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Pre-Release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pre-Release Discussion Thread

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Light might just be a permanent torch. Having to set items on fire in BOTW got pretty annoying. Maybe you can create your own fire?
I don't think so, the fact that there's a flamethrower shield attachment would suggest you still need items/resources to make a fire.
"Light" could be decoupled from "heat/flame" so the mechanics of fire retain their utility (i.e. burning environment / enemies, creating updrafts), while being able to illuminate objects or paths in the darkness can be separate. Luminous stones feature prominently in the footage of this game so there could be puzzles or features tied to 'light' and maybe specifically the Zonai green / spirit light.

Of course this is taking the "light" symbol literally. After all we think the "time" kanji is related to the rewind / momentum reversal, and the kanji isn't saying "time reversal". Could be to "shine light on the truth" (like a lens of truth) or "bring light to something" (like a Dominion Rod).

Ultimately I don't know Japanese so I'm not aware if that kanji has other, metaphorical implications.
Light could also refer to the other meaning, weight-wise. Assuming that's how languages work which may not be the case.

But I could see some function that can change an object's weight so it can fall harder/softer or even float upwards?

This sequence made me so happy when I saw it in the trailer just because we didn’t have confirmation of the seemless transition yet and I’m giessing it was probably overlooked by a lot of fans. I’m not sure if I will be truly sure until I see Link fall all the way to the surface but these shots pretty much confirm no loading screens.
I‘m also guessing that this single sequence was a big driving factor in creating this game and the sky islands because of the development Team not being able to reach the full potential in skyward sword.
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Light could also refer to the other meaning, weight-wise. Assuming that's how languages work which may not be the case.

But I could see some function that can change an object's weight so it can fall harder/softer or even float upwards?
I did think about that, but not in this case.

You did prompt me to think about why the English word 'light' is related to both 'illumination' and 'having less weight'. Turns out there were separate words for these ideas in an ancestor of English, Proto-Germanic, that sounded similar (leuht vs liht), and them ending up being the same word in English is more of a convenience / coincidence because of how pronunciation changes over time. Latin being related to English means it has similar words for light as in illuminate - lux - and light as in not heavy - levis. That's where we get lustrous and levitate. In this case the Latin word 'levis' does also mean 'unimportant' or 'trivial' so that connotation has stuck around when we say "I made a light comment."

Hope my Classics teacher is proud of me, lol. Apologies for the tangent.
What if we get access to certain parts of the underground because the Malice is literally eating through the ground? It would explain what those big pools of Malice are.

Whether it was changed or removed, I'm not sure I'm just glad it looks less hazy, and I love the blue tint and the random puffy clouds.
I lIke this idea and I would take it a step further being able to harvest the malice and use it as a weapon or even shoot it onto a metal wall and have eat through or melt objects. Why should Ganondorf have all the fun. Plus look what it did to the Mastersword, imagine what it would do to anything that’s not infused with the Sacred flames.
I did think about that, but not in this case.

You did prompt me to think about why the English word 'light' is related to both 'illumination' and 'having less weight'. Turns out there were separate words for these ideas in an ancestor of English, Proto-Germanic, that sounded similar (leuht vs liht), and them ending up being the same word in English is more of a convenience / coincidence because of how pronunciation changes over time. Latin being related to English means it has similar words for light as in illuminate - lux - and light as in not heavy - levis. That's where we get lustrous and levitate. In this case the Latin word 'levis' does also mean 'unimportant' or 'trivial' so that connotation has stuck around when we say "I made a light comment."

Hope my Classics teacher is proud of me, lol. Apologies for the tangent.
Do not apologize! I love a good lesson in etymology!
Something I always found interesting is how when link uses the time reversal ability, the back of his hand flashes gold while the arm remains dormant. During the phasing ability, and now the telekinesis ability, the arm glows green and there is no golden light. I wonder why there seems to be this separation of abilities?
So.. If we are flying around really high up in our Quad drone are we going to be able to just bail off of it at will when we see something interesting from below? And if so, what happens to our Quad drone will it continue flying on its own? Cause that’s going suck landing on the ground and think to yourself “Oh shit, I left the engine running as you watch it randomly flying around high up in sky, and no way to get back on it.”😅
Something I always found interesting is how when link uses the time reversal ability, the back of his hand flashes gold while the arm remains dormant. During the phasing ability, and now the telekinesis ability, the arm glows green and there is no golden light. I wonder why there seems to be this separation of abilities?
Could be hinting at more abilities that we haven’t seen using just the hand via what ever rune on the hand is showing like below: Maybe we can rotate the symbol of what’s on the hand from the UI to give us different abilities, kind of like the Champion abilities.
r/totklang absolutely eating up all these new runes


Yeah this one looks more clearly like "wind" 風.

