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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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One Youtube reminded me that the Shiekah Slate was used in game as Link's map and item interface but if he no longer has it, then how do we access menus? Now the game could just ignore an in universe reason for the menus but that wouldn't be consistent with how it was done with BOTW. So that may suggest that Link does have a Shiekah Slate in game, maybe he picks up the one Zelda was using. That would explain how he could still access menus like in BOTW. But then again, he also haven't seen Link with a Shiekah Slate on him in any of the trailers. I don't think it's important enough for Nintendo remove it from Link's character model for the trailers. So that suggests that he actually doesn't have it but then that gets us back to where we started in not knowing how Link has access to maps and menus.
Something has me wondering if everything from trailer 1 might be flashbacks, and that the game does indeed begin with Link waking up in a sky temple of sorts.

Link calling his allies from BotW:

So that suggests that he actually doesn't have it but then that gets us back to where we started in not knowing how Link has access to maps and menus.
Link had access to quest and inventory menus before he got the Shiekah Slate. The Slate specific menus had Shiekah designs adorning them.
As for the map, wouldn't be surprised if it's a paper map like every other Zelda game.
Something has me wondering if everything from trailer 1 might be flashbacks, and that the game does indeed begin with Link waking up in a sky temple of sorts.
Yeah it's an interesting question.

Do they go the same route again with "waking up after a defeat" or do they heavily construct your pathway in the very beginning of the game?
Link had access to quest and inventory menus before he got the Shiekah Slate. The Slate specific menus had Shiekah designs adorning them.
As for the map, wouldn't be surprised if it's a paper map like every other Zelda game.
I'm guessing it would all be tied to his arm and use Zonai imagery this time around. The amiibo is a clear sign that the arm is the central gimmick and gameplay focus for Link, so menu design and context will likely be related to that.

Also I just realized the entire point of the toga costume is to showcase that arm design and gameplay focus. Nintendo really does operate on another level when it comes to mechanics informing game design.
Whenever I bring up that BotW was a relatively quick port from the Wii U, I don't mean to imply that there would be some huge leap in visuals. The 2019 and 2021 trailers have already established my expectations. It's to refute the idea that there would be no improvements whatsoever or that this game will perform notably worse, which is a common refrain. The original already looks very good, that they focused on improving draw distance detail is smart considering the premise of this game. Watch a video of folks building flying machines and you can see the loss of detail when going up very very high. And I still think video compression and dynamic weather effects are messing with our ability to draw direct comparisons.
I don't think there should be any scrutiny to that statement; considering the amount of people within EPD that worked on BOTW and the small team of programmers that had to port it to Switch, I think it was relatively quick.
I don't think there should be any scrutiny to that statement; considering the amount of people within EPD that worked on BOTW and the small team of programmers that had to port it to Switch, I think it was relatively quick.

From their GDC talk, lool
Whenever I bring up that BotW was a relatively quick port from the Wii U, I don't mean to imply that there would be some huge leap in visuals. The 2019 and 2021 trailers have already established my expectations. It's to refute the idea that there would be no improvements whatsoever or that this game will perform notably worse, which is a common refrain. The original already looks very good, that they focused on improving draw distance detail is smart considering the premise of this game. Watch a video of folks building flying machines and you can see the loss of detail when going up very very high. And I still think video compression and dynamic weather effects are messing with our ability to draw direct comparisons.
Yeah, since they first revealed TotK it was pretty clear how will it look. If someone expected that it will look noticeably better that was never the case. They are building off the original engine, they are not doing a new one. With that said, BOTW still looks gorgeous specially in scenes when there is a full sun.
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I think about 2 months before launch the first 17-20 mins of Breath of the Wild was available on YouTube, however the situation was different because the Great Plateau was available to play at E3 etc
Something has me wondering if everything from trailer 1 might be flashbacks, and that the game does indeed begin with Link waking up in a sky temple of sorts.
That's what I've been expecting for a while yeah. Although I don't expect them spread across the whole game, but something more equivalent to the King Rhoam scene that explains what went down last time Link was conscious.
I sold my original launch Switch a while ago that β€” the battery had gotten even worse over the years β€” so I’ve been waiting to see what I should do hardware wise for TOTK. The LE gives me a good excuse to go that route as Zelda is the only franchise I’ve ever gotten LE hardware for. On the other hand if I get the Zelda OLED I know I will end up not wanting to flip it or trade it in when a Switch 2 happens in 2024 or whenever where as a non-LE model I wouldn’t feel bad about.

