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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I could definitely see them going the superscript route with the 2: Switch^2


Another topic I’d like to touch is Joycons. I think Nintendo is gonna release the 2 with a newer model of Joycons. They’re gonna market them as better to get people to buy them, but the 2 will obviously be compatible with the older ones. That way they can capitalize on old and new Joycons
But will they still drift?
Ok. Then it's a rumor. Rumors are cheap and often die without a follow up, because most rumors are wrong.
With that being said, I'm sure we'll hear soon (<12 months) about a new DK, but not because of rumors 😬.
It's frankly absurd that we've gone nine years without a new DK game.
It's frankly absurd that we've gone nine years without a new DK game.
If it makes you feel any better, we've gone checks notes 13 years without a Golden Sun game, 19 without F-Zero, 14 without Punch Out!!, 11 without Kid Icarus, 17 without Mother and most insultingly of all... 9 years without a new Fossil Fighters, honestly Nintendo should be arrested for neglect.
Maybe hyperbole to say this but I think the level of arrogance we're seeing by Sony well surpasses anything we saw during the PS2 and PS3 days... This is absolutely dead on arrival if this is all indeed true and I don't even know why they thought this was a good idea...
I don’t really think this is anything about arrogance, if anything, I think this is actually a pretty reserved stance they are taking. Rather than develop a whole entirely separate device that requires resource development, they’re limiting the resource development to just one platform, which is the safest cash cow they own. Likewise for PSVR2, you need the PS5 which builds on the home console PlayStation cash cow for it to work.
What are we expecting from a new Mario Kart? Nicer graphics and new courses?

IMO, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the culmination of the Mario Kart formula. I played a bunch of Mario Kart 64 back in the day then only played another Mario Kart on the Switch. I felt right at home, I reused all my muscle memory. Nothing changed fundamentally in gameplay in 20 years.

If a new entry releases for the Switch 2 and it offers nothing fundamentally different from Mario Kart 8, I don't think it will go well.
Whatever the next gimmick will be, I guess.
As long as they don't bring back the Cloud.
But will they still drift?
I don’t really think this is anything about arrogance, if anything, I think this is actually a pretty reserved stance they are taking. Rather than develop a whole entirely separate device that requires resource development, they’re limiting the resource development to just one platform, which is the safest cash cow they own. Likewise for PSVR2, you need the PS5 which builds on the home console PlayStation cash cow for it to work.
I do feel like, disconnected from this situation, Sony is showing their arrogance as a monopoly, but you have a few good points.
Still not a fan of how Sony is behaving, but calling them arrogant over an optional device is... kinda silly. Not completely, but there are easier reasons to complain at Sony.

First-party variety is one. The Last of Us is a good game, but you don't need every game you've made to be a third-person action-adventure with heavy focus on cinematic elements.
Oh god, I'm not looking forward for Sony fanboys on Twitter when both whatever Sony is developing and the Switch [REDACTED] are announced at different times. Good lord, Twitter is going to be insufferable.

Still, I look forward to it. The future for the Switch still looks reasonably bright all things considered.
Twitter is always insufferable. It's why I ignore any talk of a Switch successor on there since a lot of it is just uninformed biased babble at worst. Not that there aren't any good takes over there, but still. Discovering this thread has changed a lot about what I thought the [REDACTED] was going to be and when it might release. It's honestly refreshing to have all of this information readily available and discussed in a relatively mature manner.
Twitter is always insufferable. It's why I ignore any talk of a Switch successor on there since a lot of it is just uninformed biased babble at worst. Not that there aren't any good takes over there, but still. Discovering this thread has changed a lot about what I thought the [REDACTED] was going to be and when it might release. It's honestly refreshing to have all of this information readily available and discussed in a relatively mature manner.
Tbh, I thought this messageboard would be filled with elitists.


I mean it sorta is, but at least the people here are informed and actually know what they're talking about. That and I actually learned a lot about how consoles are made, so that's kinda cool.
why now in this thread some people are talking about this alleged new portable PlayStation when it has nothing to do with Nintendo.
It’s not like there’s much else to talk about lol, thread has been going around in circles for months. So anything tangentially related that’s also new and worth discussing is welcome… at least.
Tbh, I thought this messageboard would be filled with elitists.


