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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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I get being satisfied by the info, im jus tnot yet satisfied by launched games relating to that info ;)

I mean, why else would there be sky wiking ships in the storm?

Zonai chieftain who was responsible forthe sky boats: ".... BECAUSE THEY LOOK COOL, OKAY?!"
Dunno if it's been discussed in here or not, but I saw someone on Reddit suggest that it could be that Zelda is using the Master Sword in the past to contact Link in the present. It explains why she's holding it so closely in the trailer, and couple that with the delay announcement footage with Link pulling the sword out out near that glowing golden light. Certainly an interesting thought 🤔
Zonai chieftain who was responsible forthe sky boats: ".... BECAUSE THEY LOOK COOL, OKAY?!"
... no more reasoning needed. The rule of cool also exists in the Zelda Universe. (I would actually find it fun if somebody argues in the game at some point from that perspective )
Ya know what, now that we know it'll be pretty easy to map out I'm willing to make an avatar bet that the total surface area of new traversable land (i.e. in the sky and underground) will be greater than or equal to the total traversable surface area of Hyrule in BOTW.

That would make it bigger than GTA 5, and around the same size as Witcher 3.

Which, once you start considering the verticality and depths in ToTK, plus almost everything on the map will presumably be accessible and climbable, it's really mind blowing stuff.
... no more reasoning needed. The rule of cool also exists in the Zelda Universe. (I would actually find it fun if somebody argues in the game at some point from that perspective )

The game that does this finally cracks the solution to believable NPC behavior!
Ya know what, now that we know it'll be pretty easy to map out I'm willing to make an avatar bet that the total surface area of new traversable land (i.e. in the sky and underground) will be greater than or equal to the total traversable surface area of Hyrule in BOTW.
Are we talking walkable area? I think I disagree, simply because I don't think the game has to do that, but I have no horse in this race. If no one else takes you up on this bet I'd do it just for fun.
Okay mostly moved in and I have a moment to breath (post).


I can't believe Nintendo gonna release a game so soon that makes BoTW look pedestrian in comparison. Like holy batman wow they seemingly did it!

I know it's way to soon talk about, and I don't expect any serious answers here, but like... How does Nintendo top this going forward? Where could they possible take Link and Zelda next?

If they decide to use this Link and Zelda again then I could see them bringing them to a new land, or maybe they are going to try to make a Wind Waker 2.0 (3.0?) with BOTW/TOTK art style.

They might as well dabble into aliens as well that was experimented, or do a Link to the Future which I don't how well that would be perceived but...I doubt they will do Sky Islands again anytime soon after TOTK.
Are we talking walkable area? I think I disagree, simply because I don't think the game has to do that, but I have no horse in this race. If no one else takes you up on this bet I'd do it just for fun.
Yeah it's all for fun anyway. I mean walkable, horizontal area yeah. Not like, more climbable surface area.

I also don't think they have to do it, but the variety that they've shown here combined with the fact that they've been working on it almost 6 years has me thinking it'll be a lot more massive than we thought. Even possibly time travel opens up new areas to explore.

Thinking more about it:

  • We know there is a deep underground in the same map, it extends to about -450 meters down, at least.
  • We have not seen any indication of discrete "shrines" having their own worldspace.
  • We can reasonably conclude there are at least 4 unique avenues for upgrades-
    • Hearts- the heart counter has increased in this based on the commercial footage, so we'll have more opportunities to find heart upgrades
    • Stamina- we don't have evidence of this but considering it was upgradeable in BOTW you'd think it would be here too
    • Weapon space- same as above, you'd think they would let you upgrade it just like in BOTW
    • Zonai vials- these likely power the various zonai machines we see around, and the vials on Link's hip are clearly upgradeable over the game
  • If we have 4 categories of upgrades and no separate world-space shrine equivalent, those upgrades will be spread out around this world space.
  • We have at least 4 types of locations shown so far:
    • Outside in the world, including surface and sky
    • Inside caves, surface caves or skyworld caves
    • Deep underground where the ceiling is not visible (we see it briefly in the trailer and less briefly in the TV commercial), seemingly accessible from the big mining towers?
    • Inside death mountain? Which may be a dungeon? Or is it a cave, and the dungeons are different? This counts as at least 1 for now.
    • Wherever the spiral rock shrines take us, which may be separate world spaces or may not
  • My thinking is that most of the new gameplay will revolve around finding all of these upgrades scattered throughout the old world and the new locations, and the main progression loop will be the typical dungeon>mcguffin (tear) thing.
All of that is to say I think there will be many more incentives to explore both the old and new locations, to the extent that there probably has to be a ton of new locations to justify the amount of upgrades we'll be getting.
Ya know what, now that we know it'll be pretty easy to map out I'm willing to make an avatar bet that the total surface area of new traversable land (i.e. in the sky and underground) will be greater than or equal to the total traversable surface area of Hyrule in BOTW.

I'll take that bet.
I'm not sure giving Team Power to Shiver (i assume) is a good idea after yesterday.

