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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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From now on, they have failed in both ways imo. The story, we literally have no idea appart of the fact Ganondorf was underground all this time. Which is the only bit of story we had for almost 4 years now.
We know so much more about the story than that. The Master Sword getting destroyed. Link's arm getting corrupted. Link's arm merging with a mysterious ghost arm that gives him powers. All kinds of hints about the past in the new mural. Zelda falling into a black abyss. Some sort of underworld. Traveling to realms in the sky. I greatly prefer this method of giving us hints over a story-only trailer coming in and just speaking the plot at us.

What we've seen in these trailers is already more interesting than any story going on in BOTW
They need to drop gameplay late March, before the movie. Because if they are doing it after that they need to wait like a week which gives you into 30 days before launch which is really cutting it close. Not to mention the OLED that was was still not announced (which just pointing of it being announced late March with more info).
I greatly prefer this method of giving us hints over a story-only trailer coming in and just speaking the plot at us.

What we've seen in these trailers is already more interesting than any story going on in BOTW
Yeah, plus a story trailer can backfire. The 2017 Switch Presentation BotW trailer was awesome but it led me to believe there was more story than there actually was, which might've led to a bit of my "wait, that's it?" reaction once I got near the end.

I actually kinda wonder if Nintendo saw an opportunity to do a total opposite marketing method from BotW so they could compare the reactions to the two and get an idea of where the middle ground is.
If there is Game Informer issue for this game it's gonna be revealed in early April, so at that point Nintendo would have to already show gameplay before that (late March).
Nintendo Brain Marketing Plan:

Step 1: Make the game look as boring as possible like some BOTW DLC.

Step 2: Make everyone suffer and stew for years thinking the game isn't going to be that good.

Step 3: Release a game on May 12th so God damn incredible and mind-blowing that it essentially sets the internet ablaze, finally kills Twitter and people talk about the game for years to come. 10s across the board, frantic sales numbers, amiibo sales, etc.

Step 4: $$$
I really hope not. They've already spent too much trailer time on the story for my liking, when that will make up a tiny fraction of the play time. Give us some actual gameplay and clarification on what's different from BOTW, I can't believe we've had to wait this long to find out what the actual gameplay loop of the game is intended to be.
When did we learn the gameplay loop of BotW? I honestly can’t remember.
In April they will announce that TotK is actually a Kid Icarus game and they used models and the map from BotW to mislead us. Even made a fake artbook that they leaked themselves.
There is an amazingly simple solution for people to practice if they have any reservations about the quality of Totk: DON'T PREORDER IT.

Wait to see meaningful gameplay, read previews, or whatever. You don't need to preorder the game early. If you have not seen anything of intrigue... then wait.

You may not like the marketing rollout or the lack of gameplay seen up to this point, but no one is forcing you to preorder the game early. Wait. Wait for the next round of information and gameplay footage. Hell, wait for reviews.
In April they will announce that TotK is actually a Kid Icarus game and they used models and the map from BotW to mislead us. Even made a fake artbook that they leaked themselves.
Or it's the Captain Falcon game Nate hinted at.

edit: Ok Nate posting literally 3 seconds before me was too funny
He can still be. I’d like for him to have an even more reduced role and can make a new IP.
You and me both.

Fujibayashi would make a great producer for the Zelda series, and the chance for Aonuma to work on new IP would be incredibly refreshing to see.
Honestly with the change to a $70 price tag I would have thought they would have put that alongside the absolute best trailer they could make.
Why? Was there a really an outrage about this game being $70? If so, i didnt really see it. I saw people talking about it for a day and everyone just moved on
Why? Was there a really an outrage about this game being $70? If so, i didnt really see it. I saw people talking about it for a day and everyone just moved on
More my personal logic. If I were charging more than normal for a product I would demonstrate why.

I myself don't have issue with the price increase.
There is an amazingly simple solution for people to practice if they have any reservations about the quality of Totk: DON'T PREORDER IT.

Wait to see meaningful gameplay, read previews, or whatever. You don't need to preorder the game early. If you have not seen anything of intrigue... then wait.

You may not like the marketing rollout or the lack of gameplay seen up to this point, but no one is forcing you to preorder the game early. Wait. Wait for the next round of information and gameplay footage. Hell, wait for reviews.
I was on this train the second I saw the first trailer and I knew then and there I was buying it.

Then again, Zelda is my favourite franchise so I would automatically buy it anyway, whatever it would become.
That's excatly what i feel like as well. My take away was if we aren't 100% convinced here, then outside of the hardcore fan the message must not have come across as exciting or convincing. Botw didn't sell 25 millions with hardcore audience, they NEED casual gamers. And as of now, the game doesn't seem convincing to buy at 70$. If you're a fan, you know they will deliver, but let's be honest, what was shown feels like DLC.

I can’t argue against this individual’s anecdotal experience but I have a hard time believing this is the prevailing thought amongst “casuals” at this point. The $70 price increase generated a lot of headlines so for that reason alone, most people are aware that a) there is a new Zelda coming out and b) it has a name. Those tweets honestly seem made up to me.
E. Gadd invented goo and now they are using it in TotK.


I mean, question, but do casual gamers even care that much about games in general 2 months from release? Or, more appropriately, do they care enough about it to affect getting the game at launch?

Like, what tangible impact does it have if they think ToTK is DLC right now, so long as that thinking is corrected eventually?
As i already stated in one post, I work in Gamestore, I thnk it is currently the most preordered Game, since I started working 12 Years ago in that Gamestore.
I can’t argue against this individual’s anecdotal experience but I have a hard time believing this is the prevailing thought amongst “casuals” at this point. The $70 price increase generated a lot of headlines so for that reason alone, most people are aware that a) there is a new Zelda coming out and b) it has a name. Those tweets honestly seem made up to me.

