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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST2 Nov. 2021| Are You Gonna Play Shin Megami Tensei V the Dub Way, or…

Which TGA nomination snub upset you the most?

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only if you buy both of them

so… yes? if I’m reading your question right.
Yeah, you're reading it right but I didn't phrase it well. To me the second game should not take up any space and the icon for the second should point to the same code but I'm sure there are some encryption shenanigans they'd have to work through. It's a waste of space on someone's SD card, a waste of energy, and puts unnecessary strain on eShop server bandwidth.
I think you knew what I meant. It's basically akin to having a large duplicate file on your PC. It would actually be cleverer if one of the games took up no space, but displayed a separate icon on the home menu.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude - I thought you were asking if each digital copy was the size of both games.
This day one patch is really painting a picture of a game that had a troubled development cycle. A Pokémon game shipping without any multiplayer features is pretty bad.
Honestly I'm shocked that GameFreak never thought to change a line of code to pallette swap the two versions before ILCa came along.

The very definition of working smarter, not harder, and people will still give grief. Like, isn't this the kind of work ethic we should be celebrating? Wasn't it uncovered in SM that GF had used a dozen models per character for each town you interact with them rather than having the game call up just one single model which caused the file size to balloon unnecessarily?

I just recall someone compared the programming to be similar like taking out a recipe book, reading a step, putting it back on the shelf, doing that step in the kitchen, and then repeating by pulling the book back out, reading the next step, closing and putting the book back on the shelf and doing the next step ad nauseum.
There are basically two smart ways to do the split version thing (the other being some compile time stuff to insert only the data that's necessary for each version) and they've probably been doing one or the other since Red and Green.
Honestly they should have started selling just a single game a long time ago where you make a decision near the start that determines which version you get for your playthrough, but we know that's not the lucrative option
This day one patch is really painting a picture of a game that had a troubled development cycle. A Pokémon game shipping without any multiplayer features is pretty bad.

There are basically two smart ways to do the split version thing (the other being some compile time stuff to insert only the data that's necessary for each version) and they've probably been doing one or the other since Red and Green.
I always imagined both games were two different forks off of the same master repository, and the forks were what was released.
The third versions were just updates to the master repo


MM doesn't look half bad (just like most L5 games until you hit the mid-game). It's out tomorrow yet no release outside of Japan announced so far.
This day one patch is really painting a picture of a game that had a troubled development cycle. A Pokémon game shipping without any multiplayer features is pretty bad.

There are basically two smart ways to do the split version thing (the other being some compile time stuff to insert only the data that's necessary for each version) and they've probably been doing one or the other since Red and Green.
I hope so. Overall I don't feel I've been consumed with a frothing rabid hatred for the series like a vocal minority have, but it's still hard not be discouraged by some of their other boneheaded decisions.

Full on wheezing and I nearly fell backwards in my chair
Yeah, you're reading it right but I didn't phrase it well. To me the second game should not take up any space and the icon for the second should point to the same code but I'm sure there are some encryption shenanigans they'd have to work through. It's a waste of space on someone's SD card, a waste of energy, and puts unnecessary strain on eShop server bandwidth.
only for people who are buying both, which I feel like isn’t a lot? and they still have separate keys, etc — like it wouldn’t make sense for them to “unify” them when they still technically are two separate products. Plus I think that would wreak havoc on save data, console-to-console game transfer, etc.
I always imagined both games were two different forks off of the same master repository, and the forks were what was released.
The third versions were just updates to the master repo
that sounds like absolute hell while working on the code, though, especially features and parts that apply to both games

a flag? easy peasy, shit stays unified, you can check something in both versions at the same time by flipping a switch

imagine having to go in and test it all in a second file on the fly for each part you add
I'm not adept at version control but I sort of imagined that you make everything that's shared and then fork them but idk
Extremely tempted to cancel our GOTY awards and just give it to Elden Ring for 2021-2022. Sorry, but that's just where I am today.

This also ensures Xenoblade gets no votes for anything in 2022, so double win for us all.
I mean... I would vote for Xenoblade over Elden Ring... In fact if you take Nintendo's 2022 schedule so far and choose any game that I could enjoy I would vote over Elden Ring, since:
1 I don't have any means to play it, therefore I could not have an opinion and
2 I tried Dark Souls 3 in my cousin's PS4 and Dark Souls Remastered on the Switch and I did not enjoy either, so I have literally 0 hype for this one.
Sorry and thanks for coming to my TED Talk, there are candies on the way out if you don't wish me dead for my opinions (if you don't find any candy, well, we know why).

Replace the burger with chrono trigger

I would lose so much weight if every time I wanted a burger I just played Chrono Trigger.