We examined the history of 'time' and 'see' kanji in this thread before. The history of 'wind' doesn't really give us any new insight ...


... cause it just looks like the original symbols attempted to draw a bird or dragon and changed a lot.

So the powers we know for sure are:
  • telekinesis (possibly only for Zonai objects, or maybe for any object in a certain radius)
  • momentum reversal a.k.a. rewind - and we think this is what the time kanji is representing
  • surface phasing

Unconfirmed and guessing based on runes are:
  • "light" or "vision" - maybe a lens of truth, but I believe Zelda's shiekah slate will gain that ability now, so I'm guessing Link's arm could be used to 'light' i.e. illuminate objects in dark areas, idk
  • wind - perhaps a permanent korok leaf / gust bellows attached to Link's arm, or maybe a permanent Revali's gale for updrafts, or both depending on upgrade status
Where as the full arm ability act more like our Rune abilities type thing.
Or it could be as simple as just different visual cue’s for the player, but I’m hoping for the former and we have a ton of unique abilities through the symbols, Wind would be cool as we are flying or using as updrafts as mentioned before.
The arm also glows green when charging a homing arrow so perhaps Link's limb is just a way to channel that Zonai energy for multiple purposes and he also has extra powers built into the gauntlet that don't need it like rewind. Maybe the green glow is to indicate magic meter depletion - though I don't recall if the patents mention a cool down or resource consumption for these abilities (or if they would need to). Begs the question though why rewind wouldn't also use the magic meter. Just how many Monado abilities is Link going to end up with.

Also it's amusing that they haven't even given us the name of the ancient civilization yet. We've been calling them Zonai cause that's what the clues are pointing to, but it could very well be an exonym like "Greek" and they have a different name for themselves. But it's been fun to actually communicate with fellow obsessives who saw all the similar imagery and were able to predict from the very first teaser that we'd be dealing with them, and I'm sure the Zelda team is loving it.
So.. If we are flying around really high up in our Quad drone are we going to be able to just bail off of it at will when we see something interesting from below? And if so, what happens to our Quad drone will it continue flying on its own? Cause that’s going suck landing on the ground and think to yourself “Oh shit, I left the engine running as you watch it randomly flying around high up in sky, and no way to get back on it.”😅
I've been thinking about what powers these devices (there has to be some limitation to them) and I've come up with the idea that it's quite probably our vials, acting through the arm. I think we may also be able to provide additional power sources (which may be the large green barrel thing on the car) that helps run them for longer periods of time

So I think the quad drone is just "active" while we're actively providing power to it, and then just starts falling. Probably not a vehicle used for true cross-island cluster travel and more for getting between islands in a single cluster . So on the bright side, it won't just go flying off on its own unless we provide another power source

On the down side, it's probably not surviving that fall unless that goop is some real heavy duty stuff
One of the Elephants in the room I feel as far as Island structures we have seen in the trailer comes from our Quad Drone scene:

You might be thinking its obviously the Death Star in front us., and you would be correct, But to me perspective of size is hard to figure out when looking at these islands and the objects and structures on them in the scenes from the trailers we have seen so far.
This is a Massive tower to the left of us with what I thought at first looked like an average sized Pillar with one of the Lotus Flower/ Pine-cone lamps on top depending on which camp you are in: As we zoom into it with Link in foreground, it almost looks like it gets smaller some how and still looks like an averaged size Pillar.

Unless you look at the bottom portion of the sky Island and compare the size and realize Its actually equal to or larger than the entire bottom portion of the Island. When looking at it on its own, the scale becomes more apparent compared to the Circle of the Tree.


