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I have additional information but it's incomplete. Without additional context, the info wouldn't serve any value in discussion circles beyond a new avenue of speculation.

We've been talking about Switch TV for 3 pages....any new avenue would be welcome - even if it is a wild goose chase. Sometimes those are more fun anyway.
I do not mind a console only Switch but only for the idea that it would bring the same thing as docked, but for way cheaper. For me price is still kind of everything in how you care about the device.
Either you pay a bigger price for everything (and be worth it), or cheaper for portable only, or cheaper for console only (and I dare think it should be cheaper than the portable only because of its more limiting factor).
I know I'll just repeat but if a Switch TV is happening it will never have better hardware configurations in any way. Just a decent cheaper Switch where the price justifies the lack of hybridness, but still access to the ecosystem. For Nintendo, that is probably the most important part and I'm surprised no one has really mentioned this.
And I hope the Switch TV will never try to have better hardware because it would just make things even more complicated and Nintendo has tried their best not to be with the Switch.
I know I'll just repeat but if a Switch TV is happening it will never have better hardware configurations in any way. Just a decent cheaper Switch where the price justifies the lack of hybridness, but still access to the ecosystem. For Nintendo, that is probably the most important part and I'm surprised no one has really mentioned this.
And I hope the Switch TV will never try to have better hardware because it would just make things even more complicated and Nintendo has tried their best not to be with the Switch.
iirc, with what has been prototyped so far, Calcio, if it ever will exist, only uses Mariko. So it's likely they'd probably use existing Switch hardware me thinks.
They did. Accidentally, but they did: the iPhone SE cannibalized iPhone Mini sales, to the point they discontinued it after just two generations. But we also have to add the fact that the battery life was pisspoor, even for Apple standards.

Back to Switch topic: we have to think like Nintendo: how can we add another Switch into a household that already has one? In this case, how can we convince Switch 2 owners to get another one? With a stationary Switch 2? What value does a Switch with no portability have? Will it play current gen games (PS5/Xbox)? If so, consumers that already have a PS5/Xbox and a Switch 2, how can we convince them to double dip on a stationary Switch 2 that will do exactly as their Sony/Microsoft console does? Nintendo games? The Switch 2 already does that, and I can play it on the go or dock it as it charges
how to convince Switch usebase, they should buy Switch sucessor, knowing many of this players have 2/3 Switch in their home, why should buy Switch sucessor if i already have 2/3 Switch in my home?
Only downside is, Calcio looks to be digital only, which is uh, something I hope they change. :ninja:
If there's a last gasp type release for Swifch, I kind of expect it to be digital only. Not because this saves much in manufacturing, but so that software purchased for the device has better margins, and maybe that could allow them to absorb some of the cost up front to get it into the sub-130$ range.
You’re using MSRP prices. Everything is marked up so retailers can make a profit. Even if you want to use those prices for simplicity’s sake, JoyCons cost more than the Pro Controller, so wouldn’t exchanging them cause the price to drop?

Also, I disagree that Nintendo would bundle the Pro Controller because every game is compatible with JoyCons, and there are two for multiplayer.

Sure, but like, I didn’t even imply this. For starters, a home-only version would be cheaper by virtue of not including a screen, battery etc. More importantly, the packaging would likely be smaller which makes shipping easier and cheaper.

But if the joy cons are more expensive than the pro controller, how does exchanging them suddenly make the system cheaper?

That said, I could also see a scenario where a TV Switch looks similar to the regular Switch, but the main centerpiece of the switch console being embedded into the dock itself, and the joy con sliders also built into the whole unit. So similar to what we can already do, but the “hardware” never gets removed from the dock as its part of the dock itself.

And yes, I was using MSRP prices, but that’s really all I have to go on, and was keeping consistency. I don’t know what the BOM is for the Switch, and even if we did back in 2017, it’s unlikely to remain the same for 2023 due to economy of scale.

