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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I was about to ask why Nintendo not go AMOLED, but a quick google shows it's more expensive. Meh.
My oneplus8 screen is AMOLED iirc and it's beautiful, I was using my old phone which is IPS and it feels so dull and lifeless comparatively. Thankfully we will at least get IPS because my TN monitor is terrible💀
Somehow I don't think MH6 will be released on Switch 2.

If it’s not miserable to port it and support it, I’m not sure why they’d pass on the opportunity. It sounds like they tried MHW on Switch in the background and it just couldn’t happen - at least I thought I remember reading this somewhere.

Main reason I don’t see it happening is if it’s just not capable.
Plus people are a lot less likely to feel motion sickness if they are sitting down instead of moving around.

It's the opposite actually. Motion sickness comes from your body been still while your eyes are telling you're moving. If a game has artificial locomotion (using the analog stick), It's better to stand up and move your body too, as much as your play space allows. It's not a garantee of not feeling sick but it will help (and it's better than a seated experience).

And if the game has no artificial locomotion (e.g. Eleven Table Tennis, where you only move your body) it's virtually impossible to feel motion sick.

Seated VR is better with games like Moss or when you have a cockpit (and the latter can still be motion sickness inducing)
Monster hunter sells fairly decently on switch and Japan primarily games on switch. I think it would be unwise to not have it on switch whether it be switch or switch 2. Monster hunter games have been on Nintendo systems for a long time now too I think it's almost expected at this point
talk about burying the lead. Rise is a 10M seller before it hit any other platform.

MH6 will definitely be on Drake. Rise's sales show that every platform is still healthy for MH. and doing split games again is only going to be MORE expensive than the Gen 5 games. rather than split staff like that, it's better to have all hands on deck for Gen 6 and DLC
I can't imagine Nintendo launching without a big first party game.

People buy consoles to play new games, and people also buy new games to take advantage of their new console. If the Launch Title is 3rd party, then Nintendo will only be collecting their skim-off-the-top cut. And considering getting big game with console exclusivity usually involves some kind of moneyhatting and/or reduction in platform holder cut, Nintendo would likely be making significantly less than their usual skim-off-the-top cut.

On the other hand, if it's a big third party title in an existing franchise, temporary exclusivity might drive some hardware sales, but plenty of folk who are fans of that franchise might just sit it out to wait to play on "the better platform" when those games inevitably go elsewhere. And plenty of Nintendo fans - myself included - will hold off until they can get a Mario or a Zelda on the thing, the reason they buy Nintendo platforms in the first place.

Nintendo is likely to sell their next console at break even cost on day 1, like they did the switch. Launching with a 3rd party game as the marquee title could result in Nintendo making zero profit during the console’s launch period.

I can see this strategy if Nintendo feels like they won’t have a game ready, but are locked into a hardware release date. Or if they feel they need to radically overhaul their perception in the public eye.

Considering the silence out of EPD 8 and 9 I doubt the former applies, and the success of the Switch, even with 3rd parties, makes me doubt the latter.

To bring it back to hardware, Nintendo works hard to present a whole package. The first years library will not just be the games that sell the most units, or the most consoles, or what simply what Nintendo has been working on for the last 3-5 years.

It will be about defining the product and the generation. The Switch hardware was about big games, wherever you wanted to play them. But the generation was about “Nintendo is making big games, again.” Odyssey and Breath of the Wild were both innovative and a return to the past.

We tend to see the hardware through the lens of the specs. We’re also the group most likely to be there day one. It’s hard for me, and I imagine a lot of us, to see that Nintendo’s pitch for the next generation will be beyond “more power” and that we are only a subset of the market that Nintendo needs to target with that pitch.
talk about burying the lead. Rise is a 10M seller before it hit any other platform.

MH6 will definitely be on Drake. Rise's sales show that every platform is still healthy for MH. and doing split games again is only going to be MORE expensive than the Gen 5 games. rather than split staff like that, it's better to have all hands on deck for Gen 6 and DLC
Had no idea it sold that well, last time I looked at MH sales was years ago tbh
Did anything come of that thing in May about Sharp making LCD displays for a new games console during FY2023 (ending March 31, 2024)? Did that just end up being the ROG Ally, Legion Go, or PS Portal? Seems like an odd thing for people to just forget about.
I could see Nintendo doing no first-party games at launch under like super specific circumstances where a publisher has

1. A mid to low tier AAA game sales wise (like 2-5m) that they think can blow up with enough attention.
2. They say they'll make a new entry in this game exclusive to the Switch 2 at launch as long as Nintendo gives them no competition in the first month

Now, this situation occurring is incredibly unlikely.