That Orb type structure on top is likely the size of a very large building or something like the Temple of Time in size and scale. So I can see why some think or have been saying that the islands look bare and uninteresting to a point, but upon closer inspection up close we are going to find many crazy things all over the place that will give us plenty of "wtf is that moments" in this game.
So to me its not surprising they aren't showing us any of the islands up close as well as most of the surface Hyrule. And if I take the opposite approach of what they feel they can show us up close which is two or three scenes of Hyrule in the daytime, it means everything else has probably changed in some way as we get closer to it and that could be part of the big surprise in exploration.
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What if I were to tell you all that the 3 headed dragon is a gleeok (duh), but there are other versions. Ice, electric... And malice versions.

One of the Elephants in the room I feel as far as Island structures we have seen in the trailer comes from our Quad Drone scene:

You might be thinking its obviously the Death Star in front us., and you would be correct, But to me perspective of size is hard to figure out when looking at these islands and the objects and structures on them in the scenes from the trailers we have seen so far.
This is a Massive tower to the left of us with what I thought at first looked like an average sized Pillar with one of the Lotus Flower/ Pine-cone lamps on top depending on which camp you are in: As we zoom into it with Link in foreground, it almost looks like it gets smaller some how and still looks like an averaged size Pillar.

Unless you look at the bottom portion of the sky Island and compare the size and realize Its actually equal to or larger than the entire bottom portion of the Island. When looking at it on its own, the scale becomes more apparent compared to the Circle of the Tree.


That Orb type structure on top is likely the size of a very large building or something like the Temple of Time in size and scale. So I can see why some think or have been saying that the islands look bare and uninteresting to a point, but upon closer inspection up close we are going to find many crazy things all over the place that will give us plenty of "wtf is that moments" in this game.
So to me its not surprising they aren't showing us any of the islands up close as well as most of the surface Hyrule. And if I take the opposite approach of what they feel they can show us up close which is two or three scenes of Hyrule in the daytime, it means everything else has probably changed in some way as we get closer to it and that could be part of the big surprise in exploration.
Wait is that a tree? I thought it was like, a tuft of grass or something

That's one big pillar in that case
The slate being Purah's makeshift Sheikah Slate makes a ton of sense, but then what happened to the original one?
I tried to see if I could compare directly with BotW press kit screenshots but the compression made it difficult, I couldn't immediately tell how much better the edges were. When Link is close to the camera, it looks the same for both TotK and BotW. When Link is further away, TotK appears to look better. LoD and texture detail were the bigger standouts.

So I wanted to see if I could do a comparison myself but Switch screenshot compression and resolution means it's unfair for BotW. So take this for all it's worth, I'm posting it anyway cause I didn't my effort of switching Wi-Fi networks to pull a screenshot off my Switch to go to waste 😅 Also there's no more lava in TotK's Death Mountain so it made finding the exact positioning difficult and the haze will affect the near detail (just in case anyone tells me this comparison isn't the best - trust me ik)

But even when seeing it on my television screen, TotK appears to have better detail in the far distance. And not just in this area.


I'd be stoked if the game looks like the press kit screenshots - seems like they've been filing off BotW's rough edges. The pixel staircase on the planks in the TotK screenshot makes me hopeful that it's not a bullshot. However, the glider screenshots from the Twitter account seem to be because they're so much sharper - or they've implemented a proper dynamic resolution scaler this time around. (BotW only had a few resolutions it cycled between IIRC.)

Distant textures and lighting seem to be improved, although Death Mountain was one of the roughest looking sections of BotW so the comparison is extra stark. Also, as Brainchild mentioned, BotW and TotK are extremely dynamic looking games so comparing screenshots 1-to-1 is difficult.

Those low hanging clouds are a certain win though - yum!
About the new sheikah tablet:

