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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST30 Mar. 2024| Famiboards Town-Square

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I have literally never heard someone describe Adam Sandler as a nice person and that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever heard
look. you can appreciate people’s craft to some degree but if you’re not at least a little suspicious of everyone who’s managed some level of celebrity… you should be. even people you like.
got an evil worm who lives in the walls.

Also every time I see the Seinfeld with Kyle I indeed say "KYLE GASS" aloud to myself:
WTF how did I miss that?????

At the risk of sounding like a boomer, I still love watching old shows like that. There is something comforting about those old shows.
Oh hell yeah I grew up watching them, loved them even as a kid, even though I knew they were old. I was watching Happy Days and Sanford and Son a bunch when I was growing up, and my dad also had tapes of the Dean Martin Roasts so while the other kids were gushing about Adam Sandler I was already studying Don Rickles 😅

Old stuff is rad, I love it!

I also met Mary Tyler Moore before she died.

Fun fact about Dick Van Dyke: He is an animator and loves animation. He still animates cartoons during his free time. He also plays video games.

He's 98 years old and still sharp as a tack.

Okay all of that is awesome

There are certain actors who are just genuinely nice people.

Jack Black
Bob Odenkirk
Adam Sandler

I don't think I've ever heard any bad stories about those 3 actors.
I've heard great things about Keanu, too.
I know we shouldn't put celebrities on pedestals but I'm always happy to hear about genuinely good people in prominence. Just to shake things up a bit.
like y’all are really going to bat for the dude who put instructions for “a push-up bra and cleavage” in a casting call? the dude who was so shitty to first nations people that the cultural coordinator and several cast members bailed from a production? who writes so many of the skeevy little jokes in his movies? this is really who we’re doing this for?

like there are certainly tiers and I could definitely point out a lot of gross shit done in the name of “comedy” but I would rather not waste my time like that
People saying positive things about Adam Sandler…

Now there is something I haven’t heard, ever.

Well no, Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems exist
yall wanna hear something fuckin hilarious

I just checked the weather forecast

It's gonna be in the mid-80s here within ten days

lololol shit's gonna be so fire
People saying positive things about Adam Sandler…

Now there is something I haven’t heard, ever.

Well no, Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems exist
He seems to be one of the nicest and grounded actors in Hollywood, so there is that.
@Suswave @9-Volt I'm not claiming any of these actors are saints, and I'm definitely not putting anyone on a pedestal.

My comment has nothing to do with the quality of anyone's work. Everyone knows that Adam Sandler makes bad movies with humor that does not age well. His brand of humor can be lumped in the same category as Family Guy (Seth MacFarlane) and South Park.

I was referring more to how they treat cast and crew members on set. Sometimes you hear horror stories about actors being abusive toward other actors and crew members on set. But you make a valid point about the cultural coordinator and several cast members bailing from a production. Counter-point: Why did he hire a cultural coordinator in the first place? Clearly he wanted their input if he hired them.

When I think of actors who are difficult to work with, my mind immediately goes to Tim Allen, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray... people like that. I don't understand how someone like Tim Allen keeps getting work.

Even if you put aside Tim Allen's politics, nobody seems to enjoy working with him. He always brings a bad energy with him everywhere he goes.
yall wanna hear something fuckin hilarious

I just checked the weather forecast

It's gonna be in the mid-80s here within ten days

lololol shit's gonna be so fire
I keep looking at the weather forecast like 'okay so it's been unusually warm this winter, but it'll do like it did last year and we'll have a colder-than-average April-June, right? RIGHT?' as if me threatening the weather forecast will actually accomplish something
I keep looking at the weather forecast like 'okay so it's been unusually warm this winter, but it'll do like it did last year and we'll have a colder-than-average April-June, right? RIGHT?' as if me threatening the weather forecast will actually accomplish something
I find threatening the weather forecast never works, as in my experience it's the weather forecast that threatens me
Counter-point: Why did he hire a cultural coordinator in the first place? Clearly he wanted their input if he hired them.
and then didn’t listen to that input, insisting that mediocre potshots at people who have been super fucked over constantly were more important than listening. And he still went forward with white people in those roles.

and like — yeah, sure, it does seem like he’s close knit with his casts and crews and goes out of his way to treat them fairly, which is exceedingly rare. I appreciate that.

but there’s still some tact he could take with his cultural footprint. it still effects people, y’know?
Any predictions on the Oscars tomorrow? Oppenheimer seems to be a lock for Best Picture.

but there’s still some tact he could take with his cultural footprint. it still effects people, y’know?

