing? It says it's coming out in 2023, but it isn't out now right? And are you gonna release some of your music on physical media like vinyl? Because I want to support but I really don't understand digital music. I sound stupid probably lol, I just don't listen to music like that. Your tracks slap though, I want it. I hate to read what is happening right now in your life so would like to support some way.
How is the game progressing? It says it's coming out in 2023, but it isn't out now right? And are you gonna release some of your music on physical media like vinyl? Because I want to support but I really don't understand digital music. I sound stupid probably lol, I just don't listen to music like that. Your tracks slap though, I want it. I hate to read what is happening right now in your life so would like to support some way.
wait it says it’s coming out 2023 somewhere? … that’s very incorrect, lmao. I think I put 2025 as a placeholder on something, but I’d frankly be shocked. I’m definitely new to this.

the game’s going well, but very early! still wrapping my head around different approaches to coding games. you can walk around, but the battles need work. and I’m learning plenty as I go.

wish I had physical media for you, but it costs a lot of money to do a run. if a lot more people were interested, or I had a larger audience, I could consider it β€”but a lot of people would have to want it for me to break even, let alone try to make up some of the costs from the vet right now.

if it happens, it would be a while down the road. maybe a haunted box set some day once the next albums are out, who knows.
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