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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST4| Tears of the Speculation

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You will get a 3-4 minute trailer of Zelda in the Direct, you will get Twitter drops moving forward and eventually either a Zelda Direct or Treehouse showcase before launch. They will also want to see you on other Zelda items like a Zelda OLED Model, Amiibo, etc. They aren't just going to do nothing for their biggest game of 2023. Marketing cycle begins this week!
The only way Zelda doesn’t close is if they either have another flagship title to announce (which seems very unlikely given recent rumors) or are ready to show off Metroid Prime 4 (which I also doubt, although a teaser isn’t out of the question).

I think the most likely scenario though is a repeat of how they handled Skyward Sword HD: promise more info on Prime 4 later this year, reveal Prime HD, and then finish with a Zelda trailer.
Hm, I wouldn't say "only way", though.

I think it could definitely be a case where Zelda takes up a large part of the direct, has the most time of any game, and as such is moreso in the 2nd quarter and/or middle of the direct. Then we get a huge cool ass cinematic final trailer close to the games launch.

This would be a good way to make it the main attraction while still not closing the show with it, and also actually starting the hype cycle in a way that's more substantial than just a few minutes long trailer.

Edit: And actually, they could even do this towards the end and still not have it be the "final" game.

What did we do in June last year lol.

Bummer about no June direct if so. It’s my birth month lol
Borderline apocalyptic panic when we realized it was going to be a Mini Partner Showcase instead of a general Direct. You could physically feel the despair.
The only way Zelda doesn’t close is if they either have another flagship title to announce (which seems very unlikely given recent rumors) or are ready to show off Metroid Prime 4 (which I also doubt, although a teaser isn’t out of the question).

I think the most likely scenario though is a repeat of how they handled Skyward Sword HD: promise more info on Prime 4 later this year, reveal Prime HD, and then finish with a Zelda trailer.
Be prepared for a Metroid Prime finisher haha
Last June was a really strange time for speculation.
I know, there was a partner showcases, but c'mon! A partner showcasezzzzz
The only period we are sure to get a general Direct is February and September now.
Hm, I wouldn't say "only way", though.

I think it could definitely be a case where Zelda takes up a large part of the direct, has the most time of any game, and as such is moreso in the 2nd quarter and/or middle of the direct. Then we get a huge cool ass cinematic final trailer close to the games launch.

This would be a good way to make it the main attraction while still not closing the show with it, and also actually starting the hype cycle in a way that's more substantial than just a few minutes long trailer.

Edit: And actually, they could even do this towards the end and still not have it be the "final" game.
The problem with this is that Zelda is going to be the overwhelming focus for viewers no matter where you put it. Drop something significant after Zelda, and most people are probably gonna gloss right over it on first viewing.

That’s why that final thing would have to be something big enough in its own right to stand up against Zelda. A quick teaser for a flagship fits the bill. A full trailer for something smaller, not so much.
In retrospect the June 2022 Partner Showcase was better than the September 2022 general Direct

A new Star Fox game has a good chance of being announced in this direct.
After that recent DYKG episode and the bad week I had last week, I could REALLY use this in the worst way.

It'd also be a nice way to acknowledge StarFox's 30th anniversary on the same token.
Starfox isn't returning anytime soon I think.
I'd like NLG to work on an new entry tho. Gimme that puppet style with amazing animations.
The problem with this is that Zelda is going to be the overwhelming focus for viewers no matter where you put it. Drop something significant after Zelda, and most people are probably gonna gloss right over it on first viewing.

