StarTopic Star Wars |ST| SW fans cannot help what they are. Their passion leaves a trail. The enthusiasm for Star Wars is like an itch. They cannot help it.

La Dirección General de Tráfico de España is running a campaign regarding being a Mandalorian vehicular safety.


Soy el Soberano Supremo y apruebo este mensaje.

Este es el camino.
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Que rico.

Sí, es un buen uso de la serie, aunque tal vez un poco a nivel superficial. En cualquier caso, los elementos más profundos no son el punto. Simplemente transmite un mensaje muy importante: use tú casco.

However, while this campaign doesn't need to delve into the nuances of Mandalorian helmet traditions and requirements and, further, the question of what makes a Mandalorian, I do wish the show would have afforded more weight to these fundamental questions -- at least as far as Din is concerned, given he's gone down a path where he's been confronted by the existence of Mandalorians who don't adhere to the strict helmet culture of The Children of the Watch and then to where he chose to break the Prime Rule himself. It leads to a situation where it would have made sense he'd question different things, even if he ultimately decides he must return and adhere to the Watch's Way.

It all just seems glossed over.

Regardless, sé mandaloriano.

Pero ...¿Qué es un mandaloriano?
I thought this episode was fine I guess. It had some cool action scenes. Tbh I still wish it had been IG 11 instead of Grogu piloting IG 12, but it was cool to see IG 11 return in the end anyway.

Tbh I feel like Moff Gideon was kind of a generic villain, I just didn’t think there was anything really interesting about him. Really cool looking suit though. I thought it was super ironic he said “Mandalorians are nothing without their trinkets,” like literally the whole reason he was winning against them was because of his suit. Din defeated him without much trouble last season.

Overall a pretty good episode, I just feel like it was kind of predictable, it didn’t really have anything unexpected imo. That ending with the Mythosaur was cool though, I’d like to see more of it in future seasons. Also that giant creature from last episode, it just completely disappeared in this one.
I thought this episode was fine I guess. It had some cool action scenes. Tbh I still wish it had been IG 11 instead of Grogu piloting IG 12, but it was cool to see IG 11 return in the end anyway.

Tbh I feel like Moff Gideon was kind of a generic villain, I just didn’t think there was anything really interesting about him. Really cool looking suit though. I thought it was super ironic he said “Mandalorians are nothing without their trinkets,” like literally the whole reason he was winning against them was because of his suit, Din defeated him without much trouble last season.

Overall a pretty good episode, I just feel like it was kind of predictable, it didn’t really have anything unexpected imo. That ending with the Mythosaur was cool though, I’d like to see more of it in future seasons. Also that giant creature from last episode, it just completely disappeared in this one.
Imma gonna be honest with everyone.

...This whole season of The Mandalorian was mid at best.
Imma gonna be honest with everyone.

...This whole season of The Mandalorian was mid at best.

Yeah, maybe I’d say slightly better than mid because of some episodes, but overall I think I agree.

I thought The Mines of Mandalore was pretty good. The Convert was different/interesting imo. And I thought The Pirate was a fun episode.

But overall, yeah I’d probably say the season was average.
Yeah, maybe I’d say slightly better than mid because of some episodes, but overall I think I agree.

I thought The Mines of Mandalore was pretty good. The Convert was different/interesting imo. And I thought The Pirate was a fun episode.

But overall, yeah I’d probably say the season was average.
I thought it was pretty underwhelming on the whole despite some good moments. It's always fun to watch but yea... after Season One it has become progressively worse. On another Star Wars note... the Jedi Survivor ST i put together is all drafted and ready to go - will probably post on Monday for a bit of pre-release discussion (information about file size etc... is evolving) and ready to add in reviews when the embargo lifts etc...
I thought it was pretty underwhelming. It's always fun to watch but yea... after Season One it has become progressively worse.

Yeah I can agree with that. I def liked Season 1 the most too, and I think the Mandalorian being a bounty hunter is more interesting to me than when he’s in the Mandalorian clan.

Part of what I like about the ending of Season 3 is it seems like the show will be going back to this style. He’s going back to being a bounty hunter, just this time for the New Republic. I can see next season being similar to season 1 with him going on different missions.
I thought it was pretty underwhelming on the whole despite some good moments. It's always fun to watch but yea... after Season One it has become progressively worse. On another Star Wars note... the Jedi Survivor ST i put together is all drafted and ready to go - will probably post on Monday for a bit of pre-release discussion (information about file size etc... is evolving) and ready to add in reviews when the embargo lifts etc...
Can't wait to see your work on the Survivor ST!
I believe they're trying to answer that, somewhat, with this show.
In that case, oh, I do wish they'd allow themselves to linger on it for a moment. Every opportunity to that effect seems quite glossed over.

