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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST19 April 2023| A tradition unlike any other

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I hope not. The Origami King was best when it was an adventure game and not trying to still do RPG-style battles (though the boss battles were probably the best implementation of the newer style of combat given they used unique context for each one.) As fun as the badge system is, I think they should just go full into the adventure format style. It's clear that they have ideas on adventure given that many battle aren't even turn-based and the dungeon design featuring puzzles.
AFAIK if they're going back to TTYD style gameplay, they're going in the right direction since that's like the number one complaint I've heard about post TTYD Paper Mario games from fans. I personally have never played Paper Mario, so I wouldn't know
My main question with a TTYD remaster is how will they choose to handle Vivian as a trans woman? I wouldn't say that the original Japanese or most localizations handle her gender with the most care (the closest comes in the Italian version), and the English and German versions choose not to tackle it at all. TCRF has some of the translations, you can see for yourself. Does this receive a revamp, let alone a relocalization?
The optimist in me says this gives them another shot at getting Vivian “right” in terms of writing, and I hope they take this opportunity to do that.

The realist in me says the script goes untouched in all regions.
The optimist in me says this gives them another shot at getting Vivian “right” in terms of writing, and I hope they take this opportunity to do that.

The realist in me says the script goes untouched in all regions.
I'd say the U.S got her character just right, not sure what the devs were thinking. It's inappropriate for a Mario game and doesn't need re-doing in a potential remaster.
So let's go through these remasters/remake/new game rumours, shall we?

Metroid Prime: Remastered (CONFIRMED)
F-Zero GX (Nothing so far, but with the GameCube remaster thing, I can definitely see it coming sooner rather than later)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Sakurai's hinted at it)
Golden Sun Remake (With Golden Sun coming to NSO, I kinda doubt this now. Not ruling it out entirely, but I doubt it's happening any time soon HD-2D pls)
New Star Fox (This is one of the rumours that doesn't have a lot of info on it. I guess we just gotta wait for more.)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Similar to F-Zero GX. Since we know GameCube remasters are coming, I can see this happening sooner rather than later)
New Donkey Kong (Okay, seriously, how much longer are you gonna hold off on this, Nintendo? It's one of the worst kept secrets in the gaming industry at this point)
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Remake (I'm not holding much hope for it coming in the Switch's lifetime now. Maybe next console)
New 2D Mario (I have no idea what's gonna happen with this, if it happens at all during the Switch's life. Again, could be a next console thing)

Those are all the Nintendo based things that have been prominent in the rumour mill. I'm not an insider, so idk what's going on. Feel free to give your own thoughts.

if only there were an archive where somebody cataloged Nintendo Switch rumors and leaks

I've summarised the more recent ones if that helps.
They will absolutely ignore anything regarding Vivian's gender, or keep it deliberately ambiguous.

Would love to be proved wrong, but I'll imagine they'll just stick to the original translations - if there is a path of least resistance, they will take it.
Permanently banned for transphobia.
...And how is a trans character inappropriate for a Mario game?
Mod Edit: blatant transphobia hidden by spoiler tag.
Original content of post (resulting in ban) below:
Because it's a sexual fetish that has no place in a game intended to be played by children and families?.
Very much hope that the TTYD rumour is true. We should have a lot more Gamecube remasters on Switch in general imo.
considering i'll be playing the game entirely in co-op mode, which game would you pick: Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, or kirby and the forgotten land?
Been floating around for a little bit from a couple of sources. Markomaro was the main one, I think? He also reported that Astral Chain 2 was in development.
To add onto that a little further, the rumour is that Camelot are the main devs of the Golden Sun remake, but are also bringing in an external studio to help out.

I'm not an insider, I'm just going over rumours that I've seen off hand, so this is just me spitballing, honestly.
considering i'll be playing the game entirely in co-op mode, which game would you pick: Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, or kirby and the forgotten land?
All are solid choices, with some notes:
  • Captain Toad can be played completely in co-op. The original game didn't have co-op so the game is a little easier with it in some regard, but it's still a fun time.
  • Luigi's Mansion 3 takes some time to unlock its co-op feature in the story mode but makes up for it with a playable segment of comparable length immediately after where the second player takes the lead and handles most of the action. I found that this one was greatly enhanced by the co-op, highly recommended.
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land has player 2 be Bandana Waddle Dee, so no copy ability or Mouthful Mode powers. And the camera very obviously follows player 1. Still good, but the cooperative play is arguably not the best way for one to experience the game? Others may feel differently, though.