150 I think would be the floor price for a Switch TV, and the Switch Lite more like 130.

By that point, just going with a regular Switch (or a SWOLED for a little bit more), and getting the two form factors into one device almost seems the better buy, assuming you want both choices. Obviously if you know you will never ever want to deviate from docked, or handheld, then going with the respective SKUs would definitely be the way to go.
Agreed on the last part. But if you can price such a TV-only model low enough, you wander much closer into "impulse buy" territory for a wider range of people (or just into the range of more modest household budgets), so I'm not sure how precisely limited the audience is and it wouldn't be knowable for certain until such a device exists, but there's enough reason to suggest it actually opens up the platform to a wider audience than it does right now.
It’s gonna be dependent on how stripped down this cheap TV model is for the price. If it’s too stripped down then it could be “too cheap to buy.” I will agree that a device that hits the sweet spot between features & price opens up a TV model to more people, but too many factors makes me think its limited for now.
how to convince Switch usebase, they should buy Switch sucessor, knowing many of this players have 2/3 Switch in their home, why should buy Switch sucessor if i already have 2/3 Switch in my home?
They just need to call it Switch 2
People understand they need to upgrade when it's obvious that it is an upgrade.

Everyone had Gameboys but everyone bought the DS because it was abundantly clear it was a brand new thing from just looking at it.

If they call it Super Switch or New Nintendo Switch or something like that, that will confuse people and make them think it's just an iteration of the Switch like the Oled or like the New 3DS, but if they call it Switch 2, it's obvious that this is the big new successor they've been waiting for, and it allows Nintendo to keep the Switch name forever with Switch 3, Switch 4, etc.

Dead Island 2 is coming to ‘another platform’ in the next year, according to Embracer.

“What we now expect obviously is promotions, but primarily the addition of new content coming through, so there is a significant amount of content coming through for the game in the year, that would improve the sales of the base game as well.

“Then looking a year ahead, we would have a release on another platform that will also drive multiple sales.”

While Wingefors didn’t elaborate on future release plans, he may have been referring to plans to bring the PC version of the game to Steam.

Its most likely Steam but the Amico is not officially dead so...
But if the joy cons are more expensive than the pro controller, how does exchanging them suddenly make the system cheaper?
It wouldn’t based on MSRP prices. That why I posed the question in response to:

I actually think a TV only Switch wouldn’t even be as cheap as we think it would be.

For starters, you need to bundle it with the Pro Controller, which costs 70 dollars.
Contextually, that sounds like you’re saying, “The Switch wouldn’t be as cheap as we think in part because they would have to bundle it with a Pro Controller.” Using MSRP doesn’t support this.

Still, the difference is probably negligible. JoyCons, especially including left and right, have more parts (meaning more supply chains) but both together also weigh less than half of a Pro Controller which affects packaging and shipping.
It wouldn’t based on MSRP prices. That why I posed the question in response to:

Contextually, that sounds like you’re saying, “The Switch wouldn’t be as cheap as we think in part because they would have to bundle it with a Pro Controller.” Using MSRP doesn’t support this.

Still, the difference is probably negligible. JoyCons, especially including left and right, have more parts (meaning more supply chains) but both together also weigh less than half of a Pro Controller which affects packaging and shipping.

I actually was implying that because personally, I think using the joy cons separate from the Switch isn’t the greatest, even with the holder. The Pro Controller would be the most ideal scenario for a controller in that case, though that is also why I mentioned you could instead bundle it with the Joy cons, so if folks like the gimmick of sliding the joy cons in and out of the system, that is something I could see.

I still don’t see a situation though where a hypothetical Switch TV would be say 99 dollars. I don’t see this being a similar situation like the PlayStation TV was to the PS Vita.
Anyone think Nintendo will make changes to the JoyCons for SW2? Design and that..
They have to make design changes because, according to rumors:
• Screen is approximately 8”
• Joycons are thicker

I presume the form factor will stay the same, but the presentation will feel different
Anyone think Nintendo will make changes to the JoyCons for SW2? Design and that..

I think they’ll make them more ergonomic including some actual grips on the back, plus I’d like to see Hall effect sensor sticks, so drifting isn’t much of an issue anymore. That said, they’re likely to stick with the norm.

At least from an ergonomic standpoint, the switch isn’t really that great. Slap on the Satisfye Grip though, and it’s much MUCH more comfortable to hold, and use for extended periods.
They have to make design changes because, according to rumors:
• Screen is approximately 8”
• Joycons are thicker

I presume the form factor will stay the same, but the presentation will feel different
I imagine thicker Joy-Con with better ergonomics with a near-identical silhouette from the front view, despite a signitificant change in the profile. I can't see the console body getting thicker or taller. Maybe a little wider.

