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Pre-Release Pokémon Scarlet and Violet — Pre-release Discussion Thread (UPDATE: new trailer, see threadmarks)

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Are New Snap's models completely different from the mainline games? I was under the impression that they were based on the main models.
they're based on the Creatures models but retextured and reanimated

those pelipper walking around and the scales on the seviper look really familiar to me
I'm trying to find screenshots of seviper in NPS, but every single image is tiny as fuck for some reason

this is the best I can find, and the pattern doesn't look the same, but I can't find a clearer image

I wouldn't be surprised if Bandai Namco is helping on the visual assets, they did it for several Nintendo games in the past.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bandai Namco is helping on the visual assets, they did it for several Nintendo games in the past.
I've been wondering about this myself. Would certainly help explain how Game Freak is able to put this out as fast as they are.
I’m glad bird Pokémon are actually flying and doing stuff not just hopping around like in Arceus.
Hey there are flying Staravias and Staraptors

They might be flying in circles low to the ground but they’re flying!
Any guesses as to who the Director and Producer are for Scarlett and Violet?

I'm assuming Masuda doesn't have a major role given he served as the Director for BDSP.
Any guesses as to who the Director and Producer are for Scarlett and Violet?

I'm assuming Masuda doesn't have a major role given he served as the Director for BDSP.

Ohmori was hyping the stream earlier today so I'm guessing he's the director.
Any guesses as to who the Director and Producer are for Scarlett and Violet?

I'm assuming Masuda doesn't have a major role given he served as the Director for BDSP.
Very likely Ohmori. I'd bet it all on it tbh
those pelipper walking around and the scales on the seviper look really familiar to me

they're based on the Creatures models but retextured and reanimated

I'm trying to find screenshots of seviper in NPS, but every single image is tiny as fuck for some reason

this is the best I can find, and the pattern doesn't look the same, but I can't find a clearer image

Seviper only appears at night in New Snap, so I had to crank up the brightness on these photos to get the scales to show up.

From what I can tell by the trailer, Seviper's scales in SV are smaller, and the pattern is more fine. You can compare the scales by the hexagonal markings on its back.
So what do we think the franchise will look like going forward?

Traditional remakes are probably going to continue being outsourced, and if GF puts out a new gen every 3 years that gives them time to make other stuff because they're ninjas.

Maybe they will keep doing Legends games tying in with the remakes? I'd like that, but I think it would depend on how different gen 9 really is from Legends. All that open world stuff could lead to over saturation really quick. Maybe Legends will focus more on the action aspects and become primarily an action game maybe?
So what do we think the franchise will look like going forward?

Traditional remakes are probably going to continue being outsourced, and if GF puts out a new gen every 3 years that gives them time to make other stuff because they're ninjas.

Maybe they will keep doing Legends games tying in with the remakes? I'd like that, but I think it would depend on how different gen 9 really is from Legends. All that open world stuff could lead to over saturation really quick. Maybe Legends will focus more on the action aspects and become primarily an action game maybe?
Legends will probably remain fairly different, I imagine, since its core gameplay loop probably won't be included in Gen 9 (though man I'd love if the Pokedex completion tasks came back in some form). And yeah the action elements will remain the same

Or perhaps Legends was a one-off, and we'll get some other experimental title in the mid-gen next time.
So what do we think the franchise will look like going forward?

Traditional remakes are probably going to continue being outsourced, and if GF puts out a new gen every 3 years that gives them time to make other stuff because they're ninjas.

Maybe they will keep doing Legends games tying in with the remakes? I'd like that, but I think it would depend on how different gen 9 really is from Legends. All that open world stuff could lead to over saturation really quick. Maybe Legends will focus more on the action aspects and become primarily an action game maybe?
Don't know what Game Freak will actually do, but that's the direction I want them to go in yeah. Alternate new gens and Legends style games. There's a lot of interesting lore they can explore with the latter format, while still keeping traditional gameplay going strong with the former.
I do hope the battle system is back to normal. No strong/agile style moves, no Pokemon hitting you twice in a row, none of that aggravating filth.
Battle system will be back to normal, definitely. There's no way they're going to mess with the competitive that much

Honestly though, not a huge fan of the idea. Arceus' system may have been poorly designed compared to the traditional system but at least it was a challenge. But maybe I'll put in more effort into understanding the traditional battle system this time around. I tried a bit in SwSh but honestly I just get bored with it at some point. But oh well, being meh on the battle system has never stopped me from enjoying these games.
Seviper only appears at night in New Snap, so I had to crank up the brightness on these photos to get the scales to show up.

