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Is no one going to talk about the profuse lack of Disney in Kingdom Hearts in the recent trailer?


I dunno, man, I'm still mostly thinking about the Donald and Goofy scene from the end of the trailer more than anything else I've seen, so your mileage may vary. 🤷‍♂️ Hard to say anything when this is an announcement trailer and the game is at least a couple of years off.
If Kingdom Hearts is Final Fantasy X Disney, where is Dragon Quest X Looney Tunes? That’s what I want.
If he were still alive, I’m sure Sugiyama would be jumping at the bit to do the scores to the Censored Eleven portion of the crossover…
Looney Tunes is owned by Warner Brothers so you need to wait a few years until Disney buys them out.
Lol. They just merged with discovery, so will soon become the biggest player in streaming and media. They did try to offload their games division, so could see them working on collaborations if they ever do decide to sell that off.
Eh, I wouldn't call Live a Live a miracle, there was nothing keeping Square to re-release the game. And the rest of those games, they're all either re-releases or retro influenced games, like Asano games.

...except for Neo TWEWY. That IS a big title. I want more games like that. Modern, full 3D, fresh as hell combat. Not sure if Square will bring another project in that caliber to Switch in the future but they'd make really happy.
Live A Live is a miracle game because it was a one-off title that was barely known outside of Japan. While it has its fanbase it is nowhere near as large as the fanbases you see for other SE games/series. Just as you said that there was nothing keeping Square from re-releasing the game likewise there was nothing keeping SE from continuing to ignore its existence. Instead it's getting a brand-new release with HD-2D graphics, a new translation, and new artwork. That is a miracle for such a little-known title.

Also I don't see how something being retro-influence disqualifies it from being seen as an important release. Under those conditions would you disqualify Dragon Quest XIS as insignificant since it is also retro-inspired?
I’m sorry, but as much as I enjoyed Triangle Strategy, Bravely Default games are weak and Octopath Traveler is still one of the most poorly balanced JRPG I’ve ever played 🤧
Eh, I would argue that Team Asano's games are way better then all style no substance fare like Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts.
Which anime series should I watch, friends? Needs to be easily available in the United Kingdom of Plague Islands and Clown Cars.

The only anime series I've watched are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Castlevania, and Vinland Saga.

Sneaky edit - a friend in the Real World (omg) has recommended Violet Evergarden.

I would say One Piece, but reading that would be better I think.
It is! It goes on The List.

Thanks compadre. I'd likely never get around to reading it (I read a lot for work, and never read everything I want to read for pleasure because I have extremely broad tastes).
One Piece is in my opinion one of the best stories I have experienced. The world building is top notch. That said the anime is good, but could be better. I really like it next to the manga. But I started with the anime before I read the manga. That was almost 20 years ago tho :p

Which anime series should I watch, friends? Needs to be easily available in the United Kingdom of Plague Islands and Clown Cars.

The only anime series I've watched are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Castlevania, and Vinland Saga.

Sneaky edit - a friend in the Real World (omg) has recommended Violet Evergarden.
Violet Evergarden is alright. Usually for my non-anime watching friends I ask what books or movies or TV series they like so I can tailor my recs. So yeah, what are some stuff you're into?

General recommendations are usually some of the mainstream stuff like Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Demon Slayer.

Is Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex on there too?
It totally is. Netflix has honestly been pretty great about gathering up a lot of the classics.

One Piece is in my opinion one of the best stories I have experienced. The world building is top notch.
Preach. One of the best fantasy stories ever.
Trying do decide if I want to play Blue Reflection 2 at the same time as 13 Sentinels. Not sure if that’s gonna cross any wires.
Now that Kingdom Hearts 4 is official, the only game remaining is Final Fantasy 9 Remake....
And FFTactics. Tactics Ogre just got that trademark name, so that one seems to be likely confirmed, but there's been no hint about FFTactics as of yet I don't think. FF9 and FFT are two of my favorite games of all time, so I'm 100% ready though
Had anyone played Cosmic Star Heroine? Any thoughts?
Dunno if this makes sense, but through the whole game I was thinking: "this is like if Chrono Trigger had been made for the Genesis instead of the SNES."
Not in terms of story, but it terms of, like, the feel of it.

If Kingdom Hearts is Final Fantasy X Disney, where is Dragon Quest X Looney Tunes? That’s what I want.
I would be just as excited about this as my friends tend to get about KH. I'd buy DQxLT for damn sure. Daffy and Taz in my party!!!
Also I don't see how something being retro-influence disqualifies it from being seen as an important release. Under those conditions would you disqualify Dragon Quest XIS as insignificant since it is also retro-inspired?
DQ11 is not retro inspired, it's just have an additional mode that allows you to play the game in 16 bit. The game itself is gorgeous gigantic semi open world 3D RPG, it's as modern as it gets.

I just want Square to consider Switch as a platform for other big budget 3D JRPG's, stuff like Star Ocean or Valkyrie Profile. We might have not got these games but there are other Square series that deserve bigger budgeted sequels and I want them on Switch, like Mana. I don't mind pixel art or 2D-HD dungeon crawlers on Switch but I also don't want majority of the JRPG library on Switch to be like that. There has to be balance between them. Switch is a pretty powerful machine for its size and that power deserves to be used.