I kinda cooled off on the tablet speculation - turns out a lot of similarities between it and other Zelda imagery like the Lens of Truth is down to the Sheikah logo itself:
Have not seen anyone talk about this since the new trailer dropped but we've seen in September that they are literally adding new stables to overworld. The comments of "literally same map" are overblowm imo.
Aerial combat has to be an important part of the gameplay; I'm surprised nothing about that has been shown yet. For some reason, they kept showing Link free falling direct after direct. What are your expectations for aerial combat? Personally, I want some tough flying enemies; that 3 headed dragon has wings, so it looks like it can fly too, could make for an awesome from the ground to the sky type of battle 🤔 I'm also really interested in what kind of effects the weather will have on us this time, really really curious about that huge tornado too. I keep thinking about all the possibilities all day at work lol
Aerial combat has to be an important part of the gameplay; I'm surprised nothing about that has been shown yet. For some reason, they kept showing Link free falling direct after direct. What are your expectations for aerial combat? Personally, I want some tough flying enemies; that 3 headed dragon has wings, so it looks like it can fly too, could make for an awesome from the ground to the sky type of battle 🤔 I'm also really interested in what kind of effects the weather will have on us this time, really really curious about that huge tornado too. I keep thinking about all the possibilities all day at work lol
Yeah, the fact that they haven't shown aerial combat is obvious that they are hiding a lot of stuff, glad that we saw it in patents. Speaking of, the phasing through was no show once again and so was time rewind. The next trailer will literally go all in.
Yeah, the fact that they haven't shown aerial combat is obvious that they are hiding a lot of stuff, glad that we saw it in patents. Speaking of, the phasing through was no show once again and so was time rewind. The next trailer will literally go all in.
Oh yeah, that new phasing mechanic too. All the more reason for me to think there will be either a 15-20 minute long direct or a big overview trailer in the next month. I think they comfirm/explain more about some of the stuff they teased in all the teasers and trailers. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
This sequence made me so happy when I saw it in the trailer just because we didn’t have confirmation of the seemless transition yet and I’m giessing it was probably overlooked by a lot of fans. I’m not sure if I will be truly sure until I see Link fall all the way to the surface but these shots pretty much confirm no loading screens.
I‘m also guessing that this single sequence was a big driving factor in creating this game and the sky islands because of the development Team not being able to reach the full potential in skyward sword.
Given the Zelda team's dedication to details, I can already see myself experimenting, letting Link falling to his death in different armours to see what happens 😆
With the snow and lava (mostly) gone, and Link wearing regular clothing high in the sky when BotW tied temperature to altitude, I'm wondering if they've done away with the heat/cold mechanic...
Anyone noticed the 'skyloft' area looks weird in the trailer @1:17 compared to the view in the website extended footage? They seem to be recorded from the same place at similar time of day, just looking in different angles.
In the trailer, the temple part is missing and the bottom of the islands have a bunch of rectangles under them instead of points. I'm guessing it's just some sort of occlusion glitch that was happening near the edges of the screen rather than anything deliberate but idk.

I'm very curious about aerial combat, especially because BotW didn't have that many flying enemies (Skywatchers and Sentries are probably gone or replaced). The new one looks cool and will likely have a few variants, any guesses what it could be?


Something completely new or based on an old enemy like a Vire? It's the closest resemblance I can find from the existing ones:


Artwork from Oracle of Ages/Seasons

Makes me hope for more, though. Aeralfos are an obvious one but I hope there are others.
I'm very curious about aerial combat, especially because BotW didn't have that many flying enemies (Skywatchers and Sentries are probably gone or replaced). The new one looks cool and will likely have a few variants, any guesses what it could be?


Something completely new or based on an old enemy like a Vire? It's the closest resemblance I can find from the existing ones:


Artwork from Oracle of Ages/Seasons

Makes me hope for more, though. Aeralfos are an obvious one but I hope there are others.

They look new to me, or at least a whole new design if it's an "old" Zelda enemy.

Kinda looking like moth/butterfly-frogs to me.
With the snow and lava (mostly) gone, and Link wearing regular clothing high in the sky when BotW tied temperature to altitude, I'm wondering if they've done away with the heat/cold mechanic...
They are definitely not done with it. In BOTW trailers Link was in Gerudo with champions tunic and he appeared just fine, while in game it's completely different. I think it's just a trailer thing.
These next few months will be perhaps the worst waiting period I've experienced in some time for a new game. Maybe Wind Waker or Oracle of Ages/Seasons comes close, but that's it.