I mean it sorta is, but at least the people here are informed and actually know what they're talking about. That and I actually learned a lot about how consoles are made, so that's kinda cool.
I haven't been on this thread or even this forum for very long, but I wouldn't call some of the more disagreeable members here elitist. Maybe it's because I'm on this thread the most and I'm rarely on others.
why now in this thread some people are talking about this alleged new portable PlayStation when it has nothing to do with Nintendo.
Even then, doesn't seem like much to talk about on that since it seems to be yet another Android or PC in a handheld box. All that beefy hardware is just gonna be used for Cloud streaming PS5 from what I'm gathering.

It's not that they DON'T or CAN'T, it's just it's best not to make it a priority.

They want to target games for everyone, not entertain a child audience and ditch them by burying a few teams and IPs that helped get their foot in the door.
The second Nintendo makes a Zelda game akin to a Ghost-Train Ride, I'll be out on the streets with a sign and 50 Molotov cocktails.

I do think Nintendo should experiment with it for one or two games (Metroid comes to mind), but they mainly benefit from having games that are gameplay first with nice cartoony-ness.
Just like the Avatar, when the world needed them most, they vanished. Everything changed when the Nintendo Ninjas attacked.
The forum bans all ‘illegal’ leaks after they banned THE uncle.
It is very unlikely THE uncle will post anything again there.
If it makes you feel any better, we've gone checks notes 13 years without a Golden Sun game, 19 without F-Zero, 14 without Punch Out!!, 11 without Kid Icarus, 17 without Mother and most insultingly of all... 9 years without a new Fossil Fighters, honestly Nintendo should be arrested for neglect.
The only one I'm fine with here is Mother because that series is finished, but DK in particular is baffling. Returns and Tropical Freeze both selling well and, on paper, should justify more games, but it's been dormant. Maybe Nintendo wants Retro to work on it or something? It's just so odd compared to the above mentioned series.
That seems like a decent timeline on paper, and it'd give companies a fair amount of time to make a proper showcase to reveal why people should care about our favourite Toaster getting a hardware boost, but we'll have to wait and see.

June seems like a good enough time to do all of that. It would also be worth revealing some filler-games between August and October. The Zelda remasters come to mind, because good god it's barren.
I feel like this would be a middle finger to Zelda fans: WW+TP is finally coming, but exclusive to Switch 2 xD
But will they still drift?

Imagine if we just hype up this date and Nintendo just dodges the question. Boy that's... actually incredibly likely, damn.
“pls be patient”

If it makes you feel any better, we've gone checks notes 13 years without a Golden Sun game, 19 without F-Zero, 14 without Punch Out!!, 11 without Kid Icarus, 17 without Mother and most insultingly of all... 9 years without a new Fossil Fighters, honestly Nintendo should be arrested for neglect.
Golden Sun is worse because Dark Dawn ended in a cliff hanger.

Just like the Avatar, when the world needed them most, they vanished. Everything changed when the Nintendo Ninjas attacked.
The Nintendo Nation. Disney Lawyers are the Dai Lee xD

The only one I'm fine with here is Mother because that series is finished,
You just reminded me there’s a fanmade Mother 4 game
The only one I'm fine with here is Mother because that series is finished, but DK in particular is baffling. Returns and Tropical Freeze both selling well and, on paper, should justify more games, but it's been dormant. Maybe Nintendo wants Retro to work on it or something? It's just so odd compared to the above mentioned series.
Mother makes sense to be finished, however it still kinda sucks that Mother 3 hasn't been ported. That's just... rough. Fucking port it Nintendo on NSO, for the love of God.

As for Retro, if I had to guess, priorities just... shifted. Metroid Prime 4 is their main project and they also did the Metroid Prime Remaster. Idk, I can live without the funne monkey series for a bit.

It's not that they DON'T or CAN'T, it's just it's best not to make it a priority.

They want to target games for everyone, not entertain a child audience and ditch them by burying a few teams and IPs that helped get their foot in the door.
Don't act like you didn't know what I meant. For a variety of reasons, they don't push for the most realistic visual direction in any of their games.

The visual direction of Odyssey was supposed to be collage-esque: evoking the diversity of cultures across the world, making Mario look and feel like a foreigner, and addtionally playing into the theme of scrapbooking. To aid in that, they elected to include some reasonably realistic elements, so that the stylistic clash would be striking and memorable.

