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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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It wouldn’t be as simple as moving the video to another date. There are marketing plans and agreements in place. All the parties involved are relying on the reveals and info to be shown on the scheduled date, and have their own marketing plans set up around that. That would include tweets scheduled by Nintendo and third parties themselves, press releases that go out, any eshop updates for new games that are announced, not to mention if there was a game that was planning to be shadow dropped. Nintendo would have to take the time to coordinate the date change with all the partners involved in the direct. To do so because of a podcast wouldn’t be worth it

Now, if the partner showcase was just Xbox games then yea that wouldn’t be as hard to move if Xbox wanted

Makes sense, I hadn’t thought about those angles re: rescheduling a YouTube drop
I enjoy the date leaks but, the general concept of revealing what exactly happens in a presentation hours before it airs is just lame and useless imo.
he can hang out here and forget about other places.
we are the cool and popular ones.
then we aughta be playing:

Valid point.
I stand by what I said earlier about the Henny. Hope this subsides soon so we can all get back to joking around and enjoying the wild ride. And by "all" I mean you and Necro and Brazil, everyone.
I guess we'll never really know but I am curious if the delay was simply Nintendo's doing as to not clash with the podcast or if it was an agreement between Nintendo and MS so they could address the rumours first. This being under the assumption that a MS game would be in the direct.
I guess we'll never really know but I am curious if the delay was simply Nintendo's doing as to not clash with the podcast or if it was an agreement between Nintendo and MS so they could address the rumours first. This being under the assumption that a MS game would be in the direct.
I think it was them realizing famiboards was upset with a Partners, so they delayed it to make a General with MP4, DK, and a brand new Star Fox game
I'm just gonna be frank. Moderation has put out comments time and time again about being toxic to insiders that are a part of our community. It is why I was so frustrated over the shit necro is getting. He ain't some nefarious guy. He is a member of the community who has fun talking about this shit with us. Did he stick his neck out when he didn't have to? Sure. But who gives a fuck? He's done nothing to deserve the vitriol and to suggest that he asking for it or deserves it is unbelievably gross.

No empathy or humanity whatsoever for someone who has done nothing wrong. I'm a cynical person but I'm not that cynical.

Obviously the same goes for Nate but I genuinely didn't think I'd have to say this for him considering all the years he's been doing this. Like i said in the hardware thread, he's more than earned the benefit of the doubt. I think we take him for granted like we did Emily. Emily wasn't perfect but she was the gold standard.

I feel like we are very capable to separate Nate from Prime or necro from zippo...etc etc. Same with this Brazil guy lol. We can do that. I don't want this place to be like era or gaf where we all get jaded and cynical with insiders that are apart of our community or are genuine. Hopefully necro can feel safe coming back here because I think most of us still welcome him here.
nobody should get legitimately upset about this stuff
it's not that serious, take nintendo's advice from this past monday
and let continued speculation energize you toward the future

roll with it and keep increasing january's numbers for the eventual team january victory
team january 72nd stay strong
thank you to the folks who try to bring us info even if it doesnt always pan out
So hold on, when are we expecting a drop for the partner? Are we expecting tomorrow, next week, or even later
Not expecting anything anymore, it's all up in the air. Everyone who heard a date heard today, so if it wasn't today then that's.. all they've heard so far. If something shifted, nobody knows where to yet. It's the wild west now.

nobody should get legitimately upset about this stuff
it's not that serious, take nintendo's advice from this past monday
and let continued speculation energize you toward the future

roll with it and keep increasing january's numbers for the eventual team january victory
team january 70th stay strong
thank you to the folks who try to bring us info even if it doesnt always pan out
I just want to say that if Nintendo delayed the direct for that nothing burger of a podcast then it’s hilarious.
Everything will be okay in the end.

No matter what happens in the next 2 - 4 weeks, we will look forward to any events and announcements.
Let's be clear, in the end it's "just" for a video presentation about video games.