It's one of those things I've noticed as the show has gone on, that it seems intent on skirting around when presented with the opportunity to actually do something. It's filled with clear opportunity for characterwork and thematic exploration but chooses to engage with that very little in exchange for focusing on plot, but even that is held together very loosely and is nowhere near strong enough to support the show on its own:
The Mandalorian, I find, seems to be more hitting plot points at the expense of story, to its overall detriment.

As I mentioned earlier, the question of simply "what is a Mandalorian" or of Djarin's place in that world and his path forward was a clear element to gave him and the show explore -- not as a part of any need to get him out of the Watch but because his journey up to that point would have led him to this. He had decided on two occasions already that something -- or, really, someone in both, the same someone in fact -- was more important than adhering to the Watch's Prime Rule, and that's something he would probably struggle with, at least beyond only the question of how he can be redeemed.

It was something that showed up in the second season as well, where the different characters he meets have clear thematic connection to what he's going through, but the show kind of breezes right by, almost leaving the impression the writer thought including the potential for this thematic material was thoroughly engaged with through its existence (Interestingly enough, the episode I thought best -- The Believer, S.2 E.7 -- did do some of this thematic and character work, and happened to have a different writer).

But that aversion seems dialed further in the new season, where the characters are moved into place simply because that's where the plot requires. And, yeah, I don't think the plot by itself is strong enough to overcome that.
In that case, oh, I do wish they'd allow themselves to linger on it for a moment. Every opportunity to that effect seems quite glossed over.

It's one of those things I've noticed as the show has gone on, that it seems intent on skirting around when presented with the opportunity to actually do something. It's filled with clear opportunity for characterwork and thematic exploration but chooses to engage with that very little in exchange for focusing on plot, but even that is held together very loosely and is nowhere near strong enough to support the show on its own:

As I mentioned earlier, the question of simply "what is a Mandalorian" or of Djarin's place in that world and his path forward was a clear element to gave him and the show explore -- not as a part of any need to get him out of the Watch but because his journey up to that point would have led him to this. He had decided on two occasions already that something -- or, really, someone in both, the same someone in fact -- was more important than adhering to the Watch's Prime Rule, and that's something he would probably struggle with, at least beyond only the question of how he can be redeemed.

It was something that showed up in the second season as well, where the different characters he meets have clear thematic connection to what he's going through, but the show kind of breezes right by, almost leaving the impression the writer thought including the potential for this thematic material was thoroughly engaged with through its existence (Interestingly enough, the episode I thought best -- The Believer, S.2 E.7 -- did do some of this thematic and character work, and happened to have a different writer).

But that aversion seems dialed further in the new season, where the characters are moved into place simply because that's where the plot requires. And, yeah, I don't think the plot by itself is strong enough to overcome that.
Tbh, The Mandalorian season 3 blew.

Both "The Mandalorian!" (as Vane called him) and The Mandalorian seem like a light-weight character and show now.

Sorry, I just can't get over how he was called "The Mandalorian!" in that one dogfight scene.

On another note, Ahsoka looks good; wonder when that's coming out.


Video is 3 minutes and 17 seconds, in case you want to know beforehand.

The Book of Boba Fett season 2 is happening.

And The Mandalorian season 4 is rumored to be happening.

Also, Hayden Christensen and Diego Luna have a convo together!

If anyone likes Clone Wars tv show and critical analysis, A More Civilized Age is a great podcast. I just got back into listening to it. I'm on s3 or so of the show but I'm still on s1 of their discussion on it.
If anyone likes Clone Wars tv show and critical analysis, A More Civilized Age is a great podcast. I just got back into listening to it. I'm on s3 or so of the show but I'm still on s1 of their discussion on it.
I don't like their negativity regarding Lucas, though I have enjoyed their podcast in the past while I still listened to it.
I hope that rumor (from that video above) of Alden Ehrenreich returning as Han Solo is true in any capacity. I think Solo: A Star Wars Story is honestly a top 3 Star Wars movie for me and would love a direct sequel to it. Hopefully this increases the chance of that happening.
Anyone anticipating Star Wars Ahsoka?
You bet!

As a Rebels fan, this is also the sequel to the Ghost family's adventures that I never gave up hope of seeing.

I hope a certain someone's appearance in Mando means I can look forward to seeing him again in Ahsoka, too
You bet!