Nintendo when considering the ramifications of shutting down multiple entire storefronts, locking away vast swathes of gaming history - both from themselves and from third-parties - from being legally obtained forever:


Nintendo when someone posts a book, that probably just shows a bunch of shit they're gonna put in a trailer anyway, a few months too early:

Does the leaker behind TTYD rumor have any history? If not, I don't understand why everyone is talking about it and news articles being made about it.
Does the leaker behind TTYD rumor have any history? If not, I don't understand why everyone is talking about it and news articles being made about it.
if "many previous rumors that turned out to be true actually came from me" counts as history then yes, definitely, 100%

TTYD is one of the best examples of a well-loved Nintendo game that's basically inaccessible today in a legal fashion. In the UK you're pretty much going to have to pay over £100 to get yourself a copy of the Gamecube game (You need a Gamecube/Wii too but funnily enough getting one of those is significantly cheaper), which is simply unreasonable and so unless you own the game already, you're pretty much locked out from playing it. Therefore it should be near the top of any Nintendo list of candidates for rerelease/remaster/remake, but I don't like to make assumptions that Nintendo will do the sensible thing.

Nevertheless, I hope the rumours are true so I get the chance to finally play it!
I have never had as many preorders placed for a single game as I do for Tears of the Kingdom. Just snagged this sweet preorder bonus from Walmart. I think my current plan is to use this standard edition as my game cartridge, then keep the CE sealed (especially since I already looked at the art book lol)
All are solid choices, with some notes:
  • Captain Toad can be played completely in co-op. The original game didn't have co-op so the game is a little easier with it in some regard, but it's still a fun time.
  • Luigi's Mansion 3 takes some time to unlock its co-op feature in the story mode but makes up for it with a playable segment of comparable length immediately after where the second player takes the lead and handles most of the action. I found that this one was greatly enhanced by the co-op, highly recommended.
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land has player 2 be Bandana Waddle Dee, so no copy ability or Mouthful Mode powers. And the camera very obviously follows player 1. Still good, but the cooperative play is arguably not the best way for one to experience the game? Others may feel differently, though.
ok, thanks!
gonna get captain toad first.
I've seen that Syluxhunter was making fun about Markomaro getting his sources wrong, but I also seen that Markomaro had gotten some sources right.
Besides markomaro being unreliable for a lot of times, it is still likely that Camelot is still working on new Golden Sun title and I really hope that this is Camelot's first Switch 2 exclusive title.
The biggest thing that’ll need addressing is the bad backtracking. I hope they come up with a simple soilutikn for it. It’s not good
regarding Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door ?

i doubt they'll do that.

I bet something like a 16:9 with revamped HD textures
Honestly, with recent rumours, I'm looking into rumours to see if there's any validity to them. All people seem to have heard is that something is happening with Golden Sun, but there's not a lot of info as to what exactly. The main thing that Markomaro heard was that Camelot weren't the main devs and another team had been brought in to assist. Not much more other than that.

He did bring up a Pokemon collection of the first three gens, but he backtracked on that once the DP remakes dropped as the NSO emulator stuff had come out at that point, so he deemed it more likely that they'd release on there at some point in the future.

He also thinks there's something going on with Wario Land, but that's not been clarified much. Zelda Oracle remakes were also brought up and I think some other people have mentioned that too at some point.

He did correctly predict the Advance Wars remake, the remastering of Metroid Prime, Pikmin 4 and the Style Boutique game (which was released by Marvelous on their lonesome this time for some reason). He also mentions that the Detective Pikachu sequel is still coming and mentions a Paper Mario remake, but doesn't specify which game.

As I said, I have no idea whether there's validity to these or not, but I figured they were worth bringing up since we were talking about potential rumours.
Markomaro has probably predicted everything under the sun by this point and I don't think it's an account worth following; not least because it's possible to regurgitate rumours from more reliable sources and get stuff right.
Good on the mods for taking out the trash swiftly.

All I can think of for first party Gamecube titles that hasn't been mentioned yet is Luigi's Mansion 1 being brought to Switch (and not 3DS that had already been moved on from). But otherwise I am all for F-Zero, Paper Mario TTYD, Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, StarFox Adventures/Assault, Pikmin 1 and 2, and the Zelda's. Anything after that is all gravy to me.

