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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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...what? Not enough Mario from Famiboards' Self Proclaimed #1 Super Mario Fan™? Well, you asked for it.


Guess the theme of each row and you get a big thumbs up from me!
Ooh! That's a good one! I better also embrace my character here


You know what, I can trade Boom Bang! and Purple of places depending on my mood, but I think I rather PLAY Purple than Boom Bang... (though Boom Bang has Viscount... )
Chimp! What's the deal with Air Ride? I've never gotten it.
City trial is a lot of fun to explore, there's many options for rides, random events going on, and you can get lucky or unlucky with the items/stat bonuses you collect... So it just makes every match a little different.

Truth is I used to play it a lot with my cousin (and other friends) and as kids I think exploring the city for the first time is much more engaging. It took us pretty damn long to find all secrets, no idea if it'd be the same as a more experienced player... The modes also have 120 achievements each, so you always have an idea what to try next (we only really played City Trial). The bummer is that those 7 minutes spent in the city only culminate in a single minigame, definitely anticlimactic. But it's also fun that one person wins and you can be back to play a new round in probably around a minute.

Also just a cool game to hang out in if you've known the city for as long as my cousin and I do. Around when we were finishing high school we used to play city trial and just talk while playing on autopilot with the occasional fun moment to take us out of the conversation. There is PVP after all so if you wanna be cheeky to your friends...

Having said that I get anyone who doesn't connect with the game as much. For me it would easily be my most wanted game for a Gamecube NSO and a sequel with just 1 or 2 more City Trial maps has been one of my most wanted games for a loooong time.

Very long winded response to a simple question lol. It's very late here, but I hope some of this made sense.
Final Exam Questions
I was so busy at work the last week and away from the page I forgot to do the 4th pop quiz. We will instead make it a final exam. Here we go:

Understanding Jazz - Music 401: This was an actual class I took in college, and set me on the path to love jazz music. Anyhow, give me your best jazz video game composition or performance. Preferably in game but will take covers and renditions if that’s your favorite.

Environmental Science 412: In honor of FF7 Rebirth, What is the best plot line, vignette, super power, whatever that has to do with cataclysmic events, be they ecological or biological? Can be loose in the interpretation here. I recommend spoiler tagging to be safe.
I was so busy at work the last week and away from the page I forgot to do the 4th pop quiz. We will instead make it a final exam. Here we go:

Understanding Jazz - Music 401: This was an actual class I took in college, and set me on the path to love jazz music. Anyhow, give me your best jazz video game composition or performance. Preferably in game but will take covers and renditions if that’s your favorite.

Environmental Science 412: In honor of FF7 Rebirth, What is the best plot line, vignette, super power, whatever that has to do with cataclysmic events, be they ecological or biological? Can be loose in the interpretation here. I recommend spoiler tagging to be safe.
Played Intergrade recently and the dynamic track "The Runaround" (in different parts on the OST) was a crazy surprise. Made the sequence so much more fun!

It's 1 AM, I should be asleep and I have no idea what cataclysmic events are so I'll answer that after some research tomorrow lol

Hi there, this is my second ever post, I'm here to post my tier list. Now if you will excuse me I will creep back into the shadows, were you will never hear from me again.
Okay, since I’ve been seeing this going around everywhere, I figured I’d make an attempt at making my own, too…

I immediately knew that 25 games wasn’t going to be enough for me, though, so I aimed for 50…which turned into 100…but ultimately I had to push it to the max of 144, lol.

Anyway, here’s TAAAGAGAIOPS™


At first I really, really tried to limit it to just one game per franchise, then two, then three…but that just wasn’t gonna work, lol. I did try to only include games that I’ve beaten for the most part, so there are quite a few other games that I would have liked to include in here too if it wasn’t for that.

You can probably tell I didn’t really get super into gaming until the N64 era, lol. I certainly played games before then, though, ‘cause I was playing NES and SNES casually in my earliest years, but it wasn’t until the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color that I truly got into gaming as a primary interest. So while I’ve played a decent amount of NES and SNES games, they just don’t hold the same kind of significance to me unfortunately, which is why you don’t really see them on my chart aside from a few remakes.