Edit - what are you playing (beyond BOTW) to alleviate the wait? Minish Cap and Oracle of Ages/Seasons are my plan from the Zelda series, along with Metroid Prime when physical copies ship.
The Loftwing is going to be the new horse in the game, but probably won’t be acquired until late game otherwise there would be no need for any of the flying vehicles. And I think when we get it, we’ll be able to use our bows and swords while riding it. It’s going to be epic!
I would say it's grass, no?
That’s kind of the point I’m getting at as well, I had to go frame by frame in zoom mode in that section because I kind of thought the same thing at first glance, it’s definitely a yellow Ginko tree it’s just placed further back like @Mango suggested as well. So that in itself is odd as well, you make an entire island and place a massive stone structure on it with one tree? This makes it nearly impossible to tell how large it is until you slowly get closer and closer to it.
The Loftwing is going to be the new horse in the game, but probably won’t be acquired until late game otherwise there would be no need for any of the flying vehicles. And I think when we get it, we’ll be able to use our bows and swords while riding it. It’s going to be epic!
I want.
The Loftwing is going to be the new horse in the game, but probably won’t be acquired until late game otherwise there would be no need for any of the flying vehicles. And I think when we get it, we’ll be able to use our bows and swords while riding it. It’s going to be epic!

This implies the presence of a Loftwing God somewhere in the game too. Actually, that's a terrifying idea and I'm sorry.
On the note of the Zonai powers, it would be somewhat odd if we didn't maintain Stasis, Bomb and Magnesis from the start. These abilities more or less informed a huge chunk of exploration and manipulation worked (Cryonis to a lesser extent but with vehicle building this one doesn't seem as necessary). The new abilities would have to come early and be really significant to offset the loss of the Slate powers, but part of me feels like those Zonai abilities aren't going to be as frontloaded as BOTW's were. Since TOTK is working off of an established formula and world, I imagine they'll pace themselves to make character upgrades feel more like a significant process. The Champion abilities in BOTW were supposed to offer a semblance of progression but outside of Revali's Gale they were all just way too contextual to feel significant.
The first thing I'm doing the moment I have access to the surface is to check on every village and town. Could you imagine you get to Hateno and it's overrun with Redeads?

I REALLY hope there's a save file check in TotK for at least two things; Your house and Tarrey Town in BotW.
The first thing I'm doing the moment I have access to the surface is to check on every village and town. Could you imagine you get to Hateno and it's overrun with Redeads?

I REALLY hope there's a save file check in TotK for at least two things; Your house and Tarrey Town in BotW.

Completely agree. I'd love for there to be carryover for the walled items in our house as well - even if Hateno and our home is destroyed, mabye one of the survivors saves those items in hopes that we'd one day return for them.
Would be kinda a running gag if Link's house was destroyed in the aftermath of the TotK opening.

First, he had to buy back his own house for scalper prices. Then being destroyed.

Poor guy.
On the note of the Zonai powers, it would be somewhat odd if we didn't maintain Stasis, Bomb and Magnesis from the start. These abilities more or less informed a huge chunk of exploration and manipulation worked (Cryonis to a lesser extent but with vehicle building this one doesn't seem as necessary). The new abilities would have to come early and be really significant to offset the loss of the Slate powers, but part of me feels like those Zonai abilities aren't going to be as frontloaded as BOTW's were. Since TOTK is working off of an established formula and world, I imagine they'll pace themselves to make character upgrades feel more like a significant process. The Champion abilities in BOTW were supposed to offer a semblance of progression but outside of Revali's Gale they were all just way too contextual to feel significant.
I think it actually works better if those are completely gone. Maybe not bombs since that's a Zelda staple, but regular stasis, magnesis and cryonis. It will make exploration more fresh and treacherous, which is I believe exactly what they're going for here. I really think the ground level will be treated as extremely dangerous and hostile to life, with the sky being a bit of a respite zone and the underground amping up the danger to 11.
But my overall takeaway is that it's incredible that after 6 years I could be staring at the images and mistake one for the other, or be otherwise unable to tell them apart.
the Switch is pretty damn close to the Wii U, in handheld mode at least. with Docked being a higher resolution version of that, I'd say that the Switch was maxed out damn near day one. that's the price one pays to onboard Wii U games almost immediately
Holy heck, a wind gust ability makes so much sense.

Like the Cyclos Rune mod in BotW, but less OP.
I agree, those ribbons at the end of our new paraglider might mean the direction of the wind can help or hinder us when we're gliding through the air, like WW sailing but not as influential.
On the note of the Zonai powers, it would be somewhat odd if we didn't maintain Stasis, Bomb and Magnesis from the start. These abilities more or less informed a huge chunk of exploration and manipulation worked (Cryonis to a lesser extent but with vehicle building this one doesn't seem as necessary). The new abilities would have to come early and be really significant to offset the loss of the Slate powers, but part of me feels like those Zonai abilities aren't going to be as frontloaded as BOTW's were. Since TOTK is working off of an established formula and world, I imagine they'll pace themselves to make character upgrades feel more like a significant process. The Champion abilities in BOTW were supposed to offer a semblance of progression but outside of Revali's Gale they were all just way too contextual to feel significant.
I believe the new abilities are going to substitute the old ones.

