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StarTopic Nintendo First Party Software Development |ST| Nintendo Party Superstars

Nintendo is so weird. Just tell people the frigging developers. Always hiding this is so weird
It should be especially understandable why they may want to refrain from disclosing the developer prior to launch in this situation where the developer may very well be one that people online love to hate on, like Arzest. I mean just look at how people here talk the moment Arzest is mentioned…
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Nintendo is so weird. Just tell people the frigging developers. Always hiding this is so weird
Nintendo may want to prevent making problem for themselves or devs before release, for example: leaks or blame. That is reasonable for them to do so, as most people don't care about the hiding.
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While we don't know they full thoughts, it was very telling when people found out Forever Entertainment was handling DK Country Returns. Comparisons videos let to some people on podcast and videos say "wells its FE what do you expect" or similar phrases.
To me it's always going to be as if a film was announced without a director, like maybe the trailer looks good and I want to see the film anyways, but I don't really want to watch the film without that knowledge. I feel like as a consumer it only makes sense that I have that knowledge before I make the purchase.

Plus, and while this isn't really relevant to many of Nintendo's partners, there may come a moment where I actively don't want to purchase a game due to not wanting to support the developer involved. It would be nice to know that knowledge before I invest time into being excited for the game.

And I think it would be nice for the developers as well, harassment concerns are valid of course, but being seeing folks at Retro Studios openly talk about their involvement with the game post-reveal, having to no keep your involvement in a project a secret until release must be a little difficult. Also it's not the best for those in contract positions who would benefit from being able to mention those projects in the job hunting process.

Interestingly enough, this hiding of developers seems to only extend to Japanese devs. We have Forever Entertainment stating their involvement in DKCR HD, and back in the day we had Advance Wars's developer confirmed as Wayforward immediately after the initial trailer as well. Velan Studios confirmed their involvement with Mario Kart Live's reveal too I believe. That tells to me its not a case of Nintendo wanting to protect its developers, as they would have likely extended it to western developers as well, and rather its a strategy on how they treat their projects that are coming from Japan.

I've made too long of a post on this for something that at the end of the day is really a minor detail. But I do wonder if we can hear from Nintendo themselves what their reason for this is, and why it seemingly only happens for their Japanese partners. If it's a case of Nintendo going up to the teams and asking if they would like their name hidden pre-release, then no issue of course. If nothing else, I would wish that this is the decision of the dev teams and not something enforced by Nintendo.
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While we don't know they full thoughts, it was very telling when people found out Forever Entertainment was handling DK Country Returns. Comparisons videos let to some people on podcast and videos say "wells its FE what do you expect" or similar phrases.

I mean people are allowed to not want to buy a devs games due to not liking their previous work

the term "anti consumer" gets thrown around too much but if obfuscating who made a game to try and prevent that were actually the motivation behind Nintendo not announcing who makes things then that would be a rare case where the term actually very much fits
I mean people are allowed to not want to buy a devs games due to not liking their previous work

the term "anti consumer" gets thrown around too much but if obfuscating who made a game to try and prevent that were actually the motivation behind Nintendo not announcing who makes things then that would be a rare case where the term actually very much fits
I mean, I think if the developer behind a game is that make-or-break for someone, they can just wait until it actually comes out. Games don't have to be pre-ordered

Not like they're keeping developers out of the credits altogether. They're just not including that information as part of the pre-release marketing cycle. I agree it's a bit weird, but anti-consumer feels like a reach
I see people bashing ILCA in unfair ways for their BDSP remake (which I think was made in 14 months under strict deadlines by TPC, which needs to be reminded). Maybe it is for the better to keep such details under wraps.

It really is such a minor deal anyway. The developers are credited nonetheless by the game's release.
I mean, I think if the developer behind a game is that make-or-break for someone, they can just wait until it actually comes out. Games don't have to be pre-ordered

Not like they're keeping developers out of the credits altogether. They're just not including that information as part of the pre-release marketing cycle. I agree it's a bit weird, but anti-consumer feels like a reach

to be clear I only think that it's anti-consumer if the primary motivation behind not revealing it is hiding it from people that don't like a devs previous games like the post I quoted said(which is an assumption that I don't even think is true, or even if it is a little true is probably only partially true)