And is that why you have to insult and threaten good people like Nate and Necro?

For those who do that, go out and touch some grass and leave people alone.

In that sense, good night, see you soon!
Video games are supposed to be about fun :/ and everything that goes with them. As disappointed / doomy as I’ve been with recent circumstances, it’s good to just step back and remember how many great things we already have anyone. Played Mario Sunshine all day and felt way better!
People dunking on insiders is hella weird, man… Like y’all don’t have to be here, right? Do something else if something this minor bothers you. Most of the proven insiders have been very right so it’s only fair to allow them some leeway for last minute changes.

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but the date slipping didn’t even affect me. Everything blends together these days. With all the horrible shit happening in the world, I really have to be judicious about what I get mad about. I simply don’t have the bandwidth for it.
My two cents is that if you get so personally invested on how people reacts to insiders and insiders themselves you're just an incredibly sad person and should stop spreading stupid negativity on the Internet.
Fun fact: Nothing happened. Your life works as usual. You don't have to be so dependent on stuff like this.
The world wasn't destroyed because of some insiders not getting the Direct right.

Honestly on a macro level I have a lot to say against people reacting to insiders than the insiders themselves whether they're right or not

EDIT: And I've shown myself not following what I just said in this post in the past, but I don't look back fondly on that.
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Nate has been fairly consistent in terms of "when he says things, they tend to happen" but more than that, he also does a good job of being straightforward when he's working off incomplete information, and he's owned his mistakes in the past. People tend to get on him for stuff he didn't even predict, and they also throw out all credibility he earned from the various times his hints were right on the money.

I have never understood the amount of anger/vitriol people have about this sort of thing. No one is forcing anyone to follow people with inside knowledge. I muted Pyoro on twitter bc I don't want to know specific contents of presentations, and I do my best to stay away from spoiler threads when he starts talking. Luckily, there are enough folks here who value not spoiling others that this is enough of a preventative measure.

It feels like people want to know when directs are coming, so they go looking places like this thread to find out, and then when they can't manage the anger they feel, they want insiders to feel bad for it. Forgive my lack of nuance, but it just seems so immature to act this way. You CAN criticize, but to just dogpile insiders, call them fake, say they're lying, say they never had good info.... Like, you're just taking your anger out on them. I don't blame people like Nate (or in the past, King Zell) for wanting to step away from this game after things don't pan out like today.

Plus, and this is me really not being nuanced, I feel like a lot of the folks I see who are mad at insiders for the partner showcase not happening are often the same sort of people who say every direct sucks anyway. What do you even want?
Consider it done.
Ignore the small handful of haters, my friend. The vast majority of this forum appreciates your contributions and participation. You are greatly appreciated here.

To the haters…

If you don’t want to read insider info or posts, keep scrolling or make use of the ignore button. Keep your shitty comments to yourself. No one is perfect and that includes you.
Nate has been fairly consistent in terms of "when he says things, they tend to happen" but more than that, he also does a good job of being straightforward when he's working off incomplete information, and he's owned his mistakes in the past. People tend to get on him for stuff he didn't even predict, and they also throw out all credibility he earned from the various times his hints were right on the money.

I have never understood the amount of anger/vitriol people have about this sort of thing. No one is forcing anyone to follow people with inside knowledge. I muted Pyoro on twitter bc I don't want to know specific contents of presentations, and I do my best to stay away from spoiler threads when he starts talking. Luckily, there are enough folks here who value not spoiling others that this is enough of a preventative measure.

It feels like people want to know when directs are coming, so they go looking places like this thread to find out, and then when they can't manage the anger they feel, they want insiders to feel bad for it. Forgive my lack of nuance, but it just seems so immature to act this way. You CAN criticize, but to just dogpile insiders, call them fake, say they're lying, say they never had good info.... Like, you're just taking your anger out on them. I don't blame people like Nate (or in the past, King Zell) for wanting to step away from this game after things don't pan out like today.