For example, in the new trailer the ability to lift the wheel or move that mechanism in the sky is the new magnesis.

That one ability that moves object back to its initial position is replacing stasis.

Bombs could not be a new ability for that magic hand, and more like normal weapons/objects, considering we saw that canon throwing a bomb to the enemie underground.

Then the traspassing ceilings ability may be a new one to replace bombs, and then there’s only one left to know (imo).

Cryonis was my least useful ability in BotW, so I doubt they are going to put it again or something similar.

Now, Zelda has the sheikah slate, and if the old abilities returns it could be there, and if Zelda is playable, maybe she will use all of them. But who knows.
Okay I've been thinking a lot about how this game starts and I think we're doing 1 of 2 things. Might be a long post so forgive me if it is.

OPTION 1 (think Twilight Princess meets ALBW):
  1. we start on the ground, see cutscenes of Link and Zelda walking around Hyrule, greeting people, solving problems, etc.
  2. Link and Zelda fight a monster that has that extra Malice problem, either near the castle or inside it.
  3. Link and Zelda agree that something's happening beneath the castle and go to look.
  4. linear gameplay sequence where we're introduced to the underground. cutscenes take over after introductory boss fight.
  5. Link and Zelda enter the chamber of the ritual and we see the awakening of Lich King Ganondorf, Zelda falls down the pit, Link passes out, the spirit possesses Link's arm.
  6. the New Calamity takes over Hyrule, everyone dies, Hyrule on the ground is littered with monsters.
  7. Link wakes up in the sky islands and "Hylia" is there, explains the situation, then a mini-tutorial introducing the arm powers. then Link skydives back down and it's back to business.
  1. similar to BOTW, Link awakens in a temple in the sky with no real clue how he got there. he's dressed in the sky tunic, his arm is already fukked up.
  2. he opens the door seen in the first trailer, looks out to see hyrule below him and the malice everywhere.
  3. he meets "Hylia", she tells him things haven't gone well and shows the new calamity. she says he and Zelda may have jumpstarted Ganondorf's plan upon being discovered and this means he's not at full power so it actually gives them a chance to stop him.
  4. sky island tutorial. new skydiving mechanisms, arm powers, etc.
  5. once "Hylia" feels you're okay to go, she regifts you your champion's tunic, as a "symbol of hyrule's saviors" (basically the new green hero's tunic lore), and she explains that Hyrule has been overrun with beasts and is more dangerous than ever, sky islands are the "land of the gods" and the heiroglyphics you see are essentially symbols of where dormant power is throughout the land to rid Hyrule of Ganondorf and you need to go there and awaken them (dungeons).
  6. Zelda speaks to Link through telepathy, still alive. Link asks (through text prompts of course) where she is, she tells Link not to worry about her, but about himself. Ganondorf is insanely strong and you can't stop him.
  7. Link skydives off the island, some midair archery, music is more pronounced, and you land in central hyrule. go live your life.
Both of these have the same #8: Link lands in Hyrule, and we cut to black for a moment. Fade in on Zelda, wandering around the underground where she landed. She uses her new fangled Sheikah Slate to try and illuminate her path and the Luminous Stones around her start glowing. She can see through the screen of the slate, a spirit of a Zonai counsler. Zonai were betrayed by Ganondorf, they were loyal followers, they built the temple for him, he killed them anyway. It's now our job as Zelda to go throughout and recruit spirits of the fallen Zonai underground.

It feels like option 2 may be likely because they could somewhat stick with the memory system/non-linear story, and gameplay can be as immediate as it was in BOTW. All of the visuals of the New Calamity could be memories, as would be the path to discovering Ganondorf.
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I might get shit for this but the visuals look almost exactly the same to me. Some obvious minor differences throughout but nothing screaming a significant engine revamp.