I don't think "just wait until people find out what's in the credits" is a reasonable excuse if that were true
to be clear I only think that it's anti-consumer if the primary motivation behind not revealing it is hiding it from people that don't like a devs previous games like the post I quoted said(which is an assumption that I don't even think is true, or even if it is a little true is probably only partially true)

I don't think "just wait until people find out what's in the credits" is a reasonable excuse if that were true
I think 99.9% of consumers don’t give a damn who the developer of the Donkey Kong Country Returns remaster is. And the same goes for Mario and Luigi Brotherhood. Maybe we need to stop living in a bubble.
I mean people are allowed to not want to buy a devs games due to not liking their previous work

the term "anti consumer" gets thrown around too much
but if obfuscating who made a game to try and prevent that were actually the motivation behind Nintendo not announcing who makes things then that would be a rare case where the term actually very much fits
I agree 100%. But let me play devil's advocate, is there a difference is knowing 4 months ahead versus the day of release (or a couple of days before)?
Is it because of preorders? Is it because of "hype"? I genuinely what is the benefit of knowing early?

You are right its been thrown a lot, the example you gave is one of them. They aren't obfuscating it because you will the know the information close to or at release, it goes back to the previous point it is because of preorders and pre-release "hype"?

Should they reveal who make it, sure why not. However if they think its not helpful I can see why they don't. I don't think there is a conspiracy to hide the devs.
I think 99.9% of consumers don’t give a damn who the developer of the Donkey Kong Country Returns remaster is. And the same goes for Mario and Luigi Brotherhood. Maybe we need to stop living in a bubble.
I don't know if I would go as far as to use the term anti consumer, but the argument that information that could inform a purchase should be excluded because the majority doesn't care isn't a great argument. Sorry, I know this really isn't a large deal, but that is an actual argument that has been used by corporations to exclude certain information about more important things (I'm thinking beyond the games industry).

Again, there's good arguments for keeping the developers hidden pre-release, but ultimately I think it comes down to who's decision it was to do so. For me personally at least, if it's not the developers decision to remain hidden, then I'm not a fan of it. Seems odd that none of this applies to Western devs as well.

But I am going to argue that knowing the development team would absolutely affect my interest, much like how a director or writer being attached to a film is going to affect my interest as well. Really that does absolutely benefit Nintendo as a company for us to not know in some cases.

But this feels like a topic that could take up its own thread, so I'll just leave it there.
I agree 100%. But let me play devil's advocate, is there a difference is knowing 4 months ahead versus the day of release (or a couple of days before)?
Is it because of preorders? Is it because of "hype"? I genuinely what is the benefit of knowing early?

You are right its been thrown a lot, the example you gave is one of them. They aren't obfuscating it because you will the know the information close to or at release, it goes back to the previous point it is because of preorders and pre-release "hype"?

Should they reveal who make it, sure why not. However if they think its not helpful I can see why they don't. I don't think there is a conspiracy to hide the devs.

it would be mostly preorders yeah, especially since those people probably don't have access to reviews either if they're ordering more than a few days in advance

definitely a niche concern all in all but it sounds pretty shady to me if that were the motivation
I don't know if I would go as far as to use the term anti consumer, but the argument that information that could inform a purchase should be excluded because the majority doesn't care isn't a great argument. Sorry, I know this really isn't a large deal, but that is an actual argument that has been used by corporations to exclude certain information about more important things (I'm thinking beyond the games industry).

Again, there's good arguments for keeping the developers hidden pre-release, but ultimately I think it comes down to who's decision it was to do so. For me personally at least, if it's not the developers decision to remain hidden, then I'm not a fan of it. Seems odd that none of this applies to Western devs as well.

But I am going to argue that knowing the development team would absolutely affect my interest, much like how a director or writer being attached to a film is going to affect my interest as well. Really that does absolutely benefit Nintendo as a company for us to not know in some cases.

But this feels like a topic that could take up its own thread, so I'll just leave it there.
The fact is that no information is hidden here. It’s available to the consumer. That’s why I think that argument is flawed. Not knowing in advance penalizes a YouTuber or a member of Fami like you or me, but not a consumer who can inform himself before making a purchase.

That’s why comparing it to issues of concern in other industries seems a little unreasonable to me because anti-consumer practices are a real problem so we obviously have to be concerned.

My point is that even if we put on the same level what I personally think of Forever Entertainment and which does not have much interest, and the quality of what we eat or the side effects of the drugs we consume or the environmental impact of this or that industry, even if we drew such a parallel that would be wobbly in my opinion, Well, there would still be no reason to be, because here the information is public and there is no secret.

