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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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Hm speaking of NSO and EP, I was thinking. On the N64 side we know Nintendo tends to round out the genres so on the major ones that aren’t fully covered I was thinking about third party candidates:
Clay fighters 63 1/3(we did get claymates)
Deadly Arts(Konami)
Fighters Destiny(imagineer)
Flying Dragons(Natsume)
Raikuga Kids(Konami
Racing:(while 2 of these involve licenses they aren’t high tier license so maybe?)
Hot wheels(?)
Lego racers
Ridge Racer 64

Fighting Force 64
Hybrid Heaven(? Kinda counts)

And well thats it on the big genres, we already have a cover shooter/tps.
These series are basically between a rock and a hard place. Maybe Nintendo will continue them to keep the "core based" happy.

Racers, Rail shooters already have a ceiling.

Oh, I know. But if they can’t make any new games in these series that will recoup their cost without changing what they’re about maybe they should just… not do them. Or just eat the loss.

I definitely get that, and many of these propositions do seem to be attempts to supplant the series as we know it. I do think there's no harm in experimenting in that way, but some amount of the series' DNA should be inherited. You refer to Uprising and the dichotomy between your stance that it fits with the Kid Icarus series identity and the beliefs of others that it does not. Clearly this subject is wibbly and wobbly and fairly nebulous, and even those in agreement that new takes should retain elements of the series' DNA will often disagree whether that has been accomplished.

I do think this played a role in that decision:

Unfortunately, Adventures didn't quite thread the Star Fox DNA into its own sequencing well enough to avoid causing a split. It's a shame, as I do think there are ways it could have adhered a bit more strongly to that while still following its own action-adventure path.

(Just as an aside, as someone who never had a 3DS to play it but loves what he's seen regarding the game and would savor the opportunity to experience it, what elements did you think Uprising brought over well from previous games to connect it to their legacy? Are there ways you might see to bring these or other elements into future Kid Icarus games which might not fall into the same genre?)

Uprising basically takes some of the gameplay elements of the original (shooting, getting upgrades and finding secrets) and puts its own spin on it. In its transition to 3D it lost the platforming which I know some people missed.
I know I have been saying this before but it feels like I need to scream this into the void at least once a month by now.

I really, REALLY want Xenoblade 3. I don't know what it is... I usually am content with the video games I have available at any given time(because lbr, there are too many anyways). I get excited about new releases, but I rarely want a game enough to randomly think about it when it doesn't even have a release date (let alone an official announcement in this case) yet. The last time I wanted a game this much was BOTW, and even then that only really started to become this apparent to me after the Januaty 2017 trailer after which I had a legitimate date to look forward to.

I think it might be because I played Xenoblade 2 at a very painful time in my real life and the game provided an excellent escape from the bleakness of reality, if only a few hours at a time. Not that the game was happy-go-lucky but it did feel like I was in control of something, when I wasn't in control at all in real life.

I am in a similar situation like back then right now. Things are shitty and it's not a situation I can do anything about. It's sit, wait and hope and it makes you feel pretty powerless. Since I subconsciously connect an escape from that with Xenoblade 2, that might be why I want 3 so much.

This went dark. Lol Sorry, I don't mean to bring down the mood. I am fine in day-to-day life. We all have these phases in life where you think everyone and everything has it out for you and your loved ones. It passes...

Sooo cute, please give them pets from me.🥰
I fully understand your feelings i had this happen to me in the past too and damn I also can't wait for xenoblade 3!

Right now im also having a harder time and i end up buying way to many games to distract myself. What brings me some joy right now is mario party superstars as its just so silly fun even if I just play it with randoms online.

Other than that maybe I can advise you some joyful games. Luigis Mansion 3 is just such a joyful fun game! Same goes for Links Awakening.

And if your more into rpgs i really found Bravely Default 2 a great escape. As it's just such a fairytale game and overall rather light hearted. It's really a great time and also challenging if you want it to be.
Lol Ubisoft is failing on Switch while others banking millions. What are you doing mate. If you don't have anything right now, just port some old ass games to Switch, even with PS2 Remasters like Rayman 3 you can make some serious money. Are you THAT incompetent?

I fully understand your feelings i had this happen to me in the past too and damn I also can't wait for xenoblade 3!

Right now im also having a harder time and i end up buying way to many games to distract myself. What brings me some joy right now is mario party superstars as its just so silly fun even if I just play it with randoms online.

Other than that maybe I can advise you some joyful games. Luigis Mansion 3 is just such a joyful fun game! Same goes for Links Awakening.

And if your more into rpgs i really found Bravely Default 2 a great escape. As it's just such a fairytale game and overall rather light hearted. It's really a great time and also challenging if you want it to be.

Thanks for your reply.🥰 I know the feeling. It's like you're trying to make up for the sadness by giving yourself little bouts of happiness (and possibly over buying as a result).

I still have Link's Awakening lying around here somewhere from when I bought it on a sale, I might just try that.