From what I can tell by the trailer, Seviper's scales in SV are smaller, and the pattern is more fine. You can compare the scales by the hexagonal markings on its back.

kinda hard to tell, but it looks like they are different textures. the hexagonal patter in SV is normal mapped but Snap doesn't look like it has that. and the scaling pattern is also different as you mentioned
I rewatched the trailer and I'm feeling more positive than I did the first time. If it comes out Nov/Dec I definitely think most of the rougher textures will be smoothed out and the more open gameplay has me cautiously optimistic.
I think it will keep some aspects of the catching and the in field battles of Legends and thats about it
That's all that really needs to stay, honestly. Though I'm curious how they'll handle overworld seamless encounters without the Pokemon attacking you. They could just make it so that you're never aggro'd by Wild Pokemon, but I can't imagine that would go over well (I'd honestly be fine with it personally but there's a strong case to be made against the idea)

Maybe they'll have it so that you automatically throw out a Pokemon when a Wild Pokemon touches you? That could possibly work if a bit awkwardly.
I think the battle system is back to the usual. Which I'm happy about because I love having abilities and held items.

Now Game Freak just has to make S/V present some challenge. Doesn't have to be back-breakingly hard. I just don't want to have to go out of my way to not steamroll the game. And give the Gym Leaders full teams at least.
Game Freak is legendary studio in efficiency,they releasing their 7th switch game,they made a new generation in 3 years with covid, while developing another big scale game and two expansions,both releasing in the same year,insane for a studio with 150 employees
They've sure been releasing a lot of games, but frequently at the cost of said game's quality. It's not really something to be lauded.
I know I'm twelve hours late with this surface-level take, but I can't believe Game Freak is going straight from the best looking player characters (IMO obviously) to... these. They're definitely more impressive on a technical level, but the art style for the humans in this game is definitely not where I want the series to go, particularly the faces. The more detailed textures and lighting works for the pokemon models, and I get that it would look incongruous if the humans had flat textures and cel shading in contrast, but I sure hope the customization options include masks.

That side, this game looks exciting for the fact it's confirming what most of us suspected, that LA's design was a stepping stone between the SWSH DLC and the future of Pokemon. My first thought with the starters was 'Fakemon lol' but they're already growing on me (except the cat, but their name is so good it balances out). Can't wait to see more new Pokemon and towns!
That's all that really needs to stay, honestly. Though I'm curious how they'll handle overworld seamless encounters without the Pokemon attacking you. They could just make it so that you're never aggro'd by Wild Pokemon, but I can't imagine that would go over well (I'd honestly be fine with it personally but there's a strong case to be made against the idea)

Maybe they'll have it so that you automatically throw out a Pokemon when a Wild Pokemon touches you? That could possibly work if a bit awkwardly.
I could see the trainer attacking carry over if it was a little less ubiquitous and most Pkmn went on their way generally (given we're in urban environments a bit more and Pkmn more used to humans than they were in Legends time. I think seamless probably means "on the game terrain" rather than a magical battle arena as per SwSh etc... but there could be some kind of battle transition still
Suddenly glad I held off on buying Arceus. If this integrates the Arceus elements into the traditional formula, as appearances suggest, it would make Arceus kinda redundant for me.

Going to wait.

If it does turn out to be rushed or critically lacking in some way, I can always default back to Arceus.
Any guesses as to who the Director and Producer are for Scarlett and Violet?

I'm assuming Masuda doesn't have a major role given he served as the Director for BDSP.
Director is definitely Ohmori. Masuda doesn't direct the big main games of the generation anymore. In fact, Let's Go was supposed to be his last go as director period; but he ended up co-directing BDSP anyway.
That's all that really needs to stay, honestly. Though I'm curious how they'll handle overworld seamless encounters without the Pokemon attacking you. They could just make it so that you're never aggro'd by Wild Pokemon, but I can't imagine that would go over well (I'd honestly be fine with it personally but there's a strong case to be made against the idea)

Maybe they'll have it so that you automatically throw out a Pokemon when a Wild Pokemon touches you? That could possibly work if a bit awkwardly.
probably have the pokemon attack you, giving them a preemptive strike against your pokemon
Imo if Gen 9 doesn't have that same overworld interactivity that PLA did there's no point in the game being open world. I think It would take a lot of the immersion out of the exploration.
do people actually think it’s ugly or is it trolling. I feel like I’m missing something
I think GameFreak's natural enemy, trees, are still causing them problems

But other than that the game looks pretty solid. Definitely a step up from Arceus visually (though the artstyle by itself isn't quite as good)
I think PLA is nearly perfect, but if I could make any changes to it, I’d change three things.