Plus, and this is me really not being nuanced, I feel like a lot of the folks I see who are mad at insiders for the partner showcase not happening are often the same sort of people who say every direct sucks anyway. What do you even want?

You spoke from my heart, I couldn't have said it better.

People get mad at insiders like they're the ones who personally decided to lead people on, when those people only do it to themselves. Neither Nate nor Necro nor anyone else was saying "get hyped like there's no tomorrow and bet your life on it!". They can only relay what they've heard and they do so because they know others might be interested in hearing information ahead of time.

I think there are many in the broader fanbase who don't necessarily follow a person's track record and want to attack a "false prophet" so to speak in order to let their frustrations out. Through that, it becomes "you lied! you were wrong! you led us on!", whereas instead it should be, "what happened? was this a sudden change of plans or a gradual process? etc."

I think for some, they are less interested in the information itself and more into having another person/thing to tear down out of frustration or to gloat whenever something is wrong. I don't think those people would be the ones saying, "Hey thanks Nate/Necro/etc. for putting yourself out there and letting us in on the behind the scenes details!" I feel like there is usually very little overlap in those two groups.
Please keep in mind that insiders do not intend to lead others on. Regardless of whether what they share pans out, they should be treated with respect. - mariodk18, xghost777, meatbag
All they have to do if they want to stop making people mad is literally just stop leaking stuff. This goes to all of them. Nate, Necro, Pyroro or whatever he's called. Directs would be better off without each eventual one circling around the same five names and having people pinning their hopes on these people's predictions/largely inferred assumptions.

Which mind you, my anger ain't placed at Necro, or because we didn't get a direct, I got exactly what I wanted today, as I wanted the insiders to be wrong, what bothers me is how easily the goalposts have shifted. No leaker is fallible if they can always just lean back on claiming "x thing got delayed."

Don't worry, I support your opinion. Insiders are glorified a lot here and the truth is that what they do is illegal and hurts the industry. Of course there are positive cases where the leak made a good change, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

And I find it funny how Famiboards bans someone who says something that is true.

"There will be a Direct next week, but it may be postponed or cancelled." :cool:
And to think, this is all for a Partner…

In all seriousness, whether someone does or doesn’t like the concept of an “insider”, maybe at least we don’t be rude to people on the internet about it?
You can criticize an insider without insulting or threatening them. I don't get why this is so hard. Absolutely ridiculous.
People get mad at insiders like they're the ones who personally decided to lead people on, when those people only do it to themselves. Neither Nate nor Necro nor anyone else was saying "get hyped like there's no tomorrow and bet your life on it!". They can only relay what they've heard and they do so because they know others might be interested in hearing information ahead of time.

I think there are many in the broader fanbase who don't necessarily follow a person's track record and want to attack a "false prophet" so to speak in order to let their frustrations out. Through that, it becomes "you lied! you were wrong! you led us on!", whereas instead it should be, "what happened? was this a sudden change of plans or a gradual process? etc."

I think for some, they are less interested in the information itself and more into having another person/thing to tear down out of frustration or to gloat whenever something is wrong. I don't think those people would be the ones saying, "Hey thanks Nate/Necro/etc. for putting yourself out there and letting us in on the behind the scenes details!" I feel like there is usually very little overlap in those two groups.
This is a very wise take. I knew we made a good choice when we picked you to be a mod, way back when.
The thing is, even Jeff Grubb corroborated that he was hearing a Direct would happen by "mid-February" and that his contacts at NOA said the Direct could have been delayed due to MS's Xbox podcast. If you step back and look at all the sources, how likely is it that Jeff Grubb, Guarna, Brazil, Nate, AND Necro were all completely wrong about an upcoming Direct date? Shouldn't the fact that they were all in tune on the relative timing say something? We had Pyoro saying nothing about first party announcements and even Nate recently saying he wasn't sure on timing.