And besides, that T-Rex isn't actually realistic, recent studies show that they most likely had feathers and lips 🤓
I feel like this would be a middle finger to Zelda fans: WW+TP is finally coming, but exclusive to Switch 2 xD
I was referring to using the Zelda remasters as smaller releases in the lead-up to the Switch 2. It'd make things a lot more painless for Nintendo to keep attention spans until the device launches. Like... practically no effort.
Golden Sun is worse because Dark Dawn ended in a cliff hanger.
Didn't know that. Damn that sucks.
I was referring to using the Zelda remasters as smaller releases in the lead-up to the Switch 2. It'd make things a lot more painless for Nintendo to keep attention spans until the device launches. Like... practically no effort.

Didn't know that. Damn that sucks.
Although I get your argument, I don’t see Nintendo releasing the WW+TP bundle the same year as TOTK. Maybe a year after or they sit on it to use it to distribute software for another year.

Oh, I thought you played DD xD
The second Nintendo makes a Zelda game akin to a Ghost-Train Ride, I'll be out on the streets with a sign and 50 Molotov cocktails.

I do think Nintendo should experiment with it for one or two games (Metroid comes to mind), but they mainly benefit from having games that are gameplay first with nice cartoony-ness.
Yes please. I genuinely think that if Nintendo plays their cards right with Prime 4 and maybe a game like this, it could be the start of Metroid being much bigger than it is. Maybe something that kinda leans into Metroid's weirder/scarier side and is like a less survival-driven Alien Isolation?

Dread's success and especially the buzz around Prime Remastered is a lot of momentum they could carry forward to expand the IP and I'm all for a linear Metroid experiment, as long as it retains the tone and atmosphere of it.
I feel like this would be a middle finger to Zelda fans: WW+TP is finally coming, but exclusive to Switch 2 xD


“pls be patient”

Golden Sun is worse because Dark Dawn ended in a cliff hanger.

The Nintendo Nation. Disney Lawyers are the Dai Lee xD

You just reminded me there’s a fanmade Mother 4 game
They changed the name to Oddity three years ago and we haven't gotten an update, since.
Mother makes sense to be finished, however it still kinda sucks that Mother 3 hasn't been ported. That's just... rough. Fucking port it Nintendo on NSO, for the love of God.

As for Retro, if I had to guess, priorities just... shifted. Metroid Prime 4 is their main project and they also did the Metroid Prime Remaster. Idk, I can live without the funne monkey series for a bit.
At this point, give me a remake that looks like this.

Don't act like you didn't know what I meant. For a variety of reasons, they don't push for the most realistic visual direction in any of their games.

The visual direction of Odyssey was supposed to be collage-esque: evoking the diversity of cultures across the world, making Mario look and feel like a foreigner, and addtionally playing into the theme of scrapbooking. To aid in that, they elected to include some reasonably realistic elements, so that the stylistic clash would be striking and memorable.

And besides, that T-Rex isn't actually realistic, recent studies show that they most likely had feathers and lips 🤓
I mean there were Nintendo IPs that used less cartoonish graphics from the days of the GameCube and Wii. Mario's a tentpole franchise, so they already went through peaks and valleys on trying to nail down that franchise's appeal and how it'd work in 3D but it doesn't mean Nintendo as a whole whether through second party or not averted realism as it's been explored with other IPs with their stamp of approval.

And in my personal experience, sometimes people don't even use "realism" to actually mean "realistic" but rather in an authoritative sense to express what they find more believable to see for concepts they can't prove, like how a cyborg should look or whether or not lightspeed travel can be weaponized. Not going to indulge in a sidebar conversation further as that would just be splitting hairs, but ending the point off that I can't imagine people who want to be entertained care about scientific accuracy or what someone's tastes should dictate a visual as long as it makes for good visual or screentime.
When do you think Prime 4 will release? Before or after the other two get remastered?
Before, if they do at all. Remastering all three Prime games and then releasing Prime 4 spells out a recipe for franchise fatigue. Even if we take a pessimistic angle to Prime 4 and say it comes out... late 2024/early 2025, that's two years from Prime Remastered's release at most. In those two years, that's four Metroid Prime games; four games that are the same style. I doubt Nintendo and Retro want the reaction to Prime 4 being "Okay but we already got three Prime games. Can we shut up about them yet?"

If they do them after, the remasters are out of the way of Prime 4 and they can maximize sales/hype for 2 and 3 if 4 does well critically and commercially. Prime 4 doing well would give people more of a desire to go back to the old games to see what they missed VS. people playing the original trilogy and having their fill or being fatigued from seeing Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime, and more Metroid Prime not that there's anything wrong with that. We saw how people got about Fire Emblem because they dared to release Three Hopes and Engage so "close" (three and four years after, respectively) to Three Houses.

