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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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I was 25 in 2017 when DuckTales started, and I have only watched more and more cartoons since then. I'd say I'm watching more now than I did when I was a kid.
I fell out with cartoons when cable was removed from my room, so like maybe high school or so.
The fact that Dread managed to prevent Mario Party from taking the #1 spot on the (US) eShop for now has me very impressed.
Have y'all seen OK KO? Now that's a fun cartoon, plus the Captain Planet crossover had me in stitches
This thread has some taste. OK KO is an incredibly funny and underrated show. Wish the show was given more of a chance by the network, sucked that they had to end it early.
Hey, all - everyone doing okay in here?

Also: I've seen the complaints about N64 emulation on Switch, but firing up the Lost Woods is every bit as magical as it was the first time. OoT is still incredible.
Any UK/European folk know if the Mega Drive controllers went on sale? They don't show up on My Nintendo. Thinking of getting one for nostalgia's sake.
This thread has some taste. OK KO is an incredibly funny and underrated show. Wish the show was given more of a chance by the network, sucked that they had to end it early.
Definitely a crime, but for all the heart and soul put into it, it shines over 52 episodes
Remember how close we were from achieving world peace when Pokemon Go released some years ago?
Anyone have some good horror recommendations on Switch? I was itching for Fatal Frame 5 but everyone keeps saying it's really not a good entry. I was thinking about Maid of Sker a while back, anyone play that?
Maid of Sker is one of the only games I've finished out of spite. It starts out so strong, but the AI and save system kill any sense of design the game has. The main gameplay is hiding and sneaking past enemies like Outlast/Amnesia, but you have to hold your breath too, which is meter limited. If you run out of meter, you will die. The AI will swarm you with no second chance or recovery. If you die, you respawn at your last manual save, walk back to where you were, and hopefully don't run out of breath again. I did this for 30 minutes at one point.

The story is good, and the atmosphere of the Welsh hotel is uniquely spooky. If you're interested in the story, it might be worth slogging through. I did not enjoy my time with it; it felt like work getting the game to progress.
the second most important moral of gravity falls is that simping is bad
So what you're saying is if this cartoon had only come along sooner I could've learned a lesson that would have saved me from the pain and embarrassment of.. * checks notes * literally the entirety of my 20s. Dang.

what if I'm a simp for Nintendo tho

Just finished watching the State of Play!

It was rather ... horrible! xD
More like State of I won't be Playing any of these, amirite?
el oh el
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Maid of Sker is one of the only games I've finished out of spite. It starts out so strong, but the AI and save system kill any sense of design the game has. The main gameplay is hiding and sneaking past enemies like Outlast/Amnesia, but you have to hold your breath too, which is meter limited. If you run out of meter, you will die. The AI will swarm you with no second chance or recovery. If you die, you respawn at your last manual save, walk back to where you were, and hopefully don't run out of breath again. I did this for 30 minutes at one point.

The story is good, and the atmosphere of the Welsh hotel is uniquely spooky. If you're interested in the story, it might be worth slogging through. I did not enjoy my time with it; it felt like work getting the game to progress.
Noted, thank you. Sounds like it's not for me.
I've never watched it at all. I've been meaning to, but feel weird watching cartoons as a 30 year old.
Speaking as another 30 year old (damn, we are old as fuck here on this board), I have no problems whatsoever watching cartoons. I love them. I might get some grief from my wife about it but I don’t care. Gimme my SpongeBob SquarePants!
I use "player unfriendly" in the broadest sense possible. Not every element of a game will have the intended effect on every player and I think it's worth keeping that in mind when discussing these games. One common example in Hollow Knight is its map system which intentionally gives you less information compared to other games in its genre. To me, it's a crucial part of the Hollow Knight experience but I definitely know of other players that see it as detrimental.
I see your point. To me it's also a crucial part of the experience and for the developers too.