1) a true open world
2) better visuals
3) voice acting

SV obviously has the open world, which is great. The visuals are improved from PLA, even if it’s not a massive leap. All that remains to be seen is the voice acting.
This announcement kinda takes the wind out of Arceus imo. Makes it seem like not a big deal.

Basically a month after its release “oh here’s the next one, except it’s actually a new generation and TRUE open world and better looking!” Lmao

Like we all figured Arceus was a stepping stone. I just didn’t think said stone would be crossed so quickly lol

It already wasn’t going to be AS leggy due to lack of multiplayer, but I wonder if this impacts it even more.
I think PLA is nearly perfect, but if I could make any changes to it, I think I’d change three things.

1) a true open world
2) better visuals
3) voice acting

SV obviously has the open world, which is great. The visuals are improved from PLA, even if it’s not a massive leap. All that remains to be seen is the voice acting.
Voice acting is something I'm just literally never expecting from the series at this point. For whatever reason Pokemon just doesn't seem to be interested

This announcement kinda takes the wind out of Arceus imo. Makes it seem like not a big deal.

Basically a month after its release “oh here’s the next one, except it’s actually a new generation and TRUE open world and better looking!” Lmao

Like we all figured Arceus was a stepping stone. I just didn’t think said stone would be crossed so quickly lol
Yeah, it's a bit of a shame Arceus seems to be getting so little time in the spotlight. Still though, I imagine the game will still keep a lot of unique elements that'll make it feel distinct and a worthwhile offering by itself. Like, I can't imagine SV having as much of an emphasis on Pokedex completion or exploration, even with the open world.
One of my issues with this happening so soon is that they don't get to have the time to properly collect feedback from PLA (since the game seems to take after its style a tad) when that game just came out a month ago. I'm sure the game is gonna turn out mostly fine (I mean, I even liked SwSh), but I feel like getting it out this year won't do it that many favors on the improvement front personally.

Either way I'll get the game if it turns out cool. I hope we hear more of it soon.

EDIT: With that said, I fully expect the battle system to be more traditional with hopefully PLA elements in terms of transition and wild Pokemon being able to attack in the overworld or something. The battle system in PLA was the way it is because it was made for single player. I don't see Agile/Strong and multiple turns making a comeback.
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This is extremely antagonistic and rude. Further posts like this will not be tolerated here -Donnie, hologram, Squiddo
I honestly hope Pokemon never is that visually noisy. Part of the reason Arceus has its claws in me is that it being so visually simple is so much easier to process after a full workday. Simpler times.

The typical Nintendo fan, lol. Loves his simple vibrant colours designed for babies. Goo goo ga ga.

Don't deny you'd blow your load if Game Freak made a world anywhere near as good as Monolith's.
The world, gameplay and Pokemon look great, but the MCs are just atrocious, easily the worst ones the series has ever seen. How is it so hard to implement choices there, I'd much prefer to play as an older character and not a little kid.. PLA just nailed this and so it's a backwards step for me.
People are tripping. This looks GREAT. Also won't run at 360p like Xenoblade 3 will in handheld.

The game also won't look anywhere near as good as Xenoblade 3 either. Still don't know how 3 will look in handheld as Monolith are now using their new, upgraded engine.
The game looks alright in spots but I don't think it looks great at all. It doesn't help the trailer looks compressed when they show the game :/
The typical Nintendo fan, lol. Loves his simple vibrant colours designed for babies. Goo goo ga ga.

Don't deny you'd blow your load if Game Freak made a world anywhere near as good as Monolith's.
Lol what the hell. I love monoliths worlds and play many other games but Pokémon. Different games have different vibes my friend, no need to be so rude and childish.
Lol what the hell. I love monoliths worlds and play many other games but Pokémon. Different games have different vibes my friend, no need to be so rude and childish.

You don't play Xenoblade games or love Monolith's worlds otherwise you'd have something Xenoblade 3 related in your avatar.
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