Now, Fire Emblem doesn't quite have the pedigree that Metroid does, but still. Independent of the quality and perception of these games, four games in two years is a lot of Metroid Prime being shown.
It's frankly absurd that we've gone nine years without a new DK game.
Tell me something I don't know. It's even more unacceptable considering that the DK port did well on switch and every new entry of a given series sold amazing on Switch.
I think that Nintendo didn't know what to do with DK for a while after Retro pursued other avenues.
The second Nintendo makes a Zelda game akin to a Ghost-Train Ride, I'll be out on the streets with a sign and 50 Molotov cocktails.

I do think Nintendo should experiment with it for one or two games (Metroid comes to mind), but they mainly benefit from having games that are gameplay first with nice cartoony-ness.
I feel like Zelda had actually gone pretty hard in this direction. Maybe it's just growing up on the first two games, but as much as I loved Aonuma's elaborate puzzle box dungeons (and I really do, having shared his fascination with automata from a young age), his similar obsession with making games accessible (also something I appreciate, as someone who sucks at games) lead to this thing where it's a series of increasingly elaborate set pieces that they're afraid to let you make a mistake on, and feel more and more like rides
Quoted by: D36
I feel like Zelda had actually gone pretty hard in this direction. Maybe it's just growing up on the first two games, but as much as I loved Aonuma's elaborate puzzle box dungeons (and I really do, having shared his fascination with automata from a young age), his similar obsession with making games accessible (also something I appreciate, as someone who sucks at games) lead to this thing where it's a series of increasingly elaborate set pieces that they're afraid to let you make a mistake on, and feel more and more like rides
I think I've only ever felt this with Skyward Sword and even that feels like an exaggeration.
Before, if they do at all. Remastering all three Prime games and then releasing Prime 4 spells out a recipe for franchise fatigue.
I agree. I want the games - I'd never played them till I played Remastered. But I think the technical/internal reasons that lead to just one game getting a solo release is actually better for Metroid than the whole trilogy coming out. That's a huge value, but it's also an intimidating blob of games, and screams "retro collection" that people might buy for completeness, but actually are put off from starting.

Putting out just the one, remastered and at an accessible price point - let's completists and the curious "start at the beginning" without exhausting consumers. Prime feels complete as a story, and Nintendo can come out and tell everyone that Prime 4 is unconnected narratively to the first 3 games, reap all the enthusiasm on the new game, then drop 2+3 in a "updated engine, original assets" version a year later in a collection, and sell to an increased number of fans. I think that leads to higher sales for both 4 and 2+3, than if 2+3 are released first.
I mean there were Nintendo IPs that used less cartoonish graphics from the days of the GameCube and Wii. Mario's a tentpole franchise, so they already went through peaks and valleys on trying to nail down that franchise's appeal and how it'd work in 3D but it doesn't mean Nintendo as a whole whether through second party or not averted realism as it's been explored with other IPs with their stamp of approval.

And in my personal experience, sometimes people don't even use "realism" to actually mean "realistic" but rather in an authoritative sense to express what they find more believable to see for concepts they can't prove, like how a cyborg should look or whether or not lightspeed travel can be weaponized. Not going to indulge in a sidebar conversation further as that would just be splitting hairs, but ending the point off that I can't imagine people who want to be entertained care about scientific accuracy or what someone's tastes should dictate a visual as long as it makes for good visual or screentime.

Out of the three examples you gave, two wer not developed by Nintendo, and one was unreleased. Not really a great track record for realistic Nintendo games.

In my original comment, I made it explicitly clear that I was referring to in-house Nintendo developed games. I even made mention that a second-party like Retro Studios or Next Level Games have the potential to create very realistic looking games for the new hardware.

And I find it surprising that I'd have to explain this, but the term 'realism' refers to something being true-to-life. This may be applied in both a visual and narrative sense.

Overall, I find myself confused as to what you're actually trying to say? It seems as if you want to argue with me, but don't quite have a point.
I think I've only ever felt this with Skyward Sword and even that feels like an exaggeration.
I love Zelda, but Wind Waker is when it started to feel this way to me. This may partially be my age. I played the original when it was still the only, and by Majora's Mask, I could see the strings - the way illusions of choice were presented, when really you were on a rail. The final dungeon in Skyward Sword was a blast because finally there were wrong answers. Zelda can be frustrating when you don't know what to do, but it's rare that there is an action you can take that does something but not the right thing. The switch won't move, the item won't react, the tile won't flip.