We are not talking about consumer rights here, we are talking about the right of enthusiasts on the Internet. I’m not saying it’s not interesting, I’m very interested, as are you, but the fact that I’m interested in it does not make it a question of general interest or consumer interest in my opinion.
The fact is that no information is hidden here. It’s available to the consumer. That’s why I think that argument is flawed. Not knowing in advance penalizes a YouTuber or a member of Fami like you or me, but not a consumer who can inform himself before making a purchase.

That’s why comparing it to issues of concern in other industries seems a little unreasonable to me because anti-consumer practices are a real problem so we obviously have to be concerned.

My point is that even if we put on the same level what I personally think of Forever Entertainment and which does not have much interest, and the quality of what we eat or the side effects of the drugs we consume or the environmental impact of this or that industry, even if we drew such a parallel that would be wobbly in my opinion, Well, there would still be no reason to be, because here the information is public and there is no secret.

We are not talking about consumer rights here, we are talking about the right of enthusiasts on the Internet. I’m not saying it’s not interesting, I’m very interested, as are you, but the fact that I’m interested in it does not make it a question of general interest or consumer interest in my opinion.
I can agree with most of what you are saying. I think the point I'm getting at here from my end is that a consumer should have the choice of being able to purse an item further if they want. Essentially, while it wouldn't matter to a majority of folks buying the product, the options of them being able to look at the team behind the project and thus being able to come to a decision based on that information is something I think each person should have the option of doing.

Even for someone who is more casual, them being able to look up the item, see the name of the team, and then googling them to see their past works; or perhaps their practices in certain cases, is something that may ultimately affect their purchasing decision. A lot of information that is provided to the consumer works this way, 99% of the time the information is meaningless unless the consumer purses the item further, but the important part is that they have the option of doing so.

Does it matter a whole lot? Not really and I doubt it something that affects Nintendo's bottom line in practice. I still do believe it should be something that is available to the consumer, unless it is the team themselves who have decided to withhold that information for concerns of the wellbeing and safety of their employees.

(Sorry if I'm being annoying about the particular topic, I know I'm projecting several things onto this for something that ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things).
I can agree with most of what you are saying. I think the point I'm getting at here from my end is that a consumer should have the choice of being able to purse an item further if they want. Essentially, while it wouldn't matter to a majority of folks buying the product, the options of them being able to look at the team behind the project and thus being able to come to a decision based on that information is something I think each person should have the option of doing.

Even for someone who is more casual, them being able to look up the item, see the name of the team, and then googling them to see their past works; or perhaps their practices in certain cases, is something that may ultimately affect their purchasing decision. A lot of information that is provided to the consumer works this way, 99% of the time the information is meaningless unless the consumer purses the item further, but the important part is that they have the option of doing so.

Does it matter a whole lot? Not really and I doubt it something that affects Nintendo's bottom line in practice. I still do believe it should be something that is available to the consumer, unless it is the team themselves who have decided to withhold that information for concerns of the wellbeing and safety of their employees.

(Sorry if I'm being annoying about the particular topic, I know I'm projecting several things onto this for something that ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things).
You’re not annoyinh at all. These are interesting topics, and you are right, the presence of the developer’s name on the box is for example a real issue in terms of transparency. I think the idea that I was a little uncomfortable with in this conversation was rather a vast plot orchestrated by Nintendo. I think that Nintendo can have practices that really go against consumers, such as when they 'killed' Mario with SM3DAS. But here I just think it doesn’t even come to mind.
To me it's always going to be as if a film was announced without a director, like maybe the trailer looks good and I want to see the film anyways, but I don't really want to watch the film without that knowledge. I feel like as a consumer it only makes sense that I have that knowledge before I make the purchase.
But isn't this a situation where you WILL know who is the studio making it before the purchase anyway? Nintendo not saying it now is meaningless since ultimately someone with an early copy will post online who is the studio behind it, or in the nigh impossible case where that somehow doesn't happen, you can just wait to buy it when it's posted online when the game is released.

Any consumer hardcore enough to care about the development team's name is also hardcore enough to know it'll be a google search away when the time comes.
I saw a twitter thread going over (not in the best light) over the differences in the DKCR HD trailer:

It's super nitpicky to me. Like honestly some "issues" pointed out actually look better from a readability point of view IMO. And who's to say some changes like coloring aren't for the better? Not EVERYTHING has to be 1:1 if they can be improved upon.

