I’m not falling for this again.
(Get hype)
Hey, you never know, right?
Really Microsoft/Team Cherry? Why today out of all days?Hope I'm not getting anyone too excited since this is not any crazy official news, but it looks like we have an Xbox store page up for the game now with an ESRB rating. Is that new?
Edit - eShop page is up too but as I understand that has been around for a while. There is no ESRB rating on the eShop page.
Edit 2 - Can't find the rating on ESRB's website.
Yep.I knew this thread would pop up again as soon as I saw the thread over on Era xD
if you do digital and release through IARC, you can get your rating whenever you hit the submit buttonalso i thought leth said they won't have to get an esrb rating for a digital release? do they plan on launching the game with a physical release also?
well I wouldn’t go that farFunnily enough this gives power to the supposed Indies presentation that is rumoured to happen sometime soon. They could finally reveal a release date there.
Too lateDammit don't make me hype again
Oh yeah. It's happening. For real, for real this time!This rating is VERY recent. It's coming...
This rating is VERY recent. It's coming...
bug fixes
I dunno that they're even just masks anymore. Some of us are just over here like:Do we have our CLOWN MASKS on again?
Check here budI am brigading this thread to ask something far more important.
What happened to your profil pic? Since when is your iconic Sonc plush not smiling? Is he okay?
bug fixes
Maybe Nintendo's just waiting for what's set to be the system's killer app: Silksong.I take back what I said a year ago, I care very much about the Switch 2 and require it as soon as possible.
There’s been quite the commotion about Team Cherry’s Hollow Knight: Silksong due to its Xbox Store page and ESRB rating suddenly going live. If those aren’t enough to indicate an impending announcement, the highly anticipated Metroidvania has been rated “12+” in South Korea.
Interestingly, the Game Rating and Administration Committee (GRAC) rated it on February 20th, 2024. Combined with the more recent ESRB listing, something may be coming up. Whether it’s a release date, new gameplay or just a reminder that the game exists remains to be seen.
No, it's just fantasyIs this the real life
But is it a True Fantasy Life, tho ?No, it's just fantasy