Breath of the Wild gave me a Zelda that was actually as explorable as it felt, for the first time since Adventure of Link. But it also gave me puzzles I could get wrong, and that I could get right not by understanding the developer, but by understanding the systems I was playing with.
Remastering all three Prime games and then releasing Prime 4 spells out a recipe for franchise fatigue.
Good point.
Breath of the Wild gave me a Zelda that was actually as explorable as it felt, for the first time since Adventure of Link. But it also gave me puzzles I could get wrong, and that I could get right not by understanding the developer, but by understanding the systems I was playing with.
I wonder how TOTK will work. Maybe the philosophy will be: all answers are good, just use whichever method
The only one I'm fine with here is Mother because that series is finished, but DK in particular is baffling. Returns and Tropical Freeze both selling well and, on paper, should justify more games, but it's been dormant. Maybe Nintendo wants Retro to work on it or something? It's just so odd compared to the above mentioned series.
As much as anything I think it's another case of "Wii U doesn't count". Looked at that way, it's been less than five years since the last game, which isn't an abnormally large gap for even most successful Nintendo series.
Sort of interesting that we've been hearing more about upcoming Sony hardware than Nintendo.

Is it? Western journalists have contacts in the west who're aware of Sony's hardware and software plans.

On the other hand, Nintendo treats everything as the biggest secret in the planet, and one of the only journalists that would be privy to hardware-related info from Ninty is... Mochizuki
I love Zelda, but Wind Waker is when it started to feel this way to me. This may partially be my age. I played the original when it was still the only, and by Majora's Mask, I could see the strings - the way illusions of choice were presented, when really you were on a rail. The final dungeon in Skyward Sword was a blast because finally there were wrong answers. Zelda can be frustrating when you don't know what to do, but it's rare that there is an action you can take that does something but not the right thing. The switch won't move, the item won't react, the tile won't flip.

Breath of the Wild gave me a Zelda that was actually as explorable as it felt, for the first time since Adventure of Link. But it also gave me puzzles I could get wrong, and that I could get right not by understanding the developer, but by understanding the systems I was playing with.
I guess, but I don't think it's nearly as pronounced as a lot of the other "railroad" type of games, especially when there's other content besides the story. Wind Waker in particular, has a lot to offer through the Great Sea and some of the story progression paths were pretty obscure, like the ghost ship and Triforce hunt.
Breath of the Wild gave me a Zelda that was actually as explorable as it felt, for the first time since Adventure of Link. But it also gave me puzzles I could get wrong, and that I could get right not by understanding the developer, but by understanding the systems I was playing with.
I couldn't have said it better.

I know this is a hot topic among long time fans and I agree it's not exactly a Zelda game.
But to me, BotW is that remarkable, not specifically as a Zelda game, but a notch above anything I have ever played.
That's what I meant by fleshed out story mode, as I've explained in a previous post. MK8DX reached the pinnacle of what classic Mario Kart can be and Nintendo has the difficult task to reinvent a new formula. Diddy Kong racing gave a blueprint 25 years ago; with modern tools and influences, Nintendo can expand on that and won't need to resort to cheap (in my opinion) approaches such as more and more content/tracks/characters.
Nintendo could also bring back Mission Mode from Mario Kart DS
Nintendo could also bring back Mission Mode from Mario Kart DS
Word. Nintendo exploded the Mario Kart formula with 8 Deluxe. They can just run on 8’s formula until they’re ready to make something different.

Unless they decide that there’s MK8 fatigue, but we would have to see what is MK’s target audience
I guess, but I don't think it's nearly as pronounced as a lot of the other "railroad" type of games, especially when there's other content besides the story. Wind Waker in particular, has a lot to offer through the Great Sea and some of the story progression paths were pretty obscure, like the ghost ship and Triforce hunt.
I think you're both right. 3D Zelda post-Ocarina got more and more "railroad-y", starting with Wind Waker, but I don't think it's as pronounced as other games. I think what separates those Zeldas from something like God of War: Ragnarok interrupting you and yelling at you every two seconds while you're doing a puzzle is how those guides and those interactions are implemented. Zelda doesn't have much in the way of story or cutscenes interrupting you, nor does it outright give you answers to puzzles, both things that Ragnarok do.

