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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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RIP, Goat Mom is a guy. Oh well, he looks friggin' badass in a very nonconventional way. Glad to see new characters! OTOH, seeing Riju returning is awesome, and the little bird is cool. I'm lukewarm on Sidon and Yunobo. In general I enjoyed the Gerudo and Rito takes on the narrative most in BotW, so makes sense.

I'm so glad Big Underground is in - just look at the shot where Link fights the Golem in the minecart. When the camera pans around the structure you can see the enormous cavern with weird plants in the distance.

Also, was watching the Monster Maze reaction and he mentioned, in the final shots with Zelda, you can see the Faron region to the left... and another region to the right. There's nothing on the other side of the water in BotW. There's even buildings on there. It's the first time I'm actually hopeful that there's new landmasses, but frankly, with the amount of stuff we've seen yesterday, I'd be OK if there wasn't.

I think we were all right all along. and it really is that simple that the Sky Barrier is why we don't see islands in different shots. This is probably towards the beginning of the game where we see all the Malice shoot out of Gannondorf as you can still see one of his arms in mummified form from the initial burst and then the Malice hits the magical cloud barrier and spreads out in all directions.


Also I think this might be the Yiga clan hide out hole we see Link diving through just before he opens up his wing suit.
If it's Yiga Clan (and can be) then it's renovated because it wasn't like that the inside, with the structure
I was just looking at this picture posted and it may seem obvious but I didn't notice it until now, and I haven't seen it talked about. But if that is suppose to be the same arm Link has based on the bracelet that character has that is touching Zelda, he has a huge Jewel in the slot where we thought at one time where we would be putting the vials into Links hand. Do we think that is a tear?
If it's Yiga Clan (and can be) then it's renovated because it wasn't like that the inside, with the structure
Yah, that's what I am thinking, that it was renovated to keep people out. Especially Link. like maybe it's a short cut underground that we can't access at first until we get the wing suit
Say, i've been thinking.

Are the Zonai related to the Gerudo? Maybe the Gerudo are the descendants of them?

Reason, the scene in the trailer where the character puts their hand on Zelda's shoulder, you can see some medallion, and imo that medallion looks a bit similar to the Gerudo symbol:


There was a commercial leak and this poster on era showed the mini map having the latitude, longitude and altitude, and what it means.

Post in thread 'The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Official Trailer #3'

Finally, a worthy successor for Digger T. Rock

Just gonna leave this here.

Imo it looks more like Wind Waker Gohma:

or they went insane and brought Majora's Masks Twinmold back and we only saw one of them:

Anyone happen to have double preorders for the CE? :)

Well, i do. But i'm also living in Germany, so i'm not sure if that helps.
One thing I have to add: I'm just so so happy with the german voice cast. they are all perfect - especially Zelda!

... and the woman saying "...aber, zum Glück bist Du ja nicht allein."

One thing I have to add: I'm just so so happy with the german voice cast. they are all perfect - especially Zelda!

... and the woman saying "...aber Du bist ja nicht allein."

Dude, did my ears fool me or did they actually go and cast Ron Perlmans german VA for Ganondorf?

E: Fixed grammar error.
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I guess the first Commercial?! We see some new Things.

This commercial has a shot of Link fighting the "Flame Gleeok", which implies multiple Gleeok types (yay!)
Also important to note, in the same shot, Link has 17 hearts in ONE row. Pre-BOTW games had a max of 10 in a row, BOTW itself had a max of 15.
Ganondorf after rehydrating: "Are chin strap beards still the hot shit?"

Yiga servant: "Ummmm ... no sir ... haven't been for a while now. Please don't kill me!"

Ganondorf: "Then I WILL make them hot shit again."
That ad that got leaked will be normally uploaded by Nintendo in a few days. It's normal that the ads reveal way more, just wait for the japanese ads to arrive.
I was just looking at this picture posted and it may seem obvious but I didn't notice it until now, and I haven't seen it talked about. But if that is suppose to be the same arm Link has based on the bracelet that character has that is touching Zelda, he has a huge Jewel in the slot where we thought at one time where we would be putting the vials into Links hand. Do we think that is a tear?
I wonder if ancient Link and ancient Ganon are two sides of the same coin. One turns into mummified ganondorf the other fuses (heh) with present day Link via his arm.
I guess the first Commercial?! We see some new Things.

Ummmm, they literally show a dark world underground, like it's pitch black and you light up areas by hitting glowing mushrooms.

Also...look at the mini map, it the coordinates say -407. How deep does this game go??? The verticality and exploration of underground is going to be genuinely insane.

The ascend ability is starting to look really useful.