Nah it’s nonsense. If Nintendo calls it a sequel and it has a different name, casuals aren’t calling it DLC in droves.

So yeah - probably made up by an impatient fan. Or their friend isn’t casual and is trolling when they say DLC.
The second Nintendo releases that "Switch Presentation 2017" like trailer, all those issues are gone.
I think it's pretty obvious why they're doing it this way, the game is guaranteed to be a success just by virtue of it being a sequel to BOTW, so the pre-release marketing will not move the needle too much either way. Because of this, they decided to let the Zelda team themselves decide exactly how they want to market it.

And they clearly have chosen to keep most of the game close to the vest for whatever reason, likely because much of the fun of the game will be discovering stuff for yourself. I would trust the developers themselves to know how best to market their game if I'm honest.
You know what? I just realised I'm not thinking of TotK as the next mainline Zelda. To me it seems like a remaster of the ideas from BotW, with a bit more added. So it's like a bonus interlude while I wait at least another 6 years for the true successor. This has nothing to do with the marketing and trailers, by the way. Just the overall game concept of being in the same Hyrule with the same Link and Zelda.
Nah it’s nonsense. If Nintendo calls it a sequel and it has a different name, casuals aren’t calling it DLC in droves.

So yeah - probably made up by an impatient fan. Or their friend isn’t casual and is trolling when they say DLC.
It's the most Sure Jan thing I've seen all day xD. It's been known as "the sequel to" ever since 2019, and folks are used to sequels looking similar (Horizon and GoW come to mind as recent examples).
If they are having hero's path mode (maybe even in base game) I want to see how will they track 3 layer world.

Oof I keep forgetting the map. I don’t love most executions of 3D maps.

I wonder how this one will feel. Will it just be three (?) clear layers, or do they have islands under islands?
Oof I keep forgetting the map. I don’t love most executions of 3D maps.

I wonder how this one will feel. Will it just be three (?) clear layers, or do they have islands under islands?
They have like multi island stacks from what we've seen

The map will certainly be interesting. I wonder if they'll just give a single flat map for islands and just ignore the elevation aspect though, that kinda fits with how most maps handle that sorta thing
They have like multi island stacks from what we've seen

The map will certainly be interesting. I wonder if they'll just give a single flat map for islands and just ignore the elevation aspect though, that kinda fits with how most maps handle that sorta thing

I’m playing Metroid Prime, and that map is functional but I still don’t enjoy using it. Jedi Fallen Order might have improved on that a bit.

I also think it Xenoblade 2’s horrendous 2D layered maps, and just hope Nintendo all knows how shit those were to use.
I feel like marketing concern posting is starting to become less about "I don't feel like they've shown enough right now to appeal to me specifically" (which y'know as mister Drake said just chill and make a decision later because by every metric available it's obvious that they're comfortable withholding a lot of content regardless of whether it is content that might appeal to you specifically), and more about "no casual players realize this is a brand new game coming out" which honestly even if it wasn't anecdotal, who cares. Like if you're honestly concerned about whether TOTK will be successful, there's way more reliable and tangible data out there that point to it being a veritable non-issue. Every time this point comes up in the discussion it feels like pure projection from people who feel like they need to substantiate their misgivings with something that's perceived as more "academic" than simply saying "I want to see more and right now they're not doing that".
While I don't really believe that guy's anecdote, I will say my brother (who is definitely a casual and BOTW is his only game above 20 hours and it's at 75) had no clue a sequel was coming til I told him, let alone its name. People forget Zelda was not that big of a seller before BOTW. Skyward Sword didn't even break 5 million on Wii (pretty sure). It never, ever broke 10 million before BOTW. Those are the hard-core fans, and that is not 20-30 million people.
we don’t have to be concerned for the causal audience. Nintendo will get the appropriate marketing to them and social media will explode when this game releases.
I wish for there to be a new trailer… not because I am worried about marketing but so that this thread can stop talking exclusively about marketing.
I feel like marketing concern posting is starting to become less about "I don't feel like they've shown enough right now to appeal to me specifically" (which y'know as mister Drake said just chill and make a decision later because by every metric available it's obvious that they're comfortable withholding a lot of content regardless of whether it is content that might appeal to you specifically), and more about "no casual players realize this is a brand new game coming out" which honestly even if it wasn't anecdotal, who cares. Like if you're honestly concerned about whether TOTK will be successful, there's way more reliable and tangible data out there that point to it being a veritable non-issue. Every time this point comes up in the discussion it feels like pure projection from people who feel like they need to substantiate their misgivings with something that's perceived as more "academic" than simply saying "I want to see more and right now they're not doing that".

Erm, no. The concern posting is what any competent Nintendo fan should be doing right now, given

1. Zelda is the most prestigious IP in the industry
2. Historically, this kind of 'hush hush' approach in the industry has preluded some awful launches.
3. What we've seen hasn't just been limited, some of it has been questionable or outright bad.

Now, as the most competent publisher in the industry, I'd like to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt that they're engaging in the hiding and misdirection of the core details of this game, but we also have to consider.

1. This game would have seen some development troubles due to COVID
2. There is a new president at Nintendo.

So there are tangible reasons to see why things may go wrong for this game. That said, things weren't looking too good for Super Mario Galaxy in the early days, which then casually released as one of the greatest games of all time. I will pray the same happens here but, make no mistake, if this game doesn't launch to the high standards of past Zeldas, you can bet I'll be calling on Furukawa to resign on day one.
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