Zelda would let you figure out the one answer or path forward, and even if it creates this illusion of choice, it still feels better because it's still the player finding that answer, however simple it may be. I think this is why Skyward Sword's inital release was complained about so much. Due to its larger emphasis on story, there were more interruptions. There's also Fi coming in and giving you hints about puzzles or your Wii Remote batteries. It is far closer to God of War's railroading than it is Wind Waker's.

But that's digressing too much. Anything more and I turn this into a Game Design Discussion thread. :ROFLMAO:
Out of the three examples you gave, two wer not developed by Nintendo, and one was unreleased. Not really a great track record for realistic Nintendo games.

In my original comment, I made it explicitly clear that I was referring to in-house Nintendo developed games. I even made mention that a second-party like Retro Studios or Next Level Games have the potential to create very realistic looking games for the new hardware.

And I find it surprising that I'd have to explain this, but the term 'realism' refers to something being true-to-life. This may be applied in both a visual and narrative sense.

Overall, I find myself confused as to what you're actually trying to say? It seems as if you want to argue with me, but don't quite have a point.
I suppose I could've added Endless Ocean or Geist as well but I did word my initial statement in a way that shows awareness of 2nd party or 3rd party exclusives what with the "stamp of approval" part.

My point is just because it doesn't look like realism's on the table doesn't mean it's off the table completely. Whether in-house or not, it's not as though EPD would be ignorant or incapable of going for a realistic look in their games if the situation calls for it, though I doubt it'll be for a Mario game much like those Unreal Engine demos or that fake Nintendo ON trailer.

Also, no one on this topic needs the definition of realism explained to them, lol. I was pointing out how the word is appropriated in the context of believability or willing suspension of disbelief rather than depicting reality. and why the whole feathered dino thing is one of those acceptable breaks from reality.

All I was getting at that it's not beneath them, simple as.
I feel like this would be a middle finger to Zelda fans: WW+TP is finally coming, but exclusive to Switch 2 xD

These are two perfect examples of games Nintendo can roll out as cross gen releases. They will play perfectly fine on Switch and will render at 4K on Redacted without a problem. The next 2D Mario is in the same boat, it will be easy for Nintendo to make it cross gen and look and play great on both the new and old hardware.

It seems like most people expect a lot of titles to be cross gen when Redacted comes out, but will it have any exclusives at launch? I do not feel like they need them in order to sell a lot of hardware during its first year on the market. There is plenty of pent up demand within the massive Switch userbase for a new more powerful Switch that specifically improves the docked experience. There is more criticism for Switch docked play compared to portable. Both Sony and Microsoft have established that there isn't a need for day one exclusives to sell new consoles, but at the same time Nintendo's big titles tend to be evergreen titles that sell for years and years. If the next 3D Mario were to be exclusive to Redacted for example, it would not sell as well as it could in its first year if it had been cross gen, but will that matter much to Nintendo seeing as how they expect it to sell for the next five years.

Xenoblade Chronicles X would be another title perfect for cross gen. People have been wondering why it hasn't been ported to Switch yet. It will look and run just fine on Switch, but with some extra work could really take advantage of better hardware and render at 4K on Redacted. Some of the titles we have been waiting for might have been pegged as cross gen releases for Nintendo.
I am partial to an announcement and reveal all on the same day with a release three months later. August is perfectly placed.

It may be unprecedented in the history of video games and may have no point whatsoever, but yeah, why not.

Every single third-party launch window game getting leaked over a series of months before the system itself is even announced will be something I guess.
I suppose I could've added Endless Ocean or Geist as well but I did word my initial statement in a way that shows awareness of 2nd party or 3rd party exclusives what with the "stamp of approval" part.

My point is just because it doesn't look like realism's on the table doesn't mean it's off the table completely. Whether in-house or not, it's not as though EPD would be ignorant or incapable of going for a realistic look in their games if the situation calls for it, though I doubt it'll be for a Mario game much like those Unreal Engine demos or that fake Nintendo ON trailer.

Also, no one on this topic needs the definition of realism explained to them, lol. I was pointing out how the word is appropriated in the context of believability or willing suspension of disbelief rather than depicting reality. and why the whole feathered dino thing is one of those acceptable breaks from reality.

All I was getting at that it's not beneath them, simple as.
So your point is that... they could do it? If they wanted to?

That's... literally what I said in the original comment, with the addition of 'but they won't, because they don't want to'.
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