The only legit issue I saw what the alpha effect of the "impact" effect having a visible square in it as Digital Foundry pointed out. That I hope Forever gets fixed. The game's 7 months out, who knows what fixes and even improvements can be done by then. But honestly, that impact effect aside, I think it's super impressive so far. There's legit effort in improving the assets and such. Hopefully Forever deliver and even become a long term remaster team for Nintendo. Basically what Tantalus could've been, but I guess they had other plans...
But isn't this a situation where you WILL know who is the studio making it before the purchase anyway? Nintendo not saying it now is meaningless since ultimately someone with an early copy will post online who is the studio behind it, or in the nigh impossible case where that somehow doesn't happen, you can just wait to buy it when it's posted online when the game is released.

Any consumer hardcore enough to care about the development team's name is also hardcore enough to know it'll be a google search away when the time comes.
This would be the case if these products weren't available to pre-order before we find out that information. I think the the customer has the option of purchasing the item then they should have all of the information at that particular point. Again, my argument is based on the idea, regardless of the reason why, that information has been withheld that could potentially inform the decision for someone to buy the product. There are justifiable reasons why that would be the case, but it could also easily be a case of wanting to consolidate their products under one banner.

There's also other factors, such as this affecting the team and contractors ability to get other projects in this timeframe that could be more easily secured if they were able to talk about their involvement on these Nintendo products. Or the idea that this de-emphasizes the roles of these studios even if that is an unintentional side effect.

Ultimately, it's the same situation if a movie studio withheld the name of the director but allowed for folks to buy tickets ahead of time. The consumer could wait until he information is revealed by someone who has watched the movie and seen the end credits, but the end result is that they don't have the ability to view that information at the time they could potentially make a purchase.

The reality is that this will not affect the vast majority of people, but it's more so about the option being there at the time of purchase to better inform their purchasing decision. In an ideal scenario, if someone wants to know that information, they could easily find it without having to search through the internet to find an answer from someone with a leaked copy.

At the end of the day, if the development team does not want to have that information out there, I think there are justifiable reasons for that. But I'm not sure if they themselves have that choice, and that's affecting both the studio and the consumer in different ways.
I don’t think it’s weird to want to know who’s actually making the product I’m going to buy like I don’t need it to be a major part of marketing or anything but they could at least put the dev on the store page
Quoted by: Tye
I don’t think it’s weird to want to know who’s actually making the product I’m going to buy like I don’t need it to be a major part of marketing or anything but they could at least put the dev on the store page
A game’s developer will be known by the time the game launches. There’s not really any need to know beforehand. You don’t have to preorder games, after all—and even if you do preorder, it’s not like you can’t just cancel your preorder if the news of who’s developing the game is really that much of a dealbreaker to you, anyway. So I don’t really understand what the actual problem is that people have with a game’s developer not being revealed prior to launch, other than it just being a desire to know something sooner just because.
its not only about revealing developers
recentily you got things like this :

where those photos used to be normal
staff interviews on their website that used to have photos and full names changed to only one name, most staff on facebook dont say where they work anymore, artists are using fake names to post art online, something bad must have happened and they changed some policies, gaming fans are well known for some bad behavior online
Nintendo will always show Monolith Soft. I guess you’ll pick and choose when it’s fine for Nintendo to let you know the devs and not. Let the devs get to speak when their games are announced.
Personally, I don’t care either way. I don’t need to know the developer before launch. And Nintendo’s the one picking and choosing, not us. I’m sure they have their reasons, and who’s to say that the developers who aren’t being revealed before launch are even opposed to that at all? It could even be their preference, for all we know!
Woah, had no clue Aya Kyogoku had a twitter account. She may have been among the highest up at Nintendo in Japan to have had one ever I think? Doug Bowser, Bill Trinen (still?), etc. more commonly have them in the west, but nearly unheard of in Japan. Reggie only made one after leaving IIRC.

I definitely think it's for the best to just cut social media access (well, publicly I mean). As discussed folks for the smallest reasons can get toxic on there (and really, ANY social media platform) and also it helps prevent ANY potential unintended leaks as Nintendo is like the most secretive company in the industry bar none.