As for specific Joy-Con changes, yeah the better ergonomics, some bigger buttons, and I hope a new input, like capacitive pressure sensitive shoulder buttons.
UHD Rumble

Two IR Sensors

Those were jokes, but real talk… I’d like the NG Joy-cons to be a bit more ergonomic, bigger buttons, and to have an actual good d-pad.
I mean, those aren't terrible ideas.

Dual IR sensors on both controllers could allow for basically 1:1 spacial movement. No more resets. One camera measures distance and texture. Combine that with a second one on the other side and image processing on board, as Joy-Con (R) already have, and you have a VR-tier controller in a Joy-Con sized package.
That would add value to the TV Switch by removing value from the main hybrid product which most people buy.

That leaves two compromised products - a TV model that's still weaker than the competitors and a hybrid model that doesn't take full advantage of its hardware by offering a boosted profile when docked.

I don't see how that's more profitably to Nintendo than having one hybrid that's optimised to do as much as it reasonably can with the form factor.

It would remove value from the hybrid product indeed. But this product would still be hybrid as you would be able to play on the TV at 1080p and this console would have better performance even in handheld mode.

I wouldn't be surprised if this happens. I mean, I think Nintendo Switch 2 with an upgrade in handheld mode and same in TV would sell very well no matter the critics they have.

Look the OLED's sales with a higher price. I mean, it's the same console from 2017 with an upgrade on the screen and more space. Instead of selling the console with a lower price 4 years later, they increased the price. So yes, I think people would still buy this hypothetical Switch 2 even if it has the same power in handheld and docked mode.
I’m fairly convinced that the controllers will be need to redesigned to accommodate whatever new features Nintendo is adding.
I feel like there’s an elephant in the room:
• The touchscreen

Will Nintendo put more emphasis into it?
I often forget the Switch has a touch screen.

It’s just so hard to design around it outside of some UI since you don’t have it when playing on the TV, unless they built in a touch input like Sony did with the DS4 & DualSense.

I kind of wish the NG Switch could beam a signal to the dock and allow for WiiU like experiences.
I often forget the Switch has a touch screen.

It’s just so hard to design around it outside of some UI since you don’t have it when playing on the TV, unless they built in a touch input like Sony did with the DS4 & DualSense.

I kind of wish the NG Switch could beam a signal to the dock and allow for WiiU like experiences.
I think a big part of the reason Switch has a touch screen, is that it's probably marginally more expensive or perhaps even cheaper at that size than non touch. So why not.
UHD Rumble

Two IR Sensors

Those were jokes, but real talk… I’d like the NG Joy-cons to be a bit more ergonomic, bigger buttons, and to have an actual good d-pad.
will Nintendo fix the dreadful Joy-Con drift? or the controllers of Switch sucessor suffer the same dreadful Joy-Con drift, i hoping Nintendo fix this
I feel like there’s an elephant in the room:
• The touchscreen

Will Nintendo put more emphasis into it?

With the system being a hybrid system, if a game leverages the touch screen too much, it will negatively effect the experience when docked. It would be pretty cool if the dock had the streaming tech from Wii U built into it. This would allow games to fully utilize the touch screen and also opens the door for asymmetrical gameplay to be a feature. Even though Wii U bombed hard, Nintendo Land is a constant favorite when my nieces and nephews come over. Asymmetrical gameplay never got fully fleshed out because Wii U failed so badly, but as a feature for SNG, it has more potential than the the IR sensor in the joy con has provided on Switch. Games in this mode would be limited to the portable performance profile of course, but that wouldn't be a big deal for a game like Nintendo Land.
I feel like there’s an elephant in the room:
• The touchscreen

Will Nintendo put more emphasis into it?
More emphasis? Probably not.

But I think it'll still be there.I'm sure they're thinking about how to bring DS and 3DS games over and wouldnt want to cut off their options. I think it's going to be exactly as it is now, but maybe the touch screen itself will be better.

I really like the idea thats being thrown around of wirelessly streaming to the dock. It would be a great solution for dual screen games without making dual screens the norm again.