As a Rebels fan, this is also the sequel to the Ghost family's adventures that I never gave up hope of seeing.

I hope a certain someone's appearance in Mando means I can look forward to seeing him again in Ahsoka, too
Never quite liked Rebels. I don't know why.

On another sad note...

Thoughts, everyone?
Thoughts, everyone?

Ehhhhh!? I go on r/StarWarsLeaks on a regular basis, why haven't I seen anything of this sort...

"... Cosmic Book News made the initial report based on the claims of noted leaker Doom Cock..."

another article itself is from GiantFreakingRobot

Ah, there it is!

Little quick tip: If a Star Wars article/video hails from, or utilizes any of these as a "source": Mike Zeroh, Doomcock, Hashtag Show, InsideTheMagic, Nick Santos, Giant Freaking Robot, fake "leaks" twitter accounts, 4chan's probably bullshit, at best.
Ehhhhh!? I go on r/StarWarsLeaks on a regular basis, why haven't I seen anything of this sort...

Ah, there it is!

Little quick tip: If a Star Wars article/video hails from, or utilizes any of these as a "source": Mike Zeroh, Doomcock, Hashtag Show, InsideTheMagic, Nick Santos, Giant Freaking Robot, fake "leaks" twitter accounts, 4chan's probably bullshit, at best.
Oh snap!

I didn't recognize the name at first, but now I remember:

Doom Cock is one of those anti-Disney YouTubers who are very right-wing that hate Star Wars now and spread lies and rumors about the franchise.

Sorry about that! I learned about Doom Cock years ago, but hadn't seen the name again till now. 😅

He's still around? Damn... 🤨

Thrawn's got a new ship.

Also, holy shit, Andor season 2 has stopped production. Wow.
I was planning on posting a Star Wars ST, somehow I'd completely missed this one, good thing I did a last minute check :p!

Anyway, massive fan. Especially Eps 4-9, Solo, Rogue One, Rebels, Mando, Andor, Bad Batch, the Rogue Squadron film/series that's totally still a thing, RIGHT Lucasfilm???

Looking forward to Ahsoka, I wouldn't say she's my favourite character but I love Sabine and the Rebels crew and the last trailer looked awesome!

Just backed the $500 Haslab Ghost, having enough money for food is over-rated anyway.

Finally got round to playing Jedi Survivor atm (wanted to give TOTK its due first) and it's absolutely fantastic. The gameplay is so much fun and the characters are all great, especially Merrin.
I was planning on posting a Star Wars ST, somehow I'd completely missed this one, good thing I did a last minute check :p!

Anyway, massive fan. Especially Eps 4-9, Solo, Rogue One, Rebels, Mando, Andor, Bad Batch, the Rogue Squadron film/series that's totally still a thing, RIGHT Lucasfilm???

Looking forward to Ahsoka, I wouldn't say she's my favourite character but I love Sabine and the Rebels crew and the last trailer looked awesome!

Just backed the $500 Haslab Ghost, having enough money for food is over-rated anyway.

Finally got round to playing Jedi Survivor atm (wanted to give TOTK its due first) and it's absolutely fantastic. The gameplay is so much fun and the characters are all great, especially Merrin.
Merrin's the best part? NICE!


^ Totally relevant to what we're talking about so watch.

My wife and I finally started watching Rebels ahead of Ahsoka. We're enjoying it, and I'm eagerly awaiting the appearance of Thrawn.

We haven't watched the Clone Wars series so I'm sure there will be things that we miss, but we figured Rebels was a smaller commitment and if we like it we can go back.
People genuinely like Star Wars Rebels now, though I do consider The Clone Wars series to be better.


Anakin Skywalker is going to play a big role here.

Hayden being back on the payroll, and much older now, I'd honestly wonder if they'll "remaster" ROTJ, just with a more mature Anakin being present.

If you're going to erase Sebastian Shaw, you might as well do it in an appropriate way. And with Hayden being fully aware what he's shooting for now... LOL
Hayden being back on the payroll, and much older now, I'd honestly wonder if they'll "remaster" ROTJ, just with a more mature Anakin being present.

If you're going to erase Sebastian Shaw, you might as well do it in an appropriate way. And with Hayden being fully aware what he's shooting for now... LOL
I still don't like them replacing Shaw, but that would be one Lucasy thing I'd be okay with them doing. 😅

Ahsoka's Disney+ Show Gets Unsurprising Rating​

Disney confirmed the upcoming Ahsoka series will maintain the Star Wars streaming status quo with its rating.