Hopefully I didn’t accidentally use the wrong box art for anything, since that site is flooded with fake games, fan games, and mods like randomizers and such for some reason…
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Understanding Jazz - Music 401: This was an actual class I took in college, and set me on the path to love jazz music. Anyhow, give me your best jazz video game composition or performance. Preferably in game but will take covers and renditions if that’s your favorite.
slap on some headphones and enjoy "Secret of Forest," from The Brink of Time:

So it's not in-game, but it is from an album that the original composer of the game had a hand in, so it's semi-official. And it's not only friggin rad but that was also my earliest exposure to jazz (technically acid jazz but still). The whole album is a hoot if you've got an hour to spare (45 minutes for listening, 15 for contemplation) as it goes through a few different tempos, atmospheres, and styles from song to song. Mitsuda was quoted as saying he did this because he saw other composers doing the same semi-orchestral arrangements for their OSTs and wanted to do something nobody else was doing at the time. I'd say he succeeded.

Environmental Science 412: In honor of FF7 Rebirth, What is the best plot line, vignette, super power, whatever that has to do with cataclysmic events, be they ecological or biological? Can be loose in the interpretation here. I recommend spoiler tagging to be safe.
Oh yall better believe this entire post is gonna be about Chrono Trigger :cool:

I present, the thing that gave me the most nightmares as a kid:

What impresses me so much about Lavos is how the meaning of this character has evolved for me as I've gotten older. When I was a kid I just knew it as this scary alien thing that wiped out the planet, but as I got older I realized: Lavos is more of a natural disaster than it is a character. The actual villain pulling the strings and leading the world to ruin is actually Queen Zeal, as she worked to harness and control the power of this thing, corrupting herself and her nation in the process (even going as far as to banish people who refused to accept or could not use its power). And it feels strange especially now to look back and realize this game in 1995 had a plot where a looming natural disaster was coming, the characters had proof it was coming, and when they found people who knew it existed it was a coin toss as to whether they wanted to stop it or worship it, some of them actively working to bring this ruin to pass because they believed it'd greatly benefit them while only harming "the others."

Yes, I'm alluding to climate change.

I don't know if that metaphor was the team's intent way back then but it sure seems like a big parallel nowadays. It also fits in with the big reveal at the end that Lavos guided human evolution to its own benefit, leading to angry outbursts from some of the cast as they question whether who we even are as people was actually part of the guided plan to serve this impending cataclysm. Even as a kid I wondered if the story was saying humans are worse off for having our technology and industry, and now I can't look at the story any other way. It's like the devs were screaming from the hilltops that humankind is being made to nourish and serve the very thing that will destroy us. And to paraphrase the strongest individual to ever stand up to Lavos: we'll get whacked if we're weak.
Knocked out that Tetris 99 XBC3 skin real quick. Wish they had made the tetrominoes ether crystals or nopons or something tho. Got 6 tickets for the fzero 99 grand prixs tomorrow. Need to remember to do it in handheld mode tho. Somehow I do my best with the dang joycon button dpad
Oof I was struggling a lot with the Mortal Kombat 11 (yes the older game :p) boss fight, turns out I had set the story mode to hard difficulty at some point but I forgot xD felt like I could only win a round with a bit of luck

Searching about it online seems like it is an infamous fight, so I took the L and got the better ending on medium difficulty instead 🥲

Maybe I’ll try it on hard again sometime but I think I’ll move on for now 😅
City trial is a lot of fun to explore, there's many options for rides, random events going on, and you can get lucky or unlucky with the items/stat bonuses you collect... So it just makes every match a little different.

Truth is I used to play it a lot with my cousin (and other friends) and as kids I think exploring the city for the first time is much more engaging. It took us pretty damn long to find all secrets, no idea if it'd be the same as a more experienced player... The modes also have 120 achievements each, so you always have an idea what to try next (we only really played City Trial). The bummer is that those 7 minutes spent in the city only culminate in a single minigame, definitely anticlimactic. But it's also fun that one person wins and you can be back to play a new round in probably around a minute.

Also just a cool game to hang out in if you've known the city for as long as my cousin and I do. Around when we were finishing high school we used to play city trial and just talk while playing on autopilot with the occasional fun moment to take us out of the conversation. There is PVP after all so if you wanna be cheeky to your friends...

Having said that I get anyone who doesn't connect with the game as much. For me it would easily be my most wanted game for a Gamecube NSO and a sequel with just 1 or 2 more City Trial maps has been one of my most wanted games for a loooong time.

