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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST 12 Sep 2022| Trails From Splatoon 03

The First Fami Splatfest: Which Team Will You Join?

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damn i really cannot wait for this!

I've never been a Sonic fan and never really felt the urge to play any of the games, but honestly Frontiers has me fairly interested

I'm a sucker for open worlds in general, especially when you toss in some platforming, and this one seems to have some nice twists to it.
Wait what? Leaked where? The new ones from the NIS event in a few days?
Yes, the ones from the event, they put them in the page and removed them a few minutes later. If you are interested

Potential hot take: Halloween is the new Christmas in terms of calendar creep and might actually be even more egregious. Halloween stuff is already up in full force at local stores in my area. It’s going to be all Halloween all September and October. Christmas at least gets buffered by Thanksgiving and New Years.
This came up on my Twitter feed today and made me laugh:

Potential hot take: Halloween is the new Christmas in terms of calendar creep and might actually be even more egregious. Halloween stuff is already up in full force at local stores in my area. It’s going to be all Halloween all September and October. Christmas at least gets buffered by Thanksgiving and New Years.
Halloween is the best time of year, give me all the spoops.

It should last the entirety of Fall and also replace Summer
Halloween is the best time of year, give me all the spoops.

It should last the entirety of Fall and also replace Summer
Now this I can get behind. We need more autumn and halloween vibes. Games in general don't do fall colors often enough, it was one of my favorite things about seasons in Pokemon B/W.

Also Tales of Berseria, this area is gorgeous:

Now this I can get behind. We need more autumn and halloween vibes. Games in general don't do fall colors often enough, it was one of my favorite things about seasons in Pokemon B/W.

Also Tales of Berseria, this area is gorgeous:

That is gorgeous. So cozy. Makes me want to drink spiced apple cider and summon a demon in a cute witchy outfit

I'm pretty much of the mind that there should be 2 seasons, 6 month snowy winter wonderland and 6 month cozy spoopy fall
That is gorgeous. So cozy. Makes me want to drink spiced apple cider and summon a demon in a cute witchy outfit

I'm pretty much of the mind that there should be 2 seasons, 6 month snowy winter wonderland and 6 month cozy spoopy fall
Can we compromise and fit a drizzly, misty spring in there somewhere?

Either way, fuck summer
Did xghost777 agree to make this thread just to advertise the September 27 release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero on the Nintendo Switch and Sony PlayStation 4? The first official release of this beloved game in English, which uses the well-regarded Geofront fan translation as the base? Is xghost777 hoping to convince people to spend $49.99 on a 60+ hour RPG that works as a great starting point to the Trails series even if you haven't played the Trails in the Sky games? Is that what they're doing?
I assure you WhyS I definitely would not use this thread to advertise the first official English release of beloved JRPG Trails From Zero. While you pointed out some interesting, bold facts about the game, if I was going to advertise Trails From Zero I would definitely go a lot further. Like did you know Durante of Dark Souls modding fame and his team are working on the Switch port to make sure it is running at a locked 1080p 60 fps and that they cleaned up the sprites to look sharper and brighter than ever? Or how about how they are matching the added fan translation features to create a definitive release by officially adding new game features like the message log and treasure chest dialog? Stuff like this seems like good things to bring up if a scenario like you describe were to arise.

No WhyS, the only thing I can say is that I’ve played the Geofront version of Trails From Zero two years ago and that it was an excellent game I think people should be excited about. I used my platform here for encouragement only. Thank you :)
As long as there's zero summer I guess I can permit one drizzly misty spring for a third of the year.

I live in the PNW so barring the recent garbage heat waves that's 2/3rds of the year anyway lol
I'm in California and our seasons are 100°+ from June-September, normal summerish in April-May, then the rest of the year ranges from sorta springish to sometimes autumny for a week or so. No winter.

The PNW seems like paradise to me.
Oh my god those are fantastic.
I’m going to make smaller chunks with names so people can actually see them a bit better, maybe like a “tag yourself”

but I’m just stoked as hell that I reached my goal for the month on the first of the month

at this rate I’ll have them all wrapped by October
Oh my god I'm so dumb. Of course a Zebrarian (zebra+librarian+barbarian) has to have a chance of causing silence on hit.
this is bonkers brilliant, 10/10
I'm in California and our seasons are 100°+ from June-September, normal summerish in April-May, then the rest of the year ranges from sorta springish to sometimes autumny for a week or so. No winter.