As for third party Gamecube games getting remasters/new entries... what's EA doing with SSX? It's been a decade and two console generations now since the last game. Bring back Tricky without the weird DnB remix. That'd be fun with some local and online wireless with up to 8 players (or 2 per console). I also sincerely hope FRD is making some good headway into TimeSplitters seeing as the last bit of news we got was last year in May. Soul Calibur 2 HD with all three guest characters when, Bamco????
Honestly I really can't bring myself to care about rumours for potential singular remasters of Nintendo games anymore. It's tiring as fuck trying to play Nintendo's game of 'what are we gonna arbitrarily remove from the vault this year?' Especially when they just put hundreds of games into said vault a few weeks back.
Very well, I'll take that. I'm just looking through here with Alestorm blasting in the background.

When it comes to the remasters, the ones that seem most likely are F-Zero GX, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, since Metroid Prime and Baten Kaitos both turned out to be true and those three got lumped in with them amongst the remasters.
A remaster of TTYD is a good idea. It’s a game that’s become renowned in the fandom since it’s release, and the simplistic visual style means it wouldn’t take too much effort. Easy Fall/Holiday release imo.

I’m worried that the hardcore Paper Mario fans would pick it apart though. Any slight change they make would cause a shitstorm of controversy you wouldn’t hear them shut up about.
Honestly I really can't bring myself to care about rumours for potential singular remasters of Nintendo games anymore. It's tiring as fuck trying to play Nintendo's game of 'what are we gonna arbitrarily remove from the vault this year?' Especially when they just put hundreds of games into said vault a few weeks back.
These are GameCube remasters though.
The GameCube ones might as well have been confirmed with Metroid Prime and Baten Kaitos' reveals. This Kid Icarus one is the odd one out with the remasters, but even Sakurai gave us a little tease during one of his game dev videos.
Markomaro doesn’t know anything. He’s a person who just wants clout from random people so he makes all kinds of stuff up and hopes something will stick.
The best part is he is wrong all the time, but he won't care. His old wrong rumors are still on his Twitter so it's very funny that people are still listening to him. Very funny, for years. This joke of an account exists since 2018 and people are still listening.
Anyway, here's a fun topic to talk about. What third-party games would you guys like to see ported to Switch? With all the impossible ports we've had so far, just go crazy with your dream Switch ports!
Was coming to see if people were discussing the TTYD rumour but see it originated from here anyway haha.

Would love it to be true.
Gamecube has been long overdue its renaissance. I'm still of the opinion we should have had GC VC back on Wii U. Given that the Wii U had a full on Wii inside, it could easily have just run $10 Gamecube ROMs that boot directly into Wii mode and then the game itself.

They made a four port controller adapter ffs, and it's just for Smash Bros 4? That's just wasted opportunity. Same with Switch; at least they had the foresight and care to ensure Super Mario Sunshine can be played with a Gamecube controller as intended.

Much as I detest Nintendo's removal of the analog triggers, how many games beyond Sunshine and F-Zero GX made active use of the pressure sensors? I think even some driving games like Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 relegated acceleration to the A button. Point is, even a Wii U Pro Controller could be used for Gamecube ROMs if they were that worried about breaking compatibility (or better yet...bring back the analog triggers that have never been surpassed since 2001).
Anyway, here's a fun topic to talk about. What third-party games would you guys like to see ported to Switch? With all the impossible ports we've had so far, just go crazy with your dream Switch ports!
As for third party Gamecube games getting remasters/new entries... what's EA doing with SSX? It's been a decade and two console generations now since the last game. Bring back Tricky without the weird DnB remix. That'd be fun with some local and online wireless with up to 8 players (or 2 per console). I also sincerely hope FRD is making some good headway into TimeSplitters seeing as the last bit of news we got was last year in May. Soul Calibur 2 HD with all three guest characters when, Bamco????
Adding onto my list from before: Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg, Gauntlet (Dark Legacy or a new entry), Amazing Island, Worms 3D, Freedom Fighters, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 (25 year anniversary this year JMON), and that's off the top of my head.

We're at least getting Harvest Moon Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life later in June, and Super Monkey Ball getting new life last year was genuinely exciting to see
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