That’s why that final thing would have to be something big enough in its own right to stand up against Zelda. A quick teaser for a flagship fits the bill. A full trailer for something smaller, not so much.
See, but I think if we're just talking about possiblities, then the way I'd see this way of presenting turn out is, if they had a deep dive on Zelda, the epic trailer would be in the beginning, and the deep dive would be after that. So the hype levels would slowly mellow out over the course of the lengthy showcase, even if the gameplay looks great, it won't be the same as "WOW THIS TRAILER IS IJDFkjaOIjFIOSNNOFSDINFSDOINFDSIONSDFOINFNI"

This could lead to an announcement after. Again, not saying that's what will happen. But it could.
TotK could get some kind of ~10 minute segment. Aonuma could show some TotK amiibo, talk a bit about them, then show some other TotK product, maybe the OLED but it's a little early for that, and then show a big TotK trailer and finally talk about the game some more.
TotK could get some kind of ~10 minute segment. Aonuma could show some TotK amiibo, talk a bit about them, then show some other TotK product, maybe the OLED but it's a little early for that, and then show a big TotK trailer and finally talk about the game some more.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were a DLC announcement here too.
So, what are the big game rumors going into this direct? I hear they're finally releasing Advance Wars, so that's definitely something, but hat else in potentially on the table?
Let's just say that things that may or may not aggravate some people and amuse others may or may not, but most likely will, allegedly, happen this week.
TotK could get some kind of ~10 minute segment. Aonuma could show some TotK amiibo, talk a bit about them, then show some other TotK product, maybe the OLED but it's a little early for that, and then show a big TotK trailer and finally talk about the game some more.
I assume some kind of collector's edition is going to be available for pre order
Zelda exceptionalists are totally off base imo

Animal Crossing got a Direct. Animal Crossing! What makes Zelda so special?

I mean, in retrospect animal crossing getting a huge amount of advertising was right on the money.

Nobody would have guessed that Animal crossing would in what felt like only months, blitz it's way past Pokémon, Zelda, smash bros, and Mario and end up the only game that comes anywhere close to Mario kart tier in terms of sales. Even if circumstances beyond Nintendo's control were massively in its favour, it still happened. I still can't believe it got to 40m units. According to the Wikipedia list it's the 13th best selling game ever, and reasonably could crack the top 10 before the switch is done (with about 4m more sales)

It's going to be incredibly interesting seeing what happens for the next entry in that series, because expectations have to be through the roof.
I think TotK will "close" the Direct as in it'll be the final game shown (complete with the equivalent "Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 trailer"), but the actual closer will be platform announcements i.e. price drop, TotK-themed Switch, OLED Lite?, Nintendo Selects, or whatever else they may have under their sleeve to invigorate sales.
Also, the last fake-out thing was at E3 2019. Seems like these are dead for a while.

To be fair, as far as marketing goes, the "last fake out"-strategy only works if you can provide 2 things:

1) Something that is hype enough that people would believe you when you say "this is the last thing for today"

2) something that despite the fake last thing being hype, is even more hype than that

It's not often Nintendo does meet these two conditions in one Direct to begin with. And if you don't meet these two conditions, the whole thing won't work anyways, & they know it.

It's going to be incredibly interesting seeing what happens for the next entry in that series, because expectations have to be through the roof.

If by "expectations" you mean Nintendo's internal expectations regarding sales then I would hope Nintendo knows WHY EXACTLY New Horizons did so well and that it will be hard to ever replicate that. I'd hope the investors are clever enough to know that too.
With the amount of titles refused by retro's leadership you start to wonder if the true enemy wasnt retro studios all along lmao
wonder if we'll get Xenoblade DLC4 reveal if there's no direct in the summer
I think we may see it here with DLC3, I can't see it coming later than June/July considering Torna's release timeline. It's been way to long since the last DLC that I'm assuming DLC3 may just be dropped after the direct.
Last June was a really strange time for speculation.
I know, there was a partner showcases, but c'mon! A partner showcasezzzzz
The only period we are sure to get a general Direct is February and September now.
If this Direct is as good as that Partner Showcase, I'll be very happy.

In fact there was a lot of positivity after that Showcase, in contrast to the toxicity that often follows General Directs.
Tears of the Kingdom in this week direct will reveal that Link will talk.

Biggest bomb they can drop
I'd only accept this if they got Peter Capaldi to do it in the style of Malcolm Tucker.

e.g. Link when confronting Ganon for the umpteenth time:

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