Ahsoka unsurprisingly got a TV-14 rating in anticipation of its Disney+ debut, which is in line with every other live-action Star Wars Disney+ show:

  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: TV-PG
  • Star Wars Rebels: TV-Y7
  • Star Wars Resistance: TV-Y7
  • The Mandalorian: TV-14
  • Star Wars: The Bad Batch: TV-PG
  • Star Wars Visions: TV-PG
  • The Book of Boba Fett: TV-14
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: TV-14
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: TV-PG
  • Andor: TV-14
  • Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: TV-Y
The TV-14 rating designated to Ahsoka means that the series "contains material that most parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age," according to the U.S.' TV Parental Guidelines.

On the Marvel side of things, seven of Disney's nine super-powered streaming shows all earned the same TV-14 rating, with only Ms. Marvel and I Am Groot hitting anything other than that with TV-PG ratings:

  • WandaVision: TV-14
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: TV-14
  • Loki Season 1: TV-14
  • What If…? Season 1: TV-14
  • Hawkeye: TV-14
  • Moon Knight: TV-14
  • Ms. Marvel: TV-PG
  • I Am Groot: TV-PG
  • She-Hulk: TV-14
Star Wars has yet to venture out of the realms of PG-13 projects, but Lucasfilm did cancel a movie that would've teetered on the edge of an R-rating.

I'm... un-surprised.
We're in the third season of Rebels now, and we're liking it quite a bit more than I expected. I was very excited to see Thrawn as well, but we've only seen him for a few episodes so far.

The cast is fun, and the show is pretty breezy. I do think there are many characters we would appreciate more if we had watched Clone Wars (the Clones, Ahsoka, Maul, Hondo I assume), but that was never going to happen before Ahsoka. I think we will go back to watch it one day, just not any time soon given the length.

Rebels is definitely a kid's show, but it reminds me of The Last Airbender in that they aren't simplifying things for children. It is funny how often the characters avoid killing storm troopers, to only then explode entire bases and flagships, presumably murdering hundreds to thousands.

Chopper is our favorite character, I'm excited to see this murderous, misanthrope, emotionally complex droid in live action.
We're in the third season of Rebels now, and we're liking it quite a bit more than I expected. I was very excited to see Thrawn as well, but we've only seen him for a few episodes so far.

The cast is fun, and the show is pretty breezy. I do think there are many characters we would appreciate more if we had watched Clone Wars (the Clones, Ahsoka, Maul, Hondo I assume), but that was never going to happen before Ahsoka. I think we will go back to watch it one day, just not any time soon given the length.

Rebels is definitely a kid's show, but it reminds me of The Last Airbender in that they aren't simplifying things for children. It is funny how often the characters avoid killing storm troopers, to only then explode entire bases and flagships, presumably murdering hundreds to thousands.

Chopper is our favorite character, I'm excited to see this murderous, misanthrope, emotionally complex droid in live action.
Oh, that reminds me.

Just forgot to post this:

Do you plan, eventually, to watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars as well?
Yes, at some point, it's just a large commitment lol.

Maybe them doing a live action show in the prequel era will be the motivation we need.

I'll start willing a Fast and the Furious inspired Podracing show into existence.

If you ever do start, consider this podcast and listening alongside watching it:

End of an era.

Lucasfilm Closes Singapore VFX Studio Behind Clone Wars

Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic is moving to "consolidate their global footprint," around 300 Singaporeans will be laid off.


In a move to “consolidate their global footprint,” Lucasfilm is shutting down its Singapore visual effects and animation studio. This division of Industrial Light and Magic was established in 2004 as the lead studio for Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Variety reports that a Disney spokesperson also said that this decision was influenced by “economic factors affecting the industry.”

The news comes on the 15th anniversary of the animated series, which launched on this day in 2008 with a feature length movie. Set between the events of Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005), the Clone Wars animated series would air primarily from 2008-2014 (before returning for a final season in 2020), adding context and character to the galaxy as it dealt with political maneuvering and the struggle between the Sith and Jedi as they postured across trade deals. It helped bring a new, young audience to Star Wars at a time when the franchise had largely retreated into the realm of books, comics, and video games after the conclusion of the prequel trilogy, and introduced some fan favorite characters, including Ahsoka Tano—Anakin Skywalker’s erstwhile padawan, who will soon be starring in her own live-action series.

The shuttering of the Singaporean studio will affect about 300 animators and designers. Luke Hetherington, executive in charge of Industrial Light and Magic’s Singapore and Sydney studios told Variety that they would be working to place the laid off workers at other studios, and will host a job fair to help them find work elsewhere in Singapore.

And with that, many have lost their livelihoods.

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