Looks like I might have to decide in less than a month as pre-orders will disappear in a blink.
The Loftwing is going to be the new horse in the game, but probably won’t be acquired until late game otherwise there would be no need for any of the flying vehicles. And I think when we get it, we’ll be able to use our bows and swords while riding it. It’s going to be epic!
Zelda pulling a Horizon: Forbidden West? I like the sound of that.
We know that Hateno is there for sure (maybe that's pre-Ganon phase). So I am curious about the town themes, how much will they be changed/different.
I’m not sure if this has been posted yet, but YouTuber Zelda Lore made a great video running through all the small bits of potential evidence that Zelda may indeed be playable in TotK:

I had noticed many of these, but the part where he points out that metal crates (movable with magnesis) have only thus far been seen underground in TotK was a big revelation imo.
Yeah he seems to think that the mining cave shot specifically is different from all the other caves we've seen in the game so far, and would point to it being where Zelda hangs out. It's interesting and a bit reaching by the end but a good video to get the copium flowing.
I’m not sure if this has been posted yet, but YouTuber Zelda Lore made a great video running through all the small bits of potential evidence that Zelda may indeed be playable in TotK:

I had noticed many of these, but the part where he points out that metal crates (movable with magnesis) have only thus far been seen underground in TotK was a big revelation imo.

Oooh I'll have to watch that later.

All the themes they've been showing us kinda suggest Zelda will be a cave explorer. Her holding the torch, her falling into the abyss, the blue souls showing up only in a cave. I really think they're setting the stage for this, it's just a matter of whether it's just a tease or it's for real this time.
Remember how Tingle was first introduced?

That's right, fucking balloons.

I can totally see us unlocking maps from Tingle Hollow Knight style.

Imagine if both him and Beedle's airshop return.
Beedle really got some faith in those two propellers carrying a literal building
I’m not sure if this has been posted yet, but YouTuber Zelda Lore made a great video running through all the small bits of potential evidence that Zelda may indeed be playable in TotK:

I had noticed many of these, but the part where he points out that metal crates (movable with magnesis) have only thus far been seen underground in TotK was a big revelation imo.

Huh, I'll watch/listen when I get the chance. Thanks.
Telekinesis could very easily pick up magnetic crates and the ability is limited to a radius instead of by material.

I don't like being the one to throw cold water. I think 100% Zelda will play a larger role in this game, perhaps comparable to or better than Spirit Tracks except she isn't dead. But playable Zelda feels like an expectation that was never promised, and it feels a little unfair to be preemptively treat it as a fault of the game when the concept of implementing multiple playable characters in a single player open-world isn't straightforward and it already appears to be packed with mechanics. Idk, it just feels like the mood will turn very sour if she is revealed to not be playable despite having a major presence.

I'm also not sure how playable folks would expect her to be, if they would be satisfied with segments in dungeons or story moments like Medli in Wind Waker or Ciri in Witcher 3. I think she will actively be using the Shiekah Slate and there will be a degree of control for puzzle solving, but I'm skeptical this is what folks are clamoring for when they ask for her to be playable.

In regards to story I think Zelda and Link represent the twin dragons in the logo, both 'awakening' and ascending to their forms as the Spirit of the Hero and the Goddess Hylia, Link mastering the tools of the Zonai courage tribe and Zelda fulfilling her desire to master Shiekah technology.

I want her to be playable but it will end up being a nice surprise rather than something I'm anticipating.
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I’m not sure if this has been posted yet, but YouTuber Zelda Lore made a great video running through all the small bits of potential evidence that Zelda may indeed be playable in TotK:

I had noticed many of these, but the part where he points out that metal crates (movable with magnesis) have only thus far been seen underground in TotK was a big revelation imo.