Love JRPGs in particular, but the Bravely series is something I could never quite get into. My craving for Xenoblade 3 is very specific I feel, not even BOTW2 would be able to quench it at this point, even though I rank BOTW as the objectively better game compared to Xenoblade 2. Not to mention it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Nothing is gonna change the fact that Xenoblade 3 isn't out yet, tho, so you're right I should probably try with some alternatives ❤
So, how does it work for physical games like GTA who needs a download ?
You have a cartridge, some datas are on it, meaning you only need to download, say, 15go of data instead of 30 ?
Disappointing that it needs a download, but if it means less data to download and store on my SD card than if I went full digital, I'm all in for the physical. (Also meaning I'll very likely get it for a way better price than at digital anyway)
Thanks for your reply.🥰 I know the feeling. It's like you're trying to make up for the sadness by giving yourself little bouts of happiness (and possibly over buying as a result).

I still have Link's Awakening lying around here somewhere from when I bought it on a sale, I might just try that.

Love JRPGs in particular, but the Bravely series is something I could never quite get into. My craving for Xenoblade 3 is very specific I feel, not even BOTW2 would be able to quench it at this point, even though I rank BOTW as the objectively better game compared to Xenoblade 2. Not to mention it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Nothing is gonna change the fact that Xenoblade 3 isn't out yet, tho, so you're right I should probably try with some alternatives ❤
Xenoblade 2 is a very special game. I didn't wanted to love it. When I saw the first trailers the look throw me off as I loved xenoblade 1 and it felt even too anime for me. The only reason I ended up buying it was that I loved 1 so much and wanted a switch game over the Christmas time.

And then wow... I fell i love with every single character, with the music and even the looks. The game even made me a bigger anime fan lol. As much as I also loved botw in the end xenoblade 2 was the more memorable experience for me. Even if it had a lot of small flaws.
Lol, imagine that posting the like to dislike ratio on a Youtube video thinking it is a meaningful metric. Lots of likes and/or dislikes means lots of engagement which also means lots of people are interested in the product. From COD, to Pokemon, to this, to this, it's the same song and dance. The Youtube protest does nothing, company ranks in a ton of money, and those angry gamers (who have already bought the product they are supposedly upset about) take another L.
Xenoblade 2 is a very special game. I didn't wanted to love it. When I saw the first trailers the look throw me off as I loved xenoblade 1 and it felt even too anime for me. The only reason I ended up buying it was that I loved 1 so much and wanted a switch game over the Christmas time.

And then wow... I fell i love with every single character, with the music and even the looks. The game even made me a bigger anime fan lol. As much as I also loved botw in the end xenoblade 2 was the more memorable experience for me. Even if it had a lot of small flaws.
This exactly. I had a similar experience as you, in a similar mindset as well. Its also the game that got me back in playing and loving RPG's again. Both 1 and 2 are masterpieces in my eyes and, if three is real, I don't doubt it'll end up in the same category <33
Lol Ubisoft is failing on Switch while others banking millions. What are you doing mate. If you don't have anything right now, just port some old ass games to Switch, even with PS2 Remasters like Rayman 3 you can make some serious money. Are you THAT incompetent?


It won't move the needle on Switch sales, but Ubisoft should port "Beyond Good & Evil" to Switch.

Heck, release the old Splinter Cell games on there. I'm sure there's an audience on Switch that would love to play those.
Xenoblade 2 is a very special game. I didn't wanted to love it. When I saw the first trailers the look throw me off as I loved xenoblade 1 and it felt even too anime for me. The only reason I ended up buying it was that I loved 1 so much and wanted a switch game over the Christmas time.

And then wow... I fell i love with every single character, with the music and even the looks. The game even made me a bigger anime fan lol. As much as I also loved botw in the end xenoblade 2 was the more memorable experience for me. Even if it had a lot of small flaws.

I wasn't in the same mindset for it because I already liked anime to begin with and had just started playing the first game for the first time when they announced this one. So there was no big nostalgia for me there, as much as I enjoyed the original Xenoblade.

I understand where people are coming from with the oversexualization of some characters, but coming from an animw background I have learned to ignore that unless the plot itself focuses on it. I mean I wouldn't mind if it wasn't like that, but it will never ruin a good game for me like it might have for others.

So I went into the game from a rather neutral standpoint but found myself enjoying it a lot. Probably more than the original. The story of the original is better, but I connected with 2's cast more than I did with 1's. And I have always been a sucker for character-driven narratives - to the point where if a plot is ridiculous, it doesn't even bother me if I am enjoying the characters enough. Not that XC2's plot was ridiculous, but I have played games like that and still enjoyed them subjectively while objectively knowing how weird the plot was.

Either way I am glad there are people who still ended up liking the game even though they went in with a negative mindset. It's a testament to how good the game - and the entire series - is.

And if the rumors are true and 3 connects 1 and 2's stories, then that will be interesting to watch.