The PNW seems like paradise to me.
Yeah I have a good friend in Arizona and she also likes to make fun of me for my "first world weather problems", lmao
Wow, didn’t know I share my birthday with the arm and legless creator of the Rabbids 🥰
Some of my favorite video game characters after our Italian friends.
Happy birthday, Intoxicate! I hope it's been a great one. Just like your tag says, the best is yet to come and I hope this next year is excellent for you! 🥳🍰🎏
Wow, didn’t know I share my birthday with the arm and legless creator of the Rabbids 🥰
Some of my favorite video game characters after our Italian friends.
oh shit happy birthday!

definitely misread for a moment that you shared both the birthday and the being armless and legless

which, I mean, hell yeah
very rude of Pokémon to reveal their aye-aye creature the same day that I revealed my aye-aye creature
So if I skip any levels in Octo Expansion, I can’t get the final boss? Some of these levels are brutally hard.
Halloween has a special meaning for me now as last year's was me and my girlfriend's first date, and so from now on it will be our anniversary. :)

For this year she wants to dye my big curly affro red so I'll be "Uncle McDonald" (who she finds terrifying) and she's gonna grow out her hair and hang it over her face to be Sadako from The Ring.

For her present I got her a little leatherbound notebook and wrote out in it "10 things I love about you". She has low self-esteem and I thought it might help if she had something she can read to make her feel better when she's sad.
Now this I can get behind. We need more autumn and halloween vibes. Games in general don't do fall colors often enough, it was one of my favorite things about seasons in Pokemon B/W.

Also Tales of Berseria, this area is gorgeous:


I've had this game on my shelf for a while. Maybe I should finally give in a spin. I was planning on playing through Star Ocean The Last Hope but I'm finding that I might just not enjoy Star Ocean games, despite liking the Tales series.
I’ve got one heck of a project this weekend. Tho with all the black there’s not a ton of panel lining to be done. Not sure if I’m doing the chrome before hand or During assembly

I dare anyone to guess this one, but it’s a toy only variant(based off a more iconic variant) of an obscure suit(that’s a successor to another super iconic mech)

Going to be juggling this, FEWTH and Xenoblade this weekend
I’ve got one heck of a project this weekend. Tho with all the black there’s not a ton of panel lining to be done. Not sure if I’m doing the chrome before hand or During assembly

I dare anyone to guess this one, but it’s a toy only variant(based off a more iconic variant) of an obscure suit(that’s a successor to another super iconic mech)

Going to be juggling this, FEWTH and Xenoblade this weekend
That looks …intimidating
I've had this game on my shelf for a while. Maybe I should finally give in a spin. I was planning on playing through Star Ocean The Last Hope but I'm finding that I might just not enjoy Star Ocean games, despite liking the Tales series.
Tales of Berseria is a game I ended up liking a lot, especially for its characters, but it comes with a few caveats: One, you've probably already seen it, but Velvet's main outfit is ridiculously dumb. Two, they really overdo the "I'm EDGY" vibe near the beginning of the game in particular. Three, it also has some similar problems to other PS3/4 Tales games where the dungeons aren't that great and it's very corridor-heavy.

But if you can push through that stuff, which is especially bad in the early parts of the game (which is part of why I'm mentioning it), I think it's one of the better casts in a Tales game and there are some genuinely heartfelt moments in it. There's a couple scenes later in the game that are wonderfully done, and in general the voice acting is great, Velvet and Magilou especially (one of the minor side characters is heinously bad, but they have a very small role thankfully)
I love Xenoblade, Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 3. The Xenoblade fanbase is the absolute worst. I went months without any BOTW spoilers and years without Persona 5 spoilers but I can't watch a single football or basketball video on YouTube without being recommended Xenoblade 3 videos with spoilers as thumbnail or spoilers in the title. Kinda wish for this game Nintendo banned the videos
I love these. Standouts are the flaming skull sheep and the... grass golem with a giant eyeball in its chest?

... oh and the lamp with fangs. And the... uhhh... tooth butt?

in order (I think)

  • Spicy + Shocking
  • tweeps tell “no soap radio” style spooky stories about them doing mundane things
  • they just like being like that, it doesn’t cause them any pain
  • Spooky + Scrappy
  • frightening nighttime spirit that looks like an angry little man
  • moves slowly, but with inscrutable intent, which creeps everyone out
  • made of constantly shifting shadow that some tweeps mistake for bugs
  • spot it before it spots you — once it opens that eye, it becomes much harder to move
  • Metal
  • venus fly trap rules — this pal uses light to lure in insects, which they then zap and digest
  • generally non-threatening, though a bit unsettling
  • Spooky
  • said to come from outer space
  • rarely seen, they march around at night. they’re going somewhere, but who knows where!!
  • based on the very real fresno nightcrawler
or perhaps you meant the toothier tooth…