I really wish we did not have to go through this song and dance with every new Zelda game. I mean, eventually it will happen, but I implore people: do not expect Zelda to be playable. Do not be surprised if she is not playable in Totk.

Everything from the marketing points to this game expanding on the gameplay systems of the first Breath of the Wild. I would not expect a dual-character mechanic to be a central component of this game. On top of this, the game does not require a playable Zelda to be successful, which is why I feel marketing would have clearly shown her to be playable early on if it was a large component of the game, as opposed to a late-marketing reveal to get more buyers on board.

I know it's likely different people saying these things, but it's wierd to get the sense that, on the one hand, many people feel like the sequel is looking too iterative and samey from the marketing, and on other hand, seem to be very open-minded about every Zelda-is-playable theory.
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I want to play as Zelda, but I honestly kinda doubt it at this point. She definitely has a bigger role than she did in BOTW from what we can gather based on the voice lines in the trailer.
Telekinesis could very easily pick up magnetic crates and the ability is limited to a radius instead of by material.

I don't like being the one to throw cold water. I think 100% Zelda will play a larger role in this game, perhaps comparable to or better than Spirit Tracks except she isn't dead. But playable Zelda feels like an expectation that was never promised, and it feels a little unfair to be preemptively treat it as a fault of the game when the concept of implementing multiple playable characters in a single player open-world isn't straightforward and it already appears to be packed with mechanics. Idk, it just feels like the mood will turn very sour if she is revealed to not be playable despite having a major presence.

I'm also not sure how playable folks would expect her to be, if they would be satisfied with segments in dungeons or story moments like Medli in Wind Waker or Ciri in Witcher 3. I think she will actively be using the Shiekah Slate and there will be a degree of control for puzzle solving, but I'm skeptical this is what folks are clamoring for when they ask for her to be playable.

In regards to story I think Zelda and Link represent the twin dragons in the logo, both 'awakening' and ascending to their forms as the Spirit of the Hero and the Goddess Hylia, Link mastering the tools of the Zonai courage tribe and Zelda fulfilling her desire to master Shiekah technology.

I want her to be playable but it will end up being a nice surprise rather than something I'm anticipating.
If she's playable (and I agree I'm not sure how likely that is) I think it would be in discrete sections triggered not by the story, but by Link activating something up on the surface.
I’m not sure if this has been posted yet, but YouTuber Zelda Lore made a great video running through all the small bits of potential evidence that Zelda may indeed be playable in TotK:

I had noticed many of these, but the part where he points out that metal crates (movable with magnesis) have only thus far been seen underground in TotK was a big revelation imo.

this whole thing feels like people picking apart shots to decipher whether or not the other two spider-men were in No Way Home. and they were right on the money lol so I think it's happening. the metal crates underground are a big discovery/giveaway.
If she's playable (and I agree I'm not sure how likely that is) I think it would be in discrete sections triggered not by the story, but by Link activating something up on the surface.
I completely agree, may be she's playable just in certain temples/dungeons (kinda like Clank in Ratchet & Clank lol).
Playable Zelda aside, looking into it deeper, and I'm like 99% sure the giant Malice pools we see are in fact giant holes in the ground.


Notice how not only the elevation changes but so too does the color. With these, and the labyrinths floating and possibly leaving craters, and the caves we've seen, than we can confirm that underground sections will be at least somewhat plentiful. Not as much as the sky and overworld, but not a tiny amount either.
The developers having previously considered making Zelda playable in Skyward Sword as a secondary quest is a detail I hadn't known before, and quite ironic to be made aware of considering how much TOTK has already drawn parallels to Skyward Sword in terms of its main advertised gimmick. It's also serendipitous to have the metal crate observation pointed out only pages after this thread discussed the idea that Link might not be getting the same suite of slate abilities now that he has the arm instead.