My God.
I'm still recovering from hearing the full trailer theme on the TotK JP website, which imo immediately stands toe to toe against the BotW 2017 switch presentation theme in terms of grandeur. Now if only a wizard can inspect the network traffic and pull out the url to the BGM file ...
Edit: NVM I found the link
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Footage from the japanese site shows the tower from very close

Hey, that looks like it's made from a similar material and colours as some of the mushrooms in Hateno. Might not be monstermade after all...?
I'm still recovering from hearing the full trailer theme on the TotK JP website, which imo immediately stands toe to toe against the BotW 2017 switch presentation theme in terms of grandeur. Now if only a wizard can inspect the network traffic and pull out the url to the BGM file ...
I think I already saw it floating around on YouTube, you might get it from there?
Ummmm, they literally show a dark world underground, like it's pitch black and you light up areas by hitting glowing mushrooms.

Also...look at the mini map, it the coordinates say -407. How deep does this game go??? The verticality and exploration of underground is going to be genuinely insane.

The ascend ability is starting to look really useful.

My God.
Thats not a mushroom, he attaches a bulb to his arrow that lights up when it attaches to the wall (I think it might be the same item as the headlights on the first car we see in trailer 2)
Why isn't there the egg thing shrine? We know this is likely the first you will need to solve but it's not there, it should be there with the green energy surounding it, when you clear this shrine the egg energy is gone but here there isn't even that stone, only the green water on the surface.



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Yeah the theme song is just too good! But I can't wait for ToTK's version of the classic Zelda theme.
Also, I have been thinking, the 2 "goat" characters we saw, it's possible they aren't/weren't on the same side. My theory is that they were in a civil war, and either of them(probably the male one) was trying to use the power of Demise or whatever to gain an advantage. Now it's hard to tell if their plan worked out or not, but that male goat person gives me a malicious vibe. Was he also the one talking to Zelda? 🤔
The X,Y,Z coordinates is such a big deal to me and I never knew I needed it. Now we can have quests attached to it. We can give coordinates to other people to help them find something. We see how far underground we can go.
And fact that the TV and shows -407 is mind boggling. To put this into perspective, during the gameplay video, when link lands on the surface, the coordinates says 0021 and while Link is skydiving it's around 506.

We are going to need 500 hours of gaming to explore every inch and secret of this brand new Hyrule.

Furthermore, remember that jelly Link jumps into during the epic trailer? He had swimming animation, I genuinely believe we got underwater exploration too.

None of us is ready.
Can you just imagine these things running out of light after a while and you just seem to be out of bulbs in your inventory.
Just in complete darkness and unknown horrors await you.

I kinda wish they didn't show this trailer because I want this game now 😭
And fact that the TV and shows -407 is mind boggling. To put this into perspective, during the gameplay video, when link lands on the surface, the coordinates says 0021 and while Link is skydiving it's around 506.

We are going to need 500 hours of gaming to explore every inch and secret of this brand new Hyrule.

Furthermore, remember that jelly Link jumps into during the epic trailer? He had swimming animation, I genuinely believe we got underwater exploration too.

None of us is ready.
I agree. Underwater is very likely given how far the team seem to have gone with building the sky and underground. Maybe not as big as the other 2, but it'd such a big missed opportunity to not allow players to explore what lies deep below Hyrule lake.
Don't know if I'll spend much time reading this thread anymore since im finally satisfied with info till launch. This is the point where I stop seeking out stuff like that leaked commercial cuz I just kinda want the game to be out.
Or the opposite, we have to escort them in precise coordinate
I meant people in real life. Like if you were looking for something and I knew where it was at, then I can give you the coordinates. But yeah we can also be given coordinates in the game to escort people too. It just adds more to this game.
Zelda JP now tweeting arts oficially that were leaked yesterday

"A boy of the "Rito Tribe" who flies in the sky with wings on both arms. He is good at handling a bow and arrow."

It's just a frame probably but it's that animation for sure
Oh for sure it will be, otherwise you would need so many translations (there are 7 languages i think) that it would get ridicules, except if you think "just this one in English for the Japanese dub" will suffice, and even then, that's a TON of work for a really small amount of people.


This game will be great, but it for sure doesn't capture the same feel as the first simply by being to close to known ground, even the trailer aimed for something similar to the final BotW trailer. Probably the better game out of context, but less of a mindblow experience in context.

I also don't like many aspects (the ultrahand building, the reuse of champions, that it seems like the "main" dungeons for 2 races will be sky islands meaning the game will again fall in the formula "reach dungeon with champion and do a similar quest for all mcguffins"), but It is still torture to wait another month.

And I see now why this would not be the best game to launch a console with, it's design, communication, graphics, identity and all is a switch refinement, a swansong to the way switch started.
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