Very long winded response to a simple question lol. It's very late here, but I hope some of this made sense.
I appreciate the thoroughness. I rented it but only played City Trial once or twice with CPU opponents. Maybe one day…

Just glad to see you back on the boards!
It's my 40th birthday today, so I'm going to be self-indulgent for a minute and channel my inner Mary Schmich.

So here's some random thoughts and advice based on my own meandering experience of 35 or 36* years of bullshit in this hobby:
  • Games are for everyone
  • If you haven't found a game you like, keep looking, it's out there.
  • Games are art but most games are pop, commercial, or kitsch art. That whole debate is/was stupid anyways.
  • Specs are borderline meaningless like 90% of the time
  • Good art direction will beat raw pixel pushing every single time
  • Games are best when they're small and focused
  • The vast majority of "news" in gaming doesn't matter the following week
  • I'm not a "gamer", I'm "someone who enjoys playing games". No one says they're a "booker" or "movier".
  • Nintendo makes some weird decisions sometimes but I think they're on the right track most of the time
  • Nintendo is basically on their own "generation" timeline ever since the Wii
  • Microsoft is a software service company that happens to have a games division
  • Sony is an entertainment production and consumer electronics company that happens to have a games division
  • Nintendo is a toy company that just wants to keep families entertained
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Don't be online so much that you lose touch with reality
  • Learn to simply let people enjoy what they like
  • Embrace impermanence. Not every series can last 40 years or stay the same. New directions don't invalidate the things that happened previously.
  • A good "old" game will still be good years and decades later
  • There's not enough time to enjoy every game that comes out.
  • There's not enough time to waste it arguing with people who are only there to rob you of your most valuable asset.
  • Games are for everyone
  • Find what you like and stick with it
  • Explore new genres or developers on occasion
  • Retry things you didn't like to see if your tastes or approach has changed
  • Cultivate a "bullshit detector", it will help prevent disappointment when a game is overhyped
  • Japanese retail sales are something to keep an eye on, not because it presents Nintendo in a very rosy light, but because it often dictates where a significant part of the industry is heading
  • Know your gaming history and understand that a lot of tech is cyclical, stuff falls in and out of favor regularly
  • Games should be covered in the Arts & Entertainment sections of newspapers/magazines not the Technology section
  • Gaming hardware should be covered in the Technology section
  • Despite what their PR teams on social media want you to think, corporations are not your friend
  • Don't be insecure about your interests
  • Find at least one thing that gets you away from the screen and moving around, you'll be happy you did so
  • Games are for everyone
Trust me on the sunscreen

* I've not been able to definitively determine if it was '87 or '88 when I was gifted an NES
Happy birthday! I hope it still is - I know I’m late after a busy day… but either way, happy birthday!
tbh I feel like adding more than 25 is kinda defeating the purpose a lil bit
I dunno how people are able to narrow down a list of favorites to just 25 games, lol. Hell, I don’t know how people can even compare and rank favorites across entirely different series and genres (which is why my chart isn’t ranked, just kinda grouped by series and generally ordered by release date). There are small a handful of games that I can say are definitely top favorites of mine (Super Smash Bros., Kirby Air Ride, Kid Icarus: Uprising, etc.) but after those there are just far too many games that I love and that are important to me in various ways for me to pick and choose just a select few as favorites. That’s why I ended up going with 144 (I mistakenly said 120 before BUT NO, THERE ARE EVEN MORE!! lol), and even then it was a struggle and I had to cut many games out that I would have liked to list as well.
I've seen these done as a 3x3... maybe you could do a 2x2 lol
That would be totally defeating the point, though. These charts are supposed to give people an idea of your gaming tastes and/or the games that are most important to you, no? Like, sure, Sakurai’s games tend to be a particular favorite of mine, but that’s completely ignoring everything else, including many other games that are even more important to me for various reasons.
That would be totally defeating the point, though. These charts are supposed to give people an idea of your gaming tastes and/or the games that are most important to you, no?
I feel like making your list super long actually tells me less about your taste, since at that point all I know is that you like hundreds of different games. There's value in limiting something to a small sample size, since it's the things you value most, it tells the most about your tastes and what you prefer the most. There's either generally less connective tissue between games, or more repetition, when you get to super big lists, neither of which is very helpful to determine taste and give recs (unless all you like is a few series, in which case a shorter list would do anyways).