If someone doesn't like that then that's fine. I just still find it import to point out that this is not a flaw of the game.
Speaking as another 30 year old (damn, we are old as fuck here on this board), I have no problems whatsoever watching cartoons. I love them. I might get some grief from my wife about it but I don’t care. Gimme my SpongeBob SquarePants!
We should have a club, old fart fam.
Coming from A Link to the Past on Switch, not having a rewind feature in Link’s Awakening is so weird XD
I can't believe I'm playing the Dread Demo and planning to 100% it as much as possible. I beat the game twice already!
Noted, thank you. Sounds like it's not for me.
Since you asked for more general horror recommendations:

1. Detention is the best horror game on Switch. 2D, set in Taiwan during a typhoon with a story that slowly builds itself from the bones of an abandoned school. The team also has a 3D horror game, Devotion, (PC only, I don't know your platforms) which is even better.

2. Darkwood is an isometric survival horror. It's tough with a strong focus on collecting supplies and fortifying your stronghold before dark. Scary Pikmin. The world and enemies are randomly generated, but the NPCs are not, so you have an involved, ongoing story against the rougelike gameplay loop. It gets quite dark.

3. Layers of Fear is probably the best substitute for Maid of Sker. 1st person atmospheric horror, a walking sim in the style of P.T. There's no combat and minimal interaction. It's mostly atmosphere and story but without any gameplay hangup. Sometimes that's all you want in a horror game!
The music and sound effects in Link’s Awakening are so good. I almost want to fall down holes because the sound Link makes is so cute.
I was reading this depressing biography of Joyce earlier and I felt like shit. I’m healed now.
The music and sound effects in Link’s Awakening are so good. I almost want to fall down holes because the sound Link makes is so cute.
I was reading this depressing biography of Joyce earlier and I felt like shit. I’m healed now.
The sound design in Link's Awakening is absolutely glorious - up there with the visual design, maybe even better, as far as I'm concerned. Not what I'd called 'the best' Zelda game, but certainly my personal favourite.
so QUByte and piko release their first classic game in jp eshop

QUByte Classics - The Immortal by PIKO

the collection has an 8 bit (nes) & 16 bit (amiga or geneses) 8oo¥



Head over Heels
port of PC game from 2003 400¥

Have there been any Canadians who bought the N64 controller from the first batch and have since received the email that it shipped?

If yes, are you also currently subscribed to the NSO Expansion?
The Link’s Awakening remake is basically pure joy and bliss from start to finish. It’s easily my favorite 2D Zelda.
I see your point. To me it's also a crucial part of the experience and for the developers too.

If someone doesn't like that then that's fine. I just still find it import to point out that this is not a flaw of the game.
I would agree, but there's a lot of subtlety in that kind of discussion of flaws and difficulty. For example, take Sekiro. Sekiro has far fewer options and available playstyles than other From games, and it kind of forces you to play it in a certain way (unlike, say, Dark Souls where you can do a long-range magic build, or a tanky melee build, or many many others depending on how you feel like playing it). In Sekiro, while there are small ways you can adjust your playstyle, ultimately there's very little wiggle room in how you can play it. BUT, as a result of this, IMO once you really click in with that specific way the game wants you to, it's one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences I've ever had in gaming. And the difficulty of the game, that forced me to really learn that style, was a big part of it.

So, is the narrow, force-you-to-learn-the-game-on-its-own-terms style of Sekiro a flaw? I don't think so, it seems to be very clearly designed that way on purpose and IMO enhances the experience. But at the same time, that's going to put a lot of people off who don't want that narrow sort of experience. It's narrow, after all. It's not going to work for a lot of people. And that's okay, I feel.

But: The question of whether this is a flaw or not runs into problems when you bring up accessibility, however. A game's difficulty and design decisions making it only enjoyable by a narrow range of people due to taste is perfectly fine. But if it's something that literally is unable to be played by some people due to accessibility who DO want that kind of experience, that's a problem.