  • Twee + Cold
  • not a single tweep knows what this horrifying little thing is
  • rumor has it they come in the night, tap you with their magic wand — which makes your whole face go numb — and try to steal your beak

So if I skip any levels in Octo Expansion, I can’t get the final boss? Some of these levels are brutally hard.
you're almost certainly on the wrong path

up around the top and bottom are totally optional and they have the hard stuff
in order (I think)

  • Spicy + Shocking
  • tweeps tell “no soap radio” style spooky stories about them doing mundane things
  • they just like being like that, it doesn’t cause them any pain
  • Spooky + Scrappy
  • frightening nighttime spirit that looks like an angry little man
  • moves slowly, but with inscrutable intent, which creeps everyone out
  • made of constantly shifting shadow that some tweeps mistake for bugs
  • spot it before it spots you — once it opens that eye, it becomes much harder to move
  • Metal
  • venus fly trap rules — this pal uses light to lure in insects, which they then zap and digest
  • generally non-threatening, though a bit unsettling
  • Spooky
  • said to come from outer space
  • rarely seen, they march around at night. they’re going somewhere, but who knows where!!
  • based on the very real fresno nightcrawler
or perhaps you meant the toothier tooth…

  • Twee + Cold
  • not a single tweep knows what this horrifying little thing is
  • rumor has it they come in the night, tap you with their magic wand — which makes your whole face go numb — and try to steal your beak

Tales of Berseria is a game I ended up liking a lot, especially for its characters, but it comes with a few caveats: One, you've probably already seen it, but Velvet's main outfit is ridiculously dumb. Two, they really overdo the "I'm EDGY" vibe near the beginning of the game in particular. Three, it also has some similar problems to other PS3/4 Tales games where the dungeons aren't that great and it's very corridor-heavy.

But if you can push through that stuff, which is especially bad in the early parts of the game (which is part of why I'm mentioning it), I think it's one of the better casts in a Tales game and there are some genuinely heartfelt moments in it. There's a couple scenes later in the game that are wonderfully done, and in general the voice acting is great, Velvet and Magilou especially (one of the minor side characters is heinously bad, but they have a very small role thankfully)

Sir, I was a teenager in the early 2000s. I was born into a life of edge and anime outfits. Give me a Dante in a thong while Korn and My Chemical Romance play in the background and I shall not be phased one bit.
Sir, I was a teenager in the early 2000s. I was born into a life of edge and anime outfits. Give me a Dante in a thong while Korn and My Chemical Romance play in the background and I shall not be phased one bit.
Ah yes, I know those times well, indeed! There's also an annoying mascot character, but if you've played other Tales games, I'm sure you're immune to that as well :).

Have you played Zestiria? It isn't necessary at all, but it's in the same universe as this game and they have some links and references, IIRC.
Ah yes, I know those times well, indeed! There's also an annoying mascot character, but if you've played other Tales games, I'm sure you're immune to that as well :).

Have you played Zestiria? It isn't necessary at all, but it's in the same universe as this game and they have some links and references, IIRC.

I haven't played the game but I did watch the anime. It had a random Berseria episode right in the middle of the season which of course ended with the intro from the actual game. I think they try to connect the two plotlines towards the end but I don't remember much.

niche but extremely funny
I'm glad I brought some amusement to people today :)

Despite knowing about the brand, I... I've actually never listened to any of the albums in the series. I know a number of musicians I like have contributed to the series so I'm pretty sure I'd like it. Just haven't gotten around to it.

I should remedy that this weekend.
in order (I think)

  • Spicy + Shocking
  • tweeps tell “no soap radio” style spooky stories about them doing mundane things
  • they just like being like that, it doesn’t cause them any pain
  • Spooky + Scrappy
  • frightening nighttime spirit that looks like an angry little man
  • moves slowly, but with inscrutable intent, which creeps everyone out
  • made of constantly shifting shadow that some tweeps mistake for bugs
  • spot it before it spots you — once it opens that eye, it becomes much harder to move
  • Metal
  • venus fly trap rules — this pal uses light to lure in insects, which they then zap and digest
  • generally non-threatening, though a bit unsettling
  • Spooky
  • said to come from outer space
  • rarely seen, they march around at night. they’re going somewhere, but who knows where!!
  • based on the very real fresno nightcrawler
or perhaps you meant the toothier tooth…

  • Twee + Cold
  • not a single tweep knows what this horrifying little thing is
  • rumor has it they come in the night, tap you with their magic wand — which makes your whole face go numb — and try to steal your beak

If these ever get to be customizable, panstral could were an assless-chaps body suit. I’m loving all the designs.
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