Still cool to see your list though, at least I now know there's one Game & Wario fan out there (and someone else who would only put Awakening in their top list, if i'm reading that right)
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Quoted by: Tye
I feel like making your list super long actually tells me less about your taste, since at that point all I know is that you like hundreds of different games. There's value in limiting something to a small sample size, since it's the things you value most, it tells the most about your tastes and what you prefer the most. There's either generally less connective tissue between games, or more repetition, when you get to super big lists, neither of which is very helpful to determine taste and give recs (unless all you like is a few series, in which case a shorter list would do anyways).

Still cool to see your list though, at least I now know there's one Game & Wario fan out there
Sure, I get that, and it probably works for most people, but what if you’re just the kind of person who doesn’t really gravitate towards favoring a relatively small selection of specific types of games (beyond “Nintendo games” which is a huge variety of games, series, genres, etc.) and instead has a wide range of games that you enjoy and love, all for variety of different reasons that makes it impossible to rank or pick favorites? ‘Cause that’s me; despite mostly just playing Nintendo games, there is no shortage of games that I play and absolutely love.

If you want more nuance from my chart, I’d have to sit here and explain to you what I love about each game because my relationship with each game is unique, but that’s just impractical, lol. But you can at least see my general tastes/interests from it for the most part, and the important fact that I love a lot of games, particularly Nintendo games, lol. And I’d argue the more data, the better. Remember, this is still only a fraction of the games I play, but they’re the ones that have impacted me the most for various reasons, and I’d say that’s important data.

And yes, Game & Wario is amazing!! It was always a staple Wii U party game for when friends came over, along with Nintendo Land, Wii Party U, and Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party. I have so many great memories of playing it together with friends. Sketch and Fronks are tons of fun, lol.
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I wanna know what the big connection is between music we grew up with and our emotional state because Megumi Hayashibara's "Midnight Blue" still makes my heart fuckin soar and I don't really understand why
The absolute emotional whiplash of Megumi's "Midnight Blue" making me think of a high school crush, followed by youtube autoplaying Bo Burnham's "How the World Works" next and then me stubbing the shit outta my toe when I get up to grab the remote
Has anyone bought one of those Nitro Decks for the Switch? Was tempted by the GameCube purple one but only thing holding me off purchasing is it not being compatible with the next Switch.
Has anyone bought one of those Nitro Decks for the Switch? Was tempted by the GameCube purple one but only thing holding me off purchasing is it not being compatible with the next Switch.
There seem to be some issues with the devices, especially with the Oled Switch. I’d wait and see if I were you.
We are less than three weeks away from Mario Wonder…

I can’t believe it has been a decade since New Super U. My hype for Wonder has been quietly rising all week and I can’t wait to play it.
Done some thinking and I've narrowed down my Topsters to a Top 8:


Had to make quite a few changes, but I think this turned out pretty good!

This isn't actually my Top 8, if you don't get the joke

EDIT: I'm at a loss for words that's nobody's got this so far.

EDIT 2: Lol I think this might have been too subtle:
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Done some thinking and I've narrowed down my Topsters to a Top 8:


Had to make quite a few changes, but I think this turned out pretty good!

This isn't actually my Top 8, if you don't get the joke
those games are all awesome tho

anyone whose top 8 were those games would be based as heck
Done some thinking and I've narrowed down my Topsters to a Top 8:


Had to make quite a few changes, but I think this turned out pretty good!

This isn't actually my Top 8, if you don't get the joke

EDIT: I'm at a loss for words that's nobody's got this so far.

Is it a secret code?
Done some thinking and I've narrowed down my Topsters to a Top 8:


Had to make quite a few changes, but I think this turned out pretty good!

This isn't actually my Top 8, if you don't get the joke

EDIT: I'm at a loss for words that's nobody's got this so far.
Staring intensely at this for an hour until I see the loss meme in it
Done some thinking and I've narrowed down my Topsters to a Top 8:


Had to make quite a few changes, but I think this turned out pretty good!

This isn't actually my Top 8, if you don't get the joke

EDIT: I'm at a loss for words that's nobody's got this so far.
I’m guessing it’s more than just Uncharted 4 Remastered.
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