What's a bigger win than a landslide?
Yeah. On the previous games, it was easy to guess the least popular (especially 2, just pick Pearl) and usually get a win because they had fewer bad players. But with three choices, that strategy isn’t as good. I see this being a demolitions for power.
This shot doesn’t really look like a cutscene. imo it looks like the player is controlling Zelda
This shot doesn’t really look like a cutscene. imo it looks like the player is controlling Zelda
Yeah. I think this is a gameplay aspect they aren’t announcing but will be in there. I thought the end of the trailer might give a bigger hint of this, but Zelda said something about needing link rather than how she was going to be the one to save things (need to rewatch but think I’m remembering correctly).
Ya know what, now that we know it'll be pretty easy to map out I'm willing to make an avatar bet that the total surface area of new traversable land (i.e. in the sky and underground) will be greater than or equal to the total traversable surface area of Hyrule in BOTW.

It will be nearly impossible to hit around 100 square kilometers without a bunch of contiguous filler land between points of interest or just oceanic surfaces.
Yeah it's all for fun anyway. I mean walkable, horizontal area yeah. Not like, more climbable surface area.

I also don't think they have to do it, but the variety that they've shown here combined with the fact that they've been working on it almost 6 years has me thinking it'll be a lot more massive than we thought. Even possibly time travel opens up new areas to explore.

Thinking more about it:

  • We know there is a deep underground in the same map, it extends to about -450 meters down, at least.
  • We have not seen any indication of discrete "shrines" having their own worldspace.
  • We can reasonably conclude there are at least 4 unique avenues for upgrades-
    • Hearts- the heart counter has increased in this based on the commercial footage, so we'll have more opportunities to find heart upgrades
    • Stamina- we don't have evidence of this but considering it was upgradeable in BOTW you'd think it would be here too
    • Weapon space- same as above, you'd think they would let you upgrade it just like in BOTW
    • Zonai vials- these likely power the various zonai machines we see around, and the vials on Link's hip are clearly upgradeable over the game
  • If we have 4 categories of upgrades and no separate world-space shrine equivalent, those upgrades will be spread out around this world space.
  • We have at least 4 types of locations shown so far:
    • Outside in the world, including surface and sky
    • Inside caves, surface caves or skyworld caves
    • Deep underground where the ceiling is not visible (we see it briefly in the trailer and less briefly in the TV commercial), seemingly accessible from the big mining towers?
    • Inside death mountain? Which may be a dungeon? Or is it a cave, and the dungeons are different? This counts as at least 1 for now.
    • Wherever the spiral rock shrines take us, which may be separate world spaces or may not
  • My thinking is that most of the new gameplay will revolve around finding all of these upgrades scattered throughout the old world and the new locations, and the main progression loop will be the typical dungeon>mcguffin (tear) thing.
All of that is to say I think there will be many more incentives to explore both the old and new locations, to the extent that there probably has to be a ton of new locations to justify the amount of upgrades we'll be getting.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you that a lot of what they've shown across all trailers points towards there being a lot of explorable area. But I think I've made a similar post before about how I think that the new areas will be more compact and intricate rather than expansive like in BotW. After the recent trailer I think the game will justify its development time, I just don't think it will necessarily result in more real estate but "more to do" per square meter.
It will be nearly impossible to hit around 100 square kilometers without a bunch of contiguous filler land between points of interest or just oceanic surfaces.
Adding an entirely new dimension to fill can make it possible.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you that a lot of what they've shown across all trailers points towards there being a lot of explorable area. But I think I've made a similar post before about how I think that the new areas will be more compact and intricate rather than expansive like in BotW. After the recent trailer I think the game will justify its development time, I just don't think it will necessarily result in more real estate but "more to do" per square meter.
Yeah, maybe. It'll depend on whether the underground is one large contiguous area or split up into discrete zones.
Yeah, maybe. It'll depend on whether the underground is one large contiguous area or split up into discrete zones.
I'd actually prefer discrete zones with a few connective tunnels that you can gradually unlock. Basically the world design of Skyward Sword but on a much grander scale.
I'd actually prefer discrete zones with a few connective tunnels that you can gradually unlock. Basically the world design of Skyward Sword but on a much grander scale.
I'm thinking that too, yeah. The towers all seem to be entry points to the underground, it probably wouldn't work if it's a giant open expanse that you can fully explore at will, else why would you bother going to another tower.

Still, you can have a massive amount of traversable land formed by discrete zones and connective tunnels, especially when you consider they can be layered at different elevations.
Would it be fun to have an ability where you can walk on walls (like these magnetic boots) in these caves? You could hide secrets on the ceiling and you could go there and see the world upside down?

Would increase the horizontal surface even more...but maybe it is too overwhelming in a big open world game like this.
I'm thinking that too, yeah. The towers all seem to be entry points to the underground, it probably wouldn't work if it's a giant open expanse that you can fully explore at will, else why would you bother going to another tower.