My personal thought is that I wouldn't rule out Zelda being playable as a series of "side missions". Think Eventide Island from Breath of the Wild; that was one of the most memorable segments in the game, but you can't just recycle it every time or else the novelty of Link losing his equipment when walking into an area will get old. Using Zelda to frame a series of missions with limited options and familiar BOTW mechanics (that Link presumably has to initiate) is if nothing else a neat idea, and it also rewards players who are already familiar with how BOTW plays. If you're expecting Zelda to be playable to the extent of alternating characters are like in GTAV or something then obviously that's definitely not happening; at best maybe a postgame bonus where you can use her to traverse Hyrule.
I also missed the part of the survey which said "your loyalty to each other"...

The developers having previously considered making Zelda playable in Skyward Sword as a secondary quest is a detail I hadn't known before, and quite ironic to be made aware of considering how much TOTK has already drawn parallels to Skyward Sword in terms of its main advertised gimmick. It's also serendipitous to have the metal crate observation pointed out only pages after this thread discussed the idea that Link might not be getting the same suite of slate abilities now that he has the arm instead.

My personal thought is that I wouldn't rule out Zelda being playable as a series of "side missions". Think Eventide Island from Breath of the Wild; that was one of the most memorable segments in the game, but you can't just recycle it every time or else the novelty of Link losing his equipment when walking into an area will get old. Using Zelda to frame a series of missions with limited options and familiar BOTW mechanics (that Link presumably has to initiate) is if nothing else a neat idea, and it also rewards players who are already familiar with how BOTW plays. If you're expecting Zelda to be playable to the extent of alternating characters are like in GTAV or something then obviously that's definitely not happening; at best maybe a postgame bonus where you can use her to traverse Hyrule.
Damn I was just about to post the same thing! Zelda sections will be like Eventide Island/master sword trial segments where you're much more limited in what you can do so you need to improvise a lot more.
Playable Zelda aside, looking into it deeper, and I'm like 99% sure the giant Malice pools we see are in fact giant holes in the ground.


Notice how not only the elevation changes but so too does the color. With these, and the labyrinths floating and possibly leaving craters, and the caves we've seen, than we can confirm that underground sections will be at least somewhat plentiful. Not as much as the sky and overworld, but not a tiny amount either.
Also, first ever TotK NPC. Some said it's a rock but it's very clear that it's NPC.
Something has me wondering if everything from trailer 1 might be flashbacks, and that the game does indeed begin with Link waking up in a sky temple of sorts.
I have silently been thinking this as a distinct possibility ever since we saw Link getting his new arm bracelet ability attached on the table in the 2nd trailer, so it’s definitely a possibility. I’m 50/50 on this, with the other 50% being that we do actually play through the end of BotW/ beg of TotK.

I think the scene in the 2nd trailer with Link gliding down and seeing the Stone Talus/Bokoblin camp could be part of this early play through. There is slowly one big change in the over world after the other,we see death Mountains lava disappears or sinks back into the earth, Malice pools begin to form on the surface and the Great Deku tree vanishes.

The main reason I think this is because in that scene we don’t see sky islands, some suggest it’s just an early build of the game they are showing which could be the case as well. But I think we simply need to have the power of the Arm and be enlightened before we are able to see the sky islands.

The last trailer also throws a big monkey wrench into the time traveling theory, because a lot people had suggested in this thread that the Bokoblins had larger horns simply because of the more powerful malice and they were correct it seems IMO. I had once argued that because we see them in the Ancient cave drawings looking different that time travel could be involved because they wouldn’t be able to change that quickly.

So in that scene with larger horns it could just be showing that they are starting to get stronger as well as part of the events leading up to where we finally discover Ganondorf. This scenario also allows for Zelda to find or come across the new Sheikah slate and have it with her before she falls.
Playable Zelda aside, looking into it deeper, and I'm like 99% sure the giant Malice pools we see are in fact giant holes in the ground.

Notice how not only the elevation changes but so too does the color. With these, and the labyrinths floating and possibly leaving craters, and the caves we've seen, than we can confirm that underground sections will be at least somewhat plentiful. Not as much as the sky and overworld, but not a tiny amount either.
More here:

These seem like good spots to just phase right through and enter the underground.