I can only imagine how insane twitter would get if Shiggy ever opened up a legit twitter account. I'd also be shocked if most didn't secretly lurk as anonymous accounts which would make sense and honestly I'm surprised more don't more often (well, that WE know of).
Nintendo will always show Monolith Soft. I guess you’ll pick and choose when it’s fine for Nintendo to let you know the devs and not. Let the devs get to speak when their games are announced.
I mean they don’t really have much of a choice considering they only (really) make one game series that is pretty distinct from everything else Nintendo does. Even if they don’t explicitly tell people by throwing the logo up there or saying their name.
its not only about revealing developers
recentily you got things like this :

where those photos used to be normal
staff interviews on their website that used to have photos and full names changed to only one name, most staff on facebook dont say where they work anymore, artists are using fake names to post art online, something bad must have happened and they changed some policies, gaming fans are well known for some bad behavior online
When was the last time Nintendo shared with a site what the developer is? anyone remember? to me it was in 2021. If not, i think much of this came from splatoon incident and aya situation in 2020
Maybe a dumb question, but anyone happen to remember how/when we learned who was making Samus Returns, and how did people react to Mercury "their most recent game was a 63 metacritic Castlevania game" Steam getting the keys to Metroid?
Maybe a dumb question, but anyone happen to remember how/when we learned who was making Samus Returns, and how did people react to Mercury "their most recent game was a 63 metacritic Castlevania game" Steam getting the keys to Metroid?
I can tell you some people weren’t thrilled; in the same way some people weren’t thrilled when M&R was leaked. If I remember correctly at the announcement or close to it in which they posted about it.
something bad must have happened and they changed some policies, gaming fans are well known for some bad behavior online
Have we already forgotten about Nintendo canceling Nintendo Live because of threats against their employees’ lives?
Definitely worth considering how the Nintendo Live incident may have influenced things, it may even explain why it's specifically Japanese developers that seem to not be revealed pre-release.
this began with mario rpg at least it was the first time they were asked about who was developing it, probably because all previous titles were all assumed to be the same studio from usual.

i wonder if it was related do we have dates on when things began
btw was looking into their annual report from last year and they list 29 subsidiaries and 5 associates:

In the field of home entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and associates (composed of 29 subsidiaries
and five associates as of March 31, 2023),

Nintendo Co., Ltd.; Nintendo Technology Development Inc.; Nintendo Software Technology Corporation; Retro
Studios, Inc.; Next Level Games Inc.; Nintendo European Research and Development SAS; iQue (China) Ltd.; ND
CUBE Co., Ltd.; 1-UP Studio Inc.; MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC.; Mario Club Co., Ltd.; SRD Co., Ltd.; Nintendo
Pictures Co., Ltd.
- Manufacture
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Sales
Nintendo Co., Ltd.; Nintendo of America Inc.; Nintendo of Canada Ltd.; Nintendo of Europe GmbH; Nintendo France
S.A.R.L.; Nintendo Benelux B.V.; Nintendo Ibérica, S.A.; Nintendo RU LLC.; Nintendo Australia Pty Limited;
Nintendo of Korea Co., Ltd.; Nintendo (Hong Kong) Limited; Nintendo Sales Co., Ltd.

There's only 23 listed here so I wonder which are the other 6, outside of the other 2 associates as tpc, warpstar and pux are the ones they refer to
btw was looking into their annual report from last year and they list 29 subsidiaries and 5 associates:

In the field of home entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and associates (composed of 29 subsidiaries
and five associates as of March 31, 2023),

Nintendo Co., Ltd.; Nintendo Technology Development Inc.; Nintendo Software Technology Corporation; Retro
Studios, Inc.; Next Level Games Inc.; Nintendo European Research and Development SAS; iQue (China) Ltd.; ND
CUBE Co., Ltd.; 1-UP Studio Inc.; MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC.; Mario Club Co., Ltd.; SRD Co., Ltd.; Nintendo
Pictures Co., Ltd.
- Manufacture
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Sales
Nintendo Co., Ltd.; Nintendo of America Inc.; Nintendo of Canada Ltd.; Nintendo of Europe GmbH; Nintendo France
S.A.R.L.; Nintendo Benelux B.V.; Nintendo Ibérica, S.A.; Nintendo RU LLC.; Nintendo Australia Pty Limited;
Nintendo of Korea Co., Ltd.; Nintendo (Hong Kong) Limited; Nintendo Sales Co., Ltd.