Also I just woke up and read through a bunch of wholesomeness and encouragement and I wanna say this is the best damn video game forum I've ever seen. Almost makes me wanna play one.
that sounds like absolute hell while working on the code, though, especially features and parts that apply to both games

a flag? easy peasy, shit stays unified, you can check something in both versions at the same time by flipping a switch

imagine having to go in and test it all in a second file on the fly for each part you add
Features and parts that apply to both games are added to the master repo and pulled to the forks

Trust me I would have done the flag version from the start, I just have never seen evidence of them doing it that way until BDSP
Sabec (Popeye) will probably not get a devkit for Nintendo‘s next system, I would assume.

Sabec’s other games like Calculator or Xylophone were certainly not helpful either. Or Robox: did they expect kids to confuse this with Roblox? Anyway, seems like Sabec doesn‘t have the best intentions.
I know it's 2021, but I still didn't expect Nintendo to highlight a gay couple in their advertising, especially with their children. That's excellent.
Switch confirmed to fail! get woke go broke!

ignore all the successful media and adverts featuring gay people, pls
I sympathize with those people who want more from their Pokemon games...and in some instances basic features. Even though Shield was my first Pokemom game I have their back on any of their wants.

I'm excited for BDSP, even though initially I didn't like the style, for a weird reason. I really liked completing the pokedex in shield but all the spinning around in my bike looking for pokemon was making me dizzy. So I'm just happy it's top down...lmao
omg a new store opened across from my parents' place and they have laoganma chili sauce 😭 this is all I will ever eat for the rest of my life
Having different versions honestly never bothered me, I don't mind not having access to specific Pokémon in every playthrough. If I can't get Tyranitar this time around, no problem, I'll just get it when I play another Pokémon game that has it. It makes me excited when i'm playing a game that has Pokémon that were unavailable for me before, and makes me try different mons every time.

What really aggravates me is trade evolution, because it means those Pokémon are never available. Even if trading was something I was interested in doing, it's still stupid that I trade and get the evolution of someone else's Pokémon, and I have to trade back if I just want, you know, to evolve mine. It's lowkey the worst mechanic in the franchise for me, source of so much frustration over the years. Alakazam was one of my favorites as a kid, I took a freaking kadabra to the E4 because that's how much I liked it, and until today I never had it in my team.
Honestly it feels like next year will be a big shakeup to my top 10 games of all time list (this is less a big deal for me as it would be for some of you, I only started really getting into the hobby with the Switch)

If Silksong and Elden Ring meet my admittedly very very high expectations and BoTW2 exceeds them, I may well even end up with an entirely new top 3
Honestly it feels like next year will be a big shakeup to my top 10 games of all time list (this is less a big deal for me as it would be for some of you, I only started really getting into the hobby with the Switch)

If Silksong and Elden Ring meet my admittedly very very high expectations and BoTW2 exceeds them, I may well even end up with an entirely new top 3
Yeah, those are my three most anticipated games as well. If they all launch next year, it’s going to be wild.
Having different versions honestly never bothered me, I don't mind not having access to specific Pokémon in every playthrough. If I can't get Tyranitar this time around, no problem, I'll just get it when I play another Pokémon game that has it. It makes me excited when i'm playing a game that has Pokémon that were unavailable for me before, and makes me try different mons every time.

What really aggravates me is trade evolution, because it means those Pokémon are never available. Even if trading was something I was interested in doing, it's still stupid that I trade and get the evolution of someone else's Pokémon, and I have to trade back if I just want, you know, to evolve mine. It's lowkey the worst mechanic in the franchise for me, source of so much frustration over the years. Alakazam was one of my favorites as a kid, I took a freaking kadabra to the E4 because that's how much I liked it, and until today I never had it in my team.
Thankfully it was quite solved in Sword/Shield since you could catch the final forms in the Wild Area.

Still not perfect, but better.
Quoted by: Leo
Features and parts that apply to both games are added to the master repo and pulled to the forks

Trust me I would have done the flag version from the start, I just have never seen evidence of them doing it that way until BDSP
ah, gotcha! that makes sense — even though I code daily, my training wasn’t formal (or even training) and in my day-to-day stuff, I’m rarely working with version control.

what version differences are there in the games, meaningfully? most of it is just which Pokémon are available and where they are, right?

if all of the Pokémon are built in so that trading works, most of the differences would just be a quick flag check before sending one of two arrays. Same with differing text I’d assume.

That is to say that doing it differently would not save any space — like you’d maybe shave a megabyte off each at most? A kilobyte is roughly half a page of text.
Thankfully it was quite solved in Sword/Shield since you could catch the final forms in the Wild Area.

Still not perfect, but better.

Yeah, I almost cried when I found a Gengar just chilling around lol But I like training my Pokémon since the first stage, so it's still not ideal, yeah. I'm glad at least they've stopped making new trade evolution Pokémon.
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