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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST30 Mar. 2024| Famiboards Town-Square

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I think he is spot on with his reasoning behind the Switch Succ delay

Eh, i doubt that. If shitty economy is the reason for the rumored delay, some 4 to 6 months won't change much.
Especially with the danger of that insane shitbag Trump actually winning the election again.

If anything, i'd say there's a fat chance shit gets just worse by then.
I still think they mostly noticed they can still get some Switch bucks this holiday without successor
what's weird is that when people say "big deal" like that it's sort of a sarcastic version, but fat chance does not have an affirmative version. it's apparently derived from "fat lot," also meaning seldom
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital.
I’m so sorry. I hope he’s up there playing Zelda 😔♥️ thank you for sharing. He sounds like an amazing grandpa and a great friend.
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.

My condolences.

A German reaction to the apocalypse, dawn of the gods, nuclear war, an alien attack or no bread in the house.

No bread is serious though.
man, English can be real messed up sometimes when you stop and think about it

"slim chance" and "fat chance" should not mean functionally the same thing. They just shouldn't
would you abolish idioms? irony in idioms? this isn’t an english problem — it’s a universal quirk of human language, and it speaks to a sense of humor and warmth from the dawn of language.

to eradicate that impish gleam in tongues would dash fat chance and inshallah alike. I’m wildly against it.

granted, many idioms ought to retire. not for their winks, but for whom their barbs maim. no shrike to the weary, more the playful mockingbird.
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm at least glad he passed on comfortably.
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
Sorry to hear that switchum. Watching the stream, the passion and warmth of your grandfather was palpable, as was the strong relationship between the two of you.
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
So sorry for your loss. We carry them with us. It sounds like you two had a really special bond. All of that lives on in you.
would you abolish idioms? irony in idioms? this isn’t an english problem — it’s a universal quirk of human language, and it speaks to a sense of humor and warmth from the dawn of language.

to eradicate that impish gleam in tongues would dash fat chance and inshallah alike. I’m wildly against it.

granted, many idioms ought to retire. not for their winks, but for whom their barbs maim. no shrike to the weary, more the playful mockingbird.
My curse is caring very much for wordplay and turns-of-phrase but also being forever slightly irritated by logical inconsistencies once I've noticed them

It's fine, I'm not really coming after idioms altogether, or even "fat chance" specifically. I'm just always gonna be moderately annoying whenever I realize two things that in a literal sense should be complete opposites are, in practice, somehow synonymous instead
In Swiss German we have difficulties to end conversations and say Goodbye in a direct way. So usually one if someone has to go they need to use the word "also" (=well) to signalise that everyone involved has to end a conversation; but in as soon as like 15-30 Minutes so that any sentence with countless relative clauses can be finished. It drives me crazy, I am so bad at planing ahead.
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Now that I’ve played a good chunk of Splatoon 3: Side Order… this rules. The structure works extremely well. I’m a huge fan.

Still haven’t “beaten” it, but I’m having fun.
Having a watch later list on YouTube of zero videos is a joy matched only by having an email inbox with zero emails.
This thread is already like one step of organization away from turning into a T-Square book club (album club?). I'm thinking of trying to go through their discography myself now after basically only being familiar with Travelers before this thread.

I've long suspected the main reason I've never been grabbed by any of the Springsteen songs I know is that I don't really listen to music that's "about the lyrics." Not as a rule, I like uh, fuckin' Ode to Billie Joe? But a lot of singer songwriters, a lot of rap, and a lot of folk seem to fall into this category where there's not enough musically to hold my interest most of the time because the focus is more on the words. Or to put it another way, I like The Doors, but if I ranked their entire discography Light My Fire and The End would probably be at opposite ends of the list, and that is mostly down to the relative importance placed upon the verbosity of one Jim Morrison in those two respective musical numbers.

I like the lyrics to The River and still remember its narrative even though I've only heard it a few times years ago, but it fell into the category of songs where I like the lyrics more than the song itself. I'll give Born to Run a go though. I'm of course at least somewhat familiar with the title track, but I don't think I know any of the others beyond some titles.
Well, although I am the first to champion Springsteen's prose, I'd be remiss if not to mention the Wall Of Sound™ that accompanies almost all his music 😋 His method of songwriting amounts to that if you were to strip away all the pomp, grandeur, and sax (if he was feeling especially sacrilegious), there would still be a song of substance.

But, if the orchestrations and melodies are more your jam, listening to any of his older albums since they got remastered in 2009, you can easily pick out just one instrument at a time and delight in all its subtleties and personalities, from guitar to sax to snare to tom to bass kick to bass to piano to synth to harmonica to glockenspiel. Not to mention, any live concert experience of his is baptism by rock n roll, and when there's nowhere to hide from the sound and just let it engulf you...it damn near makes me believe in a higher power.


I've never really known how to describe it, but same. I grew up loving game music and movie soundtracks, and eventually started getting big into jpop once I discovered anime, and reactions from other people throughout my life have been, like, not great. 😅 Ranging from bafflement to bullying, because I didn't listen to "normal" music with "lyrics in English" that "you can actually understand."

And I'd try to explain how much more the music part hooked me than the lyrics, and that most of what uhh.. dunno if this is fair or accurate but the way I always said it was "what was on the radio" just never really interested me because it seemed to be more about flat melodies that you could sing lyrics over, and the lyrics never meant much to me. And it eventually became obvious to me that I can barely even understand the lyrics that are in English. So to my ears, Japanese and English lyrics were mostly the same because my ears mostly just caught melody and sound without crisply hearing/understanding what the words were saying or meaning.