There's only 23 listed here so I wonder which are the other 6, outside of the other 2 associates as tpc, warpstar and pux are the ones they refer to

The other two associates are First Avenue Entertainment, LLLP (related to NoA's former ownership of the Seattle Mariners) and APE inc. (as I understand it, still exists as a legal entity distinct from Creatures?)

One of the subsidiaries is their single unconsolidated subsidiary, Fukuei Co., Ltd. I'm not certain of the remaining five, though I'm sure someone else will be able to answer. Numbers will look a little different by next report regardless as they've been in the process of consolidating their European subsidiaries, and Nintendo Systems will now be accounted for.
Whats going on with all the hate against DKCR? I think it looks really good for a plain remaster. Some people have to much opinion nowadays, so silly. 😪
Hey guys do we know if Charles Martinet is doing the voices for the new Mario and Luigi game or is it the new guy?
It is Kevin Afghani. The rule of thumb here is that if it's a new game, they will use the new VA for Mario. While re-releases still respect original works by Martinet.
It is Kevin Afghani. The rule of thumb here is that if it's a new game, they will use the new VA for Mario. While re-releases still respect original works by Martinet.
Yeah, this is also the case for the new Mario Party as the Japanese trailer gives us the clearest voice clip of one of characters Charles originally voiced (Waluigi) and instead of reusing a voice clip from one of the previous Mario Parties, it's a completely new voice clip and hence it being Kevin.

So the rule of thumb definitely holds up.
Woah, had no clue Aya Kyogoku had a twitter account. She may have been among the highest up at Nintendo in Japan to have had one ever I think? Doug Bowser, Bill Trinen (still?), etc. more commonly have them in the west, but nearly unheard of in Japan. Reggie only made one after leaving IIRC.

I definitely think it's for the best to just cut social media access (well, publicly I mean). As discussed folks for the smallest reasons can get toxic on there (and really, ANY social media platform) and also it helps prevent ANY potential unintended leaks as Nintendo is like the most secretive company in the industry bar none.

I can only imagine how insane twitter would get if Shiggy ever opened up a legit twitter account. I'd also be shocked if most didn't secretly lurk as anonymous accounts which would make sense and honestly I'm surprised more don't more often (well, that WE know of).
It was a really funny twitter account because as you said she's one of the highest ranked dev at Nintendo and yet she was so casual about her posting, saying hi to random people who had no idea who she was. But then after NH blew up I guess it was ruined.
It should be especially understandable why they may want to refrain from disclosing the developer prior to launch in this situation where the developer may very well be one that people online love to hate on, like Arzest. I mean just look at how people here talk the moment Arzest is mentioned…
for smash related announcements nintendo should hide all the credits details until release knowing how entitled smash fans are even to the level of physical violence and death threats
Yeah, this is also the case for the new Mario Party as the Japanese trailer gives us the clearest voice clip of one of characters Charles originally voiced (Waluigi) and instead of reusing a voice clip from one of the previous Mario Parties, it's a completely new voice clip and hence it being Kevin.

So the rule of thumb definitely holds up.
It's so bizarre as Mario vs. Donkey Kong was entirely redone... WITH Charles Martinet apparently! Might've been the last recorded prior to Wonder and Move It, or remakes also count in bringing him back? Funny enough, Takashi Nagasako was DK in the remake, but the original was the last before his debut... EXCEPT even more ironically as his debut might actually have been the JP commercial for the game as a possible trial run, you can tell it's him:

One has to keep in mind that Nintendo is more secretive than most other big publishers as well. I mean we will never get to see a behind the scenes look at Nintendo EPD like som other studios do on youtube.
It's so bizarre as Mario vs. Donkey Kong was entirely redone... WITH Charles Martinet apparently! Might've been the last recorded prior to Wonder and Move It, or remakes also count in bringing him back? Funny enough, Takashi Nagasako was DK in the remake, but the original was the last before his debut... EXCEPT even more ironically as his debut might actually have been the JP commercial for the game as a possible trial run, you can tell it's him:

The Mario vs. Donkey Kong remake reuses uncompressed voice clips from the original game and thus falls under a Mario game rerelease so it uses Charles' voice clips.
I don't think Nintendo would go as far as to outright buy ILCA but imho if Mario & Luigi is made by them and sells well I could see them buying a 1-5% stake in the company to consolidate their partnership (or should I say Brothership :unsure:) much like they did with Koei Tecmo and others.

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