Still, you can have a massive amount of traversable land formed by discrete zones and connective tunnels, especially when you consider they can be layered at different elevations.
If the towers is what we use to go underground I really wonder what the large malice "holes" are for...
TOTK's file size is 26% bigger than BOTW, and there is already verticality and a lot of new features to account for. There's probably going to be a lot more horizontal surface area, but I don't think it'll double in size.
If the towers is what we use to go underground I really wonder what the large malice "holes" are for...
My theory for a while has been 5 discrete layers to the game.

  • Upper sky islands/sacred realm
  • Lower sky islands, i.e. tutorial island
  • Surface
  • Surface caves/shallow underground accessible via malice holes
  • Deep underground accessible via drill platforms, possibly analogous to the dark realm?
TOTK's file size is 26% bigger than BOTW, and there is already verticality and a lot of new features to account for. There's probably going to be a lot more horizontal surface area, but I don't think it'll double in size.
File size doesn't really work that way. You can have an essentially infinite landscape in a game with a size less than 10 MB. I know because I just downloaded an infinite landscape generation asset in the Unreal Engine marketplace and it was like 6MB.

Textures, prerendered video and audio take up the most file space in games.
My theory for a while has been 5 discrete layers to the game.

  • Upper sky islands/sacred realm
  • Lower sky islands, i.e. tutorial island
  • Surface
  • Surface caves/shallow underground accessible via malice holes
  • Deep underground accessible via drill platforms, possibly analogous to the dark realm?
Yeah, I think this actually makes a lot of sense and would be consistent with what we've seen so far.
we have to consider better compression, and removed elements from botw like shrines, old cutscenes, quest assets, divine beasts ect.

File size doesn't really work that way. You can have an essentially infinite landscape in a game with a size less than 10 MB. I know because I just downloaded an infinite landscape generation asset in the Unreal Engine marketplace and it was like 6MB.

Textures, prerendered video and audio take up the most file space in games.

File sizes comparisons are useless since the BOTW on Switch was quick port and not even that well optimized. You also need to consider that they could use some new compression technique.

I realise it's not that simple - and I'm not a tech wiz at all, mind you! I just figure with everything else we know is being added (enemies, abilities, characters, animations etc.), everything that I'm sure will be added that we don't know about yet, and the fact that, looking at the trailers, landscape and design quality has not been sacrificed at all, I'd just rather bet that the map size increase that we will definitely get is more likely to be <99,9% than >99,9%, even if it's hefty. :p

Edit: I will be much more than happy to eat my hat on this, of course!
I realise it's not that simple - and I'm not a tech wiz at all, mind you! I just figure with everything else we know is being added (enemies, abilities, characters, animations etc.), everything that I'm sure will be added that we don't know about yet, and the fact that, looking at the trailers, landscape and design quality has not been sacrificed at all, I'd just rather bet that the map size increase that we will definitely get is more likely to be <99,9% than >99,9%, even if it's hefty. :p
Generally agree with you on the map part even just for gameplay reasons, but definitely won't be insignificant or small either.
One other thing to consider is that if Nintendo had gotten the game just 2 gigabytes lower, they could have used a small cart and saved. They probably tried very hard to reduce the size to reach this number considering how many copies will be made yet failed to in the end. That should give some more hope on the sheer amount of new content in general
I realise it's not that simple - and I'm not a tech wiz at all, mind you! I just figure with everything else we know is being added (enemies, abilities, characters, animations etc.), everything that I'm sure will be added that we don't know about yet, and the fact that, looking at the trailers, landscape and design quality has not been sacrificed at all, I'd just rather bet that the map size increase that we will definitely get is more likely to be <99,9% than >99,9%, even if it's hefty. :p

Edit: I will be much more than happy to eat my hat on this, of course!

The biggest issue, IMO, is that the game map could very well be doubled, yet you couldn't see it because the skull of your dead mother obstructs the view.

Generally agree with you on the map part even just for gameplay reasons, but definitely won't be insignificant or small either.
One other thing to consider is that if Nintendo had gotten the game just 2 gigabytes lower, they could have used a small cart and saved. They probably tried very hard to reduce the size to reach this number considering how many copies will be made yet failed to in the end. That should give some more hope on the sheer amount of new content in general

Oh, that's a good point. And yeah, I hope I don't come off as being pessimistic towards new content in the game. Quite the opposite! There's going to be a lot a lot - which maybe also contributes to why I'd rather bet lower than 100% than over on the map per se.

The biggest issue, IMO, is that the game map could very well be doubled, yet you couldn't see it because the skull of your dead mother obstructs the view.


NGL it took me like 30 seconds to realise what you were referencing and then I went very fast from WTF to LOL
Oh, that's a good point. And yeah, I hope I don't come off as being pessimistic towards new content in the game. Quite the opposite! There's going to be a lot a lot - which maybe also contributes to why I'd rather bet lower than 100% than over on the map per se.

NGL it took me like 30 seconds to realise what you were referencing and then I went very fast from WTF to LOL

I think you had more than enough hints to finally work towards you evolution.

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