(On a side note I will never forgive Sakurai for that Pyra/Mythra Smash reveal. They even used fhe Xenoblade 2 Engine for those cutscenes (or something that looks extremely similar to it) and removed the Smash logo at the beginning so unlike the other Smash trailers, it wasn't clear at all that it was a Smash trailer. I was so high strung with confusion, joy and bewilderment for those entire 60 seconds or what that was... I swear they better never do that to me again... as happy as I am that they are in Smash...)
Finished a new model the other day, still need to map, texture and pose it tho, May make a new avatar with it and getter 1 if I ever make a Getter 3 XD

If a deer comes right up to you that means you're a Disney princess obviously but what if it comes right up to you on Halloween?

I am interested in the answer to this question as well, since I once has a butterfly land on my nose....on Christmas. Falls in the same category, imo.
Hit me up if you want some bells to get a jump start.

I can also offload a few hundred thousand or whatever the max is that I can fit in my bag whenever you want. Sitting at 20 million bells in the bank, so I’m sure that will cover whatever the cost of the new upgrades are.

Thanks, if you are available I would really like some bells for my Nook loans and a few resources like some fruits and iron today.
(On a side note I will never forgive Sakurai for that Pyra/Mythra Smash reveal. They even used fhe Xenoblade 2 Engine for those cutscenes (or something that looks extremely similar to it) and removed the Smash logo at the beginning so unlike the other Smash trailers, it wasn't clear at all that it was a Smash trailer. I was so high strung with confusion, joy and bewilderment for those entire 60 seconds or what that was... I swear they better never do that to me again... as happy as I am that they are in Smash...)
MonolithSoft made that trailer that's why lol. I'm the same with you in this one.
I posted this in the Pachter thread, but it's probably worth mentioning here.
It's not just Pachter who is a fan of Furakawa. In the past year, I've spoken privately to many business analysts and business outlets.

From what I've gathered, business analysts/business journalists prefer Furakawa's style of management over Iwata's.

The reason: Furakawa comes from a business background (accounting, economics, marketing) while Iwata came from a developer background. So there's a bit of a bias there among business people who only care about growth. Business people love business people.
And then wow... I fell i love with every single character, with the music and even the looks. The game even made me a bigger anime fan lol. As much as I also loved botw in the end xenoblade 2 was the more memorable experience for me. Even if it had a lot of small flaws.

I think the biggest praise I can give to XC2 is that it does so many things right and so right its flaws don't even matter when I have to judge how much I enjoy it.

Odyssey and BotW are far, far more polished and cohesive experiences when rationally analyzed, but XC2 has that "it's much better than the sum of its parts" quality that makes it my favorite Switch game.
I don't know how people feel about this, but after 2 bosses of Dread I feel like the boss battles are the worst part of the game. I like exploring so much more.
A couple days ago i quit my job that's been causing me a lot of mental health issues. i would think i would be worried about money, instead im here excited to go job hunting. What a miserable place, the money was not worth it
I don't know how people feel about this, but after 2 bosses of Dread I feel like the boss battles are the worst part of the game. I like exploring so much more.
I don't mind some of the bosses, except that they're way too many. some repeated for no good reason.
It won't move the needle on Switch sales, but Ubisoft should port "Beyond Good & Evil" to Switch.

Heck, release the old Splinter Cell games on there. I'm sure there's an audience on Switch that would love to play those.
It's me. I am that audience.
Remember When Nintendo actually released Luigi's Mansion 3 on Halloween?

good times.
This threw me off so much, because I really thought they were going to wait the extra day to release it on Friday. Was very cool though, I liked having LM3 on Halloween cause that's all i did that year.
Meh, knowing the lazy and unambitious posters at Famiboards they’re probably just recycling the same talking points. Imagine paying $60 for this.
“the online isn’t worth it, all it does is download posts and show images. and sometimes those images don’t even load!”
My quick review for the ST2

After spending some time with the ST2 I can say it's easily the best in the series so far. Posters have really matured and the quality of shitpostinki as we say in finnish, is over the top. Even if the premise for the sequel is weak considering there are absolutely zero chance for direct and Game Awards is on december thread it still manages to capture the promise of what the original threads did back in the day.

Definitely worthy sequel of the ST1 remake, which itself was a great start for the remakes.
Not Nintendo related but there's something very relaxing about watching a Starcraft Pro play Age of Empires 4 on a cool fall day. Most AoE games are spent slowly building up your towns and bases. Even when battles do break out, it's little guys with swords and spears poking at each other. It takes like a minute to knock down a wall with a battering ram. Very slow pace compared to other RTSs but it's relaxing somehow.
Lol, imagine that posting the like to dislike ratio on a Youtube video thinking it is a meaningful metric. Lots of likes and/or dislikes means lots of engagement which also means lots of people are interested in the product. From COD, to Pokemon, to this, to this, it's the same song and dance. The Youtube protest does nothing, company ranks in a ton of money, and those angry gamers (who have already bought the product they are supposedly upset about) take another L.

It's not and it's usually a loud minority. But in my opinion I found it funny how it had a worse dislike ratio than the other NSO videos 🤣
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