Also, first ever TotK NPC. Some said it's a rock but it's very clear that it's NPC.
I'm happy to see NPCs smack dab in the middle of Hyrule Field just like the Zelda Wii U teaser from 2014.
Also, first ever TotK NPC. Some said it's a rock but it's very clear that it's NPC.
Yeah the fact that they and a few others set up a camp next to earth eating Malice isn't exactly the smartest idea tho. I can only assumed they're probably treasure hunters of sorts trying to find a way down.

Either that or they're surveying the damage somehow.
Thinking about the vehicle crafting again, and it makes me wonder if you can take the parts with you. You have to, right? Otherwise it would mean that you would have to look around and see what you have around you. Which would require the devs to strategically place things you can play around with here and there so you don't have to, like, drag stuff across the map.

Having huge crafting materials and machine parts "on you" like you would have boko horns or weapons, feels like one hell of an ask for suspension of disbelief. But hey.
Thinking about the vehicle crafting again, and it makes me wonder if you can take the parts with you. You have to, right? Otherwise it would mean that you would have to look around and see what you have around you. Which would require the devs to strategically place things you can play around with here and there so you don't have to, like, drag stuff across the map.

Having huge crafting materials and machine parts "on you" like you would have boko horns or weapons, feels like one hell of an ask for suspension of disbelief. But hey.
Hmmm, remember the patent about warp points? Just an idea
Telekinesis could very easily pick up magnetic crates and the ability is limited to a radius instead of by material.

I don't like being the one to throw cold water. I think 100% Zelda will play a larger role in this game, perhaps comparable to or better than Spirit Tracks except she isn't dead. But playable Zelda feels like an expectation that was never promised, and it feels a little unfair to be preemptively treat it as a fault of the game when the concept of implementing multiple playable characters in a single player open-world isn't straightforward and it already appears to be packed with mechanics. Idk, it just feels like the mood will turn very sour if she is revealed to not be playable despite having a major presence.

I'm also not sure how playable folks would expect her to be, if they would be satisfied with segments in dungeons or story moments like Medli in Wind Waker or Ciri in Witcher 3. I think she will actively be using the Shiekah Slate and there will be a degree of control for puzzle solving, but I'm skeptical this is what folks are clamoring for when they ask for her to be playable.

In regards to story I think Zelda and Link represent the twin dragons in the logo, both 'awakening' and ascending to their forms as the Spirit of the Hero and the Goddess Hylia, Link mastering the tools of the Zonai courage tribe and Zelda fulfilling her desire to master Shiekah technology.

I want her to be playable but it will end up being a nice surprise rather than something I'm anticipating.
Thinking about the vehicle crafting again, and it makes me wonder if you can take the parts with you. You have to, right? Otherwise it would mean that you would have to look around and see what you have around you. Which would require the devs to strategically place things you can play around with here and there so you don't have to, like, drag stuff across the map.

Having huge crafting materials and machine parts "on you" like you would have boko horns or weapons, feels like one hell of an ask for suspension of disbelief. But hey.

I think there's a reason you see two fans sitting next to each other in the shot of Link grinding on Death Mountain. There will be parts placed strategically that you have to scavenge for in those locations. Having the parts in your inventory to make an entire flying machine doesn't seem feasible for several reasons.
I want to play as Zelda, but I honestly kinda doubt it at this point. She definitely has a bigger role than she did in BOTW from what we can gather based on the voice lines in the trailer.
I never thought that I would switch sides in this theory as I have always thought she would be sidelined again, but seeing the new Sheikah slate in her hand in the official art work pretty much is game over in my mind and that she will have a pretty big role with some playable portions.

The other big thing that could be done which I also never thought would be possible would be to have two distinct games one played as Zelda, the other as Link. I still don’t see them doing them doing the switching between character thing, but to me right now anything and everything is on the table of possibilities.
Having huge crafting materials and machine parts "on you" like you would have boko horns or weapons, feels like one hell of an ask for suspension of disbelief. But hey.
TotK will finally help mainstream-ize the concept of hammerspace for the west
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Please note that this thread is completely spoiler-free, and that includes tagged spoilers. If you want to discuss spoilers, we refer to the spoiler thread.
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