So people kept telling me I was supposed to pay attention to lyrics, that omitting lyrics (or listening to lyrics in other languages) was weird, and that I must've been trying to be weird or weeby or whatever. But my mind always focused on the musical part instead, and to my tastes jpop just kicked American pop's ass in that regard. 😅

Eventually (as in just a couple years ago) I'd start finding music theory channels on YouTube that delve into the differences in melodic trends between Japan and America and that helped me understand what was so different that I liked (also explained my love of Rick Astley, IYKYK) and then of course there's my absolute adoration for video game and film OSTs. Because no lyrics to worry about there, just pure instrumentals, which clicked perfectly with what my ears wanted. Mitsuda, Kondo, Uematsu, Wise, everyone here is familiar with them, but then I've also had John Williams, Howard Shore, and Alan Silvestri in my rotation since I was a kid.

Hell, as I type this I'm listening to Daft Punk's Infinity Repeating, which does have lyrics but they use them more like a musical instrument that accentuates the overall music, which I love about Daft Punk. But the stuff that's lyric-focused, which as you point out is what a lot of popular genres tend to do, just kinda bounces off me. Only really lyricy western band that I ever became obsessed with was Queen, because Brian May's riffs are otherworldly and as far as the lyrics go Freddie himself is a musical instrument.

God this got bigger and more meandering than I meant for it to


music's good yall, I'm not very knowledgeable about it but I sure fuckin love it 🤘
I actually vibe with this explanation so hard. Ever since I was a kid, I always had a tough time parsing lyrics from a song so while I never understood what was being sung, I just took the idea of a voice as another instrument and compared it to how well it complemented the rest of the song. Even now, unless I have lyrics right in front of me to read, I rarely understand a song fully no matter how many times I hear it before then.

When I do understand lyrics and a singers intentions, it's like rediscovering a song all over again for the first time which is pleasant in its own way, but yeah if I can vibe with a song from the get go based on melodies and instrumentation alone, it's definitely fire

You're shit means that you're bad.
You ain't shit also means that you're bad.
But You are the shit means that you're not bad.

Why is english like this.

It's just as silly in maple syrup land (but I'll be the first to admit that this is extremely intuitive to me and used in regular conversation lol)

Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
Switchum, I am so sorry for your loss 💜 For the times I did get to tune in, it was fun sending questions you and your grandpa's way, and he definitely had such a warm and fun personality. The world feels emptier right now, but those memories you carry with him are how he and his legacy live on, and that's bigger than any one human could physically be. I hope that every new experience you find when playing Zelda in the future, your reminded of the good times you got to share with your Grandpa, as well as envision what his reactions would be at every new discovery as if he were playing alongside you
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
So sorry bud. Glad you got to share those times with him, sounds like it was really special stuff.
You're shit means that you're bad.
You ain't shit also means that you're bad.
But You are the shit means that you're not bad.

Why is english like this.
When I was growing up if you said something was bad that meant it was really really good.


too much positivity I'm still waiting for a passive aggressive Yeah?
I read that in an aggressive Aussie accent for some reason
Now onto to the hard part: the driving test. I'll make an appointment after reviewing the manual, cause I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
I dunno if this is actually a thing since I've never bothered to get my license, but I've been told that on the day of taking the test, you should wear a brimmed cap.
It makes your head movement more exaggerated and noticeable apparently for when you're checking mirrors or whatever.
Chicago III might be the most disjointed album I have ever listened to. There's even a spoken word track on this one!
Hi Fami. I write this message with tears in my eyes and some sad news to share.

My grandfather passed away last night in the hospital. He had heart surgery yesterday and unfortunately, things were much worse than the doctors expected. Thankfully, he was asleep when his life ended, making for a very peaceful passing. My family gathered overnight in the hospital to see him for the last time. Apparently, right before they put him to sleep to perform the surgery, he was jovial and making jokes with the doctor. His last words were to the doctor: “I’ll see you on the other side.”

As I’ve mentioned on here many times, he ADORED Zelda. He put 1100+ hours into Breath of the Wild, beating it twice with all shrines (once on regular mode, once on Master Mode), and 800+ hours into Tears of the Kingdom, although he unfortunately was not able to finish it before his passing. He loved exploring the wilds of Hyrule and laughed every time something funny would happen on screen, like a failed machine or interesting enemy interaction. It was a safe space for him, and it’s difficult to comprehend that I’ll never see his icon pop up as “Online” when I’m playing Switch ever again. I’ll always have his account as a friend on Switch, and his play data serves as a lifelong record of his newfound love for gaming.

Thank you to anyone who ever tuned into a stream — it meant the world to him, and he was so excited to share his passion for Zelda with you. I will deeply miss him and the wonderful relationship we shared.
Sorry for your loss. Hug your family and share wonderful stories
So The Answer got revealed today for Persona 3 Reload and I haven't even gone past an hour in that game, lol. I'm worried that after I finish FFVII, I'll just just go on something else in my backlog instead of playing it. I kinda wanna go to FFVIII, next, but I also need to finish both Pokemon White and the Scarlet DLC. I'm a fucking mess when it comes to finishing games! 😭
The most relatively recent and baffling thing I learn about Roblox as an autistic moth man with an addiction to pokemon and games like it is that there are just full on Pokemon-likes on here because roblox seems to have gone light years in what the users can bloody do.

Like full on games of this stuff maintained by people and updated constantly and its like "Wow this seems seems like a fun game" and then I learn from my niche monster tamer youtuber its Roblox hosted and my brain freezes at the idea of making a Roblox account to try this.
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