Oh yeah, I definitely understand what you're saying. To be honest, this was the first time that I learned about this. Like I said before, Adam Sandler's production company makes bad movies. That's something we can both agree on.
like y’all are really going to bat for the dude who put instructions for “a push-up bra and cleavage” in a casting call? the dude who was so shitty to first nations people that the cultural coordinator and several cast members bailed from a production? who writes so many of the skeevy little jokes in his movies? this is really who we’re doing this for?

like there are certainly tiers and I could definitely point out a lot of gross shit done in the name of “comedy” but I would rather not waste my time like that
I always thought that that it was agreed upon that Sandler was a hack and a loser. I'm not that in touch with celebrities, but it wouldn't shock me if he was POS, anyway.
Hey, don't forget to put your clocks forward an hour tonight! Because like most things, DST always has politicians going "we should do something about this" then they never do.
There are certain actors who are just genuinely nice people.

Jack Black
Bob Odenkirk
Adam Sandler

I don't think I've ever heard any bad stories about those 3 actors.
Throw in "Weird Al" Yankovic and Dolly Parton while you're at it.

I'd mention Mister Rogers, but the man wasn't acting.
Hey, don't forget to put your clocks forward an hour tonight! Because like most things, DST always has politicians going "we should do something about this" then they never do.
And then when they do say they'll do something about it it's usually to make DST the permanent time instead of doing away with it entirely. So summer days will continue to be way too hot way too late into the evenings and winter mornings would be dark until like 8-9am. I seriously don't get the logic behind it.

Honestly, keeping the DST in rotation makes more sense to me than permanent DST. Yeah, I said it.
You know, with all the boosters that the FF VI, VII, VIII and IX ports has, where you can blast through random encounters in a matter of minutes, it really makes all of them so short and sweet. Mashing through the story, I don’t think any of them exceeds 20 hours. I’m playing FFIX right now and I’m already to first visit in Treno after an evening.
Playing Blasphemous and the content is so heavy I need breaks after 30 minutes, oh man...
I'll say this about Daylight Savings Time.

On my Osaka trip last year, which was at the start of June, I experienced 4 AM sunrises and 7 PM sunsets for the first time. And it felt...pretty dang normal? So make of that what you will.
I dislike daylight savings. I can't wait til April 7 for it to end. I'd rather they kill it altogether.
The concept of DST sounds kinda stupid, doesn't it? Like why do we need to change our clocks because it's getting hotter? It's not like I go outside as often as when it's colder. It comes off as a bunch of arbitrary, dated nonsense.
I'll say this about Daylight Savings Time.

On my Osaka trip last year, which was at the start of June, I experienced 4 AM sunrises and 7 PM sunsets for the first time. And it felt...pretty dang normal? So make of that what you will.
Dunno, I went in September and having sunsets around 5:30 pm and everything being dark at 6:15 was somewhat strange.

Not bad or anything, just weird
I have to manually adjust the clocks on most of my gaming consoles because of this horseshit! Yeah, it's just a minor inconvenience, but still!
Dunno, I went in September and having sunsets around 5:30 pm and everything being dark at 6:15 was somewhat strange.

Not bad or anything, just weird
That doesn't seem too weird to me. Think about it - that's just...how sunrise/sunset is right now, right before we adjust the clock. Around 12 hours of sunlight, around 6 to 6. September and March are both right in that middle point!
DST stands for DoeSThe golfers, coal reserve people, farmers, people who use candles instead of electricity as a light source, still need this?
Happy MAR10 Day weekend, folks! It's time for my yearly celebration thread.

@Raccoon If you want another thread for the directory, I know this one is a bit time sensitive, but go ahead!
Been working on Pikmin 2. Cave system is an interesting way to shake things up, surprised they haven’t considering bringing it back as a spinoff roguelike game. It’d work well with randomization
Today i saw someone playing Pikmin Bloom and that someone wasn‘t me. Out there. In the real World.
To bring it back to music for a sec, I ran across this song a couple years ago while looking into a guitarist named Guthrie Govan. I do not know the band, I don't think I listened to the whole album more than once, but this one song (especially the part where Guthrie comes in around 2:30 (although the keyboard half is righteous as well)) just blew my mind when I first heard it. One of those "put the headphones down and think for a while" moments.

The talent of humans never ceases to amaze me.

Edit: thanks @7threst for beating me to bringing it back to music 🤣
must learn to type faster
At the risk of sounding like a boomer, I still love watching old shows like that. There is something comforting about those old shows.

I also met Mary Tyler Moore before she died.

Fun fact about Dick Van Dyke: He is an animator and loves animation. He still animates cartoons during his free time. He also plays video games.

He's 98 years old and still sharp as a tack.

Dick Van Dyke is still alive???
It really pains me that I didn't get the chance to see Godzilla Minus One in theaters
Same here, between work and theater shenanigans.

surprised they haven’t considering bringing it back as a spinoff roguelike game
Pikmin roguelike would be amazing. Just give me more Nintendo roguelikes so I can continue to not finish games in my backlog

You say some profound things, Yuuka from Nichijou. Which suggests you are not Yuuka from Nichijou!

I hope y'all do cool shit today
Nah, just work for me lol
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