You’re not wrong. At best I’d be expecting performance optimizations.
Thats what i was talking from the start. Som expected a huge jump because "botw was a rushed launche port, they had 6 years, it has to look leagues above"... Ignoring that botw was everything but a rushed job. They knew the architecture perfectly well, had close help from nvidia, pushed the launch of both back, and ignoring that expansion of the map and systems would eat up resources to.
Yeah I think the big changes will be hopefully better framerate, longer draw distance, seemless transition from sky to ground, ground to sky, maybe a few graphical improvements. Hoping a native 1080p image.
I expect some refinement, but 1080 with all the other improvements seem utopic. I expect them to aim at the same resolution (dynamic 900p), maybe theyll try some AA as with Xenoblade 3.
Whenever I bring up that BotW was a relatively quick port from the Wii U, I don't mean to imply that there would be some huge leap in visuals. The 2019 and 2021 trailers have already established my expectations. It's to refute the idea that there would be no improvements whatsoever or that this game will perform notably worse, which is a common refrain. The original already looks very good, that they focused on improving draw distance detail is smart considering the premise of this game. Watch a video of folks building flying machines and you can see the loss of detail when going up very very high. And I still think video compression and dynamic weather effects are messing with our ability to draw direct comparisons.
Okay I've been thinking a lot about how this game starts and I think we're doing 1 of 2 things. Might be a long post so forgive me if it is.

  1. we start on the ground, see cutscenes of Link and Zelda walking around Hyrule, greeting people, solving problems, etc.
  2. Link and Zelda fight a monster that has that extra Malice problem, either near the castle or inside it.
  3. Link and Zelda agree that something's happening beneath the castle and go to look.
  4. linear gameplay sequence where we're introduced to the underground. cutscenes take over after introductory boss fight.
  5. Link and Zelda enter the chamber of the ritual and we see the awakening of Lich King Ganondorf, Zelda falls down the pit, Link passes out, the spirit possesses Link's arm.
  6. the New Calamity takes over Hyrule, everyone dies, Hyrule on the ground is littered with monsters.
  7. Link wakes up in the sky islands and "Hylia" is there, explains the situation, then a mini-tutorial introducing the arm powers. then Link skydives back down and it's back to business.
  1. similar to BOTW, Link awakens in a temple in the sky with no real clue how he got there. he's dressed in the sky tunic, his arm is already fukked up.
  2. he opens the door seen in the first trailer, looks out to see hyrule below him and the malice everywhere.
  3. he meets "Hylia", she tells him things haven't gone well and shows the new calamity. she says he and Zelda may have jumpstarted Ganondorf's plan upon being discovered and this means he's not at full power so it actually gives them a chance to stop him.
  4. sky island tutorial. new skydiving mechanisms, arm powers, etc.
  5. once "Hylia" feels you're okay to go, she regifts you your champion's tunic, as a "symbol of hyrule's saviors" (basically the new green hero's tunic lore), and she explains that Hyrule has been overrun with beasts and is more dangerous than ever, sky islands are the "land of the gods" and the heiroglyphics you see are essentially symbols of where dormant power is throughout the land to rid Hyrule of Ganondorf and you need to go there and awaken them (dungeons).
  6. Zelda speaks to Link through telepathy, still alive. Link asks (through text prompts of course) where she is, she tells Link not to worry about her, but about himself. Ganondorf is insanely strong and you can't stop him.
  7. Link skydives off the island, some midair archery, music is more pronounced, and you land in central hyrule. go live your life.
Both of these have the same #8: Link lands in Hyrule, and we cut to black for a moment. Fade in on Zelda, wandering around the underground where she landed. She uses her new fangled Sheikah Slate to try and illuminate her path and the Luminous Stones around her start glowing. She can see through the screen of the slate, a spirit of a Zonai counsler. Zonai were betrayed by Ganondorf, they were loyal followers, they built the temple for him, he killed them anyway. It's now our job as Zelda to go throughout and recruit spirits of the fallen Zonai underground.

It feels like option 2 may be likely because they could somewhat stick with the memory system/non-linear story, and gameplay can be as immediate as it was in BOTW. All of the visuals of the New Calamity could be memories, as would be the path to discovering Ganondorf.

Option #1 is my preference, but feels like the structure of that deviates from what they tried to do with BOTW. Too "locked-in" (but I think they should take the gamble anyway).

Step #8 is the mic-drop many of us have been waiting on for ages, hope they've had the guts to finally put that together.
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