That said, I'm very hopeful for the future of Mana and SaGa.
Does the 100% clear include the collectibles? If so that seems annoying, though once I have all the waddle dees I assume I'll have enough coins to gamble them all.
yeah. but honestly just finishing the game gives you enough money and a lot of the figures. i spent maybe 30 mins using the machines to complete the set. also once you beat the final level of the colosseum a new NPC appears in the town that trades you figures you're missing if you give him rare stones.

also farming coins is pretty easy, you can try the fishing and you'll get 500 coins in a few minutes, or you can play level 1 or 2 or the colosseum which should be easy enough, for 500 or 1500 coins.
Trying to up my instant-ramen-with-egg-game, by boiling it in soup and seasoning it with different spices and chili it up when boiling it. It's great!

Be like me and skip getting games for a couple of months
Off the top of my head, there are plenty of games I want this year but they're not out until June+. Starting with AI:Nirvana, Live a Live, Soul Hackers 2, Xenoblade 3, and then Pokemon S/V, there's a very good stream of releases there. I just don't really have anything for the rest of April/May.

Which is fine, I need to catch up on some things. And I've been itching to replay CrossCode for the DLC, and maybe Nioh 2 to try another weapon type.
Boy is Kirby great laying on the couch with a stomach bug and playing on the TV with split joy cons allowing for maximum comfort
I don't think there's a brand new game I want until June with Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Xenoblade 3 in September is a must. Probably picking up Pokemon in the Fall. We'll see where Splatoon 3 lands. Meanwhile, I still need to finish Pokemon Legends, Triangle Strategy, and I just started Chrono Cross. So it's nice not having something I need to buy every month. I don't know how people do it.
Just got done with chapter 5 of XC2. I’ve been going through it like crazy today. Glad I gave it another chance.

I am taking a break for now and may play again later
Off the top of my head, there are plenty of games I want this year but they're not out until June+. Starting with AI:Nirvana, Live a Live, Soul Hackers 2, Xenoblade 3, and then Pokemon S/V, there's a very good stream of releases there. I just don't really have anything for the rest of April/May.

Which is fine, I need to catch up on some things. And I've been itching to replay CrossCode for the DLC, and maybe Nioh 2 to try another weapon type.
There's nothing worthwhile until June anyway. I'm getting 13 Sentinels and Zombie Army 4 next then it's wait until June for me.

I don't have a backlog but I wish I did. I'm beating games much faster than I hoped. I got AC Ezio Collection and .hack last month thinking "wow these could keep me busy for a long time!". That didn't happen, I beat all three Ezio games 15 days ago and I'm in the halfway through the third game of .hack.

Hopefully Indie World this week drops something meaty. Valheim could be a real time sinker.
Which anime series should I watch, friends? Needs to be easily available in the United Kingdom of Plague Islands and Clown Cars.

The only anime series I've watched are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Castlevania, and Vinland Saga.

Sneaky edit - a friend in the Real World (omg) has recommended Violet Evergarden.
Let’s see from the last 2 seasons I can totally recommend Rumble Garanndoll, Vampire Dies in No time, Miss Kuroitsu from Monster Development(especially if you’re a Toku fan), and life with an ordinary guy who reincarnated as a fantasy knockout. Going further back and mecha focused Shin Mazinger Z the impact(skip the first episode), Planet With, and New Getter Robo are some fun trips. And if you want to watch what Anno did before Eva I hear Nadia and the secret of the blue water is cool(it’s a mashup of Jules Verne stuff into an original story)

I've never played Kingdom Hearts before but of course this shit is what will finally convince me lmfaooo
Grey Joy-Cons are no longer available in shops, I notice? My current Joy-Cons really need to be replaced.

I must say that I find it a pity that the average Joy-Con set consists of two different colours. I am someone who prefers both Joy-Cons to be the same colour.
Robo’s theme is a great pop song though

God I love that LOL

Yesterday I learned that Misuda was the composer for the first Mario Party. Listening to some of the songs, I can definitely hear it now.
Never heard the Mario Party OST, does it have a jazzy baseline and moments of Celtic inspiration?
To me, it sounds like more like his work on the original Chrono Trigger than it does his other games.
Pulled it up for the lulz, and yeah, there's a spot at 1:47 in the opening theme that reminds me a lot of the Guardia Castle theme. 🤯

And digging further through it, some of it seems to take inspiration from Mario RPG's music, which was composed by Yoko Shimomura.
Mitsuda paying homage to Shimomura, this is crazy and amazing.
Pulled it up for the lulz, and yeah, there's a spot at 1:47 in the opening theme that reminds me a lot of the Guardia Castle theme. 🤯

And digging further through it, some of it seems to take inspiration from Mario RPG's music, which was composed by Yoko Shimomura.
Mitsuda paying homage to Shimomura, this is crazy and amazing.

This sounds like a very Mitsuda song

“Ehhhhh what’s up slime” -Bugs Bunny if there was any justice in the world
the day that two billowing spirals of franchise intertwining is considered “justice” is the day I want off the ride

it’s already happened hasn’t it

I've never played Kingdom Hearts before but of course this shit is what will finally convince me lmfaooo

If we get Star Wars in this, I want every single Disney/Fox franchise making appearance too:

American Dad (Roger and Klaus included)
Lost (Jack, Hurley and Locke playable)
Boy Meets World (Mr Feeny boss battle)
Been playing Skyrim for the last couple of days. Haven't touched the game since launch and never played the DLCs either. Anyway, I'm just here to say that the books in this game are so underappreciated. Also, despite being over a decade old, the game still looks amazing (even vanilla). I have no way of seeing the fps on my Mac, but it runs smoothly and looks great. I'm sure it'd look great on Switch in handheld mode too.

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