What I'm trying to say is that going in to this, it might've been the least concrete footing we've had prior to a Direct. Usually multiple people have similar info, but it almost felt like different people were getting different bits, but not the full story. We had NOA tweeting every hour for 8? hours yesterday and nothing until 9 am today about Pokemon, one at 12 for MvsDK, 3 for AC Pocket Camp?, 4 for Terra Raid info, and just now for NSO+ profile pics. A whole bunch of news yesterday and basically nothing today. ALL while Nintendo JP's twitter account has been completely silent for 24 hours (only having just tweeted).

It does come across as a little odd, especially with the day a few weeks back where they dumped Splatoon 3 DLC release info, MvDK trailers, and PPST details all on the same day. I'm just curious what happened, what is happening, and what will happen? I personally am not interested in who got what "wrong" and more in the "what/how". If we get nothing this week, this will be the first Feb Direct (if we still get one) since 2021 that occurs in the third week of the month.

I don't have any other emotions than perplexing bewilderment and peaked curiosity. It all just adds to the excitement for me honestly.

TLDR edit: I don't see this as "wrong information". I simply see it as "more information".
Good counterargument here. I'm also a person like you... or a hedgehog 😂
Mate you've had an account for 1 day most of your 9 comments have been stirring the pot with stuff about how leakers are bad and hurt the community and commit crimes. It's no wonder no one wants to actually respond to you when your activity makes you look unserious.
I think there are some children on here that simply do not have proper perspective on things and do not accept "gray" outcomes but only "Red or Blue" outcomes. I would highly suggest this community do a couple different things.

1. Ignore negative and insulting comments/tones toward anyone. Especially those trying to help the community and add to discussions (Aka Insiders). IF you do not interact with them, They will quit. Period. They will not post if ignored.
2. If they present themselves as critical but are respectful about it (aka no personal attacks or sarcasm) then we owe it to them to return the respect and disagree as such.

If we award our attention to the negative comments, Then those seeking attention (aka: Hot take artists, Contrarians, and general assholes) will flock to that as a means to get attention.

Criticism without being respectful and constructive is just abuse imo. You show you only care about putting someone down and not constructively engaging in different ideas/opinions. There are quite a few people on here I've noticed fit this bill.
It still baffles me that some people can't just leave alone the stuff that bothers them and instead need to remind the rest of us of what they clearly do not like in the worst possible way. Even attacking nice people who just drop out some info from time to time. lol.

Then I remember "hate-watching" is a thing soooo—
Can we give a warning for anyone bashing the insiders? Like, It's right here happening
Report button exists for a reason. I've been submitting them as I see them.

It's Nate's prerogative if he wanted to stop with the leaking, but also I'd hope he would stick around as a member of the site regardless.
This is something I've been meaning to touch on for a long time. I already kinda mentioned it earlier.

I think the internet (and by extension this forum) has an insanely unhealthy black and white view of insiders. It's either we treat them like gods or treat them like satan. There's almost no in between. Nate might be wrong. They might have a bad source. But that is okay. No insider (except one in particular) has a one hundred percent track record. This forum would be better off if we stopped hanging onto every word an insider says and started thinking critically. This doesn't mean insulting them or threatening them, that is complete bullshit and I will never defend that. Just be skeptical until given reason to think otherwise.

In addition, this forum can be weirdly obsessed with insiders. Nate is not your friend. King Zell was not your friend. Kelios was not your friend. I think the obsession AND the insults are driving insiders away. The harassment, the constant overanalyzing of every post and like they make, the weird jokes, everything. I can't be the only one who finds it weird that some will look at polls and likes to see if Nate has participated in them. It's borderline creepy.

With Pyoro, the people complaining about that account while cheering on others is kinda ridiculous. Pyoro is no better or worse than Nate, Grubb, Emily, etc. ALL of them have leaked important announcements before. Stop acting like one insider is great and one insider is terrible when they essentially accomplish the same thing at the end.