I guess what I'm saying is in games, while the original design intent and game balance can be difficult and narrow, adding an easier mode for people who ether just want it or for accessibility reasons costs nothing. If the standard difficulty of Sekiro was untouched, and the default, but there was another easier mode you could select (doesn't have to be called easy mode) then all it would do is allow more people to play and enjoy the game. It widens that 'narrow' window to be more inclusive.

Would adding that easier mode cause some people who were struggling with the game to, instead of continuing to work at it until they unlock that 'transcendence' moment in their brain and it clicks and works suddenly, move the difficulty down to easy? And as a result they can beat the game, but that 'holy shit I get it now' moment never happens? Possibly. But I think that's such a narrow and very specific group of people that would affect that it's worth the tradeoff.

(TLDR: Difficulty settings and more options are good and worth the minor negative effects they might have)
Since you asked for more general horror recommendations:

1. Detention is the best horror game on Switch. 2D, set in Taiwan during a typhoon with a story that slowly builds itself from the bones of an abandoned school. The team also has a 3D horror game, Devotion, (PC only, I don't know your platforms) which is even better.

2. Darkwood is an isometric survival horror. It's tough with a strong focus on collecting supplies and fortifying your stronghold before dark. Scary Pikmin. The world and enemies are randomly generated, but the NPCs are not, so you have an involved, ongoing story against the rougelike gameplay loop. It gets quite dark.

3. Layers of Fear is probably the best substitute for Maid of Sker. 1st person atmospheric horror, a walking sim in the style of P.T. There's no combat and minimal interaction. It's mostly atmosphere and story but without any gameplay hangup. Sometimes that's all you want in a horror game!

I've been meaning to give Detention a try. Might pick that up next time I see it on sale. Thanks.

Darkwood for whatever interest never really interested me. The idea of collecting/fortifying just isn't the type of thing I'm interested in especially in a horror game.

Layers of Fear I have and I really enjoyed. Even did the special Halloween event that only unlocks each year around Halloween.
Drinking one of the best milk tea's I've had in a long time while cracking competitive "Meta defining" jokes thanks to Facebook's new name. :coffee:

How're you all doing?
I tried the demo of Metroid Dread and I have exactly the same problem I had with Alien Isolation and that made me drop it: the EMMI scares me too much I can’t progress further lol. It gives me so much anxiety when invincible bad guys follow me.
I tried the demo of Metroid Dread and I have exactly the same problem I had with Alien Isolation and that made me drop it: the EMMI scares me too much I can’t progress further lol. It gives me so much anxiety when invincible bad guys follow me.
Does it help that dying is like a 5 seconds loading screen and you wind up right outside the door to the EMMI section that you just entered?
Does it help that dying is like a 5 seconds loading screen and you wind up right outside the door to the EMMI section that you just entered?

No because I just don’t want to experience that feeling again. It unsettles me deeply for some reasons. I remember spending 45 minutes just to exit the very first room when the Xenomorph appears in Isolation and quitting the game there lmao. Today the first functional EMMI killed me twice and I don’t want to enter its area anymore.
No because I just don’t want to experience that feeling again. It unsettles me deeply for some reasons. I remember spending 45 minutes just to exit the very first room when the Xenomorph appears in Isolation and quitting the game there lmao. Today the first functional EMMI killed me twice and I don’t want to enter its area anymore.
As someone who shares the same general feeling that you are describing (also usually disliking stealth sections in any kind of game), I actually don't mind the EMMI sections too much. As has been said, the dying-regenerating-retrying process is quick, and since you (i.e. I) die so many times, it actually desensitizes me to it, so I stopped being anxious about it. I treated those sections more like (really fast) puzzles than stealth missions, and switching that mindset help me first tolerate them and then kind of enjoy them.

Pikmin Bloom… is fun!! A much wider range of commitment levels. You can press “go,” throw your phone into your pocket, go for a walk, and not touch it until you get home. Or you can have it in your hand the whole time, constantly checking on it. It’s up to you how you want to play it, and I like that!
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