A multiplatform MH6 is not going to be the game.
not 100% sure but even accounting world's absurd numbers rise on Switch is the best-selling MH on a single platform

capcom would be giving up a lot of money to not have the next MH on switch 2

I really like the idea this video brought. So, instead of Nintendo utilize Mario at lunch, a big exclusive, or time-exclusive, third party game can be the release game that will sell the Nintendo Switch 2 for the first months, until H2 when Nintendo will release Mario to maintain the wind strong until the holidays.

Sum this game with all recent launched games, like Mario RPG, Peach and whenever Nintendo and other thirds have, and switch 2 launch lineup will be good enough to sell well.

Nintendo is not going to bet it's future on good intentions.
We’re stepping dangerously close to “What do you think the first year of Switch 2 will look like” territory again :)
Did anything come of that thing in May about Sharp making LCD displays for a new games console during FY2023 (ending March 31, 2024)? Did that just end up being the ROG Ally, Legion Go, or PS Portal? Seems like an odd thing for people to just forget about.
IFixIt's Asus ROG Ally comes equipped with a LCD display from Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd.

And the Lenovo Legion Go and the PlayStation Portal haven't been released yet. So no one knows until someone buys the Lenovo Legion Go and/or the PlayStation Portal and does a thorough teardown.
at most Nintendo could get marketing right for MH6, there's no way they aren't not going to release MH6 on all major platforms (not including switch 1)
no way Monster Hunter 6 will come to Switch sucessor, the game will push RE engine to it absolute limit, just like Monster hunter World pushed MT framerate to it limits.
no way Monster Hunter 6 will come to Switch sucessor, the game will push RE engine to it absolute limit, just like Monster hunter World pushed MT framerate to it limits.
yeah I cant imagine how its going to look, im sure it will even push the ps5 to its limit
Monster Hunter is huge in Japan and the Switch is huge in Japan. They would be foolish to ignore the platform.
no way Monster Hunter 6 will come to Switch sucessor, the game will push RE engine to it absolute limit, just like Monster hunter World pushed MT framerate to it limits.

hey siri, remind me in one year

i can’t believe people are so damn certain about things. i wouldn’t bet on it being exclusive anywhere, but acting like we know exactly how scalable the game will be and whether it will suit the next Switch is nonsense
is realism, third parties games always favor Xbox e Playstation, rarely you see they making a game with Nintendo in mind, is always Playstation, Xbox in mind
In reality, companies like profit.

And profit comes from sales.

And sales come from people.

And there are a hundred million active Nintendo users. Many of which will be right there at the launch of their next system.

Let's not forget that portables are more popular in Japan than other consoles. And Japan is a major market for Monster Hunter, if not THE major market.

If Nintendo makes a console that can receive games designed for Gen9, and it appears they have designed one to do so, then it will receive ports if a company wants it to do well in Japan, at least if they have the budget to do so.
is realism, third parties games always favor Xbox e Playstation, rarely you see they making a game with Nintendo in mind, is always Playstation, Xbox in mind
Now I'm skeptical about MH6 on Switch 2, but this point is silly. Didn't Capcom make a new monster hunter specifically for the switch since World wouldn't work on it. Monster Hunter Up, Monster Hunter Ascent? I can't remember the name, oh well.
Now I'm skeptical about MH6 on Switch 2, but this point is silly. Didn't Capcom make a new monster hunter specifically for the switch since World wouldn't work on it. Monster Hunter Up, Monster Hunter Ascent? I can't remember the name, oh well.
it was a timed exclusive made in mind for Switch(that is Monster Hunter Rise), a sequel to this game i could see coming to Switch sucessor, but not Monster Hunter 6, is home console Monster Hunter(Monster hunter 6 ) to current gen and 2 years later a handheld Monster Hunter coming to Switch sucessor
is realism, third parties games always favor Xbox e Playstation, rarely you see they making a game with Nintendo in mind, is always Playstation, Xbox in mind
As karmitt stated, we have no idea how scalable the game will be. We also cannot definitively nail down the final specs and capabilities of the successor at this moment in time. And let’s not ignore the fact that Nintendo practically owns Japan and I don’t see that changing with the successor. Capcom is not going to ignore that. We shall see…
I'd like to think that since Nintendo is able to customize T239 more, that they'd fielded feedback from third parties - especially close partners like Capcom - on acceptable raw power and featuresets, and they aren't just winging it and crossing their fingers that games will be ported to their platform.
As karmitt stated, we have no idea how scalable the game will be. We also cannot definitively nail down the final specs and capabilities of the successor at this moment in time. And let’s not ignore the fact that Nintendo practically owns Japan and I don’t see that changing with the successor. Capcom is not going to ignore that. We shall see…
that a fair argument
screw a mh6 tho, gimme mh4u on console already. i dont even care if it's the same low poly low res textures from the 3ds version, that game needs to escape 3DS jail
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