And to be slightly critical of Nate, I think he should explain himself a little better and make it clear what is speculation and what is a hint to this forum. That's partially on us and partially on him. Nate shouldn't have to go around putting out fires, but sometimes it's better just to get it over with before it spirals out of control. It's easy to overthink things when no explanation is given.

Everyone on this forum has to be better. That includes me. I haven't been perfect. But this insider burnout cycle won't end unless we get better.
Oh well this day turned out to be way more sad than I was ever expecting it to be :/

Please Nintendo just announce something so we have something to look forward to!!
Consider it done.

Please don't let a few morons on twitter, here, or elsewhere influence how you go about sharing information.

The overwhelming majority of people seriously value the information and insight you bring, either on various message boards or during your podcast.

So just ignore those people and realize they are an extreme minority, and lift us all up with a new NateTheHate episode :). I'm sure MVG is ready to get back to it!
This is a totally honest question, but:

if plans changed for the Direct date, could the format also change?

So instead of a Partners Showcase, we get a General Direct?
If they already decided it was a Partner Showcase, moving it a week is unlikely to change that. Direct mini and Partner Showcase are formats that Nintendo mainly reaches for when they explicitly don't want to do a normal general Direct, frequently because they have other, less standard plans, but sometimes seemingly because they just already announced everything they wanted to and don't want to do one (though I'm of the opinion that 2022 was probably in part due to E3 weirdness). A slight change in date is unlikely to impact those calculations significantly.
Mate you've had an account for 1 day most of your 9 comments have been stirring the pot with stuff about how leakers are bad and hurt the community and commit crimes. It's no wonder no one wants to actually respond to you when your activity makes you look unserious.

Then tell me what you think about this: tomorrow a leak appears of a person showing in a video what the Switch 2 looks like and telling all its specifications. It says when it will be presented, when it will be released and what games it will have. Would you like it?

Were you okay with the whole TotK art book being leaked last year?

The truth is that I prefer things to be shown officially and as the developers want them to be shown.

What I understand is that leakers are good when they don't negatively affect people... or at least most people. But what they do isn't right.

I don't understand how people can think these things are good. I love speculation and I don't think it's a bad thing, but leaks aren't good.
Something I keep thinking about is, Grubb was pretty emphatic on his show today that there were definitely, 100%, conversations being had at (at least) NoA about changing the timing of the direct because of the Xbox thing. Grubb's been one of the more "on the periphery" parts of this saga; to my knowledge he never committed to a particular date and has mostly just been sticking to broader "other people are saying X and yeah, that sounds about right, there should probably be some kind of direct around then" statements

So like, he doesn't really have much skin in the game, if other people were wrong about there being a direct planned for this week it's not really something he needed to cover his own ass on. And he started talking about an Xbox-related delay as early as Tuesday; he seems like a nice enough guy, but I don't really think he'd stick his neck out like that just to pre-emptively "provide cover" for people like Nate and Necro just in case they end up being wrong. I suppose it's possible he's decided to put his credibility on the line to excuse other people's "misses" with an explanation most people find dismissively absurd, but frankly what makes more sense to me is that those he's doubling down on that story because he really is just that confident that those conversations happened

so I dunno, I think at least for now I'm on team "no really, they moved a direct for a podcast". If we get a direct next week and there's zero Xbox presence, I'll probably have to reconsider, but I'm inclined to believe that sometimes companies just don't always behave in ways we'd consider "rational and sensible" and maybe this is one of those times
Valid point.

Nate i swear to you. People in the real world have so much shit going on and just listening to your podcasts and information you give us, gets people through that. I swear to god, its been over a decade where you have bought me out of some shit in real time. Trust me. Its only a few trolls, there are many many people who love and respect you and get that stuff happens. Remember that always sir. You make a difference.
Whatever, I will leave the matter and let people decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. For my part, I would ban the insiders from these forums; that way there would be no unnecessary discussions or false hopes.

I'm looking forward to the Direct and the presentation of Nintendo's new console. I love Nintendo 😁
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