Plus it means I could potentially have my dream fulfilled of a system as comfy to hold as the Lite, but still retains the ability to play on the TV
Anyone think Nintendo will make changes to the JoyCons for SW2? Design and that..
This has probably been brought up before, but: RGB lights that react to what happens in-game. So like, they could flash orange when you throw a fireball in a Mario game. Or if you get frozen in ice, they could light up icy blue until you get unfrozen. And if they give each button/stick its own LED, you could go even deeper with it, like giving each button a color related to what it does in-game! It'd basically be a visual version of HD rumble. Nintendo could probably even reuse some of the software stuff that they have for that.
This has probably been brought up before, but: RGB lights that react to what happens in-game. So like, they could flash orange when you throw a fireball in a Mario game. Or if you get frozen in ice, they could light up icy blue until you get unfrozen. And if they give each button/stick its own LED, you could go even deeper with it, like giving each button a color related to what it does in-game! It'd basically be a visual version of HD rumble. Nintendo could probably even reuse some of the software stuff that they have for that.
Oh God I hope they're tied to the ambient light sensor because that would definitely hurt my eyes at night if they don't auto-adjust.
I think a big part of the reason Switch has a touch screen, is that it's probably marginally more expensive or perhaps even cheaper at that size than non touch. So why not.
Also people just expect that devices around the size of the Switch to have a touch screen.

I sometimes use it without even really realizing it. Like when typing something on the keyboard or adjust the sliders in the sidebar menu.
will Nintendo fix the dreadful Joy-Con drift? or the controllers of Switch sucessor suffer the same dreadful Joy-Con drift, i hoping Nintendo fix this
Why fix it? It's a feature! Moving just left or right on its own? This time it'll be AI enhanced and play your game for you! Move in all directions, press buttons, even wiggle when needed!

Just sit back, relax and enjoy the shitshow!
I was thinking about this, and although there are certainly ways in which a Switch TV would be cheaper to manufacture than other models (no screen, no battery, etc.), one limiting factor would be the cost of the controllers. Perhaps it would warrant the introduction of a cheaper controller with a few cost reductions, like removing the HD rumble. A Switch Amateur Controller, if you will.
Cheap licensed wireless Switch controllers are about $30. Looking at Nyko specifically. $25 on Amazon. I'm guessing Nyko sells them to Amazon for $21 and still making a profit, I'd think that Nintendo could do a cheap controller with NFC. I think Nintendo could sell a TV version for $150 with a 'base' controller and still do just fine, even if they're making thin profits on the hardware. Money is in the software anyway.
I know very little about the Xenogears/saga/blade/whatchamacallits, but I thought Xenoblade X was part of the timeline? At the very least in an alternate timeline from the numbered Xenoblade games scenario? And the main reasons it hasn't been remade yet is simply because it would take way more work than anyone at Monolith Soft wanted to do and they wanted to prioritize finishing the main trilogy first?
They just need to call it Switch 2
People understand they need to upgrade when it's obvious that it is an upgrade.

This is what I am afraid of. I know it doesn't really matter, but I would be so disappointed if it was called Switch 2. And as much as I hate the name, I really feel like it just makes so much sense for them to call it that.

But I am trying to stay hopeful, so if anyone has any good reasons as to why they won't call it the Switch 2, I would love to hear them. My biggest source of hope right now is that in the past they used Super and Advance for successor names, so they should be able to do it again, but what do I know.
I have a Wii U but never played Xenoblade X. I just remember that godtier music from the reveal trailer and still listen to that from time to time lol.

Perhaps I'll actually try out the game someday but I honestly thought it would've been ported to Switch by now. I still haven't bought any of the Xenoblade games on Switch, not even the remake and I loved the first one on Wii. Is it foolish to hold out for a collection of remasters on Drake?
This is what I am afraid of. I know it doesn't really matter, but I would be so disappointed if it was called Switch 2. And as much as I hate the name, I really feel like it just makes so much sense for them to call it that.

But I am trying to stay hopeful, so if anyone has any good reasons as to why they won't call it the Switch 2, I would love to hear them. My biggest source of hope right now is that in the past they used Super and Advance for successor names, so they should be able to do it again, but what do I know.

Unexpected. Why is “2” such a disappointing choice?
I believe it was MVG who said that it probably won't be called a Switch-something because we're not dealing with iterative